
By CheniseRobson93

16K 319 13

Meet Riley Miller, her mom moved them to Springville, AKA SPOOKSVILLE, where she meets Adam Freeman , Sally W... More

Meet Adam Freeman
Meet Riley Miller
Meet Watch
Meet Sally Wilcox
Meet Ann Templeton
Meet Grace Miller
Meet George Freeman
Meet Derek Miller
Meet Laurel Hall
Meet Madeline Templeton
Meet Mack Friar
Meet Jasmine Friar
Meet Jessica Friar
Meet James Friar
Meet Loretta
Part 1-Moving Making New Friends & Finding Out The Truth
Part 2-Sickness Ghosts Ancestors & Fairytales
Part 3-Adam & Riley Find Out Something Keys & Yearbooks....
Part 4-Secrets JealousyOld Friends & Predictions
Part 5-Planes, Love,Flashbacks & Singing Songs
Part 7-Dates Mack Plans Breakups & Old Loves.....
Part 8-Heartbreaks Under/Not Spell Songs Books And Storms or Tornado...?
Part 9-Working Together Spells Disasters TruthsSongs & FLASHBACKS
Part 10- Time Travel, Feelings, Truths & Destiny!!!
Meet Roxanne
Part 11

Part 6-Potions Songs Family Moments Presents Bodies & MACK.....

380 11 0
By CheniseRobson93




(I woke that morning and got ready and headed downstairs, i was spending the day with Sally, we were gonna hang out for the day.)

Riley: Hey mom, i heading out?

Grace: Okay, make you stop in and see Mack.

Riley: Can't it's girls day?

Grace: I don't care he is an old friend, i thought you would want to spend time with him?

(That made me angry she knew he was alive and she didn't tell me.)

Riley: No mom, i don't there was a time when i would have wanted to hang out with him, and i wished for him to be alive, hell i wished for that, everyday after the accident, after i woke up and saw the flames, i wished i could tell him i was sorry, to tell him how much i missed him, but now, i have a new life with new friends, i am leaving the old me in the past, so no i will not be stopping in to see Mack, i made plans with Sally, and thats what i am doing.

(I grabbed Adam's jacket and slammed the door and walked out.)

(Meanwhile, Ann was with Mack.)

Mack: So when are we going to do it?

Ann: Be patient, we are going to customise this spell.

Mack: I want her now.

(He said punching a table and it broke.)

Ann: Control your anger, will you, besides i know what we are going to do?

(She said taking a piece of paper.)

Mack: Your going to write something down aren't you?

Ann: Oh how did you figure that out, was the pen and paper that gave it away, yes i am going to write something, i am going to write exactly what Adam is going to say to her when i throw the potion at him, and she will come running to you.

Mack: I like this plan, let's do it now.

Ann: Hold it, Texas, we have to wait until Adam and Riley are together for this work.

(She said as she threw her paper into her potion and mack wrote down what he wanted in his and he threw in and both potions blew up and it worked, they bottled them up.)

Ann: Tomorrow night, they have a date, and thats when we will do it.

Mack: Perfect.

(Meanwhile, i was walking to Sally's, i was angry when i got a text, took my phone out of my pocket it was from Adam.)

Adam's text: Morning, i know, i know you hanging out with Sally today, i just wanted to say good morning, and i can't wait for tomorrow night, and i will call you tonight to say goodnight.

Riley's text: Morning to you to, i was angry up until i got your text, now you brightened my day, thank you, and i can't wait either, and where are we going?

Adam's text: It's a surprise.

Riley's text: How will i know what to wear?

Adam's text: Wear something comfortable.

Riley's text: Okay, i will think of something, i will wait for your call tonight.

Adam's text: Have fun with Sally.

Riley's text: I will, bye.

Adam's text: Bye :).

(I was happy now, i felt like the world stopped for me, and i knew Adam was the one, my fairytale, little did i know my fairytale was going to ruined soon.)

(I walked up the footsteps of Sally's house and the door opened and she rushed out grabbed my arm said.)

Sally: Start walking and do it fast, my mom wants us to do chores.

