Lose My Mind

By awfullygastly

21.2K 761 548

Deanlena AU! ;) More



1.5K 62 59
By awfullygastly

Random Fact: I actually made my self geek out at one point when I was writing this chapter lol. 

A/N: I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter! It was so much fun to write. Don't forget to comment and vote if you like this! :)

I also want to dedicate this chapter to IBrokeBad just because I love her and I want you guys to get your butts over to reading her Deanlena stories as well! I'm obsessed with her story When She Wakes, and she's reaching the end so catch up guys! :) 

Now without further ado, here's chapter 6! ;)


Hearing the footsteps nearing their room, Dean was quick to wake. He managed to slide out from under Elena's resting torso without disturbing her sleep. He scavenged through the piles of clothes that were lying on the ground; trying to find his shirt and his pair of boxers.

As he's slipping his shirt over his head, he hears a knock at the door.

"Elena?" He hears Caroline's voice.

Just as the door knob begins to twist, he takes to giant leaps and appears at the door before Caroline has a chance to poke her head in.

In an attempt to block her view of the room, Dean keeps the door partly closed, as he begins to speak to her.

"Hey, Care. What's up?" He asks.

She crosses her arms and narrows her eyes at him. "I need to see Elena."

"Oh- Well, you see. She's still sleeping..." Dean chuckles and lifts his finger up to his lips; jokingly telling Caroline to lower her voice.
"I know that," She huffs. "I need to wake her, and tell her we've got to leave earlier than we thought. Sam got a call this morning," She begins to explain. "His college professor got him a meeting with a really good firm, but they want to meet him tonight."

Dean nods in understanding; he takes a moment to decide what to say next. He couldn't let Caroline in the room...

"How about you and Sammy, go on ahead. I don't mind taking Elena home." He offers with a shrug.

Caroline gives him a skeptical look. "Huh..." She breathes out as she looks at the ground; pensive look on her face.

"What?" Dean asks beginning to get concerned.

"You know. I just realized you two have been getting along pretty well this weekend..." She lifts up her head to meet his gaze. "What's going on between you two?" She asks. The words in Dean's throat get caught. He can't think of a single thing to reply.

"You guys are so noisy!" Elena's complaint startles the two of them. Dean turns around and sees her dressed. She gives him a quick wink, and with a sigh a relief he opens the door to let the blonde into the room.

"Oh, Elena. I'm sorry we woke you up," She apologizes as she pushes her way past Dean. "I was just telling Dean that we've got to get going earlier than we planned. Sam got a call from his professor. He's got to be home by tonight for a meeting."
"Oh," Elena says, slightly disappointed to have to leave so soon. "Okay, I'll get my stuff packed."

Caroline nods her head. "Okay, let us know when you're packed!" She exclaims before exiting the room. Dean shuts the door slowly behind her, and turns to face Elena. The two let out a sigh of relief.

"That was close." Dean grumbles. Elena nods in agreement. A silent moment passes between the two. Neither of them knowing what to say to one another. The memories of the previous night flooding back as they looked at one another. They both knew they needed to speak about what occurred, question was; who would bring it up first?

They both open their mouths to speak, voices over-lapping one another. Dean chuckles awkwardly, and gestures for Elena to start. "You start." He says.

She silently thanks him before letting out what was on her mind.

"What does this mean, Dean?" She asks. "Wha-"

"Sweetheart," He interrupts her. She looks up to meet his gaze and waits for him to speak.

Usually Dean would have said it like it is. It was fun, but the morning has come and it was time to go our separate ways. But this time... Looking at her; he couldn't get himself to do it. He wasn't sure what was different. Perhaps it was their history? He couldn't pinpoint the feeling he was getting, all he knew was that he was unable to treat her the way he'd done to many other women before her. She was different, and as much as he hated to admit it, he cared and there was no way he could hurt her.

He runs his hand down his face and lets out an exasperated sigh. She watches him, fear beginning to develop within her as she realizes he was most likely beginning to feel regret. A part of her wished she regretted the night as well. A part of her wished she could accept the lifestyle Dean had grown used to. We slept together now we move on. But she wasn't like that. If anything, the previous night had been a wake-up call for her. Those feelings Elena felt for Dean on their first date, those feelings from many years back hadn't never fully gone away. No, they'd just been repressed.

But Elena knew very well she shouldn't expect any more from him.

"Look, Dean," She begins, grabbing Dean's attention. Dean's eyes focused on her, suddenly made her feel vulnerable. Her stomach tightens as she prepares to spout her solution to the problem before them.

"You don't have to worry about giving this," She gestures with her finger between the both of them. "a definition. We slept together, now we move on." She offered with hesitancy in her voice. Her attempt to sound as confident as she could with her solution failed miserably.

"Lena," Dean takes a couple steps towards her. He struggles to find the right words to say to her. "You know I'm not the dating type-" He begins.

"I know," Elena intervenes. "Which is why-"

"Which is why," Dean speaks over her. "I don't think we should try to give whatever this is a definition."

"What are you saying?" She asks, eyes narrowed as she tried to understand where he was heading.

