City Dogs: The First Generati...

By KonnerMeaden

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Paul Newman is just your average teenager, well he thought he was. This is a story of one man's struggle to c... More

Chapter 1: Howl At the Moon.
Chapter 2: Pack Life.
Chapter 3: Together.
Chapter 4: Prior Engagement
Chapter 5: New Home, New Beginnings.
Chapter 6: To Tame A Beast.
Chapter 7: Predator and Pray.
Chapter 9: From the Shadow Comes the Dawn.
Chapter 10: The Alpha Rises
To The Reader

Chapter 8: Alone In The Dark.

246 5 0
By KonnerMeaden

Paul. Paul. Where was he?

Where was I?

I’d just woken up. But I wasn’t in the Motel.

No, I was somewhere different. Somewhere dark. I couldn’t tell if it was day or night. All I knew was I wasn’t alone.

What I’d do to be with Paul now. Where was he? God, I was so scared.

I was in a room that much I knew. But I couldn’t see anything. Just pure darkness.

Then she came in. The woman who brought me here. As the door opened, a bright beam of light hit my eyes and it burned, then the door closed again. She stepped over to me.

“You stole my man. Paul belongs to me. You don’t deserve him.” She growled in my ear.

“What? Who are you?” Then it hit me. This was Jane. The vampire that Paul wanted to kill. The vampire that killed his wife Elizabeth.

“What’s wrong, Sarah? Didn’t Paul tell you about me? Well, let me fill you in. I’m Jane. Whether Paul mentioned it or not, I’m the one who killed the last bitch that stole him away from me. And you’re going to end the same way.”

My eyes started to adjust to the dark now. I could see the outline of the doorway. If I could just make it to the door. But how?

Then I remembered the little bit of self-defense Paul had taught me over the time we’d spent together. Right-hook. The rib shots. The nose breaker and the kick to the knee so it breaks. Of course I knew this wouldn’t buy me much time against a vampire, but it was worth a shot.

I made a run for the door.

She was there. I knew it wouldn’t work, but I used everything I knew. I couldn’t hold back, because I knew she wouldn’t either. I threw that big right-hook. I missed. She grabbed my arm and launched me into the wall opposite.

“You stupid bitch!” She growled in my ear. Jane was too fast and too strong. I wasn’t leaving here. Not alive at least.

I couldn’t tell how much time had passed. There were no windows and only one door. I didn’t even bother trying to run again. If I was going to die, then so be it. I just didn’t want Paul to get here before I died, I couldn’t live with myself if he got hurt. I might not have told him often enough, but he really was everything to me.

All I could do was hope to God that Paul would be ok by the end of this. Of course he will, he doesn’t need me. How could something that amazing be stuck with this pathetic human? I didn’t deserve him, we both knew it. But I couldn’t help it. I loved him, and I hoped he felt the same. I kept thinking about the first time I laid eyes on him. He was gorgeous. I knew I wanted him in my life from then on. I couldn’t not be with him.

Nobody had ever treated me as well as him. He was everything to me. All I could say was, I was in love with him. But it had taken being kidnapped by a jealous vampire who would probably be better for him, to make me realize.

I didn’t sleep often, well not that I remember. Jane brought me food, but I didn’t eat. It felt like years since I’d seen Paul.  If I was going to die, I didn’t care, Paul was everything I could think of, all that kept me going. I had to hope I would see him again.

I couldn’t tell how much time went past, I couldn’t tell when one day ended and another began. I was locked away where nobody could find me. The only contact I had with the outside world was through Jane, when she decided to show up. I heard her talking over the phone to the people that organized all of this. The names Lucifer, Trey and Lucretia were mentioned a lot. That much I did know. Who were they? I’d heard the name Trey before, Paul had talked about him before; he was like a brother to him. He was a part of the pack, but he had bolted when Elizabeth has died, how did he know Jane now? And what did this Lucifer have to do with all of this? Was Jane working for him? I couldn’t help but wonder.

Even more time passed by. I did not see Jane for a long time. When she did show up, it was only to give me food, but it started to taste different, it tasted as if it was laced with something, but what?

She came back and stayed every now and then.

