Fangs and Claws [Boy X Boy]

Jenniferbirt tarafından

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Dominic Price graduated high school, or hell as he'd call it, and is spending his first few weeks of freedom... Daha Fazla

Dear Readers
Chapter 1 Summer vacation
Chapter 2 Giddy up
Chapter 3 Adventure
Chapter 4 strange encounters
Chapter 5 nice to meet you
Chapter 6 I'm so sorry
Chapter 8 This is my life now
Chapter 9 parents come knocking
Chapter 10 Biting and Clawing
Chapter 11 Marking
Chapter 12 Games, Castles, and Sore asses
Chapter 13 family affairs
Chapter 14 where'd ya go?
Chapter 15 parties are fun
Chapter 16 without a hitch
Chapter 17 Distractions
Chapter 18 Unexpected plans
Chapter 19 Goodbye Mom
Chapter 20 Two More Days
Chapter 21 Welcome Home Golden Summit
Chapter 22 freedom
Chapter 23 Puppies
Chapter 24 New Bodies
Chapter 25 what does this mean?
Chapter 26 Late Night Talks
Chapter 27 At All Costs
Chapter 28 Injuries and Fighting
Chapter 29 Stew
Chapter 30 Hell
Chapter 31 Fight
Chapter 32 Time
Notice from Jenn

Chapter 7 I hope I dont regret this

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Jenniferbirt tarafından

Chapter 7
I hope I don't regret this


PICTURE on right (or top) -----> NICHOLAS FISHER

This chapter is dedicated to EVERYONE


         When both Colton and Nicholas left I started to get even more confused with what was currently going on. Both are men, it's obvious. And both are oddly extremely kind towards me. That's also, painfully obvious. And both are different people but at the same time, they aren't.

         Colton is quieter and calmer from what I can tell, but also flirtier. While Nicholas always has a grin on his face and is far more energetic than I had originally believed. He sort of reminds me of a puppy. It's hard to think the businessman looking extremely formal in an expensive suit I bumped into in town would look extremely informal and easygoing when wearing normal clothing. At one point he even begged me to use my shower to clean his hair since he couldn't stand the gel in it. If I thought he was attractive with the gel, it was almost killing to see his hair messy and him just genuinely not caring. Or so it seemed. I still don't know much about him or Colton for that matter. But from what I can tell, they both have one similar interest: me.

         It's been three days since they first came to the house and both of them haven't shown up again but both have made it a point to message me. I, for some reason, have been added to a group chat with them titled: stud muffins. courtesy of Nic. Oddly enough, I thought they didn't get along when I first saw them together but it appears they're sorta civil towards one another. And it's been three days of exchanging morning and night-time greetings, playing question games, and occasional phone calls among the three of us. I don't understand why they're being kind or trying to get closer to me, I feel like a nobody they could easily replace their interests in. But then I don't understand why I want to get closer to both of them as well. I guess I would understand more if it was only one, even though I would still be pretty confused but since there are two of them I feel more confused than ever.

         Today started normal enough, I woke up with two messages in the group chat, both good morning messages. After responding to them, I went and found Ryan, told her good morning and we had breakfast together. Then, she vanished into the library after breakfast and has been there ever since, since she set up her computer she's hardly ever left. I spend my days here doing random things, swimming in the pool when I'm bored, and other times I'll spend long hours in the backyard taking pictures and testing everything on my cameras. And when I can't be bothered to do anything I take a nap. Pretty normal, right? But instead of my normal activities, after Ryan vanished into her fortress of solitude my phone started ringing before I got to decide what I wanted to do for the day. I quickly rushed to answer it and pressed it to my ear before I had a chance to see who it was, I just hope it isn't spam. "Hello?" I breathe out, trying to catch my breath.

         "Hey, Dom!" Nic's deep voice fills my ear and I feel my knees buckle for a brief second. My face turns red as I quickly make it to the nearest seat.

         "oh uh, hi Nic. How are you?" I sit on the couch and pull a pillow into my arms, bringing it up to my face in an attempt to hide it.

         "I'm great! Thank you for asking. Hey, I was wondering, can Colton and I come over later? We uh, need to talk to you about something." He says getting serious and I feel my face getting hotter. Both of them want to come over and talk. I'd be fine with just one but why both? It also sounds kinda serious, for Nic to get serious it must be.

