Surviving Sang

By Callabunny

52.8K 2.8K 1.1K

Sang Sorenson entered the boys' lives in a whirlwind. She brought them joy, innocence, kindness, and more tha... More

The Tickle Monster
Tongue Twisters
Hakuna Matata
Splish Splash
Possible Side Effects
Wake Up Call
I've Got Pizza Love
The Unraveling of Trust
The Precipice
The Healing Power of Hugs
18 Minutes in Heaven

Nurse Sang

3.9K 223 50
By Callabunny

IMPORTANT A/N (Really!!): If you guys have read 18 Minutes in Heaven and my Author Notes there, you'll know that the majority of one-shots are actually some FUTURE SCENES for Surviving Sang that I was too impatient to wait for.

So if you get a sense of deja vu during this scene, it might be because you've already read it. :) (However, I did make a good number of changes between the one-shot and here so things would flow better.)

Also...I posted chapter four 17 hours ago, and I know sometimes Wattpad can be silly about not going to your "current reading place." If you don't remember Sang and Nathan swimming, you might want to hop back a bit.

Chapter Five: Nurse Sang

"I really do not agree with this, Silas," North grumbled from his spot on the porch steps, fifteen minutes later. I rolled my eyes.

"North, you can say it one hundred different ways, man, but she's going to do it," Silas chuckled from beside me. I beamed at him and adjusted my grip on the baseball bat.

"Yes, North Star. Just because you stopped cursing or huffing and puffing doesn't mean I'm going to let you stop my fun," I smiled at him before turning back to Silas excitedly. "Can we start now?"

We'd just spent ages convincing North to let us play and going over the mechanics of swinging. I was tired of wasting time.

"Aggele, you're going to need to stop bouncing around," Silas laughed, taking a few steps away from me as we both heard North grunt. "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" I practically shouted, crouching a little like he showed me earlier and hiking up my grip. Silas walked further away to a bucket sitting in the grass. Nathan was still missing in action, but I tried not to worry too much.

"I still think she should start with T-Ball," North argued stubbornly. I turned and smiled at him fondly, shaking my head. "What, Sang Baby? Even Silas and I started out with T-Ball!"

"I'm not four years old, North," I gave him a stern look before turning back to my Superman. "Ready!"

"Okay. I'm going to throw the ball underhand first, Aggele," Silas warned me. "It'll arch up a bit, then come back down in front of you. Keep your eye on it, and don't swing too early. I know how impatient you are."

"Just throw the ball, Silas!" I grinned, wiggling the bat behind me. I placed my feet like Silas instructed and focused all of my attention on the ball in his hand. This would usually be difficult for me, with two handsome boys that I would much rather be looking at, but I was anxious to give baseball a try and I wanted them to be proud of me.

The bat was wooden and smooth beneath my touch, but that didn't stop North from making me wear batting gloves to avoid splinters.

I was pretty sure that wasn't the actual purpose of real batting gloves, but I didn't want to question North when he was already so grumpy.

The gloves were light pink. Of course. While I love how much the boys took my favorite color into consideration, sometimes it made me feel incredibly girly next to them. I already felt feminine enough, considering how masculine they all were. At times I felt like I should be embarrassed, but pink was my color as much as black was North's.

I also had enough pink now to be Pepto's mascot.

Then again, North had adamantly tried to make me wear his motorcycle helmet for this, so I suppose I was getting off lightly with just the gloves.

"Okay, Aggele. Eyes on the ball!" Silas called, pulling his arm back before bringing it forward and tossing the baseball towards me. It soared through the air, and I watched it with anticipation. My grip tightened almost painfully on the bat, and I tried to mimic what Silas taught me as the ball rushed closer. I took a step forward while bringing the bat around in a slow swing.


I missed.

"Oh," I frowned, glaring at the ball as it rolled back towards me after bouncing off the fence.

"Relax, Aggele," Silas looked at me, his eyes glinting with amusement that made my frown falter. "It was your first swing. You'll get the hang of it in no time."

"Or you can stop now, and we can go back inside," North grumbled. He was still slumped against the porch steps beside the pool, looking like his car had just been totaled. "We can watch The Rookie, and you can get your fill of baseball."

"North, don't you wanna play, too?" I asked, pointedly ignoring his suggestion. He was always playing some form of sports with Silas; I was surprised he was sitting out instead of joining us.

