Making the Worst of a Good Si...

Od 14tali

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Sheilah has always been close to her family. She's working as a blackjack dealer at a casino until she can pa... Více

Making the Worst of a Good Situation
Just to let you know
Chapter 2
Date Night
Chapter 4
Interogation Room (again)
Chapter 6
Paige's Story
Independence Day
Chapter 11
Tonight's the night
Chapter 14
After the Hurricane
I'm Late?
No Smoking
Crash and Burn
Moving in Reverse
It's a....
You Need a Shower
This Baby Shower Sucks
Here's the baby!
Chapter 27
The Mission
Chapter 29

You're Killing Me

805 30 1
Od 14tali

"How is she challenging you? I only want you not her." he said. I crossed my arms and look out of the window. "Look" he said "I'm sorry. I didn't think it was a big deal because she means nothing to me. You're my everything." I uncrossed my arms and looked at him. His big puppy dog eyes got me again. I sighed.

"I know." I moved over and hugged him "I just needed to hear it."

Chapter 12

"Can I help you?" I asked Kai at the door. She'd knocked on my door early in the morning or late at night. Depending on perspective.

"Come downstairs we're eating breakfast." she said rolling her eyes. She was wearing a tiny bikini but I didn't comment. I followed her example by putting on a bikini and heading downstairs as we caught the elevator together.

"Where's Chase? I asked her. She ignored my question and exited the elevator as soon as the door opened.  I saw Chase by the pool and I ran towards him.

"Why was she at my door this morning?" I asked him. Kai had taken a seat next to Chase on a lounge by the pool. She was on her stomach, sunbathing.

"Just chill" Chase said laying back on the chair. I sighed and sat on the lounge next to Chase. Kai unhooked her bikini top.

"Can you put tanning lotion on my back?" She asked Chase. He eagerly complied. I looked at him in disbelief as he slowly and seductively rubbed lotion on her back.

"What?" I shouted. He ignored me and he pulled her bikini top from underneath her and threw it in the pool. She gasped and smiled at Chase seductively.

"What?" I screamed again. They continued ignoring me. Chase jumped in the pool and grabbed her top between his teeth. 

"Come and get it." he growled at her. She got up revealing her bare breast to everyone at the pool. I stared in awe. Her boobs we're perfect and glistened in the sunlight. I jealously looked on. Everyone at the pool took notice of her magnificent melons and began hooting and cheering. Chase ran up to her and put his face nearly an inch away from her naked chest. I was boiling.

"Mine are great too!" I screamed ripping off my bikini top. Everyone stopped and looked at me. And they started laughing. I looked down confused to see what they were laughing at.

"WHAT?" I screamed when I looked down and saw two saggy breast that looked like they belonged to a very old woman on my chest. Chase pointed and laughed while Kai laughed with her perfect breast jiggling.

"No." I said to myself horrified "AAAHHHHHHHH!" I screamed.


"Nooooooo!" I sat up in my bed in a cold sweat. "It was a dream" I said to convince myself. I pulled down my shirt, looked at my breast, and sighed in relief. "Oh Thank God" I sighed when I saw that they were normal. I jumped when I heard the knocking on the door. I nervously opened the door.

"Oh it's you" I sighed when I realized it was Chase and not Kai in a bikini.

"Who else would it be?" he asked confused.

"No one. Just never mind." I said 

"Why are you covered in sweat?" he asked looking me up and down. I was panting heavily.

"I---I I just had a-a--a a nightmare." I stuttered.

"About what?" he asked pushing stray hair out of my face.

"I.... I can't remember." I lied. I didn't want to revisit that nightmare.

"It's okay." he said holding me concerned. "You want some coffee or something?"

"No" I smiled at him and took a deep breath. "I'm going to um.. to go get dressed." I closed the door on him before he could say another word and headed towards the bathroom. The dream left me flustered. I splashed cold water in my face and turned on the shower. I had to get over this.

It was just a dream.


I put on the sundress that Paige lent me and made a mental note to call her later. And I got on the elevator with Chase and into the limo.

"You're awfully quiet today." Chase said.

"No. What makes you say that?" I asked defensively

"The fact that you're quiet. You haven't said anything to me since we left the hotel."

"That's not true." I said defending myself.

"Just chill" he said in the same tone he did in my dream.