         "Um, sure. I'll be home all day today." I look towards the clock trying to remember if I'm leaving or not tonight. I know I'm not but I feel like my brain is everywhere right now.

         "Ok. As soon as Colton gets out of work we'll head over." I can hear the grin return in his voice.

         "Just keep me updated on the time," I ask and he agrees. We say our goodbyes and I shove my phone into my pocket. Getting up, I head to the library to find Ryan, desperate for sanity before what's about to come. She's sitting at her desk typing away at her computer with her glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose when I interrupt, "Hey, Ryan... uh, Nic and Col are coming over later," I say awkwardly.

         "I can make us all dinner later if you want." She turns in her chair, eyeing me and wiggling her eyebrows.

         "You don't have to." I sigh, she's no help. Only an enabler.

          "Nah I want to, I need to do something other than writing ." She shrugs but I see the evil look in her eye. I mumble an 'if you say so' before leaving.

         An hour passes before I get a phone call telling me they're on their way. I've spent most of the time in my room laying in bed and watching TV seeing as I wasn't motivated to do anything, crushed under the anxiety of their visit. As soon as the call was over I changed into something decent to wear instead of just a pair of shorts and combed my hair. I told Ryan to put something decent on before I headed into the kitchen and grabbed an apple to munch on while I waited. Sitting at the kitchen counter and keeping an eye on the window to see when their cars drive up I wait for fifteen minutes before I notice Nic's truck pull into the driveway and two figures step out. I stand up and head to the door just as the bell rings and I'm greeted with two strong arms wrapping around me and dragging me outside with them when I open the door. My arms go around the tall figure but only to get his attention as I weakly hit his back. "Nic please, air," I beg feeling the air slipping from my lungs until he finally releases me.

         He chuckles softly and steps back muttering an apology. Colton steps forward and gives me a far gentler hug which takes me a split moment to respond to. "Thank you for having us." He smiles down at me, his hand lingering on my face for a moment. I turn to hide my face, coughing to clear my throat. I didn't realize we were on a hugging basis, or that I'd reciprocate. I just kinda acted on instinct.

         "It's no problem, please come in," I say trying to quickly compose myself and turn to go back inside. "Ryan, Nic, and Col are here," I shout into the house but I don't get an answer. I shrug and turn to face them, "she offered to make us dinner tonight. If there's anything you guys don't like feel free to let her know."

         "That's very nice of her, when you find her tell her our thanks." Colton chuckles as he takes his shoes off and sets them out of the way.

         "Oh you don't have to remove your shoes, we don't at least." I snort, if Ryan and I get back from doing something we usually take our shoes off when we get to our rooms. Colton simply waves me off while Nic seems to listen to me. "Well, you said you wanted to talk to me about something right? You can tell me anything so what is it?" They both look at each other and I can see their moods change instantly.

         "Yeah, we have something to tell you. Let's go sit down." Colton offers.


         Colton offers for us to sit down and I can feel my heart starting to race as I get more and more nervous with every passing moment. What is he gonna think? What is he gonna do? What is he gonna say? So much is going through my mind and I can hardly talk. Colton has Dom sit on the couch while the two of us stand in front of him. He looks up between the two of us with a questioning gaze, He seems almost as nervous as me. Colton looks at me and I simply shake my head, I will not be the one telling him. I already told Colton I wouldn't. I don't know how to. With a heavy sigh, he looks back at Dom. now or never I guess, "Dominic, how do you feel about us?" As soon as he asks that Dom's eyes widen and he looks both surprised and confused. I'm not sure what Colton's doing but what I do know is this moment is the most stressful moment of my life. Worse than when I first became alpha.

         "Um, well that was sorta unexpected... I don't know. I haven't known the both of you for very long-"

         "But from what you know how do you feel?" Colton cuts him off.

         "Um, I suppose I don't hate you both. But like I said I don't know you enough to be able to say I like you or anything like that. I'm sorry." Dom rubs the back of his neck and I can tell he's getting uncomfortable. All this anxiety is making my stomach churn, what does Colton have planned exactly?

