The Silver-Gold Reaper

By JesindaWilliams

1K 31 3

Calico Camellia, an untrusting half breed, is on a mission for revenge and the destruction of the vampire rac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 13

34 1 0
By JesindaWilliams

Bones' P.O.V.

I stared at her

She was driving like the Devil himself was on our heels. I didn't understand what the problem was now, but obviously whatever it was unsettled her deeply.

Wow, I am amazed by my wicked observations, I thought to myself, sarcastically.

"Who's the Wench?" I asked.

She ignored me. 

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Be silent," she ordered. I couldn't speak all of a sudden.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't get anything out.

I frowned and breathed in deeply. It felt as if something was in my mind holding it down. I snapped it.

"What did you do?"

Her eyes went wide as she swerved and quickly parked on the side of the road. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"How did you do that?"

"Oh, now you want to talk to me after ignoring me this whole time," I shook my head

I understand I was being childish, but who cares?

I heard her huff and start driving again.

I could feel her glancing at me every 5 minutes.

"Please, don't ignore me."

I almost snapped my own by how quick I turned my head to look at her. She was looking at me and her golden eyes were glistening with unshed tears. I stared. She looked so adorable with her wet, dewy  eyes and faintly, blushing cheeks.

I should have known it wouldn't last long.

She blinked and glared at me with murderous intent and hatred. Her lip curled slightly in disgust.

She turned back to the road and she seemed to have stepped on the gas harder. The trees flew past us in a green blur as I continued to stare at her.

"Where are we going?" I asked, warily.

She sneered.

"I'll ignore you."

She bared her fangs, "Chesterfield."

It almost sounded as if the words were forced out of her.

"And we're going to see this...Wench?"

"Yes." She seemed to become angrier every time she answered a question.


"So that I can kill you," she snapped.

Well, then. I looked ahead in confusion. If she wanted to kill me, wouldn't she by now. Of course, I won't actually let her kick my bucket, but what's stopping her from even trying? She seemed slightly different, now that I think about it. Ever since we left the house I sometime caught her looking at me with a loving tenderness and awe. Though, she didn't know that I noticed.

"What's stopping you from trying?" I asked in honest question. She turned a glare on me and I caught her eye. After awhile she looked away with a slight blush kissing her cheeks and she tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

"Don't know."

We were silent for awhile and just watched the trees go by. From the corner of my eye, I watched her  turn on the radio and Jackie Evancho's song, To Believe, played through the speakers.

I turned to watch her, discreetly. Her grip on the wheel went relaxed and her tense shoulders sagged. She started to absently hum along with the instruments and her expression smoothed out.

"Before I lay me down to rest. I asked the lord one small request." 

My jaws dropped a little at the heavenly voice spilling from her lips.

"I know I have all I could need
But this prayer is not for me
Too many people on this day
Don't have a peaceful place to stay
Let all fighting cease that your children may see peace
Wipe their tears of sorrow away  

To believe in a day
When hunger and war will pass away
To have the hope amidst despair
That every sparrow's counted
That you hear each cry and listen to each prayer

Let me try always to believe
That we can hear the hearts that grieve
Please help us not ignore
The anguished cries of the poor
Or their pain will never leave

To believe in a day
When hunger and war will pass away
To have the hope amidst despair
That every sparrow's counted
That you hear their cries and listen to each prayer

Father, as you see, I'm just a child
And there's so much to understand
But if Your Grace should surround me
Then I'll do the best I can
I promise, I'll do the very best I can

To believe in a day
When hunger and war will pass away
To have the hope amidst despair
That every sparrow's counted
That you hear each cry and listen to each
Prayer {Hear each cry and listen to each prayer}
Help us do Your will oh Father
In the name of all that's true
And we'll see in one another
The loving image of You."

She seemed to have forgotten that I was their. She had a small smile on her face and the wind was playing in strands of her hair. The sun shined through and made her hair stand out like a silver fire. She took my breath away. If I breathed.

I wanted her. I wanted her all to myself. I was going to figure out a way to changer her mind even if I ended up getting battered on the way. I sighed and regretted it when she jumped as if shocked. She looked at me and tensed up again. An awkwardness filled the air even though the music was playing.

She pulled into a gas station and got out of the car. I followed right behind her.

"I'll go pay," I told her, anything to get me out of that suffocating silence.

I walked inside the store and looked around. Their was a woman at the register and as soon as she saw me she sat up straighter and stretched out her chest, giving me a suggestive smile as she batted her eyes.


I walked towards her and gave her a hundred.

"Fifty on..." I paused. What number was it? I looked out the clear doors and saw Calico standing next to her car holding up eight fingers.

"...on eight."

She took the money and gave me back a fifty.

She leaned forward, pressing her breast on the table, "Is that all you want?" she asked as she bit her lip and twirled her hair in her fingers.


She smiled, coyly. I turned and walked around the store grabbing drinks and food that Calico might eat. I looked out the window and did a double take when I saw another truck their with four men. One of them was talking to Calico and I clenched my jaw in annoyance. I focused my hearing to listen to the conversation.

"Hey, babe,  why don't you go to a part with us?" the guy asked. Calico ignored him and continued to stare at the gas meter.

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