
Autorstwa HeLooksSooPerfect

44.6K 1.6K 414

When Louis is gifted meet and greet tickets for his favourite band who are in town by his sister Lottie, he i... Więcej

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Thank you!

Chapter 11

1.5K 58 13
Autorstwa HeLooksSooPerfect

****Warning scenes that some may find upsetting e.g rape encounters****

It's way too early to be waking up but of course Louis is. Something is touching Louis' neck and it's tickling him. Louis tries to move away from it but an arm is holding him still. An arm?

Louis wakes up fully when he realizes that it's Harry's arm. Harry who, last night, Louis told everything to and asked to sleep over. Yeah that Harry and it doesn't bother him one bit expect for the fact that he needs to pee and he can't move.

Louis doesn't open his eyes because he'll still see black so it's not worth the extra energy to lip his eye lids up. Slowly he turns his body to face Harry. He struggles against Harry's arm that squeezes him tighter the more he moves. Once he's facing Harry he really hopes that they aren't too close for Harry's comfort but then again Harry wanted to spoon him.

"Harry." He whispers and it's not needed but he's going to do it anyways. "Harry." He whispers again and sighs when the only reply he gets is a loud snore. Louis brings his hand to Harry's face and pokes him with his finger. "Harry." He whines when Harry just snores louder. "Harry!" Louis shouts and Harry snorts and grips Louis tighter.

"What!? What's going on? Are you okay, Louis?" Harry panics and Louis giggles at him.

"I need to use the bathroom." Louis says and listens to Harry yawn.

"No." That's all Harry says before he wraps is arms tighter around Louis and snuggles his face into Louis' neck. His curls tickle Louis' face and makes Louis giggle. Harry smiles against Louis' neck and shakes his head to tickle Louis face more.

"St-stop!" Louis laughs out and Harry stops but only to move his head away from Louis neck. Louis smiles at Harry and a soft pair of lips kisses him for a second. Harry sighs and unwraps his arms from around Louis and rolls onto his back next to Louis who is glad he can now pee but sad because now he misses Harry's warmth.

Louis smiles at where Harry is and he gets up to uses the restroom, hoping Harry isn't being creepy and looking in. Louis flushes the toilet and walks back out of the bathroom. The sound of a zipper and clothes being put on make Louis stop in his tracks. Harry is leaving and Louis wanted him to stay so they could cuddle in bed and the Harry will make him breakfast just like all the books he likes to read.

"Sorry babe. The boys texted me and we have an interview in an hour." Harry rushes through his words.

"Oh." Louis says sadly and fiddles with his fingers. "Okay." He sighs.

"Hey, don't worry I'll be back in an hour, two hours tops, to set up the tree." Warm lips kiss Louis cheek quickly. "See you soon babe." Louis only makes it into the hallway when the front door slams shut.

"I guess I'm not getting my cute morning date." Louis sighs and walks to the kitchen to make himself some shity cereal.

*Louis is sitting by his window in warm sweatpants and an oversize sweeter listing to the crazy sounds outside. He opens his window an inch and the smell of the cold air hits his nostrils. He remembers the snow the way Louis felt like he was being blinded when the sun hit it. It would be funny if Louis actually got blind that way. It would be easy, simple that way no pain, no horror and the last thing he would see isn't the redness of his blood, no it would be the beautiful white sparkly snow.

Maybe he'll go out soon but he can't go alone because he doesn't know where the park is.

"Why does being blind suck so much?" Louis groans out.

"Why would it suck? You got your awesome boyfriend here to help set up your Christmas tree." Harry says and Louis hears the front door close behind him.

"How did you get in here?" Louis asks as he shuts the window.

"The doors unlocked." Harry's footsteps echo through the room as he walks towards Louis. "Let's do the tree." He says and grabs Louis' hands. Louis smiles at big hands in his and allows Harry to pull up and pull him across the room.

As the boys set up the tree Harry gives Louis little lingering touches when Louis hands Harry the branches. Louis giggles each time as it gives him warm butterflies in his stomach.


"How was the interview?" Louis asks as they walk through the streets on London towards a park Harry calms he knows very well.

"Um, it was good. The same old questions. What would you being doing if you weren't in the band? Do you miss your family? Who's single? What d-"

"What did you say?" Louis' voice is shaky.

"About who's single?" Louis nods his head. "I said that I was taken, nothing more. All anyone knows is that I'm dating someone." Harry says and Louis nods in understanding.

"Thank you." Louis says after a few moments.

"Of course, babe. I won't tell anyone you don't want me to tell. Also I like to keep you secret because you're too pretty for the rest of the world to see." Louis blushes and turns his head to the ground.

