
By idreamibelieve

51.3K 2.4K 359

Red was a very unique 17-year-old girl. First of all, her name was Red. She gained that nickname due to he... More

One: Damon, who?
Two: What are you?! My Mom?!
Three: You're too gullible, Red.
Four: His face is stupid.
Five: Scar killed my Simba
Six: Let's play truth or dare!
Seven: Out of all the people in the world, it had to be you!
Eight: I will personally kill you.
Nine: I'm going to hurt you so bad you're going to wish you were dead.
Ten: You brought a 14 year old to a bar? How classy.
Eleven: We're going to take Sawyer down... for good.
Twelve: You're trusting a delinquent with your life?
Thirteen: We're associating with the devil now?
Fourteen: They're both irrational and stupid!
Fifteen: Let's go bowling!
Sixteen: There's so much blood, oh my god.
Seventeen: Is he always so over-dramatic?
Eighteen: I'm not into this sentimental bullsh**
Nineteen: My parents are disowning me
Twenty: Let me tell you a short story about a girl called Sally
Twenty-one: I took a bullet for you, little Red.
Twenty-two: I love you, - Damon.
Twenty-three: Robert and Cupcake?!
Thank You Message

Twenty-four: The bad boy never cries, Damon.

1.6K 86 34
By idreamibelieve


The last chapter.

I think I'm going to cry.

Oh my God.

My beloved Red and Damon. The story of the unrequited love is finally coming to an end.

You guys. The feels.

Please, let me know in the comments about your opinion of the story and how you would have liked the story to end.

Thank you all for keeping up with my messed up update schedule. I know I'm so horrible at timings but hey, I managed to get the story finished! I know it's a little bit short, the story, I mean, but I love it this way. I don't think I needed to prolong anything.

<3 <3 Read on little Red lovers

CHAPTER 24: The bad boy doesn't cry, Damon

"Cupcake! Robert!" Red called out for her two cats who still did not know how to respond to their names. When she noticed they weren't coming anytime soon, she left the kitchen and went to get the two cats to eat their food. When the cats saw their bowls, they ran towards it and started to eat what's inside of it.

Red sighed happily.

A knock on the door startled her but she hurried towards it looking through the peep hole trying to see who it was.

"Who is it?" She asked as she could not identify the person at the door because he had her back to her.

"It's Luke, open up"

Red opened the door and let Luke inside. He smiled at her "Hey, are you dressed up?"

Red shrugged "I guess, why? I didn't know we had plans"

"We have a surprise for you" Luke smiled and Red grinned widely "I love surprises!"

"Well, you're going to love this one for sure" Luke said under his breath as Red put on her shoes "Let's go! Where's everyone else? What kind of surprise it? Is it another cat?" She gushed "Oh my god! I'm so excited now!"

Luke chuckled at his idiot friend and got in the driver's seat of his car.

"So- where are you taking me?" She grinned at her friend so started driving, he first drove by the diner and stopped the car and asked Red not to get down.

Luke just stopped his car there and asked Red to look at the spot they were parked on.

"Do you remember this spot?" Luke asked and Red shook her head "Uhm, Luke, we come here almost every single day of course I remember it"

Luke smiled at Red "No, take a guess about what happened at this spot right here"

Red thought long and hard but could still not understand where Luke was going with this.

"I don't know!" She exclaimed with a frustrated sigh "Just tell me"

Luke rolled his eyes "When you and Damon first met"

"Oh- OH!" Red finally understood what Luke meant and rolled down the window pushing her head out to stare at the spot as she giggled "Oh yeah, and he was being very mean"

Luke knew Red would never know what her friends' plans were because of well, how stupid and gullible she was.

He then drove away and went to the grocery store where Red found Damon behind the cash register and had another argument and that was the day she was almost kidnapped but Damon saved her life from Caleb and Jack.

Luke took her inside the grocery store and bought a couple of things and went to the same cash register that Damon worked in all the time reminding Red of him and she was starting to get annoyed.

Then Luke took her to the bowling alley and went down towards the area where they all went the last time.

"Remember when Damon beat our asses in bowling and Norman had to buy us dinner?" Luke said and Red nodded "Yeah... that was the same day he got shot"

Luke nodded and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he led her back to the car.

"Luke... what are you doing?" Red asked, she was very confused. Luke ignored her and drove away. When they reached their second spot, Red gasped.

They were back at The Attic.

"Luke... what are we doing here?" Red asked and got out of the car looking strangely around her. Luke didn't reply and hurried to the entrance of the attic, gesturing for Red to follow him. Red followed him unaware of the surprise that awaited her inside.

