City Dogs: The First Generati...

By KonnerMeaden

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Paul Newman is just your average teenager, well he thought he was. This is a story of one man's struggle to c... More

Chapter 1: Howl At the Moon.
Chapter 3: Together.
Chapter 4: Prior Engagement
Chapter 5: New Home, New Beginnings.
Chapter 6: To Tame A Beast.
Chapter 7: Predator and Pray.
Chapter 8: Alone In The Dark.
Chapter 9: From the Shadow Comes the Dawn.
Chapter 10: The Alpha Rises
To The Reader

Chapter 2: Pack Life.

352 6 1
By KonnerMeaden

I ran Elizabeth home, with Angel and John either side of me. Angel was the smallest out of all three of us, but she was the most agile, hands down. Her pitch black fur blended well with the night. If it wasn’t for her eyes, I wouldn’t have known she was there. She was the closest to the size of a wolf than me and John. Being Alpha was pretty cool, the pack thought as one. It was strange at first, but the longer I was Alpha, the more natural it felt.

“Ok babe, here we are. I can’t stay tonight, I need to go see my Dad, and he probably still thinks I’m dead.” I told her when I stopped at the edge of the forest.

“Alright baby. I’ll see you later?” She asked.

“I’ll be around, I’ll howl when I’m outside.” I told her as she climbed down. I shifted my form so I could talk to her properly. “I’ll come by tonight. Leave your window open so I can get in.” I whispered as I lifted her in my arms so I could kiss her lips.

“Ok. Don’t wait too long to come back to me.” She smiled. She ran her fingers down my chest. “I mean that.” She said as she walked up to the house.

When she was inside, I walked back into the trees. I let the fire spread. It had felt stronger now that I was leading the Pack.

“So where to, Paul?” Angel asked me as we walked through the forest.

“Back to my Dad’s. I need to make sure he’s ok.” I told her. We began to run. It was a familiar track; it had been worn into the ground itself. We were there in minutes.

“Alright. Wait for me here, I’ll come out of my window.” I told them at the edge of the trees. I turned back to my human form and made my way to my house. It felt strange coming back here again. I knocked on the door. When he answered, my Dad nearly fainted.

“Jesus H. Christ, Paul, is that you?” He shouted.

“Yeah Dad, it’s me. Listen, I can’t stay long, I’m only dropping by to let you know I’m ok.” I told him.

“What? You can’t leave. Where did you go? Why did you go?” He asked.

“I just had to get away. I just had to straighten things out. I can’t stay Dad, I just need to get some stuff, and then I’m out. I’m sorry.” I said as I walked past him. This was going to be harder than I thought. I went into my bedroom and got a few pair of jeans and threw them into a backpack and left. When I tried to leave, my Dad tried to stop me.

“I won’t let you leave. Not again.” He told me as he blocked the door.

“Dad, just get out of my way. I can’t stay here.” I said.

“No. You’re not going anywhere.” He said out of desperation.

“Move or I’ll move you.” I told him, I just hoped he would move. I didn’t want to leave like this, but I had to.

“If that’s how it has to be, then so be it.” He said, tears growing in his eyes.

“I’m sorry.” I told him fighting back tears of my own. I grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him from the door. I didn’t let myself look back at him. If I had, I wouldn’t have been able to leave. I wasn’t sure if I still could but I had to push myself to it. I knew I would hurt him, but it had to be done. I knew I wouldn’t be going back; I had to make sure he did too.

“I’ll be watching out for you Dad.” I whispered as I walked back out the door. I walked back to the forest with my back pack. I met John and Angel near the edge of the trees; I threw my bag to John while I shifted.

“Hey Boss, where to now?” John asked me.

“Back to Elizabeth’s place, that’s where I’m staying now. You guys can head home; you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.” I said.

“Is that an order?” Angel asked with a laugh.

“No, I’m not ordering anyone. It’s your choice, stay or go home, your call.” I told them. I took the bag from John and made my way to Elizabeth’s house. They followed me all the way. I stood at the edge of the forest and dropped the bag. I let out a long howl. I knew she had heard it. She came to her bedroom window and opened it.

“Ok guys, I’m heading in, I’ll talk to you tomorrow when I shift. There’s only one command I’m going to make.” I said.

“What’s that?” Angel asked.

“Don’t get seen.” I told them before I shifted. I grabbed the bag from the ground and took a running jump up into Elizabeth’s window. She didn’t hear me come in.