“Jane, can I ask you something? Please.” I asked her.

“What?” She barked. I could tell she was mad.

“Who is that guy you were talking to? Lucifer?” I asked her gently. Then something I was not expecting happened. She started to cry. Could vampires cry? I was not sure, but this one obviously could.

“He’s the love of my life and he doesn’t even know I exist. Do you know what that fucking feels like?! Well? Do you?” She barked at me.

“No. No I don’t, I’m sorry Jane.” I didn’t know what to tell her. I didn’t think it possible, but I actually felt sorry for her, this vile, bloodthirsty creature wanted the same thing as every woman on the planet. She just wanted to be noticed by the man she loved. Was that too much to ask on her part? Personally, I didn’t think it was.

“Can I ask you who the woman was? Who’s Lucretia?” I asked her.

“That’s his bride-to-be. What I would do to be able to kill that little bitch right now. But you know what makes things even worse?” I didn’t answer. “Well I’ll tell you. She’s his fucking sister, that vile, twisted little bitch is his fucking sister!” Jane told me. Now, personally I don’t like to curse, but even I’ll say, that’s fucked up!

Jane often left me to my own devices. It was rare she would stay with me for more than two or three hours at a time. After all this time, I couldn’t help but doubt Paul. Where was he? It was so strange not having him here. Did he even realize I was gone? He must. I had to have faith in him, Louise, Ann and John. But now, it had been so long, it was getting hard to keep faith. How could I?

After a few weeks, I’d started to come to terms with the fact that I was probably going to die here. But oh well, as Paul would say, shit happens. What could I do to change it? Nothing. If I got out, great, if not, it’s nothing big. We all die at some point; I mean, look at Elizabeth. She was younger than me but she still ended up dying by Jane’s hands. At least if that was going to happen to me, I would see it coming and I would be ready. And now, I had pretty much given up on Paul. I didn’t care anymore. He could go and fucking die for all I cared. Him and his stupid fucking wolf friends. He had told me he loved me and would keep me safe, but where the fuck was he now? Nowhere near me that’s where. But you know what? I didn’t care. He didn’t care about me so why should I care about him?

But I was lying to myself, I did care. I loved him. Every fiber of my being was telling me to move on, forget about him. But the thing that stuck in my mind was the day he was shot. He had taken a bullet for me. Nobody else would have done that for me. How could I not care about the man I loved?

I could feel myself starting to breakdown. I couldn’t take much more before I did end up trying to end it all myself. But then I thought, I could make this all so much easier for myself. That’s when the person I needed to talk to turned up. The man himself, Lucifer. He was not what I was expecting by any means. There was something about him; I couldn’t put my finger on, something just screamed out pure-evil. I didn’t know what though. Maybe it was the brandings and tattoos, or maybe it was those overly large canines. But the one thing that struck fear into me from the word go, those blood-red eyes, the look of the devil himself. This man was evil. If he was even human.

“Well Jane, you have done well haven’t you my dear?” He asked Jane. He had a strange air in his voice, yet it was still extraordinarily deep. Jane didn’t seem to know what to do with herself. She looked stuck between the urge to worship the ground he walked on and cry with happiness.

“I’m so happy you like it, Lucifer. I truly am.” She told him.

“Thank you my pet.” He replied as he stroked her black hair. He lent in to kiss her lips but pulled back at the last second and gave her a sly wink. Now, I don’t know about Jane but to me, this just screamed out total asshole. But then the thing that I feared the most happened. He turned his gaze to me. Those eyes saw straight through me. The eyes of a vicious, blood thirsty murderer.

“Well, Sarah, my dear. We finally meet.” He snarled at me. He took my chin in his hand. His claw like nails digging into my face. He did something that I was not expecting. He came close to me, as if to kiss me, but inhaled deeply and laughed. I didn’t understand until he spoke again.

“Well this is interesting. You’re O-negative. Am I right?” He laughed. He could smell my blood. How is that even possible?

“Yes I am. But how did you know?” I asked him. I was so afraid I could barely control myself.

