Only Vampires Could Kidnap A...

By lovetohate13

247K 6.8K 225

Chayla's life wasn't normal to begin with. She was a highly trained, highly paid assassin at a very young age... More

Only Vampires Could Kidnap A Highly Trained Assassin
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Epilogue

Chapter 7

9.8K 279 0
By lovetohate13

‘Brian, come in Brian’

Keeping in touch with the others was so easy when you’re telepathic, you don’t have to worry about anyone overhearing.

‘What is it Chayla?’

‘I am in, I am now officially a Commander in the army, I am training Kaleb and he asked me to go to some ball with him. It is slowly all falling into place.’

‘That is great to hear, keep up the good work. Oh you should talk to Jake, he is worried about you. I think the poor boy is falling for you’

‘Yeah I will talk to him later right now I am tired. This is taking a lot out of me’

I changed and then quickly went to bed. I woke up quite late the next day and saw that there was a package at the end of the bed. It was the dress from Kaleb, I must say he has good taste, but maybe a little slutty.

It was a blood red dress (figures) it came to the floor with a slit on the left side that came to the middle of my thigh. The top was thick straps with cloth covering my breasts and then wrapping around keeping the back open. There was a pearl jewel under the breasts. The shoes were a 4 inch heel, silver with nice simple straps. All of this was accompanied by a silver and diamond necklace and earrings.

I went for a long run through the forest to get myself prepared for tonight. I got back and took a long shower did my hair in a tight up do that I accented with some light make up.

I put the dress on, the shoes and the jewellery. Just then Kaleb walked into the room and stopped dead in his tracks.

“Y..You look amazing” he stammered out.

“Well, you look pretty dashing yourself there your Highness,” I muttered out.

“Now what did I tell you about that,” He said as I laced my arm in with his.

“Sorry it’s a habit now, you look pretty dashing Kaleb,”

He was definitely right about the boring part, this had to be worse than the time I was captured and tortured for a week or so. Yeah it is that bad. We walked around and Kaleb introduced me to almost everyone that was at the party. At this point I am glad that I have a photographic memory.

“Can we dance,” I asked him after he introduced me to another person.

He pulled me out to the dance floor and the live band was playing a waltz so Kaleb glided and spun me around the room.

“Wow your good, where did you learn to dance?” He asked as he pulled me out of yet another fancy spin.

“Well, after training on how to kill someone mother made me go to dance classes to stay limber and flexible, and just in case I ever got the chance to dance with someone important.”

I seemed like forever but people finally decided to leave. Kaleb, the gentle man that he is, walked me to my room.

“I had a great time tonight. I guess I will see you tomorrow during training,” I said and leaned in and gave him a light kiss on the cheek before going inside. I saw that it was passed one in the morning, so I decided that I would go to bed, so I wouldn’t be late for training in the morning.

Training went well. Kaleb once again showed up late, this time he had to do 26 000 pull ups, one thousand for every minute he was late. I enjoyed watching him struggle through those and then have to deal with my training.

“Come on Kaleb at least try and block one of my attacks,” I said as I took another punch and it came in contact with the side of his face,

“Fuck, you know you could go easy on me,” He whined as he rubbed his cheek.

“Your attackers won’t go easy one you so why should I?’ I asked as I hit him once again, “Your letting me get into your head, so have to learn how to block me out. Anyways that’s enough of this, let us work on your aim, grab that gun over there and follow me.”

I guess he wanted to get pay back, I grabbed the gun and turned my back to him and he took a swing, aiming for me right eye. I ducked and quickly turned around to send him a right hook which sent him flying across the floor and into the other wall.

“Come on Kaleb even you must know that that was a cheap shot,” I said walking over and helping him up.

“Yeah, I just wanted to hit you just once before this day was done,” he muttered out while rubbing the back of his head.

I must say he was much better at firing a gun then he was at hand to hand combat. It wasn’t long before he could hit the centre every time.

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