“Hey baby. You took your time.” She smiled when she saw me.

“Yeah, my Dad wouldn’t let me leave. He knows I’m not going back, but I’ll be looking out for him.” I said. I sat down on the big double bed and put my head in my hands. “How could I do that? Just when I’d come back, I left again. What kind of son would do that?” I asked myself out loud.

“One that knew they were doing the right thing to protect those they care about.” Elizabeth answered as she sat down beside me. I put my hand on her leg and looked into her eyes.

“I’m not sure I can do it anymore.” I told her.

“Do what?” She asked.

“Hurt the people that mean the most to me. I mean, when I left I hurt everyone. I hurt you, my Dad and my friends. And I just hurt my Dad again. I can’t do this anymore.” I told her.

“Then don’t leave us again.” She said simply before she kissed my lips.

“I promise babe, never again.” I smiled at her. “I’ve got to get some air; I’ll be like a half hour, tops.”

“Ok, do what you need to do. I’ll be here waiting for you when you get back.” She assured me. I stood up and kissed her forehead. I dived out the window and shifted in mid-air, I ran for the trees when I landed.

I ran and ran. I just had to get my head straight. Faster, go faster. I told myself. I ran to the heart of the forest.

What I saw when I got into the clearing at the heart of the forest sent a chill down my spine. Blood, ripped flesh. Something horrible had happened.

“Paul, what are you doing here?” Said a voice that came from behind me. Louise. I shift back so I could talk to her.

“Louise, what the hell happened here?” I asked her.

“Come on, Paul, remember, I’m a vampire. This is my feeding time.” She told me with a twisted smile.

“So, who was it? Anyone I know?” I asked her.

“Not if you’re on first name terms with the local deer herd.” She laughed. “What? You thought I was a killer?”

“I don’t know. I just presumed that you fed off of people.” I admitted.

“Nah, not my thing. Animals put up more of a fight.” She told me. “So what brings you to my neck of the woods?”

“I needed some air. Just had to get out for a while.” I told her.

“So where you going now? Are you leaving?” She asked.

“No, I’m sticking around. How could I leave? I promised Elizabeth I’d never leave, plus I’m Alpha in the pack now.” I told her.

“Hot damn, you’re Alpha already? I got to admit, I didn’t think you’d beat John so early.” She told me. I laughed at her.

“Yeah well, I aint going to take orders from a little punk like him.” I smiled. I left the clearing and decided to call it a night and go back to Elizabeth.

Over the next few weeks, we spent almost every minute together. We were only separated for around two hours at the most, and that was only because I had to run border patrol with the pack. We were almost always together because, Elizabeth had left school, and I had no intension of going back.

When I ran boarder patrol, I made sure we ran by my Dad’s house. It had been nearly three months since I had last spoken to him. I knew I couldn’t go back, purely because I knew if I went back, I wouldn’t be able to make myself leave, and that would put him in danger. I couldn’t do that to my Dad.

I remember going back to Elizabeth’s place after doing the boarder run; I went through the window as usual. Something was wrong. Something had changed. Where was she? I could smell her on the air. But there was another scent on the air. Something not human, but not a wolf or vampire either. I picked up my cell phone and called the person I knew would be able to help. Louise.

“Hey Paul, I’m kind of busy here. Can I call you back?” She asked me.

“No Louise, you can’t. I need your help. I think something’s happened to Elizabeth.” I told her. I looked around the room again. That was when I found a note nailed to the headboard of our bed. It said, if you ever want to see your woman alive again, come to the clearing at midnight. Alone.

“I just found a note. I can tell this is a trap. But I have to get her back.” I said, my voice starting to shake.

“Wait for me to get to you first before you do anything.” She told me.

“Ok, I’m going to call the pack; it’s going to take all of us to save her.” I told her. I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. I ran and dived out of the window. I hit the ground at a run. I ran straight for the trees, shifting before I got past the first set of trees.

I got to the big oak tree. It had become a sort of Pack meeting place. I was the only one that was in wolf form. Even my connection with Elizabeth had been broken. It had never been this way before. I let out a howl to let the Pack know they should come to me. I sat by that tree for nearly ten minutes before Angel turned up.

“Where’s John?” I asked her.

“He’s on his way. He’s just sneaking out now.” She told me. “So what’s this about Paul?”