They walk for two more minutes and honestly Louis is freezing cold and he just wants to get into the warmth. Then the two boys stop.

"Are we here?" Louis asks.

"I thought it was right here." Harry drones off. The wind blows and Louis' teeth chatter.

"Maybe we should just go home." He's freezing and the park isn't going to be any warmer.

"Yeah. Sorry, Louis I thought I knew where it was." Harry turns them around and guides them back to Louis'.

"It's okay." He chatters out. "Just get me home as soon as possible." He jokes and smiles for a second before his teeth start to chatter again. The wind is blowing crazy now so Louis moves closer to Harry, if possible.

They are halfway home when everything goes to shit.

"Looky here boys." A deep voice says about ten feet in front of them. Harry stops and Louis stops with him then Harry turns them around.

"We got two fags today." Another one says. Louis looks down at that name. This is not going to end well.

"Not just any fags, Jim." A third voice says now in front of them and Harry stops again. "This is that fag from that shitty gay band."

"Oh yeah! My wife loves you guys." Jim says from behind him and that's when Louis realizes that they are surrounded by the three unknown men.

"What's with the other fag though?" The first voice asks and Louis feels Harry's grips tighten as he pulls them closer. "It's not even sunny why the fuck are you wearing those glasses?" Louis is having trouble keeping track of the conversation because the three men are circling them.

"Listen guys we don't want any trouble." Harry says and then suddenly Louis and Harry are being pulled apart. Louis falls to the ground and his heart quickens as a pair of arms hold him down.

"Yeah and neither do we." The third voice says. "All we want is a good fuck." Louis gulps and he can hear Harry breathing from about a foot away and that's the only thing keeping Louis sane right now.

"Well look elsewhere." Harry spits out and he's standing up and Louis wants to be next to him. He needs him right now. Louis attempts to get up but is only pushed back down by strong arms. Then legs straddle his waist and grimy rough hands pin his arms above his head onto the dirty pavement.

"Hello pretty." Jim whispers in his ears and Louis feels like throwing up. Jim smells like cigarettes and cheap liquor. He wants good smelling cologne and warmth that Harry has.

"No! Get the fuck off him you sick freak! Don't you dare touch him-" Harry screams are muffled and Louis knows someone put their hand over Harry's mouth. Louis eyes go wide because that means the other two guys have Harry. That this is really happening. Louis starts to fight the man off of him, be kicks his feet and tries to fail his arms but the man is too strong. Then his sunglasses are being torn from his face and a loud laugh is echoing through the London air.

"This motherfucker is blind. God this is perfect. You won't even be able to see my face as I fuck you nice and hard." Jim laughs loudly. No no no! This can't be happening no! He's waiting, he's not ready, and he'll never be ready if this happens. No he's waiting until him and Harry are deeply in love this can't happen now! He's waiting for Harry.

"He might not see you but his famous boyfriend is going to watch as you fuck him so get on it with." The first voice says and Harry's screams are muffled from behinds someone's hand. Louis needs him. He needs Harry right now.

Jim puts his hands on Louis jacket and Louis starts yelling as he continues to fighting back. He's yelling the first thing that comes to his mind and it is Harry's name, he's yelling for him. Tears are streaming down his face as Jim unbuttons his pants. He releases Louis hands and Louis starts hitting him, over and over again as hard as he can. His tiny fist hit the man in the face and chest.

"Fucking stop you little shit!" Jim yells at him and hard fist is hitting Louis cheek. It only causes more tears and pain to Louis. He wants Harry he wants him so bad and it's worse because he's only a few feet away and he can hear him screaming behind the hand. "Arthur get over here and hold him down. You're getting it harder than ever before you fucking cunt."

"Go. I got this fag." Voice one says and a pair of hands is gripping Louis' arms and pushing them back to the ground. Louis knows what's about to come and no he can't let it happen. He had a huge plan to fall deeply in love with Harry and have deeply in love with him and whenever he learns all the facts to sex he'll give himself up to Harry.

His pants are being pulled down to his thighs, leaving him only in his boxers and he is being flipped around by two pairs of hands. His face hits the hard cement and it only brings more pain to Louis' cheek.

"Harry." He cries out as the man squeezes his bum. No one should touch that it's Louis' only. "Harry." He chokes out.

"The names Jim." The man behind him says and it makes Louis cry for Harry louder.

"Motherfuckers." Harry shouts and the sound of skin hitting skin fills the air with Louis' sobs. Grunts and hits sound from behind Louis. Then the hands holding down his arms are being torn from him and more hitting and grunts occur. Louis doesn't stop sobbing as the guy straddling him is being ripped away from him and more sounds occur. Louis doesn't bother to pull his pants up and just rolls into a ball.

