NoizxReader Fanfic

By Hungry753

6.8K 173 82

Hey guys, just wanted to write a NoizxReader Fanfic. It's where the Reader gets trapped in the anime/gaming w... More

Chapter 1 "The Alley"
Chapter 2 "Aoba Seregaki and Noiz"
Chapter 4 "The Nightmare"
Chapter 5 "Stories Behind the Scars"
Chapter 6 "Your History"
Chapter 7 "Koujaku and Tae-san"
Chapter 8 "Clear"
Chapter 9 "Midorijima"
Chapter 10 "Mink"
Chapter 11 "Interogation"
Chapter 12 "Nightmare"
Chapter 13 "New Job"
Chapter 14 "The Bet"

Chapter 3 "The Chase"

745 22 11
By Hungry753

Authors note: Hey, I know long as time since last update. Hell its a new year now. But I couldn't write more chapters. My teachers made a hw overload on me every night. Let's just say I've been having problems. And I fell back into depression, someone stole my ohana, Lobo and he's never been found. So that made me drop back down. And if you read on my SebastianxReader author note. You may know I was having problems with my boyfriend. Well I'm not anymore because we aren't together anymore. I am currently and forever will be with the love of my life, _Jay-Jay_. I love you so much bunny baby. Anywhore I hope that explains my absence. And I will make a quick announcement. On February, there will be no updates due to emotional attachments on that month. Well here's chapter 3. I do not own any of the Dmmd characters. I wish I did.

You: Great! *sarcasm* Lobo! Zoom! Zoom! *you push Virus and Trip out the way and you limp as fast as you can*

Virus: *smirks* We should get her.

Trip: Later... Right now Aoba is here. *smirks*

Aoba: Virus! Trip! Did you... Gah!... Man she's fast... Did you see which way that girl went?

Noiz runs past them and keeps chasing you. You run as fast as you could ignoring the strong pain on your leg. Virus and Trip tell Aoba which way and he runs, seeing Noiz behind you.

You: Damn it!

You clench your teeth in annoyance as you limp as fast as you can. Noiz slowly begins catching up. Lobo howls as he was leading the way. Aoba however was catching up to Noiz.

Aoba: (Y/n) wait!!!

You: Leave me alone!!!

You see a gate up ahead and Lobo on the other side. You see a small opening on the bottom. You didn't have much time to think; you grabbed your backpack an toss it to the side, leaving it behind. Your panting was turning into heavy coughs and wheezing. You crawl through the opening and make it to the other side but then it hits you. Your asthma attack was beginning. The minute you try standing up, you fall to your knees and throw up the white gunk you usually throw up. Lobo whines as he tries to calm your breathing. Your vision getting blurry once again as you tremble, reaching in your pockets for the inhaler but it was in your backpack. After searching in your pockets you begin dragging yourself back to the opening, wanting to get your inhaler. Your vision began going from blurry to black, you struggle to breathe, and your throat closed completely. You close your eyes slowly. Noiz sees you on the ground unconscious and no longer breathing. He speeds up and jumps over the fence, cutting his hand during the process. He lands next to you and checks to see if you're breathing. Aoba makes it to the scene and pants at the gate.

Noiz: Aoba! Look in her backpack!

Aoba: Why? *panting*

Noiz: Her inhaler! She's not breathing!

Aoba nods as he begins looking through your backpack, finally he finds your inhaler. He goes over to the gate and slides it through the small opening. Noiz grabs it and quickly pops the cap off, placing it in your mouth. He then gives it three pumps. The medicine from your inhaler goes into your throat, slowly opening it and relieving it. Once your throat was allowing air to go in, you sit up and gasp for air, clutching at Noiz's shirt. You take deep breaths as you begin doing your breathing exercises. Noiz helps you by allowing you to squeeze his hand. He looks at you, somewhat saddened at seeing you so defenseless. You calm your breathing down, and rest your head on Noiz's chest feeling exhausted and light headed. Lobo whimpers and licks your face. Noiz gives a small sigh in relief as he looks at Aoba.

Noiz: Get her backpack, I'll carry her back. *slowly stands up while carrying you bridal style*

Aoba: Okay! *picks up your backpack*

You: I can walk... *squirms slightly*

Noiz: *sighs* You are in no condition. Now relax.

You sigh and just nod, letting him carry you. You then feel something wet on your elbow. You shift a bit to look and it was blood, causing your eyes to widen. You think for a bit, believing that it couldn't be your blood. You look at Noiz, your eyes still widened a bit.

Your thoughts: 'Did he seriously get hurt chasing me?!.... Fuck I feel bad!! Wait I have a first aid mini kit in my backpack!'

Without any warning or a second thought, you jump out of Noiz's grip, wincing loudly as you do so. Both Noiz and Aoba's eyes widened slightly.

Noiz: You're hurt.

Aoba: (Y/n) don't do that!

You: Aoba! Open the first pocket to the left in my backpack!