“Elizabeth’s missing. I could smell something in our room. It wasn’t wolf, human or vampire. We’re not going to be alone tonight.” I told her.

“What do you mean; we’re not going to be alone tonight?” She asked.

“I’ve called in some help from an old friend. She knows a lot more about other creatures than I do.” I said in a tone that meant I wasn’t to be argued with. I heard a branch sway above me. Louise was here. She dropped beside me like a feather.

“Her? Paul, do you know what she is?” Angel asked me.

“As a matter of fact, I do, that’s why I asked her to help. She knows more about this kind of thing than any of us.” I told her before I shifted.

“Ok Louise. Here’s the deal, when I went home, Elizabeth was missing and there was another smell in the air. It was nothing I’ve smelled before. I was hoping you might know what it is.” I told her.

“I’ll take a look. Lead the way.” She said. I led her from the trees and took her into the bedroom me and Elizabeth shared.

“So, anything you recognize?” I asked her.

“There were two creatures here. Another wolf. Not from the pack, so don’t worry about that. The other creature, I’m not sure. A centaur I think, but how would it enter? I can’t think how it would get in, I’m sorry Paul.” She told me, sadness in her voice.

“You mean to tell me, there are such things as centaurs?” I asked her.

“Yes there are. There are more creatures of myth than just vampires and werewolves.” She told me. I showed her the note that was left.

“The wolf wrote this. Centaurs are not this smart.” She said.  I could smell the centaur now. I knew the smell. I checked the clock. Nearly midnight.

I ran at the window and jumped through it. I shifted in the air. I could smell the centaur on the air now. I followed the smell.

“Hey Paul, where you going?” John said as he ran alongside me.

“Beat it John, I’m doing this alone. Go back and look after Angel.” I barked at him.

“No way. You can’t stand against a centaur and another werewolf alone.” He told me. He was right. I slowed down, but didn’t stop. A few seconds later, Angel and Louise were with us. I shifted. John and Angel did the same. I stopped and turned to face them.

“Right, here’s the deal. Elizabeth’s been taken by what we think is a centaur, and another werewolf from outside the pack and I’m going to get her back. I don’t know how, but I’ll figure it out.” I told her.

“Paul. You don’t know what they’re capable of. Centaurs are incredibly strong. Angel or John wouldn’t be able to take it down. It would have to take either you or me to kill it, maybe both.” Louise told me. I trusted her; I knew she was telling the truth.

“Ok, but I’m not going to put anyone in danger. I’ll keep the wolf and the centaur distracted while you three get Elizabeth out. And that’s not optional, as Alpha, that’s a command, no discussion.” I told them.

“You might be able to control them, Paul. But you can’t tell me what to do. I’m helping you. You can’t do it on your own.” Louise told me. She was right; I had no power or authority over her. She would help me, regardless of whether I wanted it or not.

“Fine, Louise, you can help me, but John and Angel, no matter what happens, your number one priority is to get Elizabeth out of there. Don’t worry about me and Louise; just get her out of there.” I told them. I had to tell them this as Alpha because, if I hadn’t, they wouldn’t have done what I asked. I hated to use my status to control them, but it had to be like this.

“Right, now we know how we’re going to do this, let’s go.” I told them. They agreed. I shifted and started to run again. I followed the scent of the centaur to the clearing at the heart of the trees. Louise followed us from the tree tops. It didn’t take long to get there. Before I entered the clearing, I could hear the sound of hooves. The centaur. I slowed down and so did the pack and Louise. I crept forward through the undergrowth. Angel and John spread out. I could feel Louise above me even though she moved softly. Then I saw it through the bushes, the centaur. It was huge, bigger than me and John together. It’s long, powerful legs moved like pistons to move it forward. The werewolf was close by, guarding Elizabeth. I could see her, tied to the trunk of a tree.

I had to do something. I couldn’t leave her like this. I could see cuts on her face and what looked like the start of a black eye. I let out a vicious bark. The centaur came towards me. I waited. I coiled myself for the strike. When it was about six feet away from me, I launched myself at its neck. I hit my target. I tasted blood. Louise was wrong; I could do this by myself. I heard the werewolf run at me. I wouldn’t be able to move fast enough. Then, out of nowhere, I heard a thud and an echoing crack. I looked over to where the wolf should have been and saw Louise stood on its body, it’s back broken. It let out one last howl of pain and fell silent. Its eyes glazed over into an eternal stare.

