Chapter 8

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I went to my room after training and decided that this would be a good time to talk to Jake. I had to let the kid down easy, just wish I knew how in the world I was going to do that.

‘Hey Jake are you there’

‘Of course I’m here you dumb ass it is my head’

‘Hey no need to be rude, you could have been sleeping. Or knocked out for all I knew’

‘No one has been able to knock me out since my few days of training with you; I must really thank you for that one day.’

‘Yeah you do’

‘So how are things going up there?’

‘As good as they can. I am totally going to be running the army in a few short weeks. Oh yeah I am that good’

‘Listen if you ever get the chance you and I should hang out, you know like on a date.’

Oh man here it is, now what the hell am I supposed to tell him. Well, I could just tell him the truth-ish.

‘Listen Jake, it’s not that I don’t want to and I know what I am doing here is all fake. But if I am going to be getting all cozy and shit with Kaleb I can’t be thinking that I am cheating on you... or him... it’s just all a little confusing right now... I’m sorry, I really am you are a great guy, but you deserve more then what I can give you’

There was nothing but silence on the other end

‘I really am sorry’

I broke the connection and then went and had a well-deserved shower. I come out of my bathroom in nothing but a towel to find Gabriel, Kaleb’s friend, sitting on my bed.

“Oh shit I’m sorry,” He muttered looking at a very interesting spot on the ground.

“No worries it’s not like you can see any of the good things,” I said walking into my closet and then walking back out in a midriff top and a pair of low cut jeans, “Is there something that you wanted Gabriel?”

“Yeah ummm... I wanted to show you something, something that I think you will enjoy,” I said grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the room.

“Come on dude tell me where the hell we are going,” I asked. He made me close my eyes about five minutes ago and I had no idea where we were, other than that we were outside.

“If I did that it wouldn’t be much of a surprise now would it? But don’t worry we are there, you can open your eyes now,” I did what I was told and I saw before me a beautiful lake, surrounded by trees. It was a totally secluded area and it was amazing.

“Wow you are right I love this place,” I said and it didn’t take me long to get into nothing but my underwear and start swimming in the lake. The water was cold at first but it didn’t take me long to get used to it.

I was swimming along when I felt something grab my ankle and I was pulled under the water. I came back up and lightly hit Gabriel on the back of the head.

“Oh come on I was just trying to have fun,” He said coming up and grabbing me by my waste. Now that made me a little uncomfortable.

“Let go Gabriel,” I tried to say in a joking manner, but inside I was dead serious.

“Come on its just a little fun,” He said and then he leaned in and started kissing me. He forced his tongue into my mouth, so I did the only thing that I could think of at the time, I bit it.

“What the fuck,” He yelled and let me go. I gave him a few good hits before swimming back and grabbing my cloths. I then super sped all the way back to the house.

I was walking to my room in nothing but my underwear when I ran into Kaleb.

“Hey Mary, what are you doing walking around dressed like that?” he asked while eyeing me up and down until he saw the look on my face and the blood that was still on my chin, “Oh my God Mary what the hell happened to you?”

“It’s nothing I’m fine,” I said and then ran off to my room.

I know what you are thinking, that I am acting a little baby-ish right now, but I have had a few bad experiences with men forcing themselves on me and I don’t like being reminded of them.

I went into my room and ran a hot bath, and then I just sat in it trying to forget everything that had happened this morning. I got out and since I didn’t have training with Master today I thought I would work on trying to control my telekinesis.

I sat in the middle of the room and concentrated on the light switch. I imagined my self flicking it up and down, and then the lights began to go on then off as I flicked the light switch.

I began focussing on bigger things, like lifting and moving my dresser and bed. I was doing well but I lost focus and ended up dropping and smashing my dresser.

“Shit” I muttered as I began picking up the cloths out of the mess.

“What the hell was that?” Kaleb asked as he came running into my room, “What the hell just happened in here?”

“Nothing, it’s no big deal,” I said as I continued to pick up the mess.

“It doesn’t look like nothing to me. What happened to your dresser?” He asked as he grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at him.

“I hit it okay, I lost my cool and I took it out on the dresser,” I said the first thing that popped into my mind.

“Would this have anything to do with why you were walking around here in your underwear this morning,” He asked looking truly concerned.

“Yes, but I don’t want to talk about it, so can you just leave it alone.”

I finally convinced him that I was fine and he left my room so that I could clean up the mess on my own. It took a while but I finally got everything all picked up when Kaleb walked back into my room.

“Hey haven’t you ever heard of knocking, you may own the house but this is my room,” I said still in a bad mood.

“Knock, knock... There I knocked; anyways I was just wondering if you wanted to come into town with me. Grab a bite to eat, maybe buy you a new dresser?” He said giving me these adorable puppy dog eyes.

“Thanks but I really don’t want to go hunting with you so you can have a ‘bite to eat’”

“Hey we can eat real food you know, you have had lunch with me before. Besides you don’t have to be a bitch about it,” He said then turned to leave.

“Kaleb wait I’m sorry, your right that was uncalled for. I’m just not in the best of moods, but if you will deal with that I would love to go into town with you.”

That got him to stop. I went and joined him and he took me out to his car which was a Lamborghini Diablo.

“Oh nice car, you know you should let me drive,” I said looking at the car and not him.

“Do you even know where we are going?” He asked. Damn he’s got me there.

“Fine, but you have to let me drive it home,” I said while getting in and amazingly he agreed to it.

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