         "That's not what I meant. I mean how does your body feel when you are around us, what are your thoughts?"

         "Col, what are you talking about?" His face begins to get slightly pink but Colton doesn't answer his question, only leaving his own left open in the air. "I-I guess I feel a little nervous. My mind sometimes goes blank. Um, ..." His face begins to get redder and redder and his eyes veer off. Part of me wants to know what he's thinking, and another part of me wants to apologize for what he's about to learn.

         "Do you want to know why your body reacts that way only around us?" Colton asks, obviously deciding to cut corners and not dwell on the half-answered question.

         Dom snaps his attention back to us with a slightly shocked expression, "are you saying you know why?" Col nods. "Well... Well, tell me!"

         "It's because you're our mate, Dominic." I squeeze my eyes shut upon hearing those words leave his mouth as I wait for the yelling or rejections. But none of that ever comes.

         "Huh?" Is the only thing I hear. "What does that mean?" I peek my eyes open to gauge his expression but I can't tell. It's blank.

         "Nicholas and I are not human. Both of us are supernatural creatures. And each of our kind is born with a significant other already chosen for us. That person is our 'mate', as Nic would call it but to me, it is more commonly known as a Soul Mate, does that make more sense? I do believe humans use that term also. What I'm trying to say is you are Nicholas's and my's soul mate. That is why your body reacts the way it does around us." Colton explains and I nod when Dom looks at me for confirmation. His face remains blank for a moment before he bursts into laughter.

         "Oh my Gods, you two! That's hilarious! Alright alright, stop joking around what do you really need to tell me? Because I find it hard to believe you two aren't humans." He continues to laugh but Colton and I remain silent. I feel a pit in my stomach start to grow as I realize what's happening. He's rejecting us.

         "Dominic. He's telling the truth." I speak up, desperate for him to realize we're serious.

          He continues to only laugh though, "yeah I'm sure, Alright then prove it to me." He says and I sigh, regretting even getting into this situation. I am the only one after all who can really 'prove' it. I feel that pit in my stomach grow as I Look at Colton. With another deep sigh, I begin to feel my bones shift and break before moving into their new places as I go from standing upright to all fours. My clothing tears off me and I'm left in fur before him. Before I'm aware I'm sitting on the ground staring up at Dominic in front of me as he stares back. His face is blank but I can see an array of emotions sweeping across his eyes.

         Suddenly there's a loud banging sound and the sound of clutter falling and crashing, "I fucking knew it!" Ryan screams as she bursts out of the front closet.

         "What the hell were you doing in the closet!?" Colton yells back, startled by her entrance. Though through all the commotion Dom stands silently and begins to make his way toward the stairs. I can't help but want to follow, feeling my heart pounding in my chest, but I can't. "Dominic-" Colton begins but Dom holds his hand up and stops him.

         "I need to be alone," Is all he says before disappearing upstairs and we hear a door slam. I'm about to run up after him but Colton's hand on my back stops me.

         "I'm going to talk to him..." Ryan says before quickly following upstairs and leaving us.


         I sprint upstairs after him and knock on his door before entering slowly. I don't know why I thought he would react differently, maybe because he's so open-minded I figured he'd be intrigued. I'm such a fool. I lock the door behind me and see Dom laying on his bed staring at nothing. "Dominic-"

         "Am I dreaming? Is that what's going on." He asks half-heartedly. oh no.

         "I wish I could say you were. But you saw it with your own eyes." I say sympathetically, going over and sitting at the end of his bed.

         "They're monsters." I look at him shocked.

         "You can't say that-"

         "But they are." He snaps looking at me.

         "Dominic listen. You might think that but honestly, before you knew they weren't human you didn't have a single problem with being around them. You liked it and you can't deny that. They're still the same people Dominic, just because they told you the truth doesn't make them any different." He goes silent again. "Nicholas showed you his true form because he loves you, that's what it means to be a soul mate." He still doesn't say anything. I stay silent with my arms crossed as I watch him. I can see I've made him uncomfortable with the truth.

         "What is a soul mate?" He looks up at me, eyes pleading.

         "Don't ask me, go out there and ask your own." The Dominic I know isn't close-minded like this and is much more interested in the world.