The centaur tried to move against my jaws. It couldn’t break free. It was only making things worse for itself. I decided it had suffered enough and snapped its neck with a quick move of my head. The wolf was dead and so was the centaur. Now all that was left to do was to get Elizabeth out of here and safe.

I shifted and ran towards her. I ripped the chains apart with one hand. She was unconscious, she fell into my arms.

“Louise, hold her so I can shift so I can take her home.” I asked her. Louise held her up so that I could let the fire take over. I walked back over to Louise and she lifted Elizabeth onto my back. I made sure she was secure before I started to walk. I couldn’t run encase she fell off.

John and Angel were beside me in seconds.

“And where the hell were you two?” I growled at them.

“Sorry Boss, we didn’t realize you had gone for the centaur.” John told me.

“You heard me growling at the damn thing. And when I sprang for it, you should have known.” I said, baring my teeth at him.

“Paul, it wasn’t John’s fault. It was mine.” Angel told me. “I wasn’t paying attention. If I had been on the ball, you wouldn’t have had to worry about Elizabeth. I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t care who’s fault it was or wasn’t, at the end of the day, neither of you had your head in the game. If you had been, Elizabeth would be home safe by now.” I told them both. I didn’t speak to them for the rest of the journey. It took a surprisingly long time to get home when you don’t run. When we got there, Louise took her off of my back so I could shift. I took her in my arms and jumped through the still open window. I pulled back the blanket on the bed and lowered her softly into bed. I kissed her forehead and stroked her hair from her face. I turned to go back through the window to the forest when I heard her turn. I saw a marking on her neck. Her shirt was torn. I followed the markings down her throat and over her chest. I knew these marks because I had the same ones. She was a werewolf. I went to leave to go back to the forest.

“Paul? Is that you?” I heard her say weakly.

“Hey sweetheart, yeah it’s me.” I whispered to her. “How you feeling?”

“A little beaten up, but I’m good.” She smiled.

“You’re going to be fine babe. Just get some rest. You’ve had a rough night.” I whispered as I kissed her bruised face. She ran her hand through my hair and turned over and fell straight to sleep.

“Good night baby. You’re going to need your rest.” I whispered. I jumped back through the window and went back to the trees. I shifted when I crossed the boundary.

“Hey Paul, is she ok?” Angel asked me.

“Yeah, she will be. She’s asleep. And I found something that might interest you.” I said.

“What?” John asked.

“Elizabeth has the markings of a wolf.” I told them with a hint of joy in my thoughts.

“Great, there can never be too many females in the pack.” John laughed.

“Hey! Keep your hands off her. She might be a female, but she’s off limits, you hear me?” I growled at him.

“Hot damn. Alright, I hear you Paul. Elizabeth’s a no-go area.” He said with a hint of disappointment in his thoughts.

“Good.” I said. Louise was stood in the shadows.

“Paul, can I have a word in private?” She asked. I shifted.

“Sure, what is it?” I asked her. We walked into the deeper part of the forest.

“Ok Paul, here the deal. In a wolf pack, whether its werewolves, or normal ones, there will always be fights for dominance. Not only between males, but with the females too.” She told me.

“Yeah, so?” I said.

“So, when Elizabeth joins, Angel will be above her due to the fact she has been there longer. When you became Alpha male, you had to fight for it. And if Elizabeth wants to be the dominant female, she will have to do the same.” Louise explained.

“There won’t be any fighting. I won’t let Angel or Elizabeth hurt each other. Angel knows that I won’t allow it, and so will Elizabeth.” I told her.

“That won’t work Paul. That’s not how a wolf pack works. If a wolf wants to be dominant, they have to earn it, be they male or female, it all works the same.” She told me. I knew she was right, no matter how much I hated to admit it. If Elizabeth wanted to be Alpha female, she would have to earn it, the same way I had earned my place as Alpha male. It wouldn’t be easy for me to let happen, but I wouldn’t have a choice.

“Fine.” I said. I shifted back and walked to where I had left the pack. They were sat waiting for me.

“Angel, when Elizabeth joins us, will you be thinking of yourself as the dominant female?” I asked her.

“I don’t know. I’ve always been the only female in the pack, so probably, yeah I guess I will.” She said.