"Why don't you stay?" He asks. Elena tilts her head, silently asking him to elaborate. "I'll drive you back home myself. But in the meantime we can spend a little extra time around here." He offers.

Elena chews on her lip as she considered his offer. The idea of spending some alone time with Dean tempted her too much to reject his offer. "Are you sure?" She asks reluctantly. Dean simply nods in response. "Okaay.." She says as she slowly begins to make her way out of the room. A part of her figured Dean would stop her and take back his offer, but to her surprise; he didn't. She walked right out of the room and made her way down to find Caroline.


Now joined by John and Mary, the group stood outside of the house to say their good-byes.

"Are you sure, Elena?" Caroline asks Elena as they pull away from their embrace. She looks at Elena with stern eyes. "Sam and I can wait for you to pack your things if you changed your mind." She offers.

Elena chuckles and shakes her head. "It'll be fine, Care. Once I return home, who knows when I'll have another chance to take a small vacation like this? I just want to spend a few hours more here, before going back to pulling all-nighters for classes." She pouts.

Caroline nods in understanding. "Fine." She sighs out. She then turns to Dean, arms crossed and a menacing look on her face. "You better behave with Elena, Winchester." She warns him.

Dean points to himself. "Me?" He asks in disbelief. "Why doesn't she get a warning?" He points at Elena.

"Because, dear, we know you." Mary responds jumping into the conversation, as she wraps an arm around Elena. The 3 women now stare down Dean.

Dean opens his mouth to speak, but quickly clamps it back shut. His mother was right; he knew there was no point in arguing with her. Instead he turns to his brother and father for aide. To his surprise, they were staring him down as well.

"We all know you, son." John chuckles.

Dean's jaw drops at his father's response, which causes Sam to burst out laughing. "Alright, alright. Let's give Dean a break," He says as he walks to stand beside Dean.

"Thank you, Sammy. It's nice to know that there's atleast one person -"

"Elena's put up with him for years. She's learned a trick or two to keep him in check. Right?" He asks Elena. She smiles, and nods.

Dean shrugs out of Sam's hold. "What the hell, Sammy!? I thought you were on my side," Dean whines.

Mary pulls away from the group and approaches Dean. "We're kidding, sweetheart." She approaches him and kisses him on his head and pulls him into a hug.

Elena watches the scene playout before her. She looked at Dean in awe, amazed by how he transformed around his family. With his walls down, Dean was a different man. She saw the family man that Dean truly was. She found herself smiling at the thought of it. She knew Dean and Sam were really close, but who would have guessed? Dean was actually a family-man.


Once they say their byes, Elena and Dean watch the two vehicles drive off. Once they were out of visible distance, the two then turn to each other.

"So, now what?" She asks.

"Boardwalk?" He offers.

With a smile on her face, Elena delightfully accepts.

The two spend a few hours on the board-walk; talking to each other just as they did on their first day. The only difference now, was the distance between the two. They walked side by side, hands softly brushing each other as they continued on their path. Eventually, one of them made the first move and took the others hand into their own.

They rode the rides available to them; bumper cars seemed to have brought out the old bickering bone they'd always carried as they would crash into one another on the track. Once they were done with the rides, they continued back onto the boardwalk. As they were walking, they passed by a few game stands. The man managing the booth began to call out to them.

"Hey you, two!" He shouts out at them. Feeling as if they'd been caught, they quickly release their hands from one another. They then turn to face the man who'd been calling them; relief washing over as they realized it was no one of significance. "Come, come play! Pretty bear for pretty lady. Yes?" He lifts his brows up at Dean.

"No," Elena shakes her head. "Thank you." She smiles at the man. She then turns to Dean, but to her surprise he wasn't by her side anymore. She turns back around, and finds him standing at the booth. "Dean, what are you doing?" She asks.

"Come on, Lena. He made a compelling case. Pretty bear for pretty lady." He winks as he pulls out a couple of bills, hands it to the man and receives the game's pistol in return.

"Dean, those games are almost impossible to win," She shakes her head. The man managing the booth shoots Elena an angry scowl, which causes her to giggle and take a few steps towards Dean. He then presses the start button, and the game begins.

Dean raises the shotgun, and focuses on the targets. In less than 30 seconds, he hits 5 targets in a row. The manager and Elena are both taken by surprise by Dean's capability. Once the winner alarm begins to blare, Dean places the gun back onto the booth. The booth manager bitterly hands Dean one of the prizes.

He then turns to Elena, who still had a astonished look on her face.

"What?" He questions her innocently.

"That... That was amazing, Dean!" She exclaims.

"Yeah, well. My uncle Bobby taught me how to hunt as a kid; never could manage to kill anything though. Mostly target practice." He then slightly lifts up the prize. "Clearly my skills have come in handy." He jokes as he hands her the bear.

She takes the bear. "Thank you," She says as heat begins to rise in her cheeks.

"No problem, sweetheart." He responds as he wraps an arm around her. "Pretty bear for a pretty lady." He teases.

"Yeah, yeah." She rolls her eyes dramatically, as they begin to make their way down to the beach.