         "No buts. Look I get it that this must be kinda crazy, having two people you don't know very well go to you and tell you they're your soulmate and that they're supernatural creatures. Hell Nic even showed you to prove it to you. But you have to understand how they're also feeling. You just basically told them you don't want them around. How would you feel if they both ignored you and told you to leave them alone? They're probably praying their hearts out you'll go out there and at least talk to them. You owe them that much." I say and he frowns at me.

          "Why aren't you, I don't know, freaking out?" He finally sits up and moves to lean against the back of his bed and I crawl up next to him.

         "I'll tell you how later because right now I only want you to talk to them but I already knew they were who they are. Not even ten minutes ago you were hugging the two of them like it was nothing. Just because they told you the truth, does that change them at all?" I ask, trying to be kinder than before. I saw the look on Colton's face when Dom snuck off, the fear, and I can only imagine how Nic must feel, I've made it my mission to get Dom to at least talk to them. It's the least I can do.

         "How long were you in that closet?"

         "That's not the point stupid." I smack the back of his head. of course, he's focusing on everything but the important parts.

         He frowns again and crosses his arms while staring down at his lap. "I guess it doesn't..."

          "Exactly. Now go out there and talk to them." I urge again, The only way this will get resolved is if he goes and talks to them.

         "No! Can you give me time to think at least? A nap or something." He begs, his eyes pleading back at mine, and I sigh. He is gonna owe me so much one of these days.

         "Fine. One hour to do whatever the hell you need to do. After the hour is up I'm letting them into the room, ok?" I ask and he reluctantly nods. "Good. Now just relax and think about everything. I'll go start dinner or something." I mutter the last part, standing up and he nods, returning to his silent state. Opening the door, I'm greeted by Colton sitting on the floor with the large black wolf sitting next to him, waiting across the hall from Dom's room with his back against the wall. His head was hung between his knees with one arm limply slung over Nic when I opened the door but he snapped up as soon as I stepped out. He almost got to his feet, his mouth falling open to say something but I raise a hand to stop him. "I'm giving him an hour to think things through. He needs to be alone and think everything over. But I wouldn't worry too much you guys." I'm about to leave and go downstairs but Col stops me grabbing my arm, the desperation clear in his eyes.

         "Wait, Ryan can I ask you a question?" I stop and nod. "How did you know about us? I mean it's abnormal for a human to find out about us unless we accidentally showed ourselves. So how did you...?" He trails off, leaving the question open-ended for me to fill.

          I snort at his question slightly and turn back to them before sitting in front of them, "I knew because it was obvious. And I'm kinda not freaking out because one of my good friends is a mermaid." I grin. "Yeah, she would never go to the beach with me and I just ignored it and figured she didn't like swimming but one day by accident one of our friends knocked over a water bottle and there went her secret. Only me and the other person know though and she trusts us to keep her secret. So far we have. Ever since then I've been noticing more and more, like how Nic is a werewolf was obvious to me from the moment I saw him. His whole appearance just screams it. personality too," I notice his ears drop as a sort of 'are you serious?' expression forms on his features. "And you Colton, you radiate bloodsucker." I tease the last part to see if I get a reaction.

         He glares at me slightly for saying that but I just ignore him. "Well if that's all you wanted to talk to me about then I'm going to go start dinner." I stand and wave, quickly leaving before they can ask me any more questions.


         I decided to take a mind-searching nap and eventually I had to wake up. When I did, I didn't bother checking the time, knowing my hour wasn't up yet otherwise they'd be in here. I'm honestly too nervous to even move from the bed and too scared to even utter a word. I know I'm not scared so much of them but how they'll think of me after I reacted the way I did. My nap showed me how ridiculous I had acted, it was insensitive and rude beyond belief. They probably already left and that's why Ryan hasn't come to wake me up yet. And I'm nervous that they may still be here and I have to face them too. I'm such a coward.

         I feel like I'm losing it, my head is spinning under what to do next. My chest feels heavy and my heart stings, my breathing becoming shallow because of it. I can't bring myself to get up yet, so I roll onto my side and peer out the large window facing the forest. I've always gone on walks through the woods to help me think and get through things, but I can't necessarily get down there right now. not without going past them.

