
By Trebor90

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This is the story of a boy that isn't exactly what he thinks he is. Not a vampire, not a werewolf - these ar... More

Coma's End
My Body
Beach Again
Dreams of Death
High School Begins
Lance Gordon
For the Team
Fall from on High
Pep Party
Hanging Out
Surf's Up
Lance, Again
School Dance
Disaster Hits
Dr. Richard Mos
The Secret of the Neurosynths
Jillian the Neurosynth
The Neurosynth Deal
The Blank Out
Adam and Eve
Brain Scans
Back To School
Party Again
Stressed Out
The Secret of Neurosyn
Dr. Gold
Life and Death

Surprise Writing

157 1 0
By Trebor90

The next day there weren't any problems. Jillian and I got up about 30 minutes earlier than usual and completed an eight mile run down to the beach, then along the beach, through a park and then back home. When we got home we had sex three times, then took a shower, got dressed, had breakfast and then began our day. This was going to be the new routine. I could definitely tell there was something wrong with Jill, though. The first time we has sex she was like a starving baby grasping for her bottle. I didn't think that was quite normal, and it was actually kind of scary. She was, however, smoking hot, as Lance described, and I definitely needed a shower to clean everything off afterwards. The sex was fantastic, but I really wasn't sure where this was going and if it would get even more wild. I needed to find another solution for Jill's problem.  This was not sustainable.  I owed that to Manda as well as myself and my guardian dad. One positive thing I noticed was that dad and Jill had a more restful night. They only had sex twice and it was much less violent. Dad actually looked rested the next day for the first time in a long time. In a way I was helping him but it was a bizarre way to do it.

The school day that day went fine. Everyone seemed busy so I could not talk to anyone and was not sure what to say if I did. I basically came back from school, did my homework and went to bed.

Then something really weird happened the following day. It was very early in the morning and when I stumbled into the bathroom to relieve myself I saw something shocking on the bathroom mirror. Someone had written two sentences:




I was totally surprised.  My first reaction was 'how could Dr. Mos write this if he were dead?'  Then I wondered if Jill wrote it. I guessed there was some possibility that dad wrote it but I didn't think so. I decided I would show it to Jill first because I didn't want dad to see the comment about Jill. Dad usually left for work very early. I took a bath in the bathroom to kill time until dad left and then went looking for Jill.

When I found Jill she was just getting up and was wearing just a sleeveless T shirt and no bottom. I could tell from the look in her eyes she thought I might be coming in the room for sex and she was definitely ready for it but I quickly shut down that idea and told her I wanted to show her something in the bathroom. She followed me in there.

Jill immediately saw the mirror and put her hand to her mouth.

"Oh my God, Cole!  It's him!"

"You mean it's really Dr. Mos?  How can that be?"

"Cole, I mean you wrote it but Mos actually wrote it through you.  What is amazing is it's even in Mos's handwriting!  See how he makes his T's.  If you look through his lab notebooks you will see that same kind of T," said Jillian.

"So, what are you saying?  Somehow Mos was able to take control of my body during the night and have me sleepwalk over here and write this in the mirror with bar soap?"

"That is what it seems like, Cole.  Dr. Mos is trying to express himself and emerge from your body in some way.  Maybe he is having trouble doing that," she said.

"How long did it take your 73 year old mind to wake up in your body?" I asked.

"I think I was further along than you are with Mos at this point.  That is why I said I think he is having trouble emerging," she said.

"Do you know any way to speed up the process?"

"I don't know, Cole.  I always wondered about the possibly of using using hypnosis.  You know how that can sometimes bring out memories and things buried in the mind?  Maybe Mos's mind is somehow buried in you new Cole mind?"

"I think your right.  I like the idea of using hypnosis.  Maybe your husband can hook me up with someone that can do that with all the connections he has through his work.", I said.

Jillian was just standing there in the bathroom with the sleeveless T-shirt, which was a crop top style exposing her stomach and everything else.  She suddenly took that one thing off and was standing before me totally naked and said, "Cole, let's change into our running outfits.  I know its a little earlier than usual but that will give us more free time when we finish our run."

I was sure Jill went naked to flirt with me, and she wasn't in any hurry to leave the bathroom either, making sure I got a good look at her to prime me for our later activities. I knew what her plan of starting to run earlier meant for her too.  It meant more time for sex before going off for the day.