The sun was beginning to set as the two found a somewhat secluded spot in the sand for them to sit. Once again, side by side; Dean wraps his arm around her again, and she leans her head onto his shoulder. Their eyes glued to the gorgeous sight. The red, orange and yellows; mixing in with the blues and purples of the night sky beginning to approach. The waves lightly crashed onto the shore, just barely reaching their bare feet.

"Dean," She begins to speak. The subject they'd avoided all day had yet to be discussed. As they watched the sun begin to lower, she decided now was the time.

"Yeah?" His eyes remaining on the sunset.

"What happens when we get back?" She asks.

Dean had thought about his answer throughout the day; and to this point he had yet to come up with a single good answer.

"I don't know," He finally responds. "What do you want to happen?" He asks.

Elena now finds herself dumbfounded by Dean's question. She too had thought about an answer throughout the day, but she hadn't mustered up the courage to give her answer. She pulls away from Dean, and readjusts herself so she's facing him. He looks to her, puzzled as he waits for her reply.

"I..." She lets out a breath to calm the nerves turning in her stomach and then begins again. "Dean, we've spent the last few years bickering back and forth. It never once crossed my mind we'd end up here," She chuckles. "But I'm kind of glad we are. I don't know what I want to happen. I haven't been in a relationship in quite some time, and I know you haven't either. I don't want to rush into anything..." Dean sits up, his interest was piqued.

"So?" He asks.

"If you're okay with it... We keep this whole situation between us, and we can continue to see if it turns into something more?" She offers.

Dean considers her offer. It seemed reasonable to him; no real strings attached. It couldn't hurt to try, could it?

"Okay." He responds.

"Okay?" She questions him a small smile beginning to grow on her lips.

"Okay." He repeats smiling as well. She then returns to her spot beside him, and leans her head on his shoulder once again. Their eyes glue themselves back on to what was remaining of the sun. They watch as it slowly makes its way down, leaving them surrounded only by the moonlight.


Once they return home, they carry out Elena's plan. For 8 months, the two are able to keep their "relationship" successfully hidden from their friends and family without rousing suspicion from any loved one. For 8 months, the two connected; opened up to each other and got to know one another on a deeper-lever. On a level neither of them could have ever imagined possible; but yet, neither of the two spoke those 3 words.

Elena knew she had fallen. Without a doubt, she was hopelessly and helplessly in love. And Dean saw this in her eyes when she looked at him. Without her ever having to say a thing, Dean knew exactly what she was feeling and this caused a change between the two. He inadvertently began to distance himself. Their calls were shorter, his visits were less frequent. The walls she managed to knock down were slowly being built up again.

She knew she was beginning to lose him, and it frightened her much more than she cared to admit. Deciding she wasn't willing to let him do this to her, she set up a mandatory date with him. She was determined to lay the cards out on the table; determined to make her feelings known, and what she wanted from him.

Dean wasn't stupid. He knew she was beginning to catch on. He knew she was going to try to fight to make this work. So he didn't show.


She gave him over an hour to show up at their prearranged location. She angrily called his phone, and when it began to lead her straight to voicemail, fury began to boil up. On impulse, she decides to call Caroline.

Once Caroline picks up, Elena lets out a breath to calm her anger.

"Hey, Elena!" Caroline says cheerfully.

"Hey, Care," Elena forces her voice to sound as normal as possible. "I'm sorry to bother you, I was just wondering... have you or Sam seen Dean? I uh... I had a car question."

"Dean? Yeah he and Sam went out to a," She pauses for a moment. "Hold on, Elena." She says. Elena hears shuffling on the other line, before hearing Sam's voice greet Caroline. She pressed the phone against her cheek in an attempt to overhear the conversation. Only thing Elena could make out from Sam was "He ditched me".

"Sorry about that," Caroline apologizes. "Sam went out to a bar with Dean. Guess Dean found a girl and ditched Sam like usual."

Dean found a girl. Those 4 words played in Elena's mind on a loop. She should have known. "I don't date, sweetheart." She should have known.

"Elena are you listening to me?" Caroline's voice brings Elena back from her thoughts.

"Yeah. You said Sam could help. I'll uh... I'll call him if I need him." She replies. Elena hadn't concealed the difference in her tone, and Caroline was quick to catch it.

"Elena, are you okay?" She asks now concerned for her best friend.

"Yeah, I just got to get back to my homework. I'll call you later. Love you!" She exclaims and hangs up the call.


When she got behind the wheel of her car, she didn't know where she was going until she arrived to the location. She parked her car right outside of the apartment building she'd spent so many nights in. She climbed out of her car, and quickly made her way past the front door.

She walked up 3 flights of stairs, deciding that the exercise would help cool down her anger. Once she arrived to his floor, her stomach began to clench. The closer she got to his door, the more frequent her breaths were coming out. Standing in front of his door, with her eyes closed; she musters up the courage to knock. A part of her began to pray that it hadn't been true. A part of her prayed that he would open this door and apologize for standing her up.

Finally, she lifts her hand up to the door, but before she gets to knock; the door opens.

She should have known.

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