(I started walking fats, we got to the movie theatre and i asked Sally.)

Riley: Hey do believe that there is true love for everyone?

Sally: Yeah, but not here in Spooksville, why do you ask?

Riley: Oh nothing i was just asking?

Sally: Oh my god?

(I looked at her and said.)

Riley: Whats wrong are you okay?

Sally: You think Adam is your true love?

Riley: When i was a little girl i asked my dad if it was true with my mom and he said it was, he said that you will know if someone is your true love because, when you go to bed at night you think about them, when you wake up in the morning you think of them, when they call or text you, you light up, they will make you happy when your sad, give you their jacket when your cold, send goodnight and good morning texts and that when they walk into a room your in, that it feel as if your world has stopped and its just the two of you, and he said i will find my prince someday.

Sally: For you it's Adam, i know this because everything you said, i have seen him do it, but i will compromise with you, we share him as a prom date.

Riley: Deal, also i need one thing from, Adam and Watch have promised me too, that you can't let Ann & Mack know what i am, you know a banshee and a witch?

Sally: How do you not know the she witch isn't listening now?

Riley: She can try, but i have this anti-listening spell on this opal stone, so she can't hear us, but promise me?

Sally: Promise, but you have to buy me two milkshakes each month, until prom?

Riley: Deal?

(We went in and watched movie, and when we came out we went to the Peppy rainbow froyo store and we shared a banana split and i brought Sally a milkshake, when Adam and Watch came in.)

Adam: Oh hey how was the movie?

Sally: It was sappy?

Riley: Its was, but it was good.

(I said smiling and moving over and letting him in.)

Adam: My jacket i was looking for that?

Riley: Oh i rushed out this morning and you left it, here...

(I went to say but he cut me off and said.)

Adam: No, it looks good on you.

Watch: So you like a chick flick?

Sally: So, what all of sudden i can't like something?

Sally: I'm out, see you guys later.

(She left and the so did watch.)

Adam: Well i should get home, Dad is wanting me home for dinner, but i will call you later.

Riley: Yeah, bye.

(He left and i walked over to counter and i asked for a sign up sheet for the competition for a theme song for the froyo store, i took it and headed home, i was going to eat alone, when i picked up the take out and grabbed my keys and my bike and i road to the hospital, i chained my bike out front and i headed in.)

Riley: I'm looking for my Mom?

Nurse: Whats her last name?

Riley: Oh no she isn't sick, she is a surgeon, her name is Grace Miller.

Nurse; Oh she is in surgery, just let me check when she should be finishing up?

(She typed onto the computer then looked up.)

Nurse: She should be done, now, she is on floor 3.

Riley: Thank you.

(I walked to the elevator and i got on and i pressed the button that said 3. It started moving when the doors opened to floor 3 i got of and went to the nurses station.)

Riley: I am looking for my mom?

Doctor: Uhh her name?

Riley: Grace Miller.

(Then i heard a voice.)

Grace: Riley, what are you doing here?

Riley: I thought you could use some dinner?

Grace: Oh thats so nice, honey.

Riley: And i didn't wanna eat alone.

Grace: Come on, lets eat.

(We went into the cafeteria and we started eating.)

Riley: I'm sorry for the way i acted this morning, i'm just still shocked and freaked out that Mack is alive.

Grace: it's okay, i understand.

Riley: Sometimes i do wish it was like it was before the accident, but then i wouldn't have met Adam, or Watch, and even Sally, i remember when i was little dad was reading me cinderella, and when he said"And They Lived Happily Ever After," i asked dad, how did he know it was true love with you and he said, "Your going to find your prince someday,Smiley-Riley and you will leave Daddy & Mommy, to have a family of your own and you will know if is your true love, because he will be the last person you think about when you go to sleep at night, the first person you think about when you wake up in the morning, he will make you smile even when your sad, he will cheer you up when your sad, and when he steps into a room, you will feel like the world has stopped and it is just you two, thats how you will know," and mom i know i'm only 15, and there are plenty of guys out there, but i feel that way when Adam is around, is it crazy that i might have found my true love?