“Well two ways. When you’ve been around for as long as I have, you pick up on these things. And we all have our addictions, blood is mine. And just to give you fair warning not to cross me, O-negative just so happens to be my blood type of choice. So piss me off, and I will not hesitate in getting my feed. But luckily for you, I have a deal for you. I guess you could say, a deal with the devil.” He laughed at his own irony. “Would you like to hear it?”

“Do I really have any other choice?” I knew I didn’t.

“No not really my dear, you don’t.” He laughed again. He then took off his shirt. His body was covered in a mixture of tattoos, brandings and scars. “You see my sweet; I was once a very strong religious believer. I am from a time very different to your own. How old would you say I am?”

Why was that important?

“I don’t know, twenty-nine?” I was being honest.

“You’re being too kind, Sarah. Try closer to six hundred. And I’m sure you’ve noticed the scars and tattoos and brandings on my body. You see this one?” He pointed to the longest scar I could see, it started at the top of his rib cage and finished at the top of his pelvis. I nodded. “This has the most interesting story of all. You see, my birth name was not Lucifer, it was Lucien Williams. But things happened to me. You see, I once thought that our great Lord Jesus would protect me from all harm. What a bunch of fucking bullshit. You want to know how I found the truth?” He asked me, he didn’t give me time to answer before he carried on. “Well I shall tell you. You see, I got in a small fight when I was about 13. In those days, I was a man. I won the battle, I thought nothing of it. That is, until the boys went after my then girlfriend. They raped her, tortured her and mutilated her. They then jumped me, and forced me to watch her death. Then it all went black, the next moment I was surrounded by their mutilated bodies. Well, body-parts should I say. Then a few years past, I was still going by the name Lucien. I tried joining a local gang of Satanists. To put me to the test, they set me challenges, murdering, mutilation, the usual. I passed with flying colours, as you can imagine.” He smiled at this. “But then, this is where the fun begins. As my final test, they wanted to see how I dealt with pain. So they chained me to a wall, they took a machete and sliced open my rib cage and carried on to my pelvis, exposing all of my organs. But you want to know what they did next to make it even more enjoyable?” I could see he was a true psychopath by the way he smiled and his voice rang out. “They took a white hot poker and jammed it into all of my organs, in alphabetical order! And you know what? I fucking loved it! But it was their mistake when a part of me was released.

Here’s something you don’t know about me, my dear. I am the original werewolf. I am stronger than your dear Paul. 

I broke from my chains and massacred them. I devoured them. And because of my change, when I turned back, I was healed. You know what I did next? I went to the nearest tattoo studio and got this tattoo.” He pointed to the tattoo on his chest of a crucifix with corpses scattered around it. “And that was when I took the name of God’s former servant turned demon, Lucifer. Now, to the point, I want you to act as Judas, I want you to go back to Paul but feed me information so that I can finally have my way and kill him. You see, Paul and I have more history than you realize.” Lucifer told me.

“No! I’ll never do it. I couldn’t.” I told him.

“Ah, but one small, minor detail I forgot to mention. I haven’t fed since I got to New York, and I am very, very hungry. So do as I say, or you’re going to be my fucking meal, you ignorant little fucking bitch!” He barked as he lifted me from the ground by my throat. “Now, what do you say?” He said calmly.

“Fine, I’ll do it, just please don’t hurt me.” I whimpered.

“Now that’s a smart girl.” He said when he had set me on my feet. He turned and went to walk away. Then Jane spoke up again.

“Lucifer, please won’t you stay?” She was almost begging him.

“No my dear, I need to be back home. Bellatrix and Gabriel won’t torture themselves will they?” He laughed. Then he walked away.

What had I done? I had just betrayed the love of my life, how could I do it? I had just traded in the one person who meant more than the world to me for my own life!

I mean how damn selfish is that!

Now Paul really does have a reason to hate me. He still isn’t here, so why should I care. The way I see it, is that if he hasn’t come to rescue me yet, then he never will. Maybe Jane bringing me here was a good idea. Now I had two ways to die. I could both go against Lucifer and have him kill me by draining me dry, or I could have Jane kill me. Either way it would be better than the situation I’m in at the minute.

My body was still telling me to let all ties to Paul go, but I couldn’t. He means too much to me for me just to let him go. I should keep fighting, no; I must keep fighting to stay alive. If not for me, for him. He will be here soon I know it.