         Geeze what am I gonna do? Should I go out there now and talk to them or wait for Ryan to send them in? if they're even still around...

         You know what, fuck it. I'm going out there.

         I climb out from all of the blankets and tip-toe over to my door. Before I open it, I get down into my stomach and peek under the door, making sure no one is in front of it. Once I make sure there's no one, I stand once more and slowly crack the door open. peering into the hallway, I notice the scene before my door. Colton has his back against the wall with his head hung and Nic, or at least who I'm pretty sure is Nic has his head resting on Col's lap. As soon as they notice my presence though both their heads snap up to look up at me, worry etched on their faces as they look at me with sorrow. I take a deep breath before walking into the hall and going to kneel in front of them. They stay silent, watching me as I slowly reach forward and run my fingers through the wolf's black fur. "So this is Nic..." I ask quietly, barely even a whisper out of my throat. I can feel his body tense under my hand as he watches me closely, not moving a muscle otherwise.

         "Yeah, it is," Colton responded just as quietly, his eyes falling to my hand instead of me.

         "So you're the wolf who helped me to sleep in the woods... Who would have known." I wonder out loud as Nic presses his snout into my hand and I continue to pet him.

         "Look Dominic I'm so-" Colton begins but I cut him off.

         "I have hundreds of questions."

         "Of course, you can ask us anything." He answers immediately and I nod before standing once more. In one swift move, I turn back into my room and head to the bed to sit down, waiting for them to follow. Nic follows first and sits at the end of the bed while Colton sits a distance away from me, still not fully looking at me. I can feel my heart grow heavier but I try and ignore it. "Go ahead we won't keep anything from you." Colton's voice croaks out, clearly affected by the situation.

         "What are you?" I ask directed to him, seeing as I already know about Nic.

         "I'm a vampire." He whispers, almost ashamed. I feel myself becoming nervous but I promised myself I would at least talk to them. besides, I can see him slowly but surely crumbling in on himself. with each passing second, he slouches more and more and has been creeping further and further away from me. his arms wrapped around himself as he looks away. nothing about that is threatening, if anything it hurts my heart to watch.

         "Ok then, explain this more to me," I ask, making my voice much softer in an attempt to ease his nerves. I didn't realize how... Guilty he felt just being himself.

         "Well, it's kind of hard to explain. It would be easier to just tell it from my perspective and let Nic do his own since we're different," Colton begins, finally looking up at me again. his crystal blue eyes seem strained. "To vampires, before we are born a sort of soul mate is selected for us. Like fate. We have no control over who our soulmate is. And we're able to tell who it is since we become drawn to that person the minute we see them. I'm sure you've felt somewhat drawn towards us and that's only because you're our mate. Kinda like a want to be around us but you don't know why. Or whatever you want to call it. Werewolves are basically the same but they have their own God and tell it slightly differently but it's the same concept." he finishes with a sigh and I can see him receding into himself again. I feel my heart grow heavy again but try to ignore it.

         "But I'm a human, shouldn't it stick within the races?" I ask feeling slightly confused about how I could be caught up in all of this. Not to mention the fact three of us are involved.

         "Not always. I've heard of serval causes where someone finds out their mate is human. It's not uncommon." He answers with a small shrug, looking away once more. I glance back at Nic who has been quiet this whole time and he peers back at me, still sitting by the foot of the bed.

          "But then why is there two instead of one? And more importantly, if you're a vampire and he's a werewolf aren't you supposed to be like mortal enemies? Not soul mates?" I feel a little silly asking, but it's a genuine question. And thankfully I see a small smirk creep on Colton's lips.

         "Again it's not uncommon to mix the races but having more than one mate is also pretty common. And though I did hate Nic before all this, because you are both of our mates we naturally feel a connection between the two of us as well. Besides, all that mortal enemies nonsense is just Hollywood. we had our reasons for disliking one another before this happened," He explains, a light chuckle slipping between his lips. He doesn't appear as tense anymore.

         "But wait, how could you two hate each other before but now be well I don't know, close?"

         "Because we didn't have you. Without you, there's no relationship between us. And before we had met you Nic and I did hate each other but not because of who we are. I just genuinely hated that idiot, long story." With Colton's words, Nic begins to growl but quickly stops when he glances back at me. It's like he forgot I was here for a moment.

