Chapter 19

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Theodore was driving off towards KFC and I was just sitting quietly in the passenger seat.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked and I finally looked at him.

“Nothing really. Why do you resent Kaleb?” I asked bluntly.

“Who ever said that I resent Kaleb?” He asked me getting a little chip on his soldier.

“Oh please I didn’t become a commander in the army because I am oblivious to what is going on around me. I also know that the only reason that you asked me out tonight is because you knew it would piss off Kaleb and hopefully drive a wedge in between us,” I said giving him this rather bored look.

“Wow, you are good. I don’t know I guess I resent him because he gets everything that he wants. He also gets to be King later and I am stuck here doing nothing and I just hate it. I want everything to be easy like that for me,” He said.

“Trust me you don’t want to be him,” I muttered low enough that he didn’t here me.

We got our food at KFC and were sitting at a table when I noticed Kaleb outside watching us.

“Want to really piss off your cousin,” I asked.

“Do you even have to ask?” He replied back.

I began talking quiet enough so that Kaleb couldn’t hear my plan. I began talking normally again and began running my foot up and down Theodore’s leg. We started laughing as though we were talking about something truly hilarious.

For added affect I moved my chair closer to Theodore’s, that way it was easier for me to whisper in his ear. Of course I wasn’t really saying anything but to Kaleb it looked like a was really flirting with his cousin. I peaked into Kaleb’s mind and man did it make me laugh. He was thinking of the most horrific ways of killing Theodore.

His breaking point was when I leaned in and it looked like I was about to kiss him. All of a sudden there was a loud bang, the doors to KFC were kicked open and Kaleb was pulling Theodore away from me.

I couldn’t take it I burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard I was rolling on the floor crying.

“You think this is funny you lying cheating slut,” Kaleb yelled at me. I was expecting that and he knew something was up the moment I didn’t retaliate to that statement.

“Kaleb, calm down okay? We were just toying with your head. That reminds next training session we are going to have to work on your covert skills, because man did you stand out like a sore thumb,” I said after finally getting my laughing under control.

“You knew that I was out there, that I was following you?” He asked letting go of Theodore.

“Ummm, yeah, and this is what you get for doing that, but now if you’ll excuse me we are going to be late for our movie and you are on your way home now.” I grabbed Theodore and we left to go watch the movie.

The movie was pretty good. You think with what I did for a living that I wouldn’t really like watching something like that, but its not like I haven’t seen anything like it before.

“So, this was pretty fun,” I said as we pulled back into the garage at home.

“Yeah, it was. I think we are going to have to do this again some time soon,” I got out of the car and was walking away when Theodore grabbed my hand and spun me around and before I even had time to think his lips were pressed against mine. It may have been a surprise but it only took me about five seconds before I reacted. I hit him in the chest with both of my hands hard enough that he went flying across the room and hit the wall.

“You are to NEVER come near me again. I you try something like this again, I swear to you that you will wish you were born a girl...” With that I turned on my heal and stormed into the palace.

Because I wasn’t paying attention I ran right into someone, and knocked them down because of my momentum.

“My lord, I am soooo sorry, I wasn’t watching were I was going,” I said reaching down and helping him stand up.

“Jasper, please. And don’t worry about it, I was off in my own world as well,” He stand straightening himself out.

“Still, I should have been paying attention,”

“Don’t worry about it really. Just because I am a Lord doesn’t mean I am going to have you killed for running into me. Though, judging by your reputation I don’t think that that task would be easy,” He said chuckling.

“No, I don’t think it would be. But I should be going, Kaleb is probably waiting for me and I can’t keep the Prince waiting,” With that I stepped around him and headed up to bed, where, like I figured Kaleb was waiting for me.

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