Take care

By trex_hulk

18.8K 226 4

This is not my story, all credit goes to @whatuphofiaa More

You're Headed Into DarkTerritory
dont piss me off
I Got The Job Done
I Had To Get Away
They're Monsters
I Will Walk Out and I Won't Come Back
Life Isn't Fair
It's Complicated
Now Let's Not Get Crazy
None of Them Are Still Around. Harry Is
We'll Protect Each Other
You Never Know When Someone Might Scoop You Up
If You Keep This Up You Will Be Dead
Life's Greatest Mysteries
I Wouldn't Think Twice About Doing It Again
It Just Happened
You're A Mess
You Saved Me
Did You Think I'd Let You Fall?"
Things Certainly Are Changing
Next Time, They Won't Miss
Are You A Masochist?
I Don't Want Her To Go Down At All
This Really Fucking Sucks
You Said They Weren't Coming For Me
Just Kill Me Already
We'll Take Our Chances
Why Are You Fighting It?
Where Did Her Fight Go?
You're Safe Now
I Needed A Change
You Almost Blew The Entire Thing
Stop Trying To Control Yourself
You Think I'll Just Give My Secrets Away?
It's Been Decided
You're Free
You've Been Looking In All The Wrong Places
I Feel Like I'm Drowning
I Don't Plan On Going Easy On You
I'd Rather Be A Bitch Then A Rat
She Knows
Cancel Out
This Will Bring The House Down
It Says Something About Us
you're the point person
It's Done
This Was A Change In Plans
You Don't Know Me
You Don't Belong Here
The Odds Are Against Her
But It Could Be
shes not afraid!!!!!!!

Then Fucking Kill Me

389 4 0
By trex_hulk

When Sofia awoke the next day, she realized that Harry wasn’t in bed with her. She moaned in pain as she moved her legs, still in pain from what Harry put her through last night.

“Fucking possessive prick,” Sofia mumbled to herself. She turned to grab her phone, and noticed a sticky note on it. Picking it up she read.

Morning love, Went with the boys to plan tonight. Didn’t want to wake you – too beautiful. Discuss it later with you. Hope you’ve gotten over last night. See you in a bit. Xx YOUR Harry.

Sofia smiled slightly at the note. He was quite the charmer, and she loved it when he said that he was hers. It was rare, and usually when he needed to get back in her good graces.

Sofia slipped out of her bed, and made her way to the bathroom, pain shooting through her legs, she stumbled a bit. When she entered the bathroom, she turned on her shower, and stripped off her clothes. Noticing the bruises on her legs, she cursed Harry again to herself before slipping in the shower. The water was hot, and felt good as it rushed over her. Her legs bothered her, so she sat down on the tile, giving them some relief.

When Sofia climbed out of the shower, her body felt stronger, the heat seemed to do her legs some good, though she was sure she would have to ice them at some point today. A soft knock came from the bathroom door, startling her.

“Sof?” she heard Danielle call quietly. Sofia opened the door and came face to face with her sister-in-law.

“Morning Dani,” Sofia said softly.

“It’s afternoon,” Danielle giggled, “Here I brought you these.” Sofia looked down in her hands, where Danielle was holding two white pills and a glass of water. Sofia looked up at her confused.

“Harry said you would need them this morning, said you would probably be in pain,” Danielle explained, Sofia blushed. “Don’t be embarrassed, we’ve all been through it.”

Sofia gratefully took the pills and swallowed them, as Eleanor entered her bedroom.

“Although, I learned quickly not to piss Liam off,” Danielle said. “Where as it seems you live to piss all of them off.”

Sofia smiled wickedly, “I don’t plan it, it just happens.”

“It seems to happen a lot,” Eleanor said, giggling from Sofia’s bed. Sofia shrugged.

“Is he still angry?” Sofia asked.

“Which one?” Eleanor asked.

“Well, I suppose all of them,” Sofia said.

“Louis was only angry at the club, you know him, if he thinks you’re in danger he’ll get pissed, but once he realizes your safe he get’s over it,” Eleanor said.

“And Liam seemed to move on from it last night, I think he was more angry at the men groping you,” Danielle said.

“Niall seemed more surprised then anything,” Eleanor said.

“Harry seemed to be over it this morning, and Zayn… well, you know Zayn, he never gets over anything,” Danielle said. Sofia laughed and nodded her head in agreement.

