You And I Forever [Edmund Pev...

By HighQueenOfNarnia

160K 3.4K 1.2K

Edmund was a middle child. He never thought he was special and never thought his mother would love him as muc... More

Author's Note
The Rooftops
Hide and Seek
The White Witch
Turkish Delight, a Dress and The Queen
The Truth Comes in
Ditching School
Loosing Edmund
Father Christmas
Crossing the River
The Great Lion Father
Saving the Betrayer
Return of the Walking Snowball
Scream until it Hurts
Before your Eyes
The Battle:For Narnia
Battle: Death Over Victory

Meeting the Lawyers

14.5K 285 267
By HighQueenOfNarnia

Edmund's POV

This was the day I was going to meet Aloenera Lawyers. Peter, Susan, Lucy and I were staying with the Lawyers until the war was over. I really wondered if it was worth agreeing to this. What if the girl isn't what I thought she would be? I never really had a thing for girls, but maybe after seeing Aloenera, things might change.

The four of us were dropped off in front of a very vintage mansion. Peter was the first to walk through the gate as the rest of us followed. We hadn't brought much considering most of it was blown up and was still hidden in the rubble.

I was nervous. It wasn't normal for me to be nervous, but I was afraid that they wouldn't like me. I looked down at the gravel beneath my feet, hoping it would give me a reason to not look at the approaching family before us.

Peter stopped walking. I shuffled a few steps back behind everyone so that they couldn't see a clear glimpse of me. Boy was I afraid.

"Welcome Pevensies!" I huge booming voice shouted. I was guessing that it was Mrs Lawyers, because when I looked up she was waving her arms about, gesturing to each and every one of us.

"I welcome you to our very humble abode. Our butler James will show each of you your rooms and your required attire for tonight's evening meal," She echoed boringly.

"Now which one of you is Edmund Pevensie?" She asked. Oh crud. Peter, Susan and Lucy all step aside revealing me as I stood speechless in the centre. Boy, don't I look embarrassing.

"Come Edmund," She calls. "The rest of you can follow James."

We all walk towards the towering house and Peter, Susan and Lucy walk in after James. I stop in front of Mrs Lawyers and look down trying to avoid eye contact. She whispers to another butler looking at me from time to time.

Her hair was a greying-brown colour and was shoulder length and curly. She wore a long dress that was a murky green that came just below her ankles. Her leather black boots had a slight heel to it, making her seem taller; however she was rather short for her age. By the looks of it, Mrs Lawyer wasn't very old. She was around mother's age, but she had a more mature personality.

A few silent moments later a girl came running outside. It was Aloenera.

"I'm sorry I'm late mother, I couldn't decide to which shirt to go with," She says apologetically. I stared at her for a moment. She was fairly good looking.

Her wavy, brown hair fell down past her shoulders. She wore a pale white blouse with a black skirt that hung above her ankles and brown-heeled boots. I wondered if she was wearing any makeup or was she naturally this attractive. Wait what? Did I just think that? Gosh. I can't be thinking like this now! I've barely even met her.

The girl took a step towards me holding out her hand.

"Greetings, my name is Aloenera, but you may call me Aloe. It is a pleasure meeting you," She stated with a shimmering smile on her face.

Thank goodness mother went through behaviour lessons with me. I was told that upon meeting Aloe I had to take her hand and kiss it. I didn't like the thought of it, but I didn't want to embarrass myself. Besides, it can't be any worse than having to practice on my sisters.

I reluctantly took her hand and placed a light kiss on it.

"Edmund, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance," I said softly with a smile. I looked into her hazel eyes and saw a look of admiration on her face. I was guessing that not many people are accustomed to being introduced like this.

Suddenly, Mrs Lawyers dragged us both into the house and escorted us into a small but humble room. It was lightly decorated and had little decoration in it.

"Talk," was all Mrs Lawyers could say before slamming the door and locking it. This reminded me of how horses are made to mate in a barn. What was she expecting from us? I can't just start kissing her after it's been a day!

Aloe sat on the long, velvet couch near the end of the room and gestured for me to sit down. Once I had sat down Aloe let out a long sigh and looked at me happily.

"Thank goodness my mother is gone! Otherwise she would make me go through all of the questions she made me practice for meeting you," She said with a laugh. I chuckle at her.

"So, tell me about yourself, I'm sure that you have heard about the agreement our parents have made," She asked pouring some tea into a cup that was on the coffee table. I swear that wasn't there before.

"Uh, Yes my mother told me before we left, and don't worry my mother made me practice too," I replied smiling at her. Overall, Aloe was very humble. She was very gentle when she spoke and had a fairy like laugh.

We ended up talking for hours. We told each other about how our lives had been and our likes and dislikes. It was as if we were on a date. I really enjoyed spending time with her. She made me smile the way that nobody ever could. Not even my family. I was slowly lighting up to her. This marriage thing wouldn't be so bad after all.

Suddenly, during our conversation about what we wanted to be when we were older, the door unlocked and in came Mrs Lawyer. She smiled as the two of us were laughing at a joke Aloe had said.

"Dinner will be served in a half hour, I suggest that you go upstairs and get ready you two. I have prepared some clothes for you to change into. Don't be late. You are the hosts of the evening," Mrs Lawyers announced a hint of excitement in her voice.

We both looked at each other. It wasn't awkward, but rather comforting really. Aloe let out a giggle and took my hand as we walked towards the door.

"Edmund?" She asked facing me her hand still in mine.

"Yes, Aloe," I replied, returning a smile.

"If we are to be married in three years, what are we now?" She asked as her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Well, Aloe. I don't know, but I made a commitment to my father that I will go on with this marriage. So if we have to spend the rest of our lives together we may as well start now," I reply confidently.

I didn't know where this eruption of courage came from. I was normally shy around people I had just met and didn't lighten up to them until the day after. However, things were different with Aloe. It was like she could understand everything I had said as if she had lived it too.

"What do you mean by start now?" She implied gently.

"I know that we have only just met but will you Aloe be my girlfriend?" I ask nervously, "In accordance with the deal our parents made for our marriage of course." That took a lot of work. That was exactly the words I had to speak when I was to ask her to be my girlfriend. My mother sure did have a lot of expectations.

Aloe let out a short laugh and smiled at me. She took a step further and placed a kiss on my cheeks. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks.

"Yes Edmund, I would love to be your girlfriend in accordance with the deal our parents made for our marriage," She replied, then skipping out the room to prepare for dinner.

I look out of the window to see Peter who was watching the entire time. He had an amazed yet amused expression on his face as we both headed off into our rooms.

I had some explaining to do.

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