"Does it mean I can take your spot, and you'll sit out?" North asked hopefully. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Fine, don't play," I responded lightly, tilting my chin up and turning back to Silas. He picked another ball out of the bucket next to him, and I got my stance ready.

"Here we go, Aggele," Silas smiled, throwing the ball up. I fidgeted in anticipation again, kept my eye on the ball, and tried to swing faster.


The stupid ball hit off the fence again and rolled back towards me mockingly.

I heard Silas's deep laughter and turned to see even North cracking a smile.

"What?" I asked self-consciously, my finger finding its way to my lip. I didn't see anything funny happen. Were they laughing at me? Was I that bad at baseball?

"Nothing, Sang. Don't look so scared," Silas said through chuckles as he stopped laughing.

"You just do the cutest wiggle with your ass before you swing," North smirked, his eyes flicking down before his smirk widened.

"What?" I exclaimed, my eyes bugging out as my free hand went down to cover my bum self-conciously. "I do not!"

"Yes, you do, Aggele," Silas laughed, pulling another ball out of the bucket.

"No, I was just swaying back and forth to keep on the balls of my feet, like you showed me!" I tried to reason as I frowned.

"You did that, too, Aggele. But we're talking about when the ball was in the air and before you swung. You wiggled your pretty little ass both times," Silas grinned widely.

"Like a little dog waiting for a treat," North snorted, causing me to huff at them.

"Throw another one, Silas!" I ordered, cutting off their teasing.

"Yes, ma'am," Silas's grin turned cheeky as he got into position. I tightened my grip on the bat, absolutely determined to hit the ball this time. I zoned in on the ball and tried to forget everything else going on, including Silas's smirk as he flipped the ball over in his hand.

With a wink, he tossed the ball towards me and I grudgingly noticed that my hips were wiggling a bit as I waited for the ball to get closer. Pulling back the bat and stepping forward, I swung with every bit of strength I had in me. An embarrassing grunt escaped my lips, but I was too busy concentrating on that stupid ball to really care.

It was all worth it when I felt the bat vibrate in my hands and heard a satisfying clunk.

I was so happy that I'd made contact with the ball that my hands loosened their grip as I finished the forceful swing. My body jolted forward with the extra momentum, but I was able to right myself after a quick stumble.

I  wish I could say the same for the bat.

My eyes shot up, watching in dawning horror as the bat helplessly flew out of my hands and rotated in the air a couple times before finding its target.

There was another clunk.

That one didn't feel nearly as satisfying.

"North!" Silas bellowed from the grass a dozen feet in front of me. "γαμώ!"

I stood frozen in the grass as Silas ran towards an unmoving North who was slumped, unmoving against the porch steps.

"Oh my god," I whispered frantically, getting my butt into gear and racing towards the boys.

"North. Hey! Wake up, man," Silas barked, lightly slapping North's face as he leaned over him. I wasn't sure if slapping was very helpful or safe at the moment, but I'm not a doctor.

"North!" I squeaked, kneeling down on his other side. My fingers were shaking as they hovered an inch over his shoulder. "Is he okay, Silas? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean—"

"Relax, Sang," Silas cut me off and put his hands under North's shoulders, lifting his upper body off the ground. "Greenline Dr. Green and see if he can get here. Open the door for me, please."

"Okay!" I answered quickly, fumbling my phone out of my bra and running towards the door. Silas was dragging North behind me as I opened both the door and Dr. Green's app. I couldn't see North's face from here, but his head was lolled to the side and his body was limp. My heart squeezed painfully as Silas pulled him through the doorway.

"Nathan!" Silas bellowed into the house as Dr. Green's phone rang a second time.

"Pick up, Dr. Sean! Pick up," I mumbled anxiously as I raced behind Silas and North into the living room. Silas quickly heaved North onto the couch in a sitting position and laid his head against the back of it. I cringed when I saw the huge, red knot on the left side of North's forehead.

I'd done that.

I'd hurt somebody that I love.

"Pookie!" Dr. Green interrupted my thoughts as he answered the call. "Everything alright, sweetie? I was on a call with Owen when yours-"

"Dr. Sean! North's been hurt!" I exclaimed over the lump in my throat. "Please hurry, we're at Nathan's. I don't know what to—"

"Relax, Sang," Dr. Green interrupted me calmly, his voice losing any teasing. "I'm heading out to my car right now. What happened? Is North bleeding? Slurring words? Is he conscious?"