Hands are on his again and Louis cries out. "Harry! Harry please help me!" He sobs out as he hits the man touching him.

"Louis, babe, it's me! I'm right here." Harry says as he pulls up Louis pants and buttons them quickly. He grabs Louis jacket and slips it on him.

"Harry?" Louis says as he turns himself towards Harry's voice he puts his arms out to Harry like how a baby does.

"Yeah babe. It's me." Harry whispers in his ear. Sounds of more grunts happen from around them and the. Those soft warm hands are slipping under him and lifting him up. Louis cries into Harry's chest as the start to walk away quickly.

"Harry." Louis sobs out throughout their quick walk back to Louis'.

"I'm right here. I got you." Harry says as he walks fast away from the scene that just happened. Louis repeats Harry's name the whole way home.

Harry is carrying them into the warmth of a building and Louis knows that they're home. "I need your keys, Louis." He says and Louis digs into his jacket and hands them to Harry. Louis knows that Harry is struggling to unlock the door while holding Louis but he doesn't plan to move from Harry's arms ever again.

They walk through the door and Harry carries Louis over to the couch and sets him down gently.

"Louis. We are home, babe." Harry starts rubbing up and down Louis' arm, reassuring him that he is hear and that he is safe. Louis shakes his head and he isn't sure why. "I'm here babe, we are safe." Harry kisses Louis' forehead. A big soft hand is whipping away Louis' tears.

Louis continues to sob and Harry moves off the couch to sit next him on the ground. Then Louis feels Harry's head of his chest. They stay like that for a few minutes before Harry starts humming, it vibrates inside him and travels throughout his body hitting every organ, vain, cell but mostly Louis heart. It makes him feel just as safe as he did this morning in Harry's arms.

Harry starts rubbing circles in Louis' chest and continues to wipe off his teary face. Finally the tears start dying down and Louis wants-needs a shower. Once he's finally done crying he turns to Harry, with his eyes closed.

"Will you sit in the bathroom while I shower?" He asks timidly. He seems needy but he is, one hundred percent needy right now and what he needs is Harry to be next to him, as close as he can be, until Louis is okay.

"Of course." Louis feels Harry rise from the ground and he listens to his knees pop and Louis made him stay in the position.


"Don't apologize. I chose to sit like that." Harry grabs Louis' hands, pulls him up and walks them to the bathroom. "I'm sorry Louis. This is my entire fault, I thought we could take a short cut back and I was wrong." Harry sighs as they walk into the bathroom.

"No." Louis shakes his head. "It's not your fault." Louis let's go of Harry's hands and wraps his arms around Harry waist. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"I told you I'll always protect you."

"I know." Louis whispers and then he remembers that Harry beat those guys up. "Are you hurt?" Louis asks him.

"Am I hurt? Louis are you hurt? You almost got.." Harry drones off but Louis knows what he was going to say. He almost got raped and then it truly hits Louis.

"I almost got raped." He whispers and takes a step away from Harry. Then bile is rising in Louis' throat and he falls to his knees and crawls to the toilet quickly. He is releasing his insides and it's disgusting, just like those horrible men that tried to rape him and take away his virginity.

A comforting hand is rubbing his back and Louis can't even believe that Harry saved him. He saved him from everything. First from the paps, yesterday himself and his then today from those men.

When Louis finally finishes he flushes the toilet and turns to Harry as he wipes his mouth.

"Thank you, Harry. Thank you so much and not just for this for everything. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for saving me." Louis puts his hand out to find Harry's cheek and he wants to kiss him but he just threw up. Louis' fingers run over a cut on Harry's face and then Harry's hand is on his cheek and running over a cut Louis didn't even know about.

"We should get this cleaned up." Harry says and Louis nods at him. The two boys gather the necessary items and sit on the tubs edge. It consists of Harry cleaning off Louis' face easily and Louis struggling to fine the cut on Harry's face. But Louis doesn't let it bother him because Harry is humming as the work and it calms Louis.

When they finish Louis gets into the shower and strips his clothes down before throwing them next to where Harry is sitting on the toilet. This time Louis isn't bothered by Harry right on the other side of the curtain because he actually wants Harry to be on this side with him. Not now of course it's too soon in their relationship.

Louis asks Harry to stay the night and of course Harry says yes. The two spoon in bed and Louis has never felt safer in Harry's arms. He might fall asleep with a smile but he has an endless night of nightmares about someone trying to take his virginity while Harry is nowhere to be found.

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