"What!" I shrieked nervously.

"I said just chill." he repeated.

"Why would you say that to me? You've never said 'Just chill' to me before" I asked breathing heavily.

"What's the big deal?" he asked confused "It's just an expression." 

"Right" I said taking a breath "Just an expression"

"What's up with you today? You seem... Jumpy"

"I guess I'm just a little tired." I said

"Are you sure you feel okay? We don't have to go on the boat. We can go back to the hotel and you can rest if you want." he said squeezing my hand. I smiled at him. I had to get a grip.

"No. I'll be fine." I smiled

It was just a dream.

Of course Chase's family had the biggest boat on the lake. I expected it but couldn't help being surprised. We waited outside the ship for everyone else to arrive. 

"This ship is huge" I told Chase. 

"You should've seen the one last year. It was even bigger." he said.

"It sure was. Wasn't that fun Sweetie?" said Kai walking up to us in her beach cover-up dress. Chase rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around me as if to protect me.

"Hi Kai. How are you this morning?" I asked trying to be civil. She smiled at me sarcastically and walked away. Soon everyone else began to show up and we boarded the boat.

Everyone was handed a Mimosa as we boarded the boat and set sail. Everyone made their way to the deck and began socializing. I talked to Chase's sister, Kimi.

"And then my business partner nearly lost the deal. Can you believe that?" I nodded at her half listening. She only seemed to talk about her work. From the corner of my eye I could see Kai making her way to the center of the deck and I knew that she was up to something because she was right next to Chase.

"It's hot out here!" she said loudly just to draw everyone's attention. When she noticed that all eyes were on her she took off her beach cover up and revealed her tiny bikini. I drew in a breath when I realized that it was the same bikini from my dream. Shock was written on my face and Kai glared at me with a smirk smile when she saw my expression. She looked very satisfied with herself.

Me:1 Kai:3

"What is going on?" I mumbled to myself. I felt like I was being punked.

"I have no idea." Kimi said "There's always been something off about that girl." I'm going to talk to her. Kimi walked up to Kai and pulled her inside of a room for a talk. I shook my head and sat on a lounge chair looking over the water.

As soon as I sat down I was eyelevel with a crying little girl. She kept looking around and sniffling.

"Hey sweetie." I said touching her shoulder. "What's wrong?" She looked at me with her big brown eyes. She was adorable with long waist length hair. She looked like a tiny Kimi

"I can't find my mommy." She wailed and tears began rolling down her chubby cheeks.

"Kimi's your mommy?" I asked. She nodded her head still crying. "Oh she just went to talk to someone for a minute. She'll be right back." I tried to console her but she didn't seem to be crying any less.

"You want some juice?" I asked her. She stopped sniffling and answered me.

"Yes please." she said. I grabbed her hand.

"Well come with me. We'll go get you some juice." She wiped her tears away and followed me to the  bar.

"Can I get some apple juice please?" I asked the bartender. He handed me the juice in a small glass cup. I walked with the girl back to the chairs.

"Here you go." I said handing her the cup. She took big gulps.

"You were thirsty huh?" I asked grabbing a napkin and wiping away her tears. She nodded.

"They wouldn't let me have the orange juice when I got on the boat." she pouted.

"That's because it was a drink only for grown ups." I smiled at the pouting little girl. She looked at me and smiled back.

"What's your name?" she asked

"Sheilah." I told her. "What's yours?"

"Tallulah" she said.

"That's a pretty name." I told her

"Hey kiddo." Chase said as he ruffled Tallulah's hair. "Hey Sheilah" he kissed me on my cheek. "You're okay over here? he asked.

"Yeah. I was just talking to Tallulah." I said

"Ok" Chase said smiling "I'll leave you too ladies alone." he said walking away

"That's my Uncle Chase." she told me.

"I know." I said

"Are you my uncle's wife?" she asked cocking her head to the side. I laughed

"No sweetie."

"Why not?" she asked.

"We're not ready for that yet" I said trying to explain

"Oh" she said looking around "Can I touch your hair?" she asked.

"Sure." I said not knowing how else to answer. No one's every really asked to touch it before. She held up her little hand and I kneeled down so she could touch my hair.

"It's soft" she said "And pretty" she declared "I want my hair like that"

"Thank you" I said surprised.

