America To Korea

By chocolattekiss2

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Read Season 2: America To Korea: The Truth... More

Part 1: A new Exciting adventure
Part 2: Possibly a new friend?!
Part 3: So rude!
Part 4: The most Embarassing Mother
Part 5: Serial killer lady?!
Part 6: The Arts Campus
Part 7: Sweet memories
Part 8: A Contract With S.M entertaiment?!
Part 9: History Behind the Bracelet
Part 10: Blackmailed by Woohyun, the narcissist
Part 11: Accident At The S.M Museum
Part 12: The Formation Of EXO
Part 13: The 10th member of Girls' Generation
Part 15: life in SNSD #2
Part 16: SNSD's comeback?
Part 17: Seohyun's secret husband?!
Part 19: The famous Dance Room
Part 20: SNSD's date with EXO
Part 21: The first day of School
Part 22: Debut Night: The Boys
[Trending] Netizens show Mixed Reactions to Girls' Generation's Jina
Jina's Profile
Part 23: Beatles Code
Part 24: Woohyun's "Girlfriend"
Part 25: A shocking Revelation
Part 26: The Meeting That Makes The Heart Beat
Part 27: At the MAMAs with Super Junior
Part 28: A letter from the heart of a fan
Part 29: Have you ever been in love before?
Part 30: Broken Promises
Part 31: Trail of Tears
Part 32: The Father Who Got Away
Part 33: The Old Life Of California
Part 34: A Date At Disneyland
Part 35: First Kiss
Season 2
Season 2 is up!

Part 14: Life in SNSD #1

196 6 0
By chocolattekiss2

*7:00 A.M, at Jina's dorm room, sunday*

I was in the Tokyo dome performing my debut song in front of thousands and thousands of screaming fans.

Me:"Thank you! Thank you for coming to my concert! I can't tell you guys how grateful I am! I love all of my Jinatics!"

Fans were screaming and yelling my name. I never felt so loved in my entire life. It was almost like it was a dream. Oh wait, it was.....

Hye Jin:"Jina! Jina!"

Me:*groans* "Go away." 😴

Hye Jin:"Wake up sleepy head! Someone's here to see you!"

Me:"I don't care who it is! I need my beauty sleep!"

Hye Jin:"I don't know, it's a guy and a woman. I think one of them said his name was Kim Ho-Sook?"

Me:"Kim Ho-Sook?" *gets up and runs to dorm lobby*

There I saw Kim Ho-Sook and a lady drinking coffee at the lobby down stairs. They soon spotted me with PJS and horrible bed head. I should've probably brushed my hair before dashing down to meet the secretary of a big entertainment company. Nice job Jina. *sarcastically*

Me: *gulps* "Annyeonhaseyo."

Kim Ho-Sook:"Annyeonhaseyo."

Lady: "Annyeonhaseyo. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Park Seoyoon. Nice to meet you." *offers handshake*

Me: *accepts* "Nice to meet you too."

Kim Ho-Sook:"I have something to focus with the director. Park Seoyoon-shi has something to discuss with you. I'll leave you two to discuss it. *leaves*

Park Seoyoon:"please have a sit."

Me:"Thank you." *sits*

Park Seoyoon:"Have you packed your stuff yet?"

Me:"umm, excuse me. What?"

I was confused. What did she mean buy "packed your stuff?"

Park Seoyoon:"Sorry. I suppose I went a little too fast there. Let me start from the beginning. I'm Park Seoyoon, Girls' generation's manager."

Me:"I'm sorry, what? Girls' Generation? Like the K-Pop group? GIRLS' GENERATION ?!"

Park Seoyoon:*chuckles* "Yes, that Girls' Generation."

Me:"why? Why is Girls' Generation's manager sitting down with me today?"

Park Seoyoon:" Because now you are a Girls' Generation member silly."

I could not believe what was coming out of her mouth. Me?! A Girls' Generation member?! What?! There I was, sitting there with my mouth opened that a fly could fly in. Literally.

Park Seoyoon:"looks like you are still lost. Let me elaborate. Lee Soo Man, our CEO, has decided to make you the 10th member of SNSD. He has sent me here to have you gather your stuff and move you to the dorms. The car is already out front."

Me:"Wait! I'm still have trouble digesting this! He already made a decision?! Why so quick?"

Park Seojoon:"That's our CEO for you. He's known to be a quick decision maker. Look, we don't have much time talking. Do you want to be an idol or not? Cause we have to go like now."

Me:"right now? But I haven't even brushed my teeth yet."

Park Seojoon:"that can wait later, we don't have much time to lose."

Me:"alright! Alright! Geez!"

She sounded like she was about to bite my head off. Well, I guess business women are busy. I ran up to my room and pack all my stuff I thought I will need in 5 minutes.