“Ok, but chances are, Elizabeth will want to have a higher status, like I have. If she does, you know what will happen between the two of you don’t you?” I asked.

“Yeah I do. And don’t worry Paul; I won’t hurt her if it comes to it.” She said confidently.

“Well we don’t know what Elizabeth’s going to be like when she finally changes. She might be more powerful than you Angel. We’ll just have to wait and see.” I told her. I left them a few minutes later and went home. When I got back to our bedroom, Elizabeth was still in bed, but she looked a hundred times better. Her black eye was practically healed; there were no cuts on her face. She was still asleep. I didn’t want to disturb her, so I shifted and curled up on the floor next to the bed and drifted to sleep.

The next morning, I was woken up by Elizabeth. She had curled up beside me. When I opened my eyes, she had put her arm over me. I could smell the sweet scent of her breath on the air. I shifted back to my human form without waking her. I gently lifted her in my arms. Before I could put her back into bed, she had locked her arms around my neck and kissed me with more intensity than she had before. We fell onto the bed. She laid on top of me, still with her lips firmly attached to mine. I didn’t plan on stopping her anytime soon. With what had happened the night before, we wouldn’t let anything come between us anymore. I grabbed her and swapped positions. Lust seemed to pulse through my veins. I couldn’t control it. My jeans came off easier than before. We couldn’t help ourselves. We let our bodies take over. It seemed to go on forever.

When I woke up next to Elizabeth, I noticed something had happened. There was a gaping hole in the headboard and the bed seemed to be about a whole foot lower. How long had it gone on for? I looked over to her. She was still asleep, she was smiling. Her hand still in mine. She must have been changing. She had felt a lot stronger than she had before.

I left before she could wake up. I launched myself through the window and shifted in mid-air. I was being followed. Elizabeth was awake. I turned to face her. What I saw shocked me. I saw her, but something I didn’t think was possible had happened. She was even more beautiful than before. I shifted and watched her. She was the single most beautiful thing on the planet. How could something this perfect be a werewolf? I couldn’t understand it. I realized how she had come to be like me. I remembered last night and just before I became the Alpha male. The reason she was like me. One word. Sex.

“Hey baby.” She smiled at me.

“Wow.” I stuttered.

“You know, it’s rude to stare.” She giggled.

“I know, it’s just….. Wow.” I said. She laughed and kissed me.

“So, I guess I’m a werewolf now. Now we never need to be apart.” She smiled at me. I kissed her forehead.

“Never. Even with being a werewolf, I’m surprised that you’ve healed this quickly. When I fought John, it took me a few days to heal up. You were attacked by a centaur and another werewolf.” I told her.

“Yeah, but I had something you didn’t. I had someone who could protect me and love me. You’re the reason I’m healed. I love you.” She said to me, pressing herself to me. I stroked her hair and kissed her lips gently.

“Well, if you’re going to be a real wolf, you need a pack, and it just so happens that I know a few local wolves.” I laughed “Have you figured out how to change yet?” I asked her. She shook her head. “Ok, can you feel the little fire in your chest?”

“Yeah, I was wondering about that to be honest.” She told me.

“Right, well you need to let go. Let the heat spread through your body. That’s the wolf inside of you.” I told her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. I saw all of her muscles relax. Then it happened. I saw her clothes rip. There, stood in front of me. The most beautiful grey wolf I’d ever seen. This was still too big to pass as a regular wolf. It was around the same size as your average motorcycle. I smiled to her and shifted.

“You did it babe. How you feeling?” I asked her.

“Strange. How did you live like this for nearly a month?” She asked.

“It’s not easy. But you’ll get used to it.” I told her “If you let go enough, instinct takes over.”

“That explains last night.” She laughed.

“I think we both let go a little bit with that babe.” I told her. “Come on; let me show you what you can really do.”

“Ok, let’s go.” She said enthusiastically. I started to run. She was beside me in a matter of seconds.

“Now, isn’t this a lot easier than riding on my back?” I laughed.

“Yeah it is. But don’t you get tired?” She asked me.

“At first you do. But after a few weeks, you get used to it. Trust me on that.” I told her. We ran side by side for a couple of hours before we started to slow down. We were near the village I hunted close to when I left.

“What are we doing here?” Elizabeth asked me.

“I’m going to show you how to be a real wolf.” I told her. I was actually getting her ready for her upcoming fight with Angel. She had to be prepared.

“Ok, teach me.” She said.

