Something Like Love


124K 4.7K 4.6K

Paul had strange feelings whenever he was was around John. something that felt like love. But Paul wasn't sur... Еще

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Author thingy
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Ten

4.8K 192 387

It was Friday night, the night of the school dance. It was 7:30 and the dance started in an hour and a half.

John Lennon had just gotten out of the shower, and was now searching for his tuxedo. He knew he had put it on the night stand in his room, but it wasn't there anymore.

"Mimi!" John called down the stairs.

"Yes!?" Mimi yelled from the kitchen.

"Where's me suit?!"

"It's in the sitting room!"

John trudged downstairs, towel still wrapped around his waist, and grabbed the tux from the sitting room. He wasn't even in the mood to go to a bloody dance. The only reason he was going was because Paul wanted him to.

He marched back upstairs to his room and half heartedly put on his suit. He didn't bother tying the bow tie. It would be his little rebellion.

He was doing his hair, greased back at the sides and some curls at the front, when a knock came at the door. He heard Mimi answer it.

"John! Paul's here!"

John smiled and put put down the comb, running downstairs. He wanted to see what Paul looked like all dressed up.

He walked down the last few stairs, taking in the sight of Paul. He had a white suit on, a blue bow tie and shiny black shoes. He looked beautiful to say the very least.

"I look like a bloomin' marshmallow," Paul pouted.

John laughed, leaning against the wall, smirking slightly.

"You look gorgeous," John said, just loud enough for Paul to hear. He didn't need Mimi to have a fit about him calling his "friend" gorgeous.

Paul smiled, just a bit. He was still upset about a lot of things and he didn't feel like smiling much.

John nodded his head towards the stair case, signaling for them to head upstairs. They went to Johns room so John could continue to get ready. Paul sat on the bed. His face was expressionless.

"What's got yer knickers in a twist?"


John turned around, away from the mirror, and gave him a questioning look. This definitely wasn't the first time Paul was pissed off at "everything", but it was the night of the back to school dance. He was the one who wanted to go, wasn't he?



He sighed and sat next to Paul on the bed.

"Could you explain further? What exactly is 'everything'?"

"First of all, I've had a crush on you for months and you had a crush on me and neither one of us said anything, not even a hint! Finally you notice I'm acting weird and find out I love you! Then I go threw the depressing process of waiting to see if you like me, too! You decided to give it a try, thank God! But I'm not upset about that. It's the fact that this relationship we have is illegal. So, I can't be seen in public with you as more than friends and I can't go to a bloody dance with just you! We have to go with these two girls who get on my bloody nerves!! I'm pretty sure you fancy that Cynthia girl, which will probably ruin our relationship! And to top it all off I look like the bloody ghost from Christmas past!!"

John sat there taking in all of this, trying really hard not to laugh. He wasn't actually expecting Paul to be so mad at everything.

"Well what do you want me to do? Shout at the world until its made legal?"

"That would be great."

John held Paul's hand reassuringly. There wasn't anything he could do to fix this problem.

"We're still basically going together, ya know. Just with two extra people. And I don't fancy that blonde bird," John reassured. "You're the only one I have my eyes on."

John didn't know why he was doing this. He still didn't particularly want to go to the dance. He supposed he just didn't like to see Paul so upset.

Paul looked at John from the corner of his eye before turning to do his bow tie.

"Tie yer bloody bow tie." He said it in a harsh way, but he still smiled. John lifted Paul's chin, making him look him in the eyes, and kissed him. It was a slow but passionate kiss, the first real kiss they shared since they started dating.

Paul wanted to deepen the kiss, but he knew they had to pick up the girls in a couple minutes or else they'd be late. The kiss ended and John stood up, throwing on the dress shoes he found in his closet.

"Shall we go?" he asked Paul, holding out his hand. Paul took it, standing up from the bed, finally smiling widely.

"We shall."


They arrived at Dots house, walking up the pathway to the door, laughing about a stupid joke that John made. Paul knocked on the door, fixing his suit so he looked presentable. Dots father answered the door, a bright smile on his face.

"Hello boys! The girls are still upstairs getting ready. Come in and have a seat."

He stepped aside to let them in. He guided them to the sitting room, pointing at the couch, telling them to sit down.

"Do you lads want anything to drink? Tea? Milk?.." he asked in a friendly way.

"No thank you, sir," Paul said politely.

Her dad nodded, sitting in a chair across from them, trying to think of a way to start a conversation. He didn't have to think long, though, because the two girls walked into the room, dressed in pretty little dresses. Dot had on a blue dress that went just a little past her knees, while Cynthia had on a long red dress.

Paul and John stood up, looking over the girls they had to take to the dance. They didn't look half bad.

"Do you like what you see?" Dot asked giggling a bit.

"You two look great," Paul said, faking a smile.

The two boys took their dates hands and they walked to the school dance. (None of them had their drivers licenses just yet.) Paul noticed John wasn't being rather quiet.

"You alright, John?" Paul asked, craning his head around to look at him.

"Yeh. I'm just admiring the way you look even more like a girl. The light from the moon really defines your eyelashes."

"Oh, shut up! He's looks very handsome," Dot yelled.

"I never said he didn't," John replied. Paul glanced at him, telling him to shut up. He didn't need Dot finding out her boyfriend was gay for his best mate. At least not right this minute.

The rest of the walk was mainly silent, mostly because John and Dot hated each other with a passion and they didn't feel like arguing. Paul just kept glancing over at Cynthia, keeping an eye on her incase she decided to make a move on John. He felt a little weird watching her, but he couldn't help it. Whenever she was around John, jealousy took over.