"He's not conscious, Dr. Sean!" I answered, my heartbeat speeding up as I looked at North passed out on the couch. Silas had disappeared into the kitchen, and I heard him yelling for Nathan again. "I'm so, so sorry. I hit him with a baseball bat!"

There was a short pause where the only sounds being heard on our line were my heavy breathing and soft whimpers.

"You hit him with a baseball bat?" Dr. Green's voice echoed in disbelief. "I'm sorry. Did I hear you correctly, Pookie?"

"Yes, but it was an accident!" I cried, taking a deep breath and hesitantly perching myself on the couch next to North's head. I gingerly touched his cheek, willing him to be okay. "I promise, I didn't mean to hurt him. We were just-"

"It's okay, Sang. Calm down," Dr. Green's soothing voice came through the phone, and I took another deep breath but didn't lose any of the tension in my shoulders. "What's important now is to get North to wake up. Where did the baseball bat hit him? Is it a head injury?"

"Yes, I hit him on the head," I whispered back, gently stroking North's hair away from the injury. It was a big, angry looking lump that seemed alien on his handsome face. I hated it.

"Aggele, move over a little," Silas instructed as he hurried back into the room. He had a big cup in his hand and Nathan was following quickly on his heels.

"Peanut, what—oh shit!" Nathan cursed when he noticed the state North was in. My eyes watered as I saw both boys' worried expressions, but I tried to stop myself from crumbling into a sobbing mess. Turning back to North, I focused on what Dr. Green was rambling about on the phone.

"—then make sure he doesn't move, if possible. Head injuries are incredibly complex, and we may not know what we're dealing with right away," Dr. Green continued when I tuned back into his voice.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Sean," I choked as I scooted back a little from North after Silas told me to. Nathan stuck a towel under North's head, then stepped back and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I missed everything you just said!"

"Don't worry, Sang. I'm almost there," Dr. Green answered calmly, soothingly. "I was mostly trying to distract you, anyways. Who else is there with you?"

As Nathan rubbed my shoulder, Silas took the cup in his hand and turned it upside down over North. Water splashed over his face, and he surged forward on the couch in a furious, spluttering mess. I wasn't sure if that's what Dr. Sean meant by waking him up, but I didn't care. North was alive!

"What the fuck, Si!" North roared when he saw Silas standing over him. Gasping, North wiped the water off his face before glaring at us. "Why did you—oh fuck!"

North bent over on the couch and grasped his head with both hands. I rushed closer and sat next to him, putting an arm lightly around his back.

"Calm down, North," Silas ordered, putting his hand on North's other shoulder. "You've got a head injury. You shouldn't be moving at all right now."

"So you poured ice, cold water on me?" North retorted, his voice much quieter but just as angry. "Asshole."

"North, I'm so sorry," I mumbled helplessly, rubbing his arm with my other hand. "I accidentally let go of the baseball bat...."

"Shit, Sang baby," North grumbled, rubbing a couple fingers over his temple and taking notice of the lump.

"Doc?" Nathan asked behind me, making me realize I'd forgotten about the phone call. "Yeah, they're okay. She dropped the phone when he woke up. How far out are you?"

Nathan continued talking to Dr. Sean while Silas sat by North and kept looking at him with concern. I felt so guilty for causing North's pain and everyone's worry. Gabriel was right to nickname me Trouble.

"Fuck, get me some ice," North ordered through clenched teeth, his eyes squeezed shut tightly. "And painkillers."

"Okay!" I squeaked while jumping off of the couch, but Silas just motioned for me to sit back down as Nathan and him headed for the kitchen. I hesitated before perching back on the sofa next to North.

"I'm so sorry, North Star," I whispered, slowly rubbing my hand up and down his back.

"Stop apologizing, Sang Baby," North sighed, eyes still closed. "You didn't do it on purpose. Just promise me you'll never play baseball again."

"No more baseball," I agreed quickly, until I remembered how fun it had been to hit the ball. "At least not unless everyone is wearing a helmet."

North just grunted in response.