         "Ok, let me get this straight. You're a vampire." I point to Colton, "and you're a werewolf... Obviously..." I point to Nic. "And the both of you claim that I am your mate, me a human who's not even remotely connected to the supernatural world." I recap everything just to be sure I'm not going insane.

         "Um yes, that's just about it." Colton rubs the back of his neck. "But you have to understand, we aren't just throwing the word mate around like it's nothing. We crave your attention and your love. We need it. no one else matters to us anymore," Colton says with a serious look on his face and I have to turn away to hide mine that feels heated. "If you need we can give your more time to think this over, you're in no rush to make a decision right-" He starts, that worry creeping into his eyes again.

         "I... I think I'll try." I mumble quietly. My own heart getting the better of me and controlling my tongue. I can feel it hammering in my chest, borderline about to burst, "I'll try... Um... This." I motion between the three of us while trying to turn and hide my burning face. I wait for either of them to say anything but when nothing comes I look back to see Colton's face in pure shock while Nic's ears are straight up. I almost have to stop myself from laughing at his puppy dog expression. "W-what?" I can't help but feel embarrassed under their gazes.

         Col shakes his head, "oh nothing! It's just we didn't expect you to well, make a decision so quickly. Are you sure?" He asks, I can hear him straining to contain the excitement in his voice and a new glint has ignited in his eyes. one I don't think I've ever seen before.

         "Don't make me change my mind... I'm positive." I mutter to him. If he keeps questioning it I'm gonna start second-guessing myself and we'll have to go through this whole ordeal all over again.

         "I'm just trying to make sure this can be-" while he starts to ramble I cross over the bed, closing the distance between us. I can't think of any other way to get him to stop and show him I mean it so I grabbed his face and forced him to shut up by pressing my lips to his. Without skipping a beat his arms snake around my back and pull me closer to him, deepening the kiss much deeper and quicker than I expected. I get swept away in it instantly as I feel one of his hands caress my face and his tongue brushes against my lips asking for entrance. I'm almost compelled to lose myself completely in the kiss until Nic interrupts.

         "Hey! That's not fair I want a kiss too!" I pull away from Colton and am about to turn towards Nic but my face gets shoved into Colton's chest as he wraps his arms tightly around me to keep me held there.

         "Calm down and go get some clothes on," Colton demands, his chest rumbling slightly as he talks. I can't help but feel more and more embarrassed the longer I realize my situation.


         "He's not ready to see you naked now get going." He demands again while Nic grumbles and curses, stomping away. I feel my face flush as I hang onto Colton's jacket to keep my face hidden to not accidentally see anything. "He's gone, he'll be back soon to nag you for a kiss, though," Col mumbles lowly in my ear and rubs my back slightly as I sit up, pulling away from him. "Now I'm assuming you have more than just those questions unless you wanted to just resume where we left off," He asks suggestively, that firey glint returning in his eyes. He chuckles slightly watching my embarrassed expression as I fumble to respond. " Relax, I'm just playing. If you have questions go on, I don't bite." He grins and I glare.

         "I don't believe you," I mutter and he laughs. "Well, then here's an obvious question, but how old are you? actually?" We had played several question games over the last few days but I now know for a fact they twisted the truth to a lot of their answers.

         He snorts slightly, "it's not nice to ask someone their age." He teases and I blush. I go to apologize but he stops me. "Physically, I am twenty-three, that wasn't a lie. But actually, I'm several decades old. Far older than you'd believe. And between you and I, if rather not relive my age." He rubs the back of his neck and looks away as he thinks about his true age. I'm feeling incredibly embarrassed by how immature I feel next to him now.

