Surviving Sang

By Callabunny

52.8K 2.8K 1.1K

Sang Sorenson entered the boys' lives in a whirlwind. She brought them joy, innocence, kindness, and more tha... More

The Tickle Monster
Tongue Twisters
Hakuna Matata
Nurse Sang
Possible Side Effects
Wake Up Call
I've Got Pizza Love
The Unraveling of Trust
The Precipice
The Healing Power of Hugs
18 Minutes in Heaven

Splish Splash

3.7K 216 62
By Callabunny

Chapter Four: Splish Splash

It was far too late to be embarrassed about the way I was shoveling chocolatey pancake goodness into my mouth. It was all I could do to bite back a moan of delight at the flavors. I could eat this for breakfast every single day and never get tired of it.


"Slow down, sweetie. The pancakes aren't going anywhere," Kota chuckled quietly from his seat next to me.

"But it's so good," I exclaimed after swallowing a large, fluffy bite. "The flavors just explode in my mouth!"

"No matter how good it tastes, I still don't want you to choke," Kota shook his head with a smile before patiently taking a teensy, tiny bite of his own pancake and chewed slowly. My bite was four times the size of his.

"So what are the plans for today, Peanut?" Nathan asked before taking a few gulps of his orange juice. My fork froze halfway to my mouth as I looked towards him. The boys rarely asked me what the plan was; I usually just go with whatever they're doing. Was I supposed to pick things for us to do today?

My mind was drawing a blank.

"Good going, Nate. You broke her," I heard Kota admonish before his hand landed gently on my shoulder. "Breathe, Sang. Wipe that worried look off your face, sweetie. I already have a few things planned for today."

"Oh," I placed a hand over my racing heart, internally scolding myself for getting worked up over something so simple. I brought my fork back down to the plate and took a sip of my frappucino.

"I'm sorry, Peanut," Nathan apologized with a slight wince, but I waved him off.

"It's not your fault. I just wasn't sure if I was supposed to have something ready," I explained before turning to Kota. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, I'm going over to Mr. Blackbourne's soon to discuss some things before our family meeting this week," Kota explained, setting down the fork and leaning back in his chair. "North had an early shift at the Diner, so he was going to stop by after. Silas might be with him, but Luke has the afternoon shift so you won't see him."

"What do you have to go over for the family meeting?" I asked curiously, picking a piece of chocolate chip out of my pancake and popping it into my mouth.

"Just, uh, stuff," Kota deflected, bringing a finger up to adjust his glasses. I pulled a face but shrugged it off. I'd find out soon enough anyways. Trust.

"You'll come back over here after you're finished, then?" I guessed, taking another bite of pancake.

"I should be back after dinner," Kota answered, standing up and gathering his dishes. He headed to the sink as Nathan caught my eye and made a funny face. I stuck my tongue out back at him. "Not for long, though, since we have school tomorrow."

"Can't we just skip?" I asked hopefully, flicking a mushed chocolate chip around on my plate. "We'll be gone in one week, anyways. What's the point?"

"We don't want anyone, especially the authorities, asking questions about your transfer," Kota answered as he walked back over to the table. "Besides, it won't be that bad."

"You won't have to worry about Hendricks or McCoy anymore," Nathan added helpfully.

"I guess," I sighed, thinking back to the Biology homework I still hadn't done. Kota didn't need to know about that, though.

"I have to go, but be good for Nathan," Kota said, coming over and placing a kiss on my head.

"Be good?" I echoed, scrunching my nose. "Why aren't you telling Nathan to be good for me?"

"Because I'm always good for you," Nathan smiled cheekily as he stood up and grabbed my empty plate. "Just like oxygen is good for you. And water."

I rolled my eyes. Boys.

"Bye Kota," I whispered, standing up and wrapping my arms around his waist in a loose hug. He'd just gotten here, and it wasn't fair that he already had to leave.

"See you soon, Sang," Kota returned the hug before stepping back and heading out the door. Kota nodded at Nathan, but he didn't get a goodbye hug.

That made me feel special, but I couldn't help giggling at the idea of Kota kissing Nathan's forehead before leaving.

"What is it now, Peanut?" Nathan asked in confusion when it was just the two of us left in the room. "It's barely 9 AM, and you've already got the giggles."

"It's nothing," I shook my head dismissively, the giggles trailing off. "What do you want to do before North gets here?"

"I think it should be warm enough to swim now. You want to?" Nathan suggested, wiggling his eyebrows goofily. I grinned, nodding my head excitedly before hurrying towards his room to change.

Maybe I could win a few favors before lunch time.


An hour later, I owed Nathan four favors plus the hug he'd already cashed in.

"Do you see the Tin Man?" I asked Nathan hopefully, narrowing my eyes to try and block out the bright sun.