The two names that Lucifer had just said rang bells. Bellatrix and Gabriel. Then I remembered. I overheard Jane mention a few things about them on the phone to Lucifer. They were living a few days travel from my place. Hadn’t done anything wrong, well, as far as I could tell. What the hell did Lucifer want with them? It must be something pretty big for him to go and torture them, surely it should be big? The anticipation was too much for me, I had to ask.

“Lucifer,” I shouted.

He turned around faster than I expected.

“What is it my dear? Miss me already or do you have some information for me already?” The cold tone in his voice still made me feel uneasy. I was thinking about using the good old insult of bite me, but with Lucifer it wouldn’t be a wise idea. I could tell that he was the type of person that took insults like that literally, and in all honesty I don’t want his canines sinking into the side of my neck.

“No to both of those questions. I was just wondering who Bellatrix and Gabriel are. I have heard those names a bit recently, and seeing as I am basically working for you now, I think I should know,” I reluctantly replied.

He walked over and leant in towards my face again. This time he did kiss me. Straight on the lips. His kiss was cold and contained no passion. Not like the kisses that Paul used to give me on a daily basis. They were warm and full of love. They were the types of kisses that every woman loved getting off of her guy. He laughed slightly after pulling away, before he looked me in the eyes.

“Well you see my dear Sarah; they are two people that have been causing me a lot of problems recently. You see Bellatrix is pregnant, and once stopped me from taking her dear Gabriel away from her. Gabriel on the other hand, has been asking too many questions for my liking. So it is time for me to take it upon myself, and relieve them from this suffering and pain they are feeling,” He said as he stood there basically laughing about it in my face. I couldn’t believe that he was being like this, well actually I could, and being around for six hundred years could do that to people. He leant in, placed a hand on the back of my head gently, gave me another kiss on the lips before bowing like he was some sort of nobleman, and walking out of the room. This was the last time for a while that I was going to be seeing Lucifer. I just hope that it would be the last, but I knew that was far too good to be true. I had to keep him up to date with information on Paul, be his little spy you could say. It was something that I wish I didn’t have to do but it was too late now.

Jane looked at me with a look of disgust on her face. It seemed that she wanted Lucifer to pay her as much attention as he had paid me. She walked over to me with a fast pace and proceeded to slap me across the face. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? He is meant to be paying me the attention not you!” She screamed in my face. I really wasn’t expecting her to over react as much as she did, but with the way she has been recently, I should have seen it coming.

“He isn’t paying me all the attention Jane, he gave you praise for getting me here didn’t he?”

“Yes but now because you are here, he is going to be blanking me again, just like he did before! You have ruined everything!” She bellowed as I could see tears begin to form in her eyes. I can’t believe that she is being like this, god I have never met someone who is so melodramatic in my entire life. If she reacts like this over someone supposedly not paying her attention, I dread to think what she would be like if they actually blanked her. I clutched the side of my face where she hit me. It was stinging quite a bit but at this point in time I didn’t really care. I had felt worse pain then this.

“Jane are you hung up on Lucifer as well as Paul? Because from where I am stood it seems like you are,” I asked her.

“NO I’M NOT! I just wish for once in my life that someone would pay me attention and actually listen to me,” she moaned as the new formed tears rolled down her face.

I could tell that subjects like this were the ones to get a reaction out of her. It then hit me. I noticed that the door was slightly open from when Lucifer left. If I could get her pissed off enough so that she was left crying her eyes out, it might buy me enough time to get to the door and get away.

“Are you really sure, because it really does seem like you love Lucifer. The way you look at him, god, I have never seen a look so sick in my life,” I retaliated. This made Jane shut up immediately, I could tell it was getting to her and fast. I slowly edged towards the door to make my final getaway that much easier.

“Yes I am sure you stupid little bitch, he is not the one I want. The one I want is the person you stole away from me!” She screeched as she stepped towards me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

“Do you know how much pain I am in through that? It destroys me everyday knowing that he is with a disgusting little bitch like you, and not with someone like me. Someone that can give him all the things he needs and wants,” She screamed this directly in my face. There was no denying the fact that Jane was to messed up for her own good.