I felt myself starting to get hard and saying "Okay", before I half thought about it.  It seemed again like my body made decisions before my mind did.

She suddenly looked back at the mirror.

"Now, let's erase these comments from Mos," she said.  "I don't think my husband will understand what Mos means by you helping me.  I don't want to have to explain that." 

She picked up a wash cloth and wet it and rubbed out the mirror.

"Do you know what he means by saying don't trust Thorne?", I asked.

"No.", she said.

I went into my room and picked out a T-shirt and exercise shorts and put on my socks and running shoes.  My mind bounced back and forth between hypnosis, sex, and enjoying the run.  I particularly wondered about hypnosis:  'Was that something that actually could work or was it a parlor trick?'

After the run we did come back earlier, but I was in no mood to have sex more than three times with the extra time.  Instead, I did it to her much slower to waste the time, which I found drove her even more wild with anticipation, but I didn't care.  She was just this smoking hot brainless sex animal.  Sometimes she would go into a frenzy when she was climaxing and would claw the hell out of me.  I had scratches on my arms and back and a few on my chest which I didn't like at all.  I also found she bit me on the shoulder perhaps because I went slower.  It was like I was having sex with some animal in the woods.  This whole thing was nuts.  I wondered how much more crazy she was going to get as time went by, and I also wondered and worried if I might become like her as I got older.  She provided smoking hot sex, though, so my body loved it even though my brain thought it was stupid.  My own neurosynth instinct was confusing me.  Could her problem be solved with drugs or something?  Maybe a drug could control it for me too.  Maybe when Mos emerges in me he would know.  I needed Mos to start helping to fix some of these problems.  I didn't see this going on forever.  I felt trapped.  With all the scratches and now a bite mark on me I was now worried how I would explain it to Manda when we were on our Adam and Eve date on Saturday.  She would see all that.  I looked like I was attacked by an animal.  In a way, I was.

I sat with Manda on the bus that morning heading towards school and I was cleaned up and normal looking compared to the way I looked a couple of days before.  She was as beautiful, and as warm to me as ever.  I knew I was very fortunate to have a girl like Manda, especially because I was not worth all that much being the monster that I really was.  I was able to hide all the scratches and the one bite mark under my clothes.  I was thinking, 'there were four more days before my Adam and Eve date with Manda so hopefully things wouldn't look too bad by then.  I would bandage the bite mark so she could not see it.  The scratches could be explained away as caused by working in the rose garden or falling out of the tree while pruning'.  I knew I would hate lying to my girl on Saturday during the date but I did not know what else to do to protect her from all this stupid stuff.  I was not allowed to tell her anything about my situation, and I did not want to cancel the date on her.

The school day went great and I did well in all my classes.  Manda and I kissed a lot that day between classes.  Manda seemed to sense that I needed that.

"Are you okay, Cole?" she asked while we were between classes in the hall.  "I mean you look good, but I sense something about you is different since last weekend."

"Manda, I am basically okay, but I learned some things about myself that I am not happy with and am not allowed to tell anyone.  Unfortunately, I can't even tell you, and I am not happy about that either.  I'm not allowed to.  I want you to know everything about me, as much as I know."

"What do you mean you can't tell anyone, and you can't tell me?", she asked.

"I probably should not have even told you that, but I just can't say.  Maybe in the future I can tell you.  I don't know.  I hate it.  I want to tell you."


"But, Manda, I want you to know that no matter what happens to me I love you with all my heart."

"Are you in danger?"

"I don't think so, but I don't even know that, and if I did I probably could not tell you that either.  I am sorry.  It's all weird stuff.  I will tell you one thing, Manda, if it gets to the point where you need to know I will tell you no matter what they say.  Remember, that not only do I love you but you are worth more to me than life itself."

"That's why you risked your life to save me, right?"

"Exactly.  I will never let anything happen to you."

"Are you saying that I am in danger from something?", she asked.

"No.  You will always be safe.  You have to trust me on that."

"I do.", she said and gave me a long hug.  After a moment of silence she said softly, "But, I don't want anything to happen to you either."

I looked into her eyes and noticed that she was tearing up a little while she searched my eyes.

"Hey, we are going to have a good time this Saturday, right?", I said.

"Maybe, but I think I'm just going to want to hug you tight all day," she said.

