Love Won't Help You βœ– Crawfor...

By HeyYoMaria

52K 798 710

LeAnn moves to Los Angeles with her best friend Cece, and she meets the neighbor's. Which so happen to be The... More

Moving To LA
Don't Believe Me Then!
You're Forgiven
Strange Feelings
Acting Weird
You Changed
I'm Bad
The New Neighbors
So Stupid
Cold Hearted
His Secret
Asked Out
Date Night
I Hate You!
I'll Be Back
Job Interview
He's Lying
Can't Change
I Need You
This Is Wrong
Friends....Sort Of
I Forgive You Too Much
He Knows
New Gang
His Daughter
The Whole Gang
Those 3 Words
They Want Her
Telling The Girls
For Her
Who Is It?
Telling Kizzy
Lost Her
Forgive Him?
I'll Change
He's Not Dead?
Will You?
You're Mad Now?
Spooky Nights
I'm Stuck Here
It's Time
Meeting Her Family
Getting Accepted
Thanks Giving
Day With Him
Because I Love You
It's For The Best
Let Us Go!
Better Together
I Won't Let Her
It'll Be Over Soon
You're Afraid?
Kill Her
She's Still In Danger
You're Not A Bad Guy
I Have To
Where's He Going?
He's Where?!
Why Would You?
Help Us Please
Getting There
I'll Always Love You
Free Man
Time Together
Picking The Dress
Tell Me
New Secretary
What's She Up To?
Wouldn't Change A Thing
You're All I Need
Dinner Date
You'll Get Through This
They're Here
Life With Babies
Worth It


490 8 15
By HeyYoMaria

Crawford's POV

I woke up to a sleeping LeAnn How could I cheat on her? God I was so stupid, I sighed and caressed her cheek. I kissed her cheek before standing up. Remembering we have work I groaned. Should I wake her up? But she's tried. But she'll get mad that I didn't wake her up
"Lee." I whispered shaking her lightly
"Mm leave me alone." She said pushing my face I chuckled

"LeAnn wake up." I said a little louder
"Why?" She whined not opening her eyes
"We have work today." I said she groaned
"Fine." She mumbled sitting up
"Morning sleeping beauty." I teased
"Shut up." She giggled hitting me with a pillow I laughed
"I'm gonna shower in a guest room you can use mine." I kissed her cheek
"Wait." She grabbed my hand

"What's up?" I asked caressing her cheek she smiled. She leaned in and kissed me. It felt good her kissing me instead of the other way around. I cupped her cheeks and kissed back
"Ok you can go now." She giggled pulling away I chuckled
"Tease." I pecked her lips before going to my closet and grabbing some clothes
"Your shirt is so big." She said looking at herself
"It looks cute." I smirked she rolled her eyes

"Whatever." She mumbled embarrassed
"When you're done come downstairs and we'll leave after." I said
"But I'm not hungry." She whined
"You're eating or we're not going." I said sternly
"Fine." She said I smiled
"Hurry up." I gave her a sloppy kiss before walking out
"Eww!" She yelled I chuckled and rolled my eyes

I walked into a guest room and turned on the restroom light
"The fuck?" I spat seeing a used condom on the floor
"Everyone in the main guest room!" I yelled. Not even two minutes later everyone was piled in even my girl
"Who fucked in my guest room?" I spat glaring at all of them
"I'm fucking serious!" I yelled angrily making LeAnn jump I sighed

"Sorry." I mumbled to her she nodded
"It was us boss." Carlos said stepping up with Macy my jaw dropped
I thought Macy liked Tyler?. I looked at Tyler to see him frowning
"Tyler I can explai-
"Save it Macy." He spat before storming out
"Tyler!" LeAnn yelled going after him
"Look it ain't my business who fucks who but don't use my guest room ever again got that?" I spat to them

"Yes boss." Macy and Carlos said in sync
"Clean it up." I demanded
"Oh and Macy?" I said
"Yes boss?" She asked
"Tyler loves you, I don't know why the fuck you did this but I hope you don't regret it because you lost him." I said making her frown before walking out
"Where are they?" I asked Chase
"In Tyler's room." He replied I nodded before walking towards his room
"Tyler?" I asked walking in