Aoba: Uh, okay? *he opens the pocket*

You: Okay, now grab the small blue box.

Aoba: *blinks* Uh... *grabs the blue small box* This one?

Noiz tilts his head in confusion.

You: Yes! Hand it to meh! *limps to the gate*

Aoba: Okay. *hands it to you through the opening*

You: Thanks. *grabs it and limps over to Noiz*

Noiz: What's in there?

You: Nonia.

Noiz: Nonia?

You: None of ya damn business. *grabs his injured hand* Its a first aid kit. Well a mini one.

Noiz: *moves his hand away* I don't need it. I'm fine.

You: Noiz. Listen, right now you just saved my life and you got hurt chasing me. It's the least my dumbass can do.

Noiz: *blinks* Why do you insult yourself?

You: <^< I'm a proud dumbass mkay! And I'm a proud Baka! *removes his old bandages* This might sting.

Noiz: *shrugs* Do your worst.

You open the kit and begin to clean his wound with some alcohol and cotton balls. You're surprised he hasn't winced or flinched, or show any reaction. Once you were done you put a bandage on it and close the kit. Aoba has thrown your backpack over the gate as he finishes crawling through the opening.

You: Done. And thanks. *puts mini first aid kit back*

Noiz: *nods* Don't run away.

Aoba: *looks at you and Noiz* Well, let's go back.

You: Okay. *limps over to your backpack*

Noiz: *picks you up before you can even grab your backpack* That's too heavy.

You: I can carry it! And besides put me down!!

Noiz: I'm sorry.... For earlier.

You: *frowns* For calling me an attention whore even though you both asked for me to tell you my past? *you asked sarcastically*

Aoba: *picks up your backpack* Noiz.

Noiz: *nods* Yes. That was uncalled for.... And.... I'm sorry.

You: *sighs* I forgive you.... So... You can put me down now.

Noiz: *shakes his head* No.

You: Fine. -_- *folds your arms*

Noiz: *begins walking to Aoba's place* Good.

Lobo barks and follows right beside Noiz.

Aoba: How's you're leg?

You: It hurts like a bitch. I think it's either broken or bruised badly.

Noiz: I can check it for you.

You: There's no need! Really! *fights back a yawn*

Noiz: I'm still checking it.

You: *feels the pain killers kicking in* Fine.... Faaaaaack... *rests your head on his chest*

Noiz: *blinks* Are you alright?

You: mmmhhhmm.... *starts to slowly doze off*

Noiz: Oi?... *shakes you a bit*

You: Zhe pain... Killers..... Are.... *yawns* kicking innn...

Aoba: *laughs a bit* Get some rest.

You: Nuuu.... I'm.... What... Wait... I.... Bbleeeehhhh....

Noiz: Sleep.

You: Ppssshhhh!..... Nu!... Hey you're cccuuuttteee.... *laughs a bit because you're a bit loopy*

Noiz: *eyes widen and blushes lightly* .... Aoba can I knock her out?

Aoba: *laughs more* Hahaha! The look on your face! Ha!

Noiz: *growls lowly* Shut up.

You: Hehehe.... Heheh... Hot potato! *makes a pop noise*

Aoba continues to laugh a bit as Noiz sighs. Lobo barks as they arrive at Aoba's home. You begin to slowly fall asleep and then just knock out in Noiz's arms. Noiz looks at you as you sleep peacefully in his arms. He smiles slightly, making sure Aoba wasn't looking.

Noiz's thoughts: 'Hm... This girl, is a bit off. If only I could find information on her. The computer is no use, there are no records of her. Perhaps some DNA samples? Hm... Might take to long. Hm... I'll just get close to her. Then I'll know who she really is. I'll compare the information I learn from her to any online resemblance in the data base.'

Aoba opens the door and allows Noiz in first since he was carrying you. Noiz goes in and lays you down on the couch. Aoba comes in and closes the door once Lobo runs in. He walks over to you and sets your backpack down and beside the couch. Lobo lays down next to the backpack and waits for you to wake up. Noiz was getting ready to examine your leg but Aoba stops him.

Aoba: Let's wait until she wakes up.

Noiz: Okay. *nods*

Noiz sits on a chair and waits for you to wake up. Aoba grabs his bag and Ren as he gets ready for work.

Aoba: I'm going to work. Take care of her while I'm gone.. *he pauses* And be nice Noiz.

Noiz: *nods* Okay.

Aoba: I mean it.

Noiz: *sighs* I know.

Aoba: Okay then. *leaves*

Noiz watches you sleep as he keeps gathering his thoughts. You remain asleep, stirring and mumbling a bit. Noiz raises a brow at your reactions, before he realized it, tears were rolling down your cheeks as you whimper a bit.
Authors note: I know crappy. I'm so sorry! I'll write better chapters. I hope. Fack. Man I have been really off my game. But I promise the sex scene will be good! And that will come soon. So yeah. XD anyways see ya next time!

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