"No, Manda.  Let's also try to find some new fish for our collection, okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

We separated and went to our different classes.  I just loved Manda so much and was so amazed by her that I was really beginning to worry more and more that I was not worthy of such an incredible, beautiful girl.  It bothered me that my body belonged to a rapist terrorist and half my brain belonged to a 72 year old man that was probably creeping on Manda.  And to make matters worse, I now had to lie about screwing around with the wife of my guardian dad, and all of that had to be kept secret too.  The pattern of what I seemed to be was very consistent.  I was garbage; I was sort of a laboratory experiment that went wrong and created a freak. What was I doing trying to date a perfect girl like Manda?  Manda really needed to find a normal boy for a boyfriend.  For me,  it did not look like things were heading in a good direction.  Even though I loved Manda more than life itself, I felt like I was being selfish trying to keep her for myself.  Maybe the proper thing to do was to sacrifice myself in some way to protect Manda.  I did not have to die, but I needed to be out of her life.

Later that day on the the bus on the way home I was a bit quiet, and Manda was okay with that.  We still looked at each other and smiled and I held her hand.  She knew there was a lot on my mind.

That evening while lying in bed I thought of Manda a lot.  I could not think of anything about her that was bad or negative.  She was about as perfect a girl as anyone could ever hope for.  I thought it was strange that my very first girlfriend was so perfect.  I could not understand why she even wanted to be with me.  There were plenty of other guys of all types in the school.  Some of were quite nice, very smart and good looking.  Some of them were fun with a good sense of humor, laughed a lot, and seemed to care a lot about girls and treated them well.  I just did not get why Manda wanted me.

I dozed off dreaming about her and how beautiful she was.  I was looking forward to seeing her on our date.  Maybe she would dance for me again.  I enjoyed seeing the beautiful sculpture of her amazing beautiful body.  I felt myself getting turned on.

Suddenly I began to realize my turning on was not from Manda. It was pitch black in my room but there was somebody in my bed stroking my organ and that was turning me on.  I immediately  realized it was Jill.  I stuck my hands out under the covers and realized she was totally naked in the bed next to me.

"Jill, what are you doing here?  You aren't supposed to be here." I said.  She continued to stroke me and I was hard and she knew it.

"Cole, I think we should have sex.  My husband's away on a business trip for a couple of days, so we can have sex all night long if you want.  I know you enjoy it.  I can feel that."

"Oh, Jill!!  Why do you need to have so much sex?", I whined.

"I just do.  You know my problem if you want to call it that.  Nobody else would understand.  Since my husband is gone I don't have anyone to have sex with at night time.  The only sex I get is with you in the morning.  Please, Cole, just do it.  It does not take long and I know you enjoy it.  It's no big deal for you, but it's a really big deal for me."

So, I ended up having sex with her a couple of times, and yes I enjoyed it.  She wanted to do it more but I wouldn't let her.  I was exhausted and fell asleep.  She fell asleep next to me.


Suddenly I found myself being shaken by her trying to wake me up.

"No, Jill!!  I'm not going to screw you anymore tonight!!  Go to sleep!", I yelled at her. "Please!!"

She put her face up to mine.  It was still dark but I could feel the warmth of her being near.

"Oh, I'm sorry Cole.  It's not about that.  It's about the mirror.", she said.

"What do you mean?", I asked

"I noticed you got up out of bed a few minutes ago and wrote on it and then went back to bed.  I watched the whole thing. I felt you move and I thought you wanted to have sex with me so that woke me up, but instead you got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom and into the bathroom.  It was really spooky.  You then turned on the light and took the bar soap in your hand and wrote another message", she said.

I jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom in my shorts.  Of course Jill followed me but she was totally nude, making the scene seem a bit ridiculous.  We both  looked at the mirror and it read:




It was a bit chilly in the house and it was still very late, around 3:30 AM so I went back to bed.  Without hesitation Jill also went back to my bed and lay next to me.  I did not chase her away.

"I think we need to get a hypnotist that is qualified that we can trust as soon as possible", I said.

"Yeah.  I will ask my husband.  I am a bit worried about the project security.  We need to set it up right so he can do the hypnotism, and put you in a trance, and then maybe leave the room."

"Probably", is all I said.

We just lay there in the dark.  I could not see her but I could sense her breathing and feel warmth radiating from her.

"Jill, what do you feel when you have sex?"

"Umm... What do you mean?"

"You seem to like it an extraordinary amount.  Why is that?  What are you feeling?", I asked.