“ Jane he wouldn’t go for you, and as for pain, I think I have gone through worse in my life then you ever have or ever will for that matter,” I coldly slandered.

Jane’s eyes were even colder than before. The look in them was saying one thing and one thing only. I want blood.

“Either take that back, or you will be in more pain then you will ever imagine,” the words that came out of her mouth were more in a slight snarl then a full clear sentence.

“Why what you going to do, beat me up, leave me to die. You know for yourself that Lucifer needs me alive. You wouldn’t want to disappoint him now would you,” the words quickly flew out of my mouth. I didn’t even need to think about the comebacks now. They were coming completely natural. My gut instinct was telling me what to say and do and I was complying with it every time.

“No, but I will do this,”

Before I even had chance to second guess what she was about to do, she had one hand around my neck pulling to the side. She moved my hair out of the way so that the side of my neck was fully exposed. I knew what she was going to do. I tried wriggling out of her hold, but the more I tried, the tighter she got. I was choking to death in her vice like grip and there was nothing I could do about it. My body was growing too weak to try and fight her off. Even if I tried I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do it, she was too fast and powerful for me. She sank her teeth quickly into my skin.

I could feel the veins and arteries breaking and severing under her teeth. The warm blood from my neck was now cascading down my skin and onto my chest. I went limp. I couldn’t move. It was too late. There was nothing I could do now. My heartbeat was beginning to fade. I began to panic. What was she trying to do to me? Kill me? Drain me as close to death as possible? I didn’t know, but this time I did care. The seconds passed by like minutes. The pain was overwhelming. I couldn’t think, I could hardly breathe. I had no idea what was to come next. Just as quickly as Jane sank her teeth into my flesh, she let go. I dropped to the floor like a rag doll. Just lying there in a slowly growing pool of my own blood. Was I to die here? Was I going to survive? I didn’t know. Jane took a step back from me and looked down at me with a new look of wonder on her face. This was a look that I hadn’t seen on that face of hers. She seemed proud at what she had done. She knelt down in front of me, and whispered a sentence to me. “Now bitch, you can suffer like I have. I doubt your dear Paul will want you now that you are like me. A creature of the night. A vampire,”

My body was still limp but it was now feeling like it was on fire. The speed that the vampire venom was running through my veins was unbelievable. My body started tensing up. I could feel every single fiber of muscle begin to expand and constrict again. The pain was building rapidly. I wanted to scream out but I couldn’t. Then suddenly the pain stopped. I thought it was all over and done with. That I wouldn’t need to finish the transformation, but I was wrong. The whole of my body began to spasm. The bones felt like they were shifting but they weren’t. My internal organs were now feeling like they were getting pressed down by clamps and vices. The pain in my chest was rising. I didn’t know what the hell was happening to my body. I had always know what my body was doing, so for this to happen to me was not good. Just as I thought the pain was going to be subsiding soon, my head began to ache. It felt like someone had just hit me with a shovel at close range. My head was splitting. I began to arch and roll on the floor slightly as my body began to adapt to all the changes that it was making.

I just wish that I could go back in time and stop this from happening. I didn’t want Paul to see me as a vampire. My breaths became more deep and heavy. My heartbeat soon slowed, before coming to a complete stop. My muscles stopped twitching and retaliating against my body. My head no longer felt like it was going to split open at a seconds notice. Then finally the greatest pain of all, the heat that was building in my torso faded away into nothingness. I laid there on the floor. My body still weak and practically lifeless. The puncture wounds on my neck where Jane had bitten me were now healing. My canines suddenly elongated. I was finally whole again. But not the type of whole that I was before. I was now a vampire. I felt cold. I felt like there was no love inside of me. Was this the fate that I had been destined to get? I didn’t know, I don’t think anyone did. All I knew was that I was no longer human. I blinked so that my eyes would adjust. I turned my head to the side only to see Jane looking down at me with complete and utter glory. What was to become of me now? Would I make it as a vampire? Would I lose Paul? My mind was spinning. There was only one thing that I knew. That being that I wanted Paul here by my side.

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