Silas rounded the corner with a bag of ice in one hand and a pill bottle in the other. He was moving so quickly on his feet, I zoned out for a moment and just watched him. I'd never seen Silas move so fast unless he was doing hours with the others.

Silas was speaking to North in Greek, and North was grumbling back to him. I had no idea what they were saying, so I just sat there and tried to be comforting for North as we waited.

"North?" The front door slammed open, and I almost cried in relief at seeing Dr. Sean there. He had a big, red bag with him as he hustled over to us. "Tell me what's going on with you, North."

"Killer headache. Lights seem brighter, and everything is louder. Honestly, I've had worse hangovers. Already took four advil," North muttered to Dr. Sean, still rubbing his temples with both hands. I trailed my hand in a circle on his lower back, but his muscles stayed tense under my touch.

"First off, that is way above the recommended dose," Dr. Sean rolled his eyes in exasperation, but I took it as a good sign that he was joking around. Dr. Sean brought out a light stick and shined it in North's eyes, then he gingerly touched the bump as North winced.

"Is he going to be okay, Dr. Sean?" I asked softly while looking at North, trying to keep my voice quieter for him. I saw Dr. Sean move in the corner of my eye and turned to see him looking at me. He smiled before putting the light stick back in his bag. "Does he need to go to the hospital?"

"I think there's only one thing that will heal him, Pookie," Dr. Sean said gravely, zipping up the bag. My eyes widened with worry at his tone.

"What, painkillers?" I asked quickly, looking at the bottle in North's hand. "More ice?"

"No no, but those will definitely help," Dr. Sean said, turning towards me with a beaming smile. "However, I would prescribe a kiss for my patient."

"A kiss?" I let out a surprised giggle at the suggestion, looking at North to see him rolling his eyes. "Are you going to kiss him, Dr. Sean?"

"Oh fuck no," North grunted, leaning further back on the couch and closing his eyes.

"As sure as I am that North would appreciate that, everyone knows the best healing kisses come from nurses," Dr. Sean said wisely, winking at me and standing up with his bag. "Nurse Sang?"

I smiled at Dr. Sean before looking back at North, who was still resting his eyes on the couch. His hands were placed on his stomach now, and it looked like he was trying hard to keep his breathing even. I scooted closer a bit and leaned forward, planting a gentle kiss on the bump.

North cracked one eye open as I leaned back and he said, "You missed. My lips are down here."

His face was decidedly grumpy, but I think this is the closest I've even seen North to pouting.

Unable to deny the boy anything he asked, I leaned forward again with a new target. North's features were still strained, his jaw tight with tension, so I placed a soft kiss on his bottom lip before leaning back.

"I was kissing your boo-boo, North," I smiled, sitting back on my heels. He snorted as I looked over to see Dr. Sean and Silas walking into the kitchen. Dr. Sean looked back, his eyes meeting mine with a wink before disappearing. Nathan was missing, and I wondered where they went off to.

"Boo-boo? You're lucky you're cute, Sang," North sighed, grabbing a pillow from his other side and wedging it between his head and the couch. "If anyone else said that, they'd be the one unconscious."

"I know you're mad at me, North," I told him, picking up one of his hands and weaving my fingers through it. He was probably tempted to knock something unconscious right now. "But I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"I'm not mad, Sang baby," North opened his eyes to look straight at me. "It was an accident. The only way I'd be mad was if you'd gotten hurt after I asked you not to play."

"I'm going to get hurt sometimes, North," I reasoned, frowning a bit at him. "Even during times when we're having fun, like batting practice."

"And I'm going to get mad when it happens," North said so matter-of-factly, I had to smile. "Anyways, how's Silas doing?"

"Oh, he's okay," I answered, a little confused. "He was terribly worried about you, but I think he's calmed down now. He kept cursing in Greek. At least I think it was curse words?"

"Yeah, but how's his shoulder?" North muttered, leaning back on the couch and looking back at me with tired eyes. The way his eyelids sat slightly hooded over his big, brown eyes was so similar to his bedroom eyes, that I had to take a moment to breath and let my brain catch up.

"His shoulder?" I breathed out, licking my suddenly dry lips. North, reading my reaction as all the boys seemed to have a gift for, had a sly smirk slide onto his face.

"Yeah, baby. Before I was knocked out, I remember seeing the ball hit him in the shoulder," he answered casually as my brain finally caught up to the conversation.

