Bloody Secrets [MIGHT NOT FIN...

By TechnoDewdrop

1.9K 103 72

YouTubers, BBC Radio 1 Hosts, loved by millions. Daniel Howell and Philip Lester, more commonly known as "Dan... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Three

188 12 17
By TechnoDewdrop

Phil and I anxiously awated the girls arrival. We both knew that if this was a success, and we seemed as innocent as this girl says, it should be a piece of cake for us. Phil and I were both convincing liars in the first place.

We were questioned further while waiting, but not a lot. Mainly just our profession and in depth of how YouTube works. Our recent whereabouts, and even asked what we would do or how we would act in certain scenarios.

"Would you two like some coffee?" The girls father asked, slightly grunting and pulling himself out of his chair. Now that I had gotten a good look at him, he was a bit plump. Not really.. overweight.. just pudgy.

"That'd be great for me." Phil said, stretching his legs while still sitting in the chair.

"That'd be fantastic if it's not a bother." I replied with a soft smile.

"Alright, I'll just grab it then. You two like cream?" He asked, standing and cracking his knuckles.

"Yes please, for us both." Phil answered, already knowing how I liked my coffee. Honestly living with him for five years I'd be slightly disappointed if he didn't know that by now.

The man walked out with a slight limp in his left leg, letting the door close behind him. I huffed in a sigh, and slid down in the chair.

Obviously the absence made my mind wander down the rabbit hole into some horrific scenarios. Being arrested, having to run from the police, hiding away... having to quit YouTube...

It had always been clear to me how many people Phil and I helped on a daily basis, and the thought of quitting and hurting those people had definitely came to my mind more than once, but only now was it such a strong feeling of fear. Despite having what I'd call a blood-lust, I, and Phil, both cared for our fans and we always would. Besides, if it weren't for our fans we would've never met.

I could never survive in prison. Killing off people who aren't expecting it was so simple. They're weak, and usually we'd drug them before hand. I couldn't ever imagine being locked away with large, burly men. I was weak, and pretty unfit. The only exercise I ever got was carrying a dead or unconscious body.

I just couldn't imagine Phil surviving it either. Phil has two sides, basically. The side everyone sees him as. Sweet, unbelievably innocent, kind, gentle and bubbly. Then there's the side he has when we're off doing what we crave. It's like he just... snaps. He can switch those moods so easily, but only when I start things. It's like he's a tag along. I wouldn't really know how to describe it. I can't really explain it. He's who he needs to be at the right moments, I guess.

I heard a door handle open, and I saw the man walk in with a tray of coffee, and he sat it down on the table in front of us. Phil and I took our drinks and sipped them.

After only a brief moment of silence, Phil spoke up, holding his warm cup with both hands. "Officer... I know I've never had first hand experience in an interrogation room, but I don't believe prime suspects are supposed to be treated like friendly strangers. It seems a bit odd how nicely you're treating us both."

The man gave Phil an odd look, then chucked to himself, leaning over the table to get closer. "You two look alike enough as it is, and those sketches were rough, barley explained by a half-intoxicated man who got a few glimpses of you at night. Besides, if you two look so much alike, I'm sure there's tons of people in Reading who look the same as you. We hardly have any evidence to support you two being the causes. And, even though I shouldn't, I take my daughters word into account. She doesn't lie."

Thank God for looking basic.

Before either of us could say anything, we heard a knock at the door before it slowly opened.

There, standing with the biggest, happiest grin I've ever seen, was a girl who stood at about 5'5, with poofy hair that ran down to the length of her shoulders. She had the deepest brown eyes, they were almost black. Despite her father, she was rather slim, wearing a Nickelback t-shirt and dark grey jeans.

"OH. MY. GOSH! YOU'RE ACTUALLY DAN AND PHIL. LIKE, THE REAL DAN AND PHIL STANDING IN FRONT OF ME!" She shouted in a sweet, high pitched voice, then let out a squeal of happiness as she jumped up and down in place and hid her face.

"You must be Holly!" Phil chuckled, standing up from his chair as I followed his actions.

"Nice to meet you." I said, smiling at the girl. Before I could do anything, she ran up to me at full speed and hugged me tightly. She hardly even came up to my chest she was so short.

She ripped off of me and practically tackled Phil, who was leaning on the back of the wall to support himself from falling backwards. The affection this girl had really struck a string in my heart.

She stepped back with the same grin on her face, giving her cheeks a pink color. She was literally shaking with happiness.

"I'm so honoured to meet you two! I've watched all of your videos and I have the amazing book is not on fire, and I even have a Dan and Phil shirt but it's in the wash so I had to wear this instead." She exclaimed quickly, tugging the bottom of her shirt to show it off.

"Awwh, that's so sweet of you!" Phil said, smiling brightly.

"Holly... who brought you here?" Her father asked in a perplexed tone. "Surely your mother didn't drive you? She's at work."

"Oh." She said, taking a few deep breaths and leaning on the chair. "I ran. Mother wasn't able to and I didn't want to waste valuable time by calling other people and asking so I just started running."

Her fathers jaw dropped, and he set his cup down. "Holly, we live a good ten minutes away from here by car. There's no way you could've ran and made it here so fast."

Then, she turned and glared at him with a serious most determined and straightforward face I've ever seen. "Never underestimate the powers of the Phandom. We've hunted these two down with one tweet and done better investigation on them than your friends have with professional equipment."

Phil and I erupted with laughter, and her father's face was completely awestruck.

"She's not lying, they've managed to pinpoint our location based off of the background in a selfie we took." I said, as Holly walked over and stood in between us.

"Yeah, and two of them managed to get into our hotel room and slip a note under the door without either of us noticing." Phil added.

"So..." he began, rubbing his chin. "Basically... you're all unpaid stalkers?"

Holly giggled, and his her face again. "Well, some of them are. There's different sides to the Phandom. But we're all crazy and definitely not normal because normalness leads to sadness."

Wow, this girl was a really big fan.

"Well, seeing as though you two seem to be alright, I think I can let you out of here." Said Holly's father, standing up and grabbing the papers and his empty cup on the table."

"Fantastic, Phil and I are just going to grab some lunch." I said, stretching out a bit.

"Can I come?!" Holly asked enthusiastically, then her expression dropped a bit. "Oh, sorry... that... probably... oh.. um.. I-I'll just... go back home..... but.. can you two sign this for me..?" She asked, taking out a roughed up notebook and a blue and red Sharpe.

"Yeah of course!" Phil said, taking the blue Sharpe and opening the notebook. She handed me the red one and I waited for Phil to finish his little Smiley face, and I signed my name as well.

"Thanks! I can't believe I actually got to meet Dan and Phil this is literally the greatest moment of my entire life and I'll never ever forget it I love you both!" She slurred excitedly, hugging us both tightly.

I would forever be grateful for this girl.

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