They made into the school, walking towards the gymnasium where the dance was going on.

John ran up and held the door open for Dot and Cyn, stopping Paul, seeing as he was the last on to go in.

"Save me a dance, yeah?"

"Of course," Paul nodded.

They walked into the dim room, people dancing all over the place. A live band was on the small stage; they didn't sound too bad. The dessert table was in the middle of the gym, being occupied by the people who decided to show up without a date.

It was pretty dark in there and John cursed himself for not bringing his glasses. He hated wearing them, but he couldn't see a bloody thing.

"Come on, Paul! Let's go dance!" Dot shouted cheerfully, dragging him into the crowd.

John watched Paul and Dot disappear into the crowd, and went off to dance with Cynthia.

Before they had left for Dots house, John had snatched some beer from the fridge and hid it in the inside of his jacket; he knew Paul wouldn't have approved. The school doesn't allow alcohol at dances, either, so most boys just sneek in their own. To those boys, dances weren't fun if you were sober.

Paul only ever drank if he was out somewhere in the middle of the night with John or George. Or if he was at a party that one if his mates threw. He tried not to drink too much.


Paul had been dancing with Dot for about an hour before he felt like he was going to pass out.

"I'm gonna go get some punch, do you want any?"

"No thank you. I'm going to go see if I can get the band to play Elvis."

That was really the only thing Paul liked about Dot anymore. Her music taste.

He walked over to the dessert table, pouring himself some juice into a small plastic cup. He looked at all the food: cupcakes, pretzels, cookies, and some fruit. Nothing too special. It was only a back to school dance, anyway. It didn't matter.

Paul stood by the table, looking around the room to see if he could spot John anywhere. There were too many people in the way. He couldn't even stand there for two minutes without getting bumped into by dancing couples.

He decided to walk around for awhile, and, hopefully, find John.

As he was walking back to the dessert table, he ran into Ivan Vaughan, the kid who introduced him to John.

"Oh, hi Paul! How are you? I haven't seen you in a long time," Ivan greeted Paul.

"I'm alright. What 'Ave you been up to?"

"Nothing too special. Just-..."

Paul stopped listening to Ivan when his eyes fell upon an auburn haired teddy boy and a blonde bird over in the corner making out. He felt his heart drop and shatter into a million pieces.

'"And I don't fancy that blonde bird. You're the only one I have my eyes on." Yeah, right. That's why you're over in the corner swapping spit with her, you arsehole.'

Paul walked angrily over to the back door, leaving a very confused Ivan behind. He stepped outside, peace and quiet surrounding him.

He sat down on a bench and lit a cigarette, calming his nerves. He knew something like that would happen. He knew this was a bad idea.

Out of the corner of his eye he could three figures walking towards him. He couldn't make out who they were because it was so dark.

He daringly turned his head to see who it was. It was those three poofers who always made fun of him.

He wasn't in the mood for this.

Paul got up and ran without hesitation. He ran as fast as he could across the field, but not fast enough because one of the lads tackled him down on the grass.

Paul hit his chin on the ground, making him accidentally bite his lip, causing it to bleed.

"Hey, McCartney, where's your boyfriend?" a blonde haired boy asked. Paul didn't answer. He was flailing his limbs trying to break from their grip. The boys only held down his arms tighter, while the blonde haired boy straddled his stomach.

"What? You're boyfriend not here to save you? Too bad," the boy said, giving him a hard blow to the jaw. Paul groaned as the pain shot throw his head.

"This is his payback. His lover all alone outside, getting the shite beaten out of 'im."

Paul wiggled vigorously, trying to throw the bloke off of his stomach. It was becoming much harder to breathe, and the panic that set into Paul wasn't helping.

"Get off!!" Paul choked out. The blondie only laughed and punched him square in the face. He grabbed a handful of Paul's hair and banged his head against the ground, making Paul scream out in pain.

"Shut up!" the boy growled. Tears threatened to spill from Paul's eyes. He thrashed his body around, kicking his legs in the air, doing anything to get out away from these pieces of shite.

The two blokes holding his arms down, dragged him up to his feet, giving, what seemed to be the leader of the group, more ways to hurt Paul.

They held Paul's arms behind his back with a death grip. Paul thought his arms would break right off of his body. There were tears streaming down down his face.

"Aw. Does poor baby want his Johnny? Well he's not here right now, is he?"

A surge of anger rushed throw Paul's body and he tried to kick the lad where the sun don't shine.

"We don't want any of that now, do we?" The bloke punched him right in the stomach, knocking all of the breath out of Paul.

He had lost all of his strength. His legs gave out, so the two boys were practically the only things holding him up.

"He's giving up already! You sure don't put up a fight."

"Fuck you," Paul whispered. He didn't even have the strength to talk anymore. Tears were still running down his face, mixed with a little blood. He wished he would just pass out so this would all end faster.

"Hurry up and finish, will ya?! He's heavy," one of he other boys said.

The group leader gave him one more hard blow to the face, which made Paul's nose start to bleed, and a knee in the bollocks.

The other lads dropped Paul to the ground and they walked away into the darkness of the night. Paul lay there, curled into a ball crying. He couldn't move; his body hurt too bad. He wanted Dot or someone to come find him, help him. He wanted anyone but John.


It was Johns birthday on Friday! Happy belated birthday Johnny!

I hope you liked this longer chapter. I actually meant to put it up last night but I forgot and I fell asleep. Woops lol

I think I always update on Sundays for some reason, so I guess I'll update on Sunday. <3

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