“Right, first thing. Tracking. What can you smell?” I asked her. She paused for a minute before she answered.

“Something warm. Big. Fast.” She said.

“Follow the smell.” I told her. She bolted into the trees. I followed behind her, keeping my distance. I was giving her the chance to tap into the beast inside of her. She stopped, staring through the trees. I stayed back, but I could see what she was tracking. A huge stag deer. She started to creep forward. Then she leapt for the animal’s throat. The stag struggled but it didn’t last long. It was the most graceful hunting I had ever seen. I walked towards her. She looked up.

“So what do you think?” She asked me.

“Beautiful. Graceful. Magnificent.” I said.

“So what now?” She asked.

“Well you just caught breakfast. Dig in.” I told her.

“What? You have got to be kidding me.” She said shocked.

“Well the way I see it, there’s no point in killing something to just waste it. So you hungry or not?” I asked.

“No, I think I just lost my appetite. You go ahead.” She told me.

“Ok.  You should start getting used to killing what you eat babe.” I said before I started to eat.

We started to walk home. We were nearly half way home when I heard it. Men talking behind us.

“Keep moving. Don’t look back.” I told her. She didn’t say anything. She knew what was happening. Hunters. I stopped and let out a loud, echoing howl. The pack was already by my side.

“Angel, take Elizabeth and get out of here. John, I’m going to need your help on this one.” I told them. Angel took Elizabeth and ran.

“I want to stay with you Paul. You said we would never be separated again.” She said. I couldn’t think as her boyfriend now. I had to protect them all. I had to think as the Alpha.

“Go!” I shouted to her and Angel. “John. You ready?”

“Yeah Boss. Let’s do this.” He told me. Angel and Elizabeth had already gone. I turned to the hunters. I could see there were six of them. No problem. One had a gun; he wouldn’t get the chance to load it. I growled. John saw I was ready. I ran at the man holding the gun. He tried to load it but I snapped it with one bite.

“No deaths, John. Bite to injure, nothing more.” I told him.

“Got you.” He said as he charged one of the hunters. They didn’t take long to incapacitate. We ran back to the big oak tree where Angel and Elizabeth were waiting for us.

“Oh my God! Are you hurt?” Elizabeth asked as she nuzzled my fur.

“Nah, I’m fine. It’s going to take more than six guys with one gun to keep me down baby. Don’t worry about it. Angel, thank you for keeping Elizabeth safe.” I said.

“No problem Paul. So, would Elizabeth be the new addition to the pack?” She asked.

“Yeah I am. And I’m Alpha female, just so you know.” Elizabeth said before I could answer.

“Well, looks like we got a fight on our hands.” Angel said.

“Let’s go then.” Elizabeth told her, she launched herself at Angel before she had finished talking. They battled for nearly half an hour without a break. It was vicious. It was hard to watch. It looked as if Angel was about to win. Elizabeth was on the floor. I was about to step in, but Elizabeth threw herself for Angel’s throat and kept her down. She was Alpha female. She would stand by my side. We would lead the pack together.

“Congrats Elizabeth. You’re the better She-wolf. You win.” Angel told her when Elizabeth had finally let her up. Elizabeth came and stood at my side.

“You did well baby. I didn’t know you had it in you.” I told her.

“Well you told me earlier about letting instinct take over. I just gave into it.” She said smugly. I rubbed my massive head across her fur. I loved her.

“I think we should go home babe. It’s been a long day.” I said to her.

“Yeah. Let’s go.” She agreed. We both shifted. Both of our clothes hadn’t lasted when we shifted this morning. We walked through the trees hand in hand. She didn’t feel as cold as she normally did. Werewolf life suited her very well. It seemed she was born to be a wolf. We reached the boarder of the trees. She kissed me and launched herself for the open window. Even now, after the brutal fight with Angel, she was still graceful. When she was inside, I jumped too. She was waiting for me. Her cuts from the fight had already healed themselves. I lifted her in my arms.

“I am so proud of you babe. You were amazing today. I’m sorry that I shouted at you earlier when the hunters were close by, but you had to leave. I couldn’t let you get hurt.” I told her.

“It’s fine. You couldn’t just look after me. You had John and Angel to worry about too. You’re the Alpha, I understand, it’s hard. But now I’m top female, I can help you. You don’t have to do it by yourself baby.” She said as she kissed me. I pulled her towards me. My lips slipped down her neck. Over her chest and further south. We went on like that for hours. Thank God for werewolf stamina.

