Only Vampires Could Kidnap A...

By lovetohate13

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Chayla's life wasn't normal to begin with. She was a highly trained, highly paid assassin at a very young age... More

Only Vampires Could Kidnap A Highly Trained Assassin
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Epilogue

Chapter 5

12.1K 332 13
By lovetohate13

I once again have no idea how long I was out but this time when I woke up there were no chains. I stretched and then walked out of the tent that I was in. I must of woke up sometime during training because there were people fighting all around me, but none of them looked like they were trying to really kill the other.

I saw on the side that there was one younger guy that looked like he was having a little trouble, and it wasn’t like the guy he was training with was any help, he just kept on the guy.

“Hey do you mind if I cut in,” I said to the guy when he was about to take another strike at the kid, well I guess I can’t call him a kid he is probably the same age as me.

“What you think you can teach this low life, hah you probably couldn’t take me there babe,” He said grabbing my ass.

That pisses me off, when men think that they can treat women however they want. It took me less than a minute to have the ass on his back with my knee on his throat.

“Listen here buddy, I am not and never will be your babe. And if I ever feel your hand anywhere near my ass it will be removed, got it?” I said. He choked out a yes and I finally let him up. “Now leave.”

“Thank you, I don’t know how much more of that I could’ve handled, the name is Jake,”

“Yeah my name is Chayla, but I prefer Chay. So do you want me to train you?” I asked.

“I don’t know I think I am a lost cause, I am no good at anything. I am a failure as a lycan,” He said

“Holy, you’re a lycan?”

“Yeah see I am a failure, you couldn’t even tell that I wasn’t human.” He said and then turned to walk away.

I grabbed his hand and turned him around to face me, “Listen to me you are not a failure as a lycan. And I couldn’t tell because I am new to all this stuff. I just thought that humans were the only thing on this Earth so forgive me. Now to start your training.”

I worked that poor boy to the bone, but he was getting better.

“Wow I didn’t think I would ever get any of this stuff, though you are the hardest teacher that I have ever had,” He said smiling at me; we were lying on the ground resting after the hard training.

“That’s because you were training with me, I am the best of the best, trust me on that one,”

“Yeah I should say you took out my brother, a full grown lycan in less than a minute.” He said smiling.

“Yeah he had about the same look as when I took out that Kaleb guy back at the house,” As soon as I said Kaleb, Jake was up on his feet and was just staring at me, “What the hell did I just do?”

“You took out Kaleb, oh my God. Brian!! Brian!! You have to hear this!!” He yelled getting the attention of everyone in the field. Brian came running over asking what was going on, “Tell him Chay! Tell him what you just told me.”

“What that I took out Kaleb, that part?” I said and then everyone’s eyes got really big.

“You have to tell us everything,” Brian demanded.

“Well, there really isn’t much to tell. I woke up chained to a bed and he came in and started asking me all of these questions. I asked him what he was because I hit him with a car and nothing happened to him. He tried to leave but I tackled him and pinned him to the ground until he told me he was a vampire. That’s all.”

“I have a new plan on how to take down the Royals. Chayla is going to help us take them down from the inside. We are going to disguise her and she is going to become part of their army. This will work; we will begin the disguise immediately.”

For the last five hours I have been going through countless procedures so that I looked nothing like myself. My hair came a little below my shoulders now, there was a large blonde patch on the left side and then a couple of little streaks here and there, then the rest was a really dark brown. Somehow they turned my eyes from a light blue to a dark green.

I was now ready. I just had to go and somehow prove that I was worthwhile and needed to be in there army. In the meantime I also had to figure out what the rest of my powers were and get closer to Kaleb. Nothing that I couldn't handle... I hope.

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