Gang Romance

By ashxlyn

2.7K 130 39

Crystal, a 17 year old girl, never saw danger coming her way. But, that didn't got in her way of everything... More

Gang Romance
1: Hey, Bunny
2: It's none of your business
3: No! I'm just his friend
4: There's a new student
5: It's him?
6: Why do we always get interrupted
7: What the heck happened?
8: He's not my friend
9: You forgot this
10: What plan are you talking about?
11: She's always afraid of getting shot
12: Ow! What was that for?
13: A warehouse, huh?
15: Get me out of here!!
16: This is all your fault
17: Am I that beautiful to stare at?
18: Hey, Ju-Ju, hands off my girl
19: The problem? Is you.
20: I'm turning into Elsa
21: Cry it all out
22: Everything will be alright

14: Nice hair you got there, Baldy

90 4 0
By ashxlyn

Crystal's POV

I woke up by the sound of the door slamming against the wall. I looked up and saw the 2 men that kidnapped me. "Wake up, sleeping beauty." One of the man said. I tried to move, but I was tied by a rope, so I couldn't escape. Obviously....

They untied my rope, one of them grabbed my left arm while the other one grabbed my right arm, gripping on it hard. I tried to wriggle out of their hold, but failed miserably, I was too weak to move a single muscle. My lower back hurts the most. They laughed at my attempt.

"Where are you taking me? Are you guys going to be nice and get me out off this place? Ooh, nice hair you got there Mr. Baldy. Oops, I forgot you don't even have a hair, sorry." Even though I feel weak and hurt, I can still be annoying as heck. Need to use my sarcasm.

"Shut up, will you?" Mr. Baldy yelled, trying to me intimidating. Tried. I didn't even flinch, I just looked at him with bored eyes. He doesn't look scary at all. He looks so irritated that I feel myself laugh. Mr. Baldy tightened his grip from my hand, and that made wince. He smirked, satisfied of what he did. Oh, you won't be wearing that smirk for too long Baldy.

Even though I feel like I can't even breathe, I twisted my hands so that it's facing his wrist, I grabbed it and rolled my arms back so I can twisted it, he winced. I need to be strong. My life depends on this. Ha! The long hair man didn't even have time to do anything as I pulled him towards Mr. Baldy and smashed their heads together. I kicked Mr. Baldy on his foot, I heard it cracked a bit and he groaned. Long hair put his both arms between my armpits and dragged me down towards the door. I pushed my head back, hitting him on his face. He let go of me instanlty like I'm on fire and cupped his nose where, I supposed, I hit him. Am I badass yet?

I tried to run towards the door to escape, but a man stopped in front of me, blocking my way out.

"Man, I almost escaped. Can't you see? It's only a few feet away. Damn you, whoever you are. What are you doing here, anyways? Can you just leave and let me escape so I can rest my lower back to make it feel better? You're ruining my plan. Why did you think I kicked their asses off? To escape, you as*wipe." I yelled at the man. He has a few beards but not too much. He looks familiar though. I don't know if I had ever seen him but he looks familiar. But he was glaring at me so hard, I almost died. Oh the irony.

He looked at me like I was crazy, well I certainly am, but you get what I mean. He looks down at the 2 men with bleeding noses and broken ankle. He then looked at me, impressed. "Wow, for a small girl like you, you sure as heck can manage to defend yourself. You're strong." He complimented me with his deep raspy voice. Well, duh! Wait.....

"Hey! I'm not a small girl! I'm only 5'11. You're just tall." I crossed my arms over my chest. This doesn't feel like I'm getting kidnapped. Well then, I jinxed it.

More men came behind the man and they dragged me across the hall, and in a room. A big dark room. There was only 1 chair and a table in the middle of the room, filled with guns, knives, tapes, and ropes. Wow.

"But not strong enough." The leader, I guess, added. He looked like a leader.

They pushed me down, harshly, making me sit on the chair. I hissed slightly, feeling the pain on my lower back again. Great, I got shot, and got kidnapped in less than 48 hours. What a wonderful weekend, don't you think?

"Torture her. Make sure you get some answers. If you didn't, you would be on her place, crying and screaming." The familiar man threatened the other men then walked out of the room. Oh, torture me? No, really? I thought this was a nice teapot party where we all eat chocolates and drink some tea while we talk and giggle, happily.

"Alright, Big mouth." The buff man, hey that sounds like 'The muffin man', said to me. We seemed to have a good nicknames to one another. Big mouth, really? My nickname for you is way more better. "If you don't give us answers, we will force it out on you." He treathened.

And now, I snorted, "How will you get answers if you kill me, huh?" I smirked at him. He's more stupid than Patrick. No offense Patrick, you are stupid but don't take that as a bad thing, it actually makes you funnier.

"I said shut up, Big mouth." Muffin man said. "We'll give you questions and you have to answer them, okay?"

"No, you'll give me answers and I'll give you a star." I said, sarcastically.

What he did next didn't surprise me at all. He slapped me on my left cheek. I didn't even flinch. It stings a bit but it doesn't hurt that much. He squished my cheek, making me look like a fish, and said, "You talk back at me again, and your mouth will be cut off."

"Where does Carson live? You know, he looked so close to you. So I figured, you're an easy target." Oh, so he knows where I live and he doesn't know where h- wait a minute, did he just say Carson? Oh right, the one who dragged me into this. And easy target my butt.

I didn't respond. When he notice that I was not going to answer, he slapped my left cheek again, hard. Damn, does he slap his wife's as* this hard when they do it?

"Answer!" He screamed. He looked hella weird as he yelled at me. Not scary, but weird.

"You said if I talk back at you again, you'll cut my mouth. No, thank you, but I'd rather keep my mouth for some reason." I smiled at my own joke. Innuendos. Carson should be proud. This will take a long time.

He punched me on my stomach. Now, that hurt. He stomp his foot on my right bare foot. I let out a scream. The worst part is, he used his heels. Not girl heels. No. I would laugh if a buff man like him wears heels.

"Now answer! Where does Carson live?" His face is so near, that when he speaks, I can smell his bad breath.

"No! If you want to know where he lives, use that useless old brain of yours and track him! He was at the hospital, you dumbass! What kind of gangs ot something are you? Army of Patrick?" I yelled at him. Patrick again. And he punched me on my face this time. I winced and shook my head to let out the pain. I'm sure that'll leave a bruise. He pulled my hair back and smashed my face on his knees.

I tried to hide my tears. Crying won't solve a thing. And I can also feel blood roll down my nose. It's okay. It's just blood. Like when you have your period.

"Now, where does he live again?" He asked, again. Stupid question.

"Up your ass!!" I yelled...

Yup, this is going to be fun, without the hitting, of course.


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