Grace: No, it's not, i was your age when i met your father.

Riley: What was it like?

Grace: He was a jock as you know, and i was the band geek, but when his friends bumped into me and knocked my books out of my hands and laughed and walked on your Dad leaned down and helped me pick them up and then when he looked me in the eyes and smiled, oh i knew, i knew he was the one i was going to spend my life with, sure everyone didn't approve, but i got you out of it, and don't you dare think for one minute that what people said about your father leaving, that he couldn't handle what was going on, it's no true Riley, he loved you more than anything in this world, just as much as loves me, your special Riley, always have been, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, and i love you more then you know.

Riley: I love you too Mom.

(I hugged her and i whispered to her just as her beeper went off.)

Riley: I am going to find Dad, i promise.

Grace: Oh uhh it's an emergency go home Sweetie, you have not long until you freak out about not having anything to wear tomorrow for your date.

Riley: Your right, i should find something to wear.

(I headed off and when i got to my house, my phone rang.)

Riley: Hello?

Adam: I just wanted to call and say goodnight and i will pick you up at 5pm, oh and yes i am blind folding you?

Riley: Uhh, i wont be able....

(He cut me off and said.)

Adam: Don't worry about how your getting there i have that covered, just be ready out the front by 5pm.

Riley: Okay, night.

Adam: Oh and uhh look in your room by your bed?

Riley: Why?

Adam: Just do it, please and good night.

(He hung up and i went up stairs to find out what he was talking about, and i walked over to my bedside table there was a box and a note, i opened the note.)

Riley: So you have something pretty wear, love Adam, xxx.

(I opened the box and it was a Silver Heart Crystal Necklace.)

(I put it on and i started working on the rest of my song.)

Riley: B-b-better in stereo, Oh, oh, oh, B-b-better in stereo, Oh, oh, oh, And when we're together (oh yeah), In sweet harmony, oh so rare, If we could just agree,We would go major league, When you say, "Yeah," I say "No", When you say, "Stop," all I wanna do is go, go, go, You (you) the other half of me (me), The half I'll never be-e, The half that drives me crazy, You (you) the better half of me (me), The half I'll always need (need), We both know, We're better in stereo,You say, "It's wrong," I say, "It's right,"You say, "It's black," I say, "It's white.", You take left and I take right, But at the end of the day we both know, We're better...You (you) the other half of me (me),The half I'll never be-e,The half that drives me crazy, You (you) the better half of me (me), The half I'll always need (need), We both know, We're better in stereo, B-b-better in stereo, Better in stereo, Oh oh, Better in stereo, Oh oh, Better in stereo (B-b-better in stereo), Oh oh, Better in stereo.

Riley: It's finished, now, i can plan my outfit and go to sleep.

(I spent four hours finding the perfect outfit and i finally found it, now it's time to get some shut eye. I went to sleep, while listening to music, my phone would sit in the pocket of my top, but i got up, i was sleep walking again and i headed to another location and it was the local pool, and i saw it, and i screamed.)


(I screamed the loud banshee scream and it woke me up and then i called Adam.)

Adam: What,Riley it's like 3am, why are you calling?

Riley: Adam, i don't how but.. i guess i was sleep walking and i...

(I paused then i said.)

Riley: I found dead body?

Adam: Stay where you are, i'm coming.

(He hung up and called Sally and Watch, and they all rushed over.)

Sally: What are you doing here, i was sitting with my Daf, talking.

(We all looked at her.)

Sally: Okay fine i was sleeping, but what are you doing here?

Riley: Thats what i am doing here?

(I said stepping aside and showing them body.)

Adam: Call 911.

(Watch called 911 and they came and i just told them i was walking cause i couldn't sleep and i found the body.)

Officer: Take her home.

Adam: I will, thanks officer.

(He took me home, but then i thought i saw something in the corner of my eye, but i was tired so it was nothing.)

(Mack was hiding, he was the one who killed the pool guy, he wasn't human, and he was hiding it pretty well, he was something else....)

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