But right before she went inside, a voice called out for her. Red turned around and saw Gina, Holly, and Norman standing next to the Attic waving at her. They walked towards her grinning from ear to ear. She grinned "Guys! What are you doing here?"

"Red, we realized that you need to solve this Damon and Red issue" Gina said and stepped closer to Red "I hope you don't hate us for this"

Red furrowed her eyebrows "For what?"

"Follow me, Red" Luke said opening the door to the Attic.

"You guys are weird" Red rolled her eyes and went behind Luke. She went inside before Luke and looked around the attic noticing how empty it was.

"Sorry little Red" Luke said with a not so sorry face.

When all of a sudden the backdoor of the Attic was open and Damon walked in with Leo standing by the door.

"What the fuck, Leo?" Damon exclaimed with an angry frown as well and turned around to face his friend.

"This needed to be done" Leo grinned "You guys won't get out of here until you solve your issues"

Leo winked at Luke and they both walked out closing the door shut behind them and locking it. Red's eyes widened and she screamed running towards the door "NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE YOU IDIOT! WHAT ABOUT MY CATS?"

"I'll take care of them! Have fun babe!" Gina yelled from outside and Red let out a frustrated groan "YOU CAN'T DO THIS"

Damon walked to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. He knew he was stuck in this room with Red.

Red huffed as she realized her friends weren't going to open the door anytime soon and she walked to one of the chairs and sat down not uttering a single word to Damon.

Damon also decided to give her the silent treatment and he sat down at the other side of the room.

After 10 minutes of unbearable silence, Damon got up and walked to the bar, grabbed a beer, opened it and started to drink.

Red was starting to feel a little thirsty but she didn't want to get closer to him.

"Why are you so hard headed?" Damon suddenly said and Red's eyes widened "Are you talking to me?"

Damon looked around the room "I don't see anyone else in here" Of course Red would ask that kind of question, he thought and almost laughed.

"I don't want to talk to you" She said, crossing her arms across her chest and looking away.

Damon couldn't help but think she's a tad adorable.

"Aw, come on, you're talking to me now" He got up and walked towards her, he grabbed a chair and placed it right in front of her chair.

"They want us to talk, so let's talk, little Red" Damon said with a smirk playing on his lips.

Red raised an eyebrow at him with a poker face "No"

He suddenly burst out laughing "You're cute, you know"

The compliment honestly melted her heart. She was trying so hard not to smile. Damon has really changed. There was a day when Damon hated her guts. He thought everything about her was annoying but now, he couldn't help but feel that everything she does is so damn cute. She might even stab him and he'd still think it's adorable.

"Red, seriously, let's just talk it out" Damon said again.

Tears formed in Red's eyes and she looked away from him not wanting him to see the tears. Damon noticed though and he frowned "Red?"

"You hated me, Damon. What changed?" She asked as a tear rolled down her cheek "You hated me to the point where you lied to me. Why?" She sniffed.

Damon sighed "I lied because I wanted to impress you. If I would have told you that Conner and I might have been the reason that my sister died, would you have stayed with me? I doubt it, Red. I think you would have been revolted by the idea of even standing next to me. My other reason is that I wanted to protect you so bad. I wanted to help you and your family and if you found out the truth, you might have done what Sally did and you could have gone to Sawyer. I lied for your sake"

"I still don't think I'm ready to forgive you" Red said.

"I don't want you to forgive me. I want you to try. I know what I did to you was horrible and I'm so sorry but don't block the chance of forgiving me out of your mind. If you want, I can prove to you every day someway somehow that I am worth forgiving until you forgive me. And when you do forgive me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove to you how much I love you"

Damon didn't even know where that soft side of him came out. He only had one girlfriend before and it wasn't even a real relationship because he was 15 only. He really loved Red. She changed him so much and he couldn't believe someone so silly, so young, so beautiful, and so darn gullible could change his life this way.

"Why should I believe you now?" She sniffed.

"You changed me" Damon said softly "You changed me so much. I thought this world was evil and dark but you came along and showed me the innocence, and the beautiful. You made me rethink everything that I did in my past life"

"I thought all that I did annoyed you" Red said with a frown.

"Oh yeah, you got on my nerves so much little Red. I know though, I know-" He sighed and closed his eyes slowly then continued "-beautiful people like you will always be beautiful."

"You did not break." He continued.

"You are happy." He said.