"Tallulah!" Kimi screamed at her "Didn't I tell you to leave everyone alone?" she grabbed poor Tallulah's arm and I saw the fear emerging in her eyes "I'm sorry Sheilah."

"No it's alright. I started talking to her." I tried to defend her.

"It's fine she won't bother you again." Kimi persisted pulling on her arm as tears welled up in her big eyes.

"She's not bothering me." I told her and she seemed to pull slower and listen "She can hang out with me. I like her company" She stopped pulling on Tallulah's arm

"She's not bothering you?" she asked and I nodded "And you want to hang out with her?" I nodded again. "Well. Sure then." she said letting go. "Thank you" she said and she walked away.

Tallulah grabbed onto my legs and hugged me.

"You wanna be friends?" she asked looking up at me.

"We are friends." I told her hugging her back.


The boat ride went on and Kai seemed to be under better control. Until she started drinking at the bar. I was sitting on the lounge chair next to Tallulah.

"And I play soccer. I'm the goalie." Tallulah declared proudly. "And-" she was cut off when Kai walked up she walked up to us still wearing her tiny bikini.

"You" she pointed at me her eyes glazed over. Her breath smelled heavily of liquor. "You" she hiccupped "You" she gagged in her mouth and I realized that she was going to throw up.

I quickly grabbed her and lead her to the edge of the boat. Without a second to spare she threw up in the water. I pulled her hair back as she vomited everything that she ate and drank.

Me:2 Kai:3

"What happened?" Tallulah asked pulling on my dress.

"She's sick." I told her as I rubbed Kai's back as she continued to throw up. I saw Tallulah's eyes widen "Don't worry. I'll take care of her."

"Can I help?" she asked. Chase ran over when he realized what was happening

"You want me to handle her?" He asked glaring at Kai.

"No I got it. Take Tallulah" he hesitated and took Tallulah's hand and walked away.

 Kai groaned. I looked over and realized she's finished throwing up. I helped her get her footing back.

"Come on." I said as I lead her to a room and sat her down on the bed. I went over to the coffee machine and started brewing her some coffee. She curled up into a ball on the bed groaning. I went into the bathroom and got her a glass of water. I brought it to her.

"Here" I brought the water to her. She slowly grabbed it and sipped. I went in my purse and pulled out an aspirin for her

"You'll want to take these" I said placing them in her hand. She looked at me and narrowed her eyes.

"How do I know this is just aspirin?" She asked


"How do I know you're not trying to poison me or something?" she persisted

"It's just an aspirin." I said with a annoyed expression "I wouldn't poison you." I must've convinced her because she took the aspirin.

"I'm brewing coffee. It'll help you sober up." I sat down and took a breathe.

"Why are you helping me?" She asked.

I shrugged. Why was I helping her? I grabbed a cup of the freshly brewed coffee and handed it to her. 

"Can I get some cream and sugar?" she asked

"No. If you drink it black it'll work faster." I've had a lot of experience helping Paige sober up.

 "I see Chase likes it black now too." she said glaring at me waiting for a response.

"What's your problem?" I asked trying to hold in my anger.

"You are!" she shouted "Chase was mine. Mine mine MINE!" she stomped her feet like a child and tears welled up in her eyes "He was mine" her voice cracked and she started crying.

I sighed and tried not to roll my eyes. She was pitiful, pathetic. Yet, I couldn't help feeling bad for her. 

"You'll be ok." I said sitting next to her. She continued crying for a while. "There there." I pat her back annoyed. She finally stopped crying and wiped her eyes.

"Thanks" she said. I couldn't tell if she was sincere or not but I took it.

"You're welcome." She got up and headed towards the door.

"Wait" I called for her. She turned around and looked at me. Her face was still stunning despite the fact that she was crying. "You should eat a mint or something. You breath smells like vomit."

She smelled her breath and pulled sprayed some breath spray and sprayed in her mouth.

"By the way." She said before she left "This changes nothing between us."

"I figured that" I rolled my eyes

"And I will have Chase" she said before sashaying out of the room.

I knew I shouldn't have helped that bitch.

(A/N: Thanks for reading guys :) Please vote, comment, and share. I'd like some feedback on how I'm doing so far. The slideshow still isn't working so I just put a picture of what I imagined Tallulah as. Thanks again :D)

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