"Well, its the most pleasurable thing I have ever experienced by far.  Nothing comes close......And Cole, when I think back to my past life as a regular person its far far more pleasurable now as a neurosynth.  I think it is a hundred times more intense.  Every single nerve in my body is on fire and tingling.  My whole body seems to be focused on it, and electrified by it.  Its becomes the most important thing that I can do.  Nothing else matters."

"How much sex do you need?"

"Well, I don't know.  As much as I can have, I guess.  I don't know what the limit is."

We just lay there for a while and then I spoke again.

"Do you realize that we have had sex five times today already?  Isn't that enough?"

For a while she was quiet.

"No, Cole.  It really isn't.  I'd love for you to have sex with me again right now if you want.  If you want to, please don't hesitate.  I really enjoy it.  I find myself tingling just thinking of it".

I found myself starting to get hard again but did not say anything to let her know that.

"Jill, we need to find another way.  Do you know that earlier today while having sex you scratched me all over my back, my arms, and you also bit me?"

"No!  I didn't do that."

"Yes you did.  Don't you even know what is happening to you when you are climaxing in sex?  It seems like you blank out."

"Ummm  Yeah, I know I sort of blank out sometimes.  Sometimes the pleasure gets so intense my nerves seem to overload and it shuts off all my other feelings.  It's pretty intense.  My eyes even turn off like I am momentarily blind", she said.

"Don't you think that's a little strange and maybe dangerous?", I asked.

For a long time she didn't say anything.

Then, I could hear her start to sniffle a little and cry.

"Yeah, thats why I need you Cole.....   I am afraid if I had sex with some guy outside the family I might get killed or beaten up.  A whole bunch of men might rape me and beat me and I would be blanked out and not able to help myself.  Plus, I don't want to do that.  I am trying to be faithful to my husband.  I don't want people to know about my sexuality.," she continued.

I laid there for a while and then thought of something to say.

"You know I  kiss you when I have sex with you."

"No, Cole!  I did not know that!  Your not supposed to do that.  We have a neurosynth deal.  We are not lovers.  We are just having sex.  My love is for my husband.  Yours is for Manda"

"Well, I am sorry, but it's something that I do when I have sex.  You have to put up with that.  I guess it's my version of blanking out", I said.


We both laid there quiet for a while.



"Next week on Wednesday there are teacher's conferences so you have no school and I don't have to work.  It will just be us two in the house."


"Well, I was thinking we can just have sex all day without interruption.  You can test my body to see how many times you can do it to me before I finally get tired of it.  I have never found a limit.  Are you curious?  I am.  It will be fun."

"Jill, why don't you just use a dildo or something like other women.  This is ridiculous having to have sex so much.  Don't you think it's weird?"

"I have tried those devices.  They don't work for me.  It has to be real sex.  I don't know why but maybe they don't work because I can't operate those things when I blank out.  I need a man to have sex with.  Also, Cole, I don't know if I am weird or not.  Maybe I am weird compared to regular people, but I am a neurosynth.  Maybe other neurosynth females, if they existed, would be even more into sex than I am."

"Jill", I chuckled.  "It's hard to imagine anyone more sex crazed than you."

I heard her moan.

"I actually think you have a serious problem", I continued.  "....and it can and will endanger you.  We need to find a solution.  Maybe Mos can help us.  Its great that you enjoy sex, but taken to extreme it is dangerous to you physically as well as to your family, and your husband.  Don't you agree?  I am really worried about what it might do to me too. It's not just about you.  I think it is already affecting me in many bad ways."

"Yes it is a problem, but I will not agree to an operation that is like female mutilation which would destroy me."

"Of course not.  I would never allow that if I had any say in it, and I don't think anyone else will too.  I was thinking maybe Mos knows how to help you control this with a medication since he knows about the brain.  Think about that.", I said.  "I may need the medication too.  There are a lot of things we need Dr. Mos for.  I hope he emerges soon."

"Okay", she said.

Jill was quiet for a while.

"Cole, don't you enjoy sex with me?"

"I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I love least my body loves it. My brain thinks there is something wrong, though."

I lay there in bed worried about Manda and my whole relationship with her and my stupid secret.  I loved her so much I couldn't  imagine being without her, but maybe I might have to leave her. I got a big lump in my throat. There were major problems here and all around me and in me. I didn't want her getting hurt.

After a while I heard Jill gently snoring.  'Thank God", I thought.

I soon fell asleep too.

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