"Nah, but that one kind of looks like a rock," Nathan answered from somewhere above my head as I floated closer to the shallow end. I tried to locate the cloud he was referring to, but a lot of them could've been rocks.

I'd already spotted a high heel shoe, a witch's hat, and the Tin Man. Maybe watching The Wizard of Oz with Victor the other night was influencing my imagination a little bit.

"A rock?" I frowned, kicking lightly as I sailed slowly, weightlessly over the water. "I think you can do better than that, Honey. You already found a blob, a basketball, and an orange."

The water was cool and refreshing, sliding against my sides as I floated along.

"Okay, fine. I guess that one could be Mr. B," Nathan said thoughtfully, his arm brushing against my legs as he drifted past. "If he had boobs and one arm."

"Nathan!" I snorted in surprise, losing my balance and sinking lower into the water. With a sigh, I touched my toes down to the shallow floor and turned to look for Nathan. He was floating a couple feet away, eyes closed as the sun seemed to highlight every nook and cranny of his defined chest.

I tried not to stare, but his closed eyes were making me reckless.

Drops of water glistening against his muscles weren't helping either. The lioness from this morning wanted to find out what they tasted like. Or maybe that was just my own craving.

"What else do you see?" Nathan muttered quietly, barely moving his arms as he floated lazily towards me.

"I see...a very handsome boy," I admired, my lips twitching into a smile as Nathan frowned. He was moving at a snail's pace, so I waded a step closer. "With no boobs and two arms."

"And what's so special about this cloud boy?" Nathan pressed, the frown remaining fixed on his handsome face.

"Well, his hair looks unbelievably soft, and he's got these deep, blue eyes. The kind you could drown in. His shoulders are big and strong. They look perfect for cuddling," I described quietly, stepping forward carefully while trying not to disturb the water around Nathan. He'd stopped moving, floating still in the water as he seemed to almost anticipate my attack. I stepped closer still, leaning over him slightly. "And the best part? He's not a cloud."

"This guy sounds pretty cool," Nathan joked, the frown long gone as his lips twisted into a cocky smile. "Tell me more about him."

I rolled my eyes. And Gabriel complained about girls fishing for compliments? I leaned even closer, surprised when the sunlight revealed a light smattering of freckles across Nathan's cheek. I hadn't noticed those before.

"Well, he also tastes kinda funny," I murmured with my lips a breath away from Nathan's.

"Funny?" Nathan exclaimed, his eyes popping open as my heart jolted. Then the world shifted; one moment I'd been hovering over Nathan and anxious for a kiss, the next I was submerged underwater as Nathan's warm hands pushed down on my shoulders.

After my mind processed the change in scenery, my feet pushed of the pool's floor and I rocketed through the surface.

"Nathan!" I scolded lightly, coughing up a bit of water that'd made it in before I'd managed to close my mouth.

"You looked like you needed to cool off a bit, Peanut," Nathan smiled, wrapping his arms around me as he moved to the pool floor's slope and walked until we were both shoulder-deep in the water.

"I was just joking about you tasting funny," I huffed with an eye roll, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders.

"Damn right you were," Nathan replied, leaning closer to place a warm kiss on the wet corner of my mouth. "And I'm still waiting to hear more about this handsome guy."

"Well, I do know one more thing about him," I said thoughtfully, my legs raising on their own accord to loop around his waist.

"And what's that?" Nathan pressed. He was solid and warm, his chest snug against mine as we waded gently in the water. Swimming had been a great idea.

"He's about to lose a race," I whispered with a grin, wasting no time before I moved my legs so I could kick off his thighs. Nathan's hands skimmed my ankles as I propelled forward, but I'd barely made it six feet before my giggles overtook me.

"Sang," Nathan called through his laughter, his large hand wrapping around my ankle before I could move any further. I kicked and pushed myself as hard as I could, but my body was pulled backwards as Nathan dragged me behind him like a sack of potatoes. "I've got another game we can play."

"Game?" I echoed, stopping my struggles and popping up on my other foot. We were in the shallow end, and I hopped along as Nathan kept pulling my foot.

"Sure, another kind of race," Nathan continued, tugging my ankle as I took another hop forward. "We can do underwater handstands and race around the shallow end."

I looked around the pool, considering it. Nathan's arms were huge, but he had a lot of body weight to hold up. The water would help with that, but that didn't necessarily mean he'd move faster than me in the water.

I stood a chance.

"I'm in!" I grinned, bouncing on the ball of my foot. "Winner gets a favor, right?"

"Of course," Nathan smiled with an eye roll, letting go of my ankle once we reached the stairs. "And I already know what I'm going to pick."

"You mean when I give you options for my favor?" I asked sweetly, my grin widening.

"Get your cute, little head underwater before I decide to kiss that smart-ass mouth silly," Nathan's eyes narrowed as he leaned forward in the water.