         At that moment, Nic returns to the room with a t-shirt on and some plain blue jeans on. He jumps onto the bed and pulls me away from Colton, albeit gentle at least, "can I have a kiss please?" He begs with a puppy dog face and I can't help but blush, looking away. Swallowing the lump I feel in my throat, I turn to him and give him a quick peck on the lips before I feel my face burn and I quickly try to hide. They both chuckle at me and I mentally curse them to hell. At first, I think he'll be satisfied with the peck but after a moment of silence and he doesn't say anything, I peer back at him to see him smirking back at me, and I can tell he's waiting. After a moment he leans forward a bit, closes his eyes, and waits patiently for me to finish closing the distance. There's a brief war in my mind on whether or not I can do this before finally, I decided to lean forward and kiss him once more, only this time much longer. his hands come up to hold either side of my face as he leans into the kiss and starts hovering over me. he kisses me much more possessively than Colton did but far softer, sweeter almost. A moment later he pulls back only enough for our lips to no longer be touching and he gazes down at me, his eyes hooded, still holding my face in his hands.

         "Ok, you got your kiss. Now answer his questions. We don't want him to feel uncomfortable." Colton tells Nic, flicking the side of his head and causing him to dramatically fall to his side on the bed, dragging me down with him. I can't help but laugh at his overplayed acting as he groans out and pretends to be shot, rolling around in the bed with me in his arms. his fingers sneak to my sides and start to tickle me making me scream and laugh harder. "Dammit, Nic," Colton sighs watching our laughing writhing mass in the bed wiggle around.

         "Ok, ask me anything I'll answer to the best of my ability." Nic grins at me after a moment of relentless torture and I try to compose myself from laughing. I didn't realize how tense I had felt before but I guess I needed that tickle attack, I'm feeling much more relaxed now.

         "Um, well tell me this. Why is your fur black when you're a wolf but you have brown hair?" I ask Nic but he just shrugs nonchalantly.

          "I don't know. It's a rumor that the more dominant wolves have a darker coat but I've seen some badass wolves with a pure white coat so I don't know how true it is." I nod, trying my best to follow along. "You're so cute." Nic grins as he wraps his arms around me again and hugs me tightly. I feel my face heat and I struggle to figure out what I should do.

         I'm about to ask another question when there's a knock on the door and Ryan steps in, "guys, dinner is ready." She says, smirking at me before turning on her heel and leaving again.

         "C'mon we can answer more questions later. Let's go eat." Colton says as he begins to get up from the bed and Nic releases me from his grip.

         "Um..." They turn their attention back to me. "Do you eat, then?" I ask Colton shyly as I look away. I don't know how else to word it or ask. He chuckles softly, his arms coming up to cross over his chest.

         "Well, yes and no. I drink blood like a vampire would Dom. Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable..." he trails off, looking away again and getting standoffish like he was before.

         "Um, well..." I start again, nervous to even ask. "Can I see you drink blood?" I ask Colton as his face blanks and he stares back at me dumbfoundedly.

         "Well, that's a first. Y-you want to see me drink blood? Are you sure? It can be gruesome." He warns but I shake my head.

         "I should see. I mean considering what I've gotten myself into I shouldn't have to not see you drink blood." I say and he stays silent for a moment, thinking. I feel embarrassed to even ask such a question, but I also don't want to deal with any issues in the future like him trying to hide from me if he's hungry or something. Considering I can tell he isn't the most comfortable with his identity around me, I don't want this making matters worse.

         "Well... I guess. Nic, can I steal some of your blood?" He turns to Nic, raising a brow.

         He snorts, "drink your own blood. I don't need a bunch of vampire bites all over me." Colton rolls his eyes, flicking Nic's head again.

         "You know I can't drink my blood unless I want to kill myself." He bites back at Nic and Nic simply raises his hands and ignores him, a playful smirk on his lips.

         "Wait, what do you mean by that?" I quickly jump in, grabbing Nic's arm to get his attention and he smiles down at me.

         "If Colton were to drink his blood, it would surely kill him. Not just because it's his blood but because vampire blood is very venomous. And that's a poison no one can suck out." Nic explains to me as he changes my arm grab into holding my hand and starts to lead me downstairs. I furrow my brows as I look at Colton and he chuckles.

         "Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to drink my blood." He smiles and takes my other hand. They continue to guide me downstairs and I remember the absence of warmth within Colton as my warmth starts to leave my hand.

         "So is that why your skin is so cold?" I ask him and he nods at me. I feel the warmth pouring into my other hand causing me to turn to Nic and realize just how much warmer he is in comparison. "So then do you sparkle?" I turn back to Colton and he suddenly stops in his tracks.