I wouldn't be surprised if I lefted my toothbrush. My first priorities were of course my clothes, books, and lastly my anime and mangas. Being an nerd that I am, my baggage composed of mainly my mangas and books collection (95%) the rest was my clothing(5%)

I did like a 10 second teeth scrubbing. I know my teeth wasn't clean, but I have a time bomb and it is downstairs. All of a sudden, I thought of Hye-Jin. She will be shocked to see half of the room empty and her roommate missing. I grabbed a sticky note and wrote the most detailed message I could in the span of 10 seconds. I grabbed my suitcase, put on a pair of sandals, and sprinted outdoors.

Down there was a black SUV Acura vehicle. Park Seojoon was talking on the phone. When she finished, she spotted me and walked in my direction.

Park Seojoon:"You got everything you need?"

Me:"well, I don't know. I pretty much grabbed anything I thought of. I probably left something valuable up there."

Park Seojoon:"don't worry, we can come back later. Let's get in my car, we don't have much time to lose."

Me:"but where are we going?"

Park Seojoon:"to your new home, of course."

I got into her car and sat in the front seat. Just before we took off, I took once last glance at the university dorms. I know I haven't lived here too long, but over the last few months, I developed an attachment. I will miss this place, the students, the professors, and most importantly , Hye-Jin. The thought of leaving and not telling her before hand, makes me feel guilty.

Park Seojoon:"All set?"

Me:" yeah.... Wait! Does the director know about this?"

Park Seojoon:" the president talked with him about this last night. He agreed. Ho-Sook is just going there to make the formal arrangements."

Me:oh, I see."

Park Seojoon:"are you having regrets?"

Me:"no! Of course not. It's just, I don't know. The people I care about, like my family, wouldn't agree with my decision."

Park Seojoon:"Jina-shi, can I tell you something! If the people you are talking about really do care about you, they would want you to be happy and do what you want to do with your life."

Me:"I see. Yeah, maybe you're right."

The car soon took off.

*Taeyeon's POV, AT SNSD's dorm*

It was 9:30 a.m. Me and the members just received news late last night after performing at music bank from Lee Soo Man that we have a new member of Girls' Generation. All of the members were shocked since this was right out of the blue. But what's the point of arguing? This is the CEO and we have to follow his orders. As of right now; me, Seohyun, Hyoyeon, and Tiffany are stressing out on preparing a new room for our newest member. We have an empty room that we use to store stuff that couldn't fit in our rooms. It seems like we have to throw some stuff out.

Me:"Tiffany, you got the boxes already?"

Tiffany:"yeah, don't worry. I'm going to take this out to the living room for now."

Seohyun:"Taeyeon unni, where should I put these boxes of books?"

Me:do you have so space in your room?"

Seohyun:"yeah, I'll put them in my room."

Hyoyeon:"Whew! Yoona, Sooyoung, Sunny, Yuri, and Jessica are lucky that they don't have to worry about this since they live next door."

Me:"well, their apartment only has five rooms and we have an empty room so we got no choice."

*door bell rings*

Seohyun:"I'll get that."

*Seohyun comes back in with Yoona and Sooyoung*

Sooyoung:"we came to see if you guys needed help on moving stuff around."

Tiffany:"Yoona, can you take these boxes of makeup to the bathroom?"

Yoona:"sure, no problem unni."

Hyoyeon:"Sooyoung, where are Sunny, Yuri, and Jessica at?"

Sooyoung:"Oh, they went to work early today. They have a packed schedule."

Tiffany:"I feel like Lee Soo Man left our schedules empty on purpose today so we can make room for the new girl."

Hyoyeon:"Speaking of the new girl, isn't she supposed to come today? Where is she right now?"

Taeyeon:"I don't know. Let me call our manager."

I grabbed my phone and dialed our manager.

Park Seojoon:"Annyeonghaseyo?"

Me:"Annyeonghaseyo, unni. We're almost done preparing the room. Where are you at?"

Park Seojoon:"She's in the car with me right now. We'll be there in 20 minutes."

Me:" alright, we'll see you then. Bye unni."

I turned to my group members who were staring at me the whole time.

Me:"she said 20 minutes."

Tiffany:"alright, I'll finish taking these boxes out and wipe the floor."

Seohyun:"I'll help, unni." *goes with Tiffany*

Hyoyeon:"I wonder what the new girl will be like."

Me:"me too. But no matter what, she will be our new family member."


MESSAGE FROM AUTHOR:" that will be it. I already exceeded 1000 words. I didn't want to make it too long. I know this part isn't really exciting. But just you wait! After the plot with SNSD, EXO, etc is set, you guys will be itching to read the next part(I hope😬) honestly I did not know it would take this long to set the plot. I would say we are in the 80% of the introduction. After the introduction is set, I would get into the story more. Be set to see how your K-pop idol interact with each other. I will try to stay true to their background and personalities as possible.

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