"I'm pretty sure threats are supposed to involve things the person wouldn't want to happen, Honey," I said back, copying his movements.

"I'm just trying to give you a chance, Peanut. Kissing you senseless before a race would be bad sportsmanship," Nathan retorted. "How about twice around the shallow end, sticking as close to the wall as possible? First one to hit the stairs after two laps is crowned the winner."

"It's a good thing a crown won't fit your big head," I chirped, planting my feet against the wall of the pool as Nathan's jaw dropped.

"My head is not-" the rest of Nathan's words were cut off as I zoomed forward, getting as much distance as I could in one dive. My hands hit the hard floor and I kept up the momentum, awkwardly kicking my legs up as I tried to form a handstand.

Bubbles started to clear from around me as I moved forward, starting a steady pace with my hands slapping against the floor. My legs wobbled unsteadily, trying to balance as my pace picked up speed.

It was mere seconds later that Nathan's hand appeared next to mine, fingers extended and knuckles pale as he pushed hard against the floor. I reached over, balancing on one hand while trying to grab him. There was no shirt to grip, and my fingers slid right off his slippery skin.

We both moved forward, following the pool's wall as it curved slightly and my lungs started to burn. My legs came down, feet pushing against the floor as I shot up through the water's surface. I gasped a few deep breaths, not daring to look around the pool to see how far I'd gotten, but zoning in on Nathan's legs lumbering high in the air five feet in front of me.

I dove back in, pushing my legs up to be as straight as possible, pointing my toes as I hurried along in the water. Nathan must've taken his own break for air because I caught up to his swift hands in no time. We were neck and neck, rushing forward as I blew bubbles out of my nose and tried to ration my oxygen.

Then it happened again, for the second time that day. One moment I was surrounded by water and inching into the lead, the next I was weightless as my hands paddled uselessly against the open air.

My lungs gasped for air, water dripping down my body and over my mouth as I hung upside down above the water.

"Wha—" I gasped, blinking to get the endless stream of water out of my eyes and tilting my head to look up.

Water dripped into my nose.

"Are you hungry, Sang Baby?" North asked without preamble, one arm held out as he gripped my ankle. I blinked back at his serious face, still unsure of my current position. North had just plucked me out of the pool like a feather from a chicken, asking if I wanted food.

So much for that favor.

"Um, no?" I answered unsurely.

"Baby, it's almost lunch time. You need to eat," North replied, and I wondered what the point of asking me first was. "Sandwiches or barbecue?"

"Uh, sandwiches?" I responded, wiping my eyes with both hands and picking at the hair sticking to my face. I hadn't meant for it to sound like a question, but the blood was rushing to my head and I still wasn't sure what to make of the situation.

"Good. Silas and I will get some ready," North answered, my body swinging a bit to the side as he looked over his shoulder.

"And Sang?" North asked, swinging me lightly again as he turned back.

"Yes, North?" I asked, tilting my head forward to look up at him. The sun was shining brightly behind him, and I had to squint in order to see the handsome smirk sliding onto his face.

"Maybe this'll teach you not to cheat during a race next time," North scolded lightly before I was dropped unceremoniously back into the water with a splash.

The water accepted me with open arms as I sank to the bottom with an internal sigh. Toned, slightly hairy legs walked up in front of me, and even his toes seemed to be wiggling in victory.

I waited until there was no air left in my lungs before I pushed off the pool's floor and braced myself for his gloating.

"Where's my crown, Peanut?" Nathan's cheeky grin met me as I surfaced in the water again. I coughed slightly, the tickle of water going down the wrong pipe once again taking me by surprise.

"One of these days I'm going to beat you a thousand times, and I'll be calling in all the favors," I responded with a sigh, shaking my head in defeat.

"Until then, I'll enjoy collecting my kisses," Nathan whispered, leaning closer and placing a chaste kiss on my lips. My returning smile was inevitable, but the way he smiled at me warmed my body all the way down to my toes and I couldn't help it. I grabbed his hand, slipping my fingers between each of his as I leaned a little closer.

"That's a shame, because my favor would've involved a little more tongue," I whispered back, grinning as my face flushed. The blush was unavoidable, but that didn't mean I couldn't try and flirt back.

"Sang," Nathan groaned playfully, his voice light with laughter. I giggled, too, partially in embarrassment but mostly because it wasn't just the water making me feel weightless.

I squeezed the hand entwined with mine, tugging him towards the pool stairs. North and Silas were inside, and I wanted to spend time with all three of them together.

"Don't look so excited, Peanut," Nathan laughed behind me, but he hurried along so I didn't have to tug too hard. "Knowing North, these sandwiches will either consist of a single piece of lettuce between two slices of whole-grain bread, or the entire body of a cow slabbed on wheat."