When she woke me up in the morning, Elizabeth was stroking my hair as she smiled at me. We were laid on the remains of the bed.

“Hey baby.” I said, still half asleep.

“Morning my Big Bad Wolf.” She smiled at me. There was that twinkle in her eyes again. I kissed her lips softly.

“Elizabeth, I’m sorry. Not many things can tire me out, but hot damn. I love you, I think you’re amazing, but I need rest. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s great. But I’m just a man.” I told her.

“Oh, it’s fine. Let me.” She smiled. Before I had time to say anything, she was on top of me. I had been wrong. I didn’t need rest. As soon as our skin touched, I had as much energy as I had the night before. I loved her.

When we woke up again, night had fallen. I stroked her face and kissed her forehead.

“You got it out of your system yet baby?” I asked with a smile.

“Yeah, I think so. I feel really drained.” She said sleepily.

“Ha ha, you feel drained?” I said with a laugh.

“I think I need some air, can we go hunt?” She asked me.

“Sure we can. What’s brought on the change? You actually want to eat something you kill?” I asked curiously.

“I don’t know. I just got a craving for meat. Well, other than yours.” She said with a smile.

“Ok baby. I’ll let you get yourself ready, I’ll be outside.” I smiled.

“Ok, see you in a minute.” She told me. I launched myself through the always open window. I waited for her by the trees for less than five minutes. She seemed to float down to me from the window. When she was by my side, we shifted together. We ran through the forest as fast as we could. She was tracking her meal. I was after mine. Without warning, Elizabeth threw herself through the trees. I heard her teeth break what I was sure was bone. I walked to her. Sure enough there laid the body of an elk.

“Nice catch.” I told her.

“You want a bite?” She asked me.

“Nah, I’m good. I prefer something with a little more fight.” I said. I waited for her to finish before I started to hunt again. I picked up the scent I was following. Elizabeth was by my side all the way. I heard the roar of my prey.

“What the hell is that?” She asked me 

“A Grizzly Bear.” I told her simply. She gasped. “Ah it’s nothing. Fun to hunt. They put up a good fight.” 

She didn’t say anything for the next few minutes. I was concentrating on the bear. I barked at it. It turned and let out another roar as it stood on its back legs. It was around eight feet tall. I lunged for it. I tore at its legs, moving fast enough to avoid its huge paws. I positioned myself behind it and leaped at the back of its neck and clung on. It was strong. But I was stronger. It struggled under my teeth. I ended it quickly.

“Ouch.” Elizabeth whispered at the crunch of the bone.

“This is why I like hunting these things. I find deer boring. Give me a fighter any day.” I told her. “You want some of this?”

“No. I’m full.” She said. I ripped into the meat, it didn’t take me long to eat.

We walked to the big oak. I let out a howl to call the rest of the pack. It didn’t take Angel and John to arrive. They came from opposite directions. John sat beside me and Angel beside Elizabeth.

“What’s up Paul? You don’t usually call a meeting at this time of night.” John asked me.

“I know. But I need to know. How’s my Dad? I haven’t seen him months. How’s he holding out?” I asked.

“He’s fine; it looks like he’s got a new lady friend.” Angel told me.

“Oh yeah? What’s she like?” I said.

“Tall, blonde, pretty. I think he’s happy. But whenever he hears one of us, I think he’s hoping it’s you.” She said. I hung my head. Elizabeth nudged me with her nose.

“You ok baby?” She asked me.

“Yeah, I will be. I need to see him. Explain things.” I said.

“Ok, first thing tomorrow. We’ll go see him.” She told me.

“Thanks. I need to do this.” I told her. I had to explain things to my Dad. I couldn’t leave things the way they were. It was months since I had last spoken to him. How would he react when he saw me on his doorstep? I would see in the morning.

Elizabeth led the way home. It was at least, four o’clock in the morning. We shifted and leapt through the window together. We settled down quickly. I dragged the mattress onto the floor. This was more comfortable than laying on the pile of chippings that we had made over the past few days. When we lay down to sleep, Elizabeth rested her head in my chest.

“I love you.” She whispered.

“You’re my world.” I whispered back. She drifted to sleep before I did. I listened to her breathing, my eyes closed.

The end of a long, long month. The start of the rest to come.

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