Dragon Age: The Impossible 12

By KurtDestin

854 123 39

Complete? [✔️] The war against the Darkspawn has grown exponentially, destroying the world piece by piece. Wi... More

I. Childhood
II. A True Dalish Elf
III. Luirlan and Ciala
IV. Ciala and Saphra
V. Arl Howe's Estate
VI. Escape
VII. Elana's Return
VIII. Welcome to Redcliffe
IX. Arl Eamon
X. Eamon's Gift
XI. Marina
XII. Glenn
XIII. Luirlan and Marina
XIV. Changing Directions
XV. Julian the Templar
XVI. Julian
XVIII. Helena (Part 1)
XIX. Helena (Part 2)
XX. The Reunion
XXI. Bruce and Ingrid
XXII. Dust Town
XXIII. The Warning
XXIV. Talian
XXV. The Rise of Solymicus
XXVI. Gaining Allies (Part 1)
XXVII. Gaining Allies (Part 2)
XXVIII. Battle Cry
XXIX. The Final Battle (Part 1)
XXX. The Final Battle (Part 2)

XVII. The Frostback Mountains

10 3 1
By KurtDestin

(Jace's POV)

We kept walking until we finally reached the Frostback Mountains.

"Finally, we are close to Orzammar!" Julian said in relief.

"I totally agree." Saphra said back to Julian.

"Hey, don't give up yet; we still got to reach Orzammar." I said beginning to walk again.

"It's just right up the roa-" Ciala began to say until she saw bandits up ahead.

"Excuse me," I said walking towards the bandits. "I need to get through here."

"Fifty silvers." The man in the middle said.

"Just move, I don't want another fight. Cleaning the blood from my sword gets boring after awhile. Don't you think?" I asked smirking.

And then before the man could respond, a woman jumped out and stabbed them all. In less then a minute, all of the bandits were dead and the woman stopped now facing us.

"Th-Thank you, but why?" Saphra said shaking.

"I felt like it. Who are all of you? If you don't tell me, you will be on the floor like the others."

"I'm Jace, that's Luirlan, that Ciala, that's Glenn, that's Saphra, that's Julian, and that's Lilliana." I said pointing to them.

"I'm Helena. So why are you in the Frostback Mountains?" She asked curiously.

"We need to get to Orzammar." I said firmly.

"You can't." She said bluntly.

"What do you mean, we can't?"

"The King of Orzammar is dead and it is chaos. They won't allow anyone in until it is resolved." She said grinning.

"Why can't they just elect his heir and be done with it?" I asked sarcastically.

"Because the late king wanted a man named Harrowmont to be the next king of Orzammar. But the king's son, Bhelen, wants the throne for himself."

"We need to get in there." I said worried.

What if we can't get it?! Then my mom will surely be killed by whoever Jarvia is and then what?

"I know a secret way in." Helena said smirking.

"Tell me."

"Only if you allow me to join you and your group. I've lived in Orzammar my entire life until I left through that passage I'm going to show you."

"Deal. We could use the support anyway. Especially since you're a good fighter." I said calmly.

"Oh, I'm also something else." She said trailing off.

"What is it?"

"I'm also a Grey Warden. That's why I was able to get through the Deep Roads so easily."

"Well are you ready to go?" I asked her hesitantly.

"Yeah, let's go." She said as we followed her to wherever she was leading us.

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