"She's a slut!" Tyler yelled throwing a vase across the room. I turned to see LeAnn scared I clenched my jaw
"You better fucking stop!" I yelled
"Fuck off." He spat
"I understand you're mad but don't be throwing shit with LeAnn in the room!" I yelled . He looked at her and sighed
"I thought she loved me." He mumbled
"She's not worth it bro." I said patting his back

Tyler's POV

"I just thought she was different." I mumbled
"Let her explain maybe it's all a misunderstanding." Lee said I bit my lip
"She still had sex with him." I said she sighed
"Go get ready for work before your later." I said to them
"Don't be throwing shit around." Crawford said I nodded, Crawford grabbed Lee's hand before walking out

I sighed and stood up, I looked on the floor to see glass everywhere
"Great now I have to clean." I rolled my eyes. I walked out of my room and made my way downstairs
"You ok?" Chase asked as I walked in the kitchen I shrugged
"Where's the broom and dust pan?" I asked
"In the closet." He said pointing to it I nodded and walked towards it
"Thanks." I mumbled grabbing them and walking upstairs

"Tyler." Macy mumbled
"Fuck off." I spat pushing past her
"Please, it was a mistake." She said following me
"I don't care Macy." I said
"But Ty....I love you." She whispered making me stop dead in my tracks. I turned to face her
"I love you too....but I can't forgive you, I can't even look at you the same way anymore." I mumbled

"And with Carlos? He was my best friend." I said
"You guys are both dead to me." I said before walking up to my room and slamming the door

Crawford's POV

"Lee." I groaned grabbing my snapback from her and putting it on
"You love that more than me." She teased I rolled my eyes
"I love you more than my own life." I said cupping her cheeks she blushed
"Let's go to work." She said closing the car door I chuckled
"Give me a kiss first." I said grabbing her waist as she began to walk away
"Please." I whispered in her ear she slowly nodded. I got in front of her and looked into her eyes

"So beautiful." I whispered before crashing my lips with hers. She cupped my cheeks and kissed back
"There." She pulled away making a "smack" sound I groaned making her giggle
"One more." I said attaching my lips with hers again. She chuckled into the kiss
"Ok there." She pushed me away I nodded even though I wanted more
"Let's go." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me in the building

"I don't wanna." I whined she chuckled and kept walking
"Morning." I said to Laura but didn't take my eyes off LeAnn
"Morning." Laura said with a hint of anger in her voice I chuckled. I followed Lee into the elevator and the door closed
"Was it just me or did Laura say morning with a bit of anger?" Lee asked
"Yes, because I said morning but didn't look at her because I was looking at my world." I said making her blush

"You're so corny." She smiled
"Only for you." I grabbed her chin and kissed her
"Mmm Crawford." She pulled away I frowned
"Not here." She pecked my lips I nodded Ding
The elevator doors opened and we walked out
"See you later?" I asked she nodded before walking into Noah's office
I sighed and walked into mine
I hate working

Why did I want to do this?
"Mr. Collins?" A girl asked walking in
Don't people know how to knock?
"That's me." I said to her she nodded
"I'm Alicia, I'm your new secretary." She said I coughed
"Woah what? Why didn't I know about this?" I asked confused
"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you did, Mr. Gamez hired me." She said. I looked up to see she was a bit taller than LeAnn with long blonde hair

And she was wearing the tighest dress ever. She was wearing making but not to the point where it looked like she was gangbanged by Crayola
"Hmm well maybe that's why that desk is there." I said looking to the left she nodded
"Well sit down." I said she smiled and sat down
"You're not what I expected." She said I looked at her
"Well what did you expect?" I asked raising a brow

"Well I didn't expect the piercings nor the tattoos." She said
"Or that you would be this hot." She bit her lip. Well shit
"Thanks." I smirked
"Crawford?" Lee asked walking in I smiled
"Yea?" I asked she looked at Alicia then me
"Mr. Gamez sent you these." She said giving me some files
"What are they?" I asked

