Chapter 6: To Tame A Beast.

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I had stayed with Sarah and Amanda for nearly six months now. Sarah and I had grown closer over the time I was there. Even though she knew about my secret, she didn’t care. Amanda didn’t know, and I planned on keeping it that way. Sarah didn’t seem to have any problem about that.

Sarah and I were almost inseparable. The only time we were away from each other was at work. She’d be tending to patients and I would be sorting supplies and taking them to the emergency rooms. I would see her in the morning; we would ride to work together. I’d be lucky to see her again before we went home. After that, we were always together.

The months flew by. I felt better than ever.

We didn’t argue or fight. And I was starting to feel protective of her. But I had all but forgotten my life in Gaitsborough. I had contemplated going back to see everybody, but I decided against it. I knew Sarah would be by my side all the way. She wouldn’t try and stop me.

Even though I was with Sarah, Amanda still had a problem with me. I didn’t know why she didn’t like me, nor did I really care.

I hadn’t known Sarah long, but I knew I loved her more than anything in my life. Even though she laid beside me at night, I couldn’t help but think about her every waking moment. Not even in my dreams could I escape my love for her.

We were walking through the park in Santa Cruz, hand in hand. She had dyed her hair blonde, even now, she was still beautiful. The sun blazed over her porcelain skin, it was amazing. The contrast between my skin and hers was breathtaking. I had to catch my breath each time I looked at her.

She stopped walking suddenly, taking me off guard.

“What’s wrong babe?” I asked her curiously.

“Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s perfect.” She smiled up at me. She put her hands on the back of my neck to pull my lips to hers. I lifted her into my arms. When she was secure, she wrapped her legs around my waist. The sun blazed on to my back. When I lowered her back to her feet, I took off my white shirt. It felt better to feel the breeze on my back.

We carried on through the park, my arm over her shoulders, hers around my waist. We walked all the way back to the apartment to get the car.

We drove to the forests in Santa Clara. The roof down as we drove. Sarah rested her head against my shoulder. When we pulled up the edge of the trees, the sun was just setting. The heat still pressed against us. We moved for the shade of the trees. We walked for around twenty minutes before we settled.

We lay on the soft ground of the forest floor for nearly three hours before it happened. I heard a crunch close behind us, Sarah hadn’t noticed, but I did. I wasn’t sure what it was that made the noise but I knew it was big and it was close. I moved Sarah to a distance then crouched in front of her, facing the on coming danger, ready to shift at a moments notice. Then, loping through the darkness, a huge silver wolf appeared. I’d seen it before, but where? It wasn’t alone. A brown wolf, around the same size, was at one of its flanks, at the other, a human. Or at least, that was the way it seemed. The silver wolf obviously lead the group.

It stared up at me, its black eyes wide, almost as if I were staring into shadow. The human walked out of the shadows toward me. I saw that it was a woman. It was like I saw a ghost. 


“Paul? Is that you?” She asked me, shocked.

“Yeah, it’s me. Jesus Christ, what are you doing here Louise? And you brought some of the pack?”

“Not some of the pack, this is all that’s left of the pack. After you left, they just fell apart. Trey ran the night after you went. Then Eric, even Steven left. The only wolves left are John and Ann.” She said turning to the wolves behind her. I recognized them now. Ann, the sleek silver wolf. She had grown close to Elizabeth before it happened. And John, the great brown beast. His head never stopped moving, searching the area. Then his eyes locked on Sarah, he started to bear his teeth at her.

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