         "Let's get this straight. None of that shit in those dumb twilight movies is real." He says, his face tense, clearly I struck a nerve.

         Nic steps up behind me, "he's just embarrassed because he does." He whispers and Colton glares back at him.

         "Fine, I'll prove I don't sparkle in the sunlight." He suddenly lets go of my hand and quickly walks toward the front door. Throwing it wide open, he stomps out into the sunlight and removes his jacket and shirt revealing his bare chest. I feel my face ignite in heat as my eyes trail down his pale muscles and down to the dark black hair leading into his pants. No sparkling here.

         "T-then what does happen in the sunlight?" I ask directing my eyes somewhere else, willing myself not to stare.

         "Nothing life-threatening, just some mild discomfort so I tend to keep myself covered. I also hate the bright light so I tend to wear darker colors and sunglasses when I go out during the day." He says replacing his shirt and returning inside. He takes my hand again and pulls me along toward the kitchen, Nic holding on behind me.

         "We're taking forever just trying to get to dinner." Nic chuckles behind us and I laugh, agreeing. We make it to the dining room and see Ryan has a full-blown meal made up but there's only one thing. It's all breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, and sausage. Orange juice at every seat. well, one seat has been left empty that is. Seems Ryan knows a thing or two about vampires already.

         "Took you guys long enough, get caught up on the way here?" Ryan smirks, wiggling her brows, and I feel my face turn red while Nic pulls me closer to him and kisses my hair. The action only made my face burn hotter. "Go on, take a seat."

         "Any reason, in particular, we're having breakfast instead of dinner?" Colton asks with a chuckle and she shrugs.

         "We're having breakfast because I felt like pancakes." I roll my eyes at her explanation and sit down in one of the seats. Both Colton and Nic sit on either side of me, Nic quickly adding lots of food to his plate and starting to wolf it down, no pun intended. Ryan and I grab our share of food and start to talk amongst ourselves, myself getting a few more questions in.

         After we finish eating, Colton gets Nic's attention. "He wants to see, would you please?" He says, much kinder than before. a sort of pleading look in his eye. Nic sighs heavily before standing and leaving to, I assume the kitchen.

         "Col, what's he doing?" I ask watching him walk away till he vanishes. I know he's getting blood because of what I asked for but... how?

         "You'll see, don't worry about it." He smiles at me, trying to reassure me. After a moment, Nic comes back and hands Col a glass filled with a deep crimson liquid, I grimace for a split second before regaining my composure.

         "Wait Nic you didn't-" he cuts me off with a large grin.

         "Don't worry I'm completely fine, see. I heal quickly." He showed me his arm which was red with small claw scars. "Enjoy it, that's the last time I'm giving you blood that way, I nearly made a huge mess," He says to Col before sitting back in his seat.

         "It would have been better to watch a bite but I understand. At least this proves if he's a vampire or not if he can down a whole glass of blood." Ryan comments and Colton sticks his tongue out at her before pressing the glass to his lips and slowly drinking the blood in the glass. I look away halfway through and he stops.

         "I'm sorry, is it too gruesome?" He asks me, worry laced in his voice but I shake my head.

         "No, it's just... Isn't it disgusting?" I ask eyeing his now red lips.

         He chuckles slightly and downs the rest quickly. "Actually, to me, it's better than anything I've tasted. Blood is always better than human food. And since Nic happens to be my mate his is even better." He explains and I make a disgruntled face.

         "Gross..." I mumble and he laughs.

         "You wanted to see. Oh, come on want a kiss?" He smirks showing the blood left on his teeth. I shake my head, getting up from my seat in a huff.

         "I'm done! I'm going to bed!" I announce and the room is filled with laughter.

         "I'm coming with." I feel an arm around my waist drag me back against his body. Nic leans down and kisses the side of my head.

         "And I'm coming too," Colton adds, coming to my other side and wrapping an arm around my shoulder, his lips coming close to my ear and his breath fanning my cheek. I can't help but blush with these too wrapping themselves around me. Man... I really hope I don't regret this...

"Death may be the greatest of all human blessings." -Socrates

Hey guys. I am so freaking sorry for the wait!! School started and just ugh! So much! But I hope this makes things up.

Word count: 5,385

Updated Word count: 7,313

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