"I hit him?" I yelped, my jaw dropping slightly as I scrambled off the couch.

"Ouch," North cringed, hands flying up to his head. "Not so loud, baby."

"Silas!" I called as loudly as I could without squeaking, rushing out of the room and towards the kitchen. Turning the corner, I spotted Silas sitting shirtless at the table as Nathan held a bag of ice to his shoulder and Dr. Sean handed him a glass of water and pills. My stomach clenched.

"Pookie, I'm going to need to ask you to go a little easier on our team members," Dr. Sean teased, stepping away from Silas and walking towards me. His arms embraced me in a warm hug as I remained frozen. I just stood there and gaped at Silas's shoulder, where a circular bruise was starting to form. "At this rate, we'll all be out of commision in a few hours."

"Silas!" I repeated from Dr. Sean's hold, then stopped to clear my throat. "Are you okay, Superman?"

"Aggele, I don't even feel it," Silas shrugged, looking almost bored. Nathan glared at him as he re-adjusted the ice pack, but Silas didn't seem to notice as he smiled at me. "This is nothing compared to football."

"But Silas, you're bruised!" I argued, gripping Dr. Sean's forearm with both hands. "It must hurt. Can I get you something? Maybe a rice pack or some pudding?"

"Really, Aggele, I'm fine," Silas smiled fondly, before his grin widened. "Actually, now that you mention it...maybe a kiss will make me feel better? I think that's what a certain doctor prescribed."

I looked over him once to make sure he didn't look to be in real pain, and maybe to get another glance at his bare torso, then giggled once I realized he felt well enough to joke.

"Pookie! The patients need their rest, and your giggling won't allow that. It'd be my doctorly duty to silence you," Dr. Sean grinned down at me with a raised eyebrow before letting go of my waist and nudging me towards Silas. "Now go give the patient his medicine."

I cautiously inched over to Silas as Nathan removed the ice pack. The bruise was turning yellow and puffy, and my smile faltered. As I leaned in to peck it, Silas gently grabbed my cheeks and pulled me towards him.

His lips crashed down on mine, and my eyes flew wide open in surprise. Silas didn't seem to care that I was frozen solid as his hands drifted slowly down my neck and along my arms. After a beat, my eyes drifted closed as I melted into the kiss. His arms wrapped around me as those heavenly lips moved sensually against mine, and everything else floated away. Silas's kisses were always so passionate and intense, usually all I could do was try and hold on for the ride.

I felt so small as I climbed up onto his lap and one of his hands lowered to my thigh as the other pushed on my lower back. I was flush against him, straddling him in the chair and holding his broad, bare shoulders for support. I belatedly realized the shoulder I was gripping had an injury, but he didn't even flinch as I let go and grabbed his upper arm instead.

Silas deepened the kiss, tracing both my lips with his tongue before plunging it into my mouth. I almost wanted to beg him to slow down because I couldn't keep up, but I just opened my mouth further as he explored every corner. The moan I let out was unintentional and a little embarrassing, but Silas seemed to feed off of it as he groaned in return.

I started to push myself against him, craving any sort of friction, and his hands gripped my hips to help me move. Opening my eyes and tilting our heads slightly, I looked around the room and relaxed when I saw it was deserted.

The boys had gotten comfortable with a little kissing in front of each other over the past few months, but I'm sure dry humping in the kitchen was toeing the line of acceptable behavior.

I turned my attention fully back to Silas as he nipped my bottom lip, moving his lips against mine in that deliciously European way of his. I had no idea there could be so many different types of kissing, but I was anxious to learn all of them.

His tongue parted my lips again, and all I could do was bring my hands up to tangle in his hair as I sucked on his tongue. His chest rumbled in response against mine, which sent butterflies airborne in my stomach.

"Yes," Silas breathed out as we broke apart, both panting for air. He stilled our hips, and I tucked my head into his neck as his arms surrounded me in a Silas hug. I wanted more, but in the middle of the kitchen while North possibly had a concussion in the next room was not the time for it. "That definitely made me feel better."

A/N: If you're confused because you think you've already read this chapter before, go ahead and check out my A/N at the top! ^

Thanks soo much for reading. It really makes my day to know that people enjoy what I'm obsessed with..(the GB boys!)

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