"I see you, I watch you. You did not let all of the bad things affect you. Yes, you've had bad days but you kept smiling through it all."

Damon paused and looked down at his fingers with tears swimming in his eyes, he remembered his sister, he remembered all the things they did together, he remembered the good memories and forgot the bad. It was all thanks to Red.

"It's like you know. You know that no matter how much you go through there are people who go through worse and you. You are brilliant. This is so cheesy and I don't know if you believe me or not but Red, have you ever wondered why everyone loves you? At school? Your friends? Your family? Your teachers? Hell, even the principle loves you. You are good." Damon stood up and walked over to her, bent down slightly and looked her straight in the eyes "I'm sorry I hurt you. I hurt a beautiful, innocent, good human being and I know I don't deserve you but you make me happy. You make me good. You make me feel human again" He ended it as a tear rolled down his cheek.

She stared at him with a frown "The bad boy cries" Red said softly "The bad boy never cries, Damon"

Damon smiled "I told you... you make me good"

Red smiled as well with tears streaming down her face "We're so weird" She giggled through her tears and Damon laughed as well.

He slid his hand softly on her cheek "Yes we are"

"Am I forgiven?" He asked, taking a soft slow breath.

Red's face was only a few inches away from Damon's "Don't kiss me" She said.

Damon pulled away slowly with a confused look.

"I will try" Red said with a straight face "I will try to forgive you, Damon. Don't give up though. Don't give up trying, okay?"

Damon smiled.

He understood.

He loved her even more now.

"I will never"

After a couple of seconds of silence. Red broke it.

"Can we go out now?" She asked looking at the front door. He shrugged "Let's try"

"Hey guys! We're done! We're talking again!" Damon yelled.

"Yeah! Please open up, I want to see Robert and Cupcake!" Red yelled as well but no answer.

Damon bit his lip and stared at Red "I think they left, Red"

Red groaned "Fuck them"

Damon burst out laughing "What?! The F word coming from you?"

Red pulled her tongue out at him "I'm angry that's why!"

"Thank you, Red" Damon said "Thank you for hearing me out"

"You're most welcome!" She grinned "Now, enough with the dramatics. So, you said I'm beautiful, eh?"

"And her arrogant side shows!" Damon said pulling his hand up in the air.


"Just kidding" He grinned and stared at her for a very long time.

"We can make it" She said and sighed contently "Come here"

She stood up and so did Damon.

She wrapped her arms around him tightly and hugged him "I don't know what I did to make you love me this much. I mean, I'm so dumb sometimes. Like remember when my car broke down and I walked alone at night when I knew that I shouldn't or when my parents warned me not to talk to you but I couldn't help wanting to fight..." She continued rambling while holding on to Damon.

He laughed out loud "Red! You went off track"

"Oh, yeah sorry" She smiled sheepishly and pulled away from him "So, in order for me to forgive you, I need to be taken out on dates like all the lovey dovy books"

"Do you want it to be a surprise?" Damon asked, grinning.

"Aha, and I would also prefer a fair and I want you to win me so many stuffed animals to add to my collection. And if you want to be my boyfriend, you have to ask me in a very cheesy setting. I mean, you asked for it after your cheesy apology" She smiled widely and giggled.

Damon groaned dramatically "All of that?"


"Whatever you need, Miss Red" Damon said.

"Oh, and I thought about it" Red continued.

"Thought about what?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"About this" Red pushed her little feet up and planted a kiss on Damon's lips. Damon froze, not expecting her to kiss him but then he took control and pushed her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her, afraid of letting her go.

She really meant so much to him.

She was Red and he was Damon.

The damsel in distress and her knight in shining armor.

The good girl and the bad boy.

They were bound to fall in love.


Red pulled away from Damon, breathing heavily "And, Damon. It's about time you knew, you know, about my real name"

Damon furrowed his eyebrows "Wait, Red isn't you real name?"

Red laughed "No, silly goose!"

"What?! My life has been a lie!" He said dramatically making Red laugh "So, what is your name?"

She smiled.



The END.


There will be an epilogue coming along so be prepared for that.

Please, please, please comment and tell me your thoughts. I would honestly appreciate it so much. It took me 2 years to finish this story... hehe.

I love you all.

I might do a sequel later on but right now I have a couple of stories I need to finish and post on Wattpad before starting a new one.

This has been one heck of a journey, if you want to begin a new one with me with new characters and a new crazy plot line, don't forget to follow me to be updated on any new story I release. I promise, there will be plenty coming soon.

Thank you all for being there with me through it all.

Bye, bye!

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