The Impossible Story (Doctor...

By AncientAmateur

379 21 0

This is a story about my Original Character the 22nd Doctor. He has been through the Second Great Time War an... More

The Cafe
Giving Up
The Bowtie
Old Girl
The Long Song
Finding Ones Self
Souffle Suprise
The Marketplace
Traveling Back
The Old god's Shrine
Small Talking to a New Beginning

My Clara

50 2 0
By AncientAmateur

'That voice,' Clara snapped back to the present moment. 'Chinboy,' she whispered through her sobs.

'My Clara,' the man in black whispered again. His voice cracking under what appeared to be the two heaviest words in the universe. Clara instantly stood up. As she turned around she saw the face she had once grown to love standing in front of her. She stared for a moment at the man standing before her she was in disbelief. She saw him change on that emotional night that seemed like far too long ago. Something was different this was her Doctor sure enough but he was different too. She expected to see her Doctor a gangly man with a bowtie, braces, and a grin that spread from ear to ear. But, that is not what she saw. In front of her stood a man dressed all in black, his suit was tailored perfectly to his proportions. Replacing rolled up jeans and dirty old boots were sensible all black saddle shoes and black dress socks. What happened to his bowtie Clara thought with a sense of sadness he loved bowties.

The Doctor stood there perfectly still allowing her to look him up and down. He had a grace to him that Clara had never seen. Honestly, in all of their traveling she had never seen him stand still for that long! Even though his clothes were different Clara was sure that this was her Doctor. Not that the other incarnation wasn't but this was the face that showed her the stars for the first time. The one who wore his hearts on his sleeve and protected her. Not make her make decisions alone that she may one day regret. No, this was him and she really didn't care how he got here she was happy that he was here right now.

When she was satisfied with her assessment and honestly she could not hold it in anymore she ran to the Doctor intending to hug him to the end of time itself. As she did he took a timid step back and as he turned away he whispered 'Please, not that, please just don't,' his voice sounded as if there were any other noise in that moment he would break in two. This shocked Clara because it was the thing she missed the most about him. Her Doctor always gave warm embraces, if he thought he could get away with it he would probably hug a Dalek.

Those big sad eyes Clara knew them too well. It was the one characteristic that she loved the most. In them she could see a kindness that knew no bounds. She seemed to get lost in the vastness of their sorrow on this day. Finally, she said the words again. 'My Doctor,' while putting her hand up to his face. The Doctor leaned back again almost afraid of human contact.

He moved quickly but with grace to the bench Clara had been seated on before and sat himself down. He placed his elbows on his knees as if contemplating his next sentence. 'Clara, I am the Doctor,' he tries to muster up the courage to utter the next words, ' but, not your Doctor.' This takes Clara by surprise. She walks back to the Doctor and kneels in front of him looking into his eyes again. 'Your eyes they are so much older! But, yes you are my Doctor,' she tries to reach her hand out to touch his arm but he stiffens up. 'Oh, Doctor what has happened to you?'

'No,' he mumbled trying to make Clara see he wasn't the same man. 'I'm so sorry about today. I flat out lied to the only person who didn't judge me when I didn't even know myself. I... I didn't know about Danny,' he stammered as his head sunk lower.

'It's okay, it really didn't matter you had your home back,' Clara lied.

'Rule one,' is the only thing he could say as he shook his head trying to get the thoughts out of his head.' Clara shook her head in disbelief realizing the implications of the Doctor's two words. As if he knew Clara's thoughts. 'She lied to me again! Besides, I thought you were happy that you were with him. You loved Danny and there was no place for this grumpy old fool!'

'You know, I teased him about his chin just like you. I still care about him and you,' Clara responded tapping the Doctor on his chin. The Doctor was a bit perplexed by her response. How could she tease at a moment like this he thought before replying. 'I don't know why you would care about me. I ruined your life,' he paused 'I changed you into me,' he whispered with regret filling every syllable he spoke.

'You saved me, Doctor,' Clara retorted 'In so many ways! If the phrase "turned into you" means extremely clever. Well, I was that before I met you.' Clara was trying everything in her power to get her sad Doctor to smile.

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