"North always makes delicious food, Nathan," I replied positively, deciding not to mention the last omelette North had made for me. It'd consisted of all egg whites and a smidge of green peppers.

It was the first omelette I'd ever had that wasn't yellow.

There wasn't even a speck of cheese, but the side of sausage he'd given me was enough to feed an entire professional football team.

Nathan and I walked up the steps, arms swinging between us as we continued to the sliding door. I saw a large shadow pass by the door before it slid open and Silas's grin stole my attention.

"Silas!" I squealed, running the remaining few feet into his open arms.

"Aggele," Silas's warm voice reverberated through me, his arms scooping me up as my ankles hooked together reflexively behind his back.

The ocean invaded my senses, filling me with peace as Silas's steady heartbeat thrummed against my ear.

"You missed me?" Silas murmured, his voice laced with a sense of satisfaction.

"I missed you," I agreed, squeezing my giant tighter as he turned around and walked through the door. The air conditioning was cold against my dripping skin, and I was grateful for Silas's warmth as he toted me along like a human fannypack. The mental image made me giggle, and Silas's hands tightened slightly against my bum.

"Why don't you go dry off and change?" Silas offered as we entered the kitchen. "North and I are almost finished with lunch."

"Okay," I agreed, giving him another squeeze before hopping down and shuffling towards the hall.

"Meet us outside when you're ready!" North called after me in his deep voice, and I bit back a smile.

I slipped into Nathan's bathroom, quickly shedding my swimsuit and turning on the sink. I washed long enough to get the chlorine out of my hair, before drying off and padding into Nathan's closet in my towel. While pulling on some underwear and jean shorts, I eyed the different shirts Gabriel had lined up before grabbing a light pink cami off its hanger. The sun was getting higher in the sky, and it would only get hotter this afternoon.

I struggled into the cami, trying to hurry as I almost skipped down the hallway back to the kitchen.

It was deserted, as expected, and I continued through the sliding door where Silas and North's laughter met my ears.

"Baby, come eat," North called from his spot on a lounge chair. I walked over before climbing onto the open spot of cushion beside North's feet. He handed me a plate full of some sort of turkey sandwich, carrots, and strawberries. My mouth watered slightly as Silas handed me a glass of pink lemonade.

"Thank you, this looks amazing," I beamed at both boys while setting the glass down on the ground in front of me. Silas was on the lounge seat next to us, but Nathan was nowhere to be found. "Where did Nathan go?"

"The kitchen phone rang while you were in the bathroom," Silas answered after chewing on a piece of cantaloupe. "He's still on the line."

I frowned, wondering if it was Nathan's dad.

"Don't worry about him, Sang," Silas said with a small smile. "Not everything is a disaster. It's just a phone call, and he'll let us know if something is wrong."

"It could just be the fucking cable company," North snorted before taking a big bite of his sandwich.

"You're right, it's just so easy to worry sometimes. With all of the trouble we get into..." I trailed off with a sigh, taking a bit of my own sandwich. Turkey, avocado, and swiss burst with flavor in my mouth, and I sighed again. A happy, content sigh.

"You mean all of the trouble we follow you into," North grinned, setting down his empty plate. He'd inhaled his food, and I'd only taken one bite so far.

"Same thing," I dismissed, popping a strawberry in my mouth as North stretched both arms arms high above his head. My eyes tracked the movement with interest. "How was the Diner this morning?"

"It was work," North shrugged, leaning down to pick up a baseball that was lying in the grass beside the patio. I watched him lightly toss it up before catching it in the same hand. "The place is getting busier, and weekends are pretty packed."

"Do you need more people to come work?" I asked, perking up at the possibility of working at the Diner again. It'd been a couple weeks since I'd gotten to, with the whole Ashley Waters fiasco and the boys keeping me busy.

"Baby, I don't understand why you'd want to work at the Diner," North said, his brow crinkling in confusion as the ball flew back into the air and landed in his other hand. "You don't have to."

"It's fun," I assured him quickly, watching as Silas signalled towards North. He sent the ball flying towards Silas, who caught it easily. "I like working the register and helping Luke get drinks."

The boys started a soft game of catch as I nibbled on my sandwich. It was so nice out, with a soft breeze brushing my hair back and forth against my back. I was anxious for Nathan to join us, and excited at the possibility of North and Silas maybe joining in for a swim.

"What do you guys want to do?" I asked, biting into one last strawberry before pushing my plate away. I crossed two fingers behind my back, hoping they'd say take a dip in the pool.

Silas caught the ball, turning towards me with a grin and that curious light shining in his eyes.

"Have you ever played baseball, Aggele?"

A/N: This chapter was good practice for filler/transitional scenes. With a novel, I'm tempted to time jump between each chapter and keep things exciting, but I prefer reading things that DON'T time jump - so I need to stop being hypocritical.

Thank you so much for reading and giving this story a chance!

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