"Wait never mind." I said reading them
"Lee, this is Alicia apparently I have a secretary I didn't know about." I said to her
"Oh yea Mr. Gamez mentioned it." She said I looked at her with a why-didn't-tell-me face
"Hmm well I didn't know." I mumbled closing the folder
"Give this to Noah." I said writing something on a paper and handing it to her

She read it and glared at me. She wrote something on it and gave it to me. Perve
I chuckled and she walked out
"She's pretty." Alicia said. But something told me like she didn't mean it
"Yea." I mumbled not in the mood to talk shit to this bitch

****6 Hours Later****

Why couldn't I get another secretary?!
Alicia is always checking me out
And honestly if I didn't love LeAnn I would've...never mind
"I brought you your coffee." She said walking in I nodded
"Thanks." I said grabbing it trying not to touch her hand and luckily succeeded
"How old are you?" She asked
"Eighteen." I said sipping on my coffee

"Me too." She smirked I nodded not caring
"Well time to go." I said standing up seeing it's 8 already
"Ok." She frowned grabbing her stuff I rolled my eyes
"Well bye!" I yelled walking out
"Hey ready to go?" I asked as I caught up to LeAnn
"Yea." She smiled
"Oh hey." Alicia said walking in I groaned lowly

"How was work?" I asked Lee
"Good, you?" She asked I shook my head she giggled
"You guys are so cute." Alicia said
"Thanks." I smirked and kissed LeAnn's cheek. She frowned and looked away. Ding
I grabbed Lee's hand and quickly walked away
"Bye Laura!" I yelled picking up Lee and running out

"Crawford! Oh my god." LeAnn squealed covering her eyes I chuckled
"About the kiss, it's just she's been hitting on me all day and I got annoyed." I said putting her down
"It's ok." She smiled
"Let's go home yea?" I said opening the car door she nodded and got in. I closed the door and went over to my side

****Back Home****

"Leave me alone Macy." Tyler snapped sitting on a couch
"He's still mad at her?" I asked Chase he nodded
"And she won't leave him alone so yea." He rolled his eyes
"I'm gonna go change." Lee whispered in my ear I nodded. She smiled before running upstairs
"Don't run!" I yelled
"I want to!" She yelled back I rolled my eyes

"Where's Carlos?" I asked
"In the bar." Chase said. I rolled my eyes and walked up to our liquor room
"Carlos?" I asked walking in
"Hmm?" He mumbled sipping on a beer
"You ok?" I asked turning on the lights he shield his eyes before nodding
"Don't lie." I said
"I feel like shit.... I lost my best friend over some chick." He mumbled taking another sip

"She wasn't even good." He groaned I couldn't help but chuckle
"Man how did you guys even end up doing that?" I asked sitting down
"We just started kissing and ended up doing it." He sighed
"I'm so stupid, he loves her and I knew that." He said
"And I fucked her, what type of friend does that?" He asked
"Man not all the blame is on you, if Macy really liked him she would've stopped." I said he shrugged

"You want one?" He slurred showing me a beer
"I'm good, I don't want LeAnn to kill me." I said he chuckled
"You really love her huh boss?" He asked
"Yea...I fucked up too, yanno kissing Alexa and shit." I mumbled
"But if I could take that back I would, I wouldn't be hurting...because even if she's with me we're not together and it's all my fault." I sighed

"I want to live the rest of my life with her, grow old have kids all that corny shit." I said
"But how? She lost all the trust she had in me." I mumbled
"She loves you can see it in her eyes, she's just hurt." He said
"And why? Because of me, I fucked it up." I said he gave me a sad smile
"You know what?" I said

"What?" He slurred
"I do want a beer." I said he chuckled and gave if to me I opened it and chugged it down. One beer turned into two beers and two beers turned into five and before I knew it I was drunk out if my mind
A disappointed Lee was the last thing I saw before blacking out

This chapter suck.....
My arm hurts so bad like I can't even do anything!
{Except use my phone ;)}
Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter
Comment your favorite part


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