Chapter 26

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"So you guys have everything all set?" I asked Brian and Victor. I was Saturday and I was going to head back to the palace, i had some preparation that I had to do there to make this a success.

"Yeah, we are all good. Just take care of yourself," Brian said.

"I will don't worry," I had told them my plan for the night of the battle. Neither were happy but both understood why I had to do it this way, well kind of, its not like they got to see the vision like I did.

"Okay, see you in about three weeks then," I said before turning and leaving.

I ran back to the castle. I got up to my room without running into anyone. Which is good, i had to take a shower before I ran into anyone.

I stepped out of the bathroom, luckily fully dressed, to see Kaleb sitting on my bed.

Before I even had a chance to think, or speak, his lips were pressed against mine. It didn't take long for me to run out of breath so I pulled away from Kaleb, but that didn't stop him from kissing down my jaw and neck. When i finally recovered my breath his lips found mine again.

"Miss me much," I asked breathless as he finally ended the heated make out session.

"Oh, you have no idea," he said looking at me with lust in his eyes. I knew where this was heading and I had to calm him down, if you know what I mean.

"Hey, I am starving, how about we go and get something to eat," I said hoping that food would take his mind off of other things.

I finally convinced him that I was hungry and we were now down in the kitchen eating a late supper. And I figured this was as good of time as any to bring up his half brother.

"I have a really random question for you," I said looking at him, trying to judge what his reaction was going to be.

"Oh, and what's that?"

"Well... If you were to see your... ummm.. half brother again what would you do?"

"Truth... I don't know, I mean I wouldn't kill him or anything like that. It wasn't his fault for my mothers actions. That blame lies solely on her,"

"But what about like ruling? Would you let him rule by your side or shun him from that?"

"Again, depends on what he is like. I mean, technically he is a royal and deserves to help... What is with these questions anyways?"

"No reason, just wondering," I said trying to make it seem casual. The real reason that I asked was because I was trying to judge his emotions towards his brother. I am going to mess with his mind a little, making him except his brother more openly and it seems that it is going to be easier than I thought.

"Oh, my father wants you to work with Master again. He wants to see if we can get you to use your Telekinetic power again,"

"Okay, I guess I will go and talk to him tomorrow. I am to tired tonight," I got up from the table and began walking to my room with Kaleb hot on my heels.

"Ummm... I was wondering if you wanted to stay in my room... Just to sleep I promise," he said holding his hands up in a surrendering position.

"Sounds good," I said giving him a small tired smile.

I woke up in the morning and like usual snuck out of his arms. I had a quick shower and went to the gym hoping that I would be able to find Master there.

"Hello my young apprentice," Master said as I walked into the gym.

"Hello Master," I said bowing respectably, "I was told that you wanted to work on accessing my telekinetic power."

"Yes, I was wondering if you remember anything from the dream, like the reason you were using that power?"

"Sorry Master, but the whole thing is blank. I remember nothing between passing out and waking up," I said to him, hoping that he wouldn't press the issue, it is hard to lie convincingly to the Master.

"Okay, I guess we will just try meditating. Maybe we will be able to access it that way," he said.

I went and sat down on one of the mats.

I closed my eyes and began breathing deeply.

"Okay Mary I want you to listen to the sound of my voice and nothing else..."

I focused on his voice, but this was going to get complicated, I knew that if I tried access my powers then i would have no problem using them, but I didn't want Master and them to know just how powerful I am. I was going to use it as an advantage in the battle. But I had a plan that would hopefully get me through this.

"Okay, now I want you to focus on your mind, try to find a power within you..."

I could feel the power building inside of me but I quickly pushed it down.

"Now, if you can feel the power try to use it,"

And that what I did. I Knew where everything in the gym was located, even with my eyes closed so I began to shake some things, not moving them, just shaking them.

"Thats good, try using more power now,"

I was ignoring the Master now. I was focusing on where Kaleb was. I could tell that he was almost in the gym and he was a vital player in my plan.

I finally heard him opening the door, at that point I put a little more power into moving the objects in the room. Using my acting skills I made a pained expression cross my face before letting a ear splitting scream out.

Everything around stopped shaking as I pretended to pass out.

"MARY!" I heard Kaleb shout and run across the room to where I was laying on the floor.

He picked me up and I went lip in his arms, still pretending to be passed out. He was carrying my, I am guessing to the doctor when I began to stir in his arms.

"Ka... Kal,,,"

"Shhhhh... Its okay Mary, I got you,"

After an extensive stay in the Doctors room he decided that I was fine to leave I just had to take it easy. By this time Master and the King where there too.

"What were you doing?" Kaleb asked.

"I was just trying to use my telekinetic power, I guess it takes quite a toll on me. But with some practice..."

"NO," Kaleb said before I could finish.

"No what?"

"You are not practicing that anymore, I wont let you but yourself in danger like that," he said giving me a hard glare.


"No, I just got you back and I am not going to let you kill yourself because you are trying to use a power that you don't need. You are an amazing fighter and don't need that extra advantage, I will NOT allow you to put your life in danger,"

"Kaleb see reason here, this could be an amazing ability to have," Master said.

"No, she doesn't need it. Besides if she were to use it in batter it would weaken her and she would end up dead anyways and I wont allow that,"

He didn't let anyone else get a word in. He picked me up bridal style and carried my to his room.


"No, promise me that you wont use that again," he said looking at me. i could see the worry and pain in his eyes.

"okay," I said, i didn't want to actually promise and luckily he didn't push it any farther. I take my promises seriously and I didn't want to break it because I have to use this power again.

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