“Where are they anyway?” Sofia asked.

“Almost home,” Danielle said, “Lunch is downstairs, so get dressed and come on down.” And with that both girls left the room. Sofia threw on baggy sweatpants and a crop top, throwing her hair into a messy bun. All she wanted to do was go back to bed, but that wasn’t an option. Looking at herself in the mirror, she looked tired and out of it. She was feeling out of it too, she always felt miserable when she had pissed of the boys. The fact that she still felt pain wasn’t helping either.

As she came down the stairs she heard all of the boys voices in the kitchen, along with Danielle and Eleanor’s. They were laughing about something, which just made Sofia more annoyed. What could possibly be funny?

As she walked into the kitchen, she was greeted by all of them, who

were sitting at the table, with sandwiches. Sofia just walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, and a pack of carrots before quietly walking out.

“Sofia!” Danielle called after her, “Please come eat!”

“Not hungry!” Sofia called back. As she reached the stairs to climb back up to her room, she felt a pair of hands on her hips. Sofia turned to face her brother.

“What?” Sofia asked.

“Come eat,” Liam said.

“I’m not hungry.”

“I don’t care. You haven’t eaten since dinner last night, and you took pain killers, you need to eat.”

“Liam,” Sofia growled, “I’m fine, I just want to go back upstairs.”

“I don’t care what you want, Sofia, this isn’t a discussion,” Liam said, narrowing his eyes.

Zayn had joined them by the stairs, and realized that Liam and Sofia were having a power struggle.

“Sof, we can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Zayn said.

“I don’t want to eat!” Sofia screeched

“The hard way it is,” Zayn said, shoving past Liam, and picking up Sofia throwing her over his back.

“Zayn! Put me down!” Sofia yelled, completely un amused. Zayn smacked her ass in response.

Suddenly Sofia was being put down, and found herself in a chair at the kitchen table, everyone staring at her. Sofia scowled before crossing her arms. Danielle placed a sandwich and juice in front of her, but Sofia just stared at it.

“Sofia,” Liam growled, “I will fucking shove it down your throat.”

“You can’t force me to eat when I’m not hungry!” Sofia yelled, acting like a 3 year old.

“Who doesn’t want to eat?” Niall scoffed, “You’re just in a bad mood. No reason for you to starve yourself.”

“Shut the fuck up you filthy Leprechaun!” Sofia snapped

“Well then eat something you stupid bitch!” Niall snapped back.

Sofia started to open her mouth to say something, but suddenly she felt sick. Jumping up and rushing from the table, ignoring the protests of everyone around her, she rushed into the downstairs bathroom, and collapsed next to the toilet. There was nothing in her system but left over alcohol to throw up, and she was just dry heaving. She heard the bathroom door open while her face was in the toilet.

“Go away!” she croaked. She heard Liam chuckle from behind her.

“I told you needed to eat,” Liam said, leaning against the doorframe.

“Is this funny to you?” Sofia snapped, turning to him, glaring.

“No, but it does prove my point,” Liam said, helping his sister up. “Are you going to eat now?”

“Yes,” Sofia answered roughly, before storming past Liam and back into the kitchen. She refused to look at anyone as she sat down and bit into the sandwich.

“You know if you had done that when we asked you to, you could have saved yourself the bathroom trip,” Louis said, Sofia glared at him, but he just smirked back.


Harry, Zayn, and Niall rounded the corner of the house, joining Eleanor, Louis, Danielle, and Liam by the pool. They had just loaded the cars and made sure that everything was prepared for the night.

“Where’s Sof?” Zayn asked, taking a seat and taking his shirt off.

“She went upstairs, mumbling something about how she can’t seduce someone when she can’t even walk correctly,” Eleanor giggled, looking pointedly at Harry.

“She’s being dramatic,” Harry said, defending himself, “Don’t give me that look.”

“She’s just in a mood today,” Liam said, rolling his eyes, “You know how she gets. She’s a 5 year old in an 18-year-old body. She can get into trouble, but can’t handle the spanking. Let her pout. She just better just snap out of it for tonight.”

“You think she’ll be off tonight?” Niall asked, looking concerned.

“That girl has never been off when it comes to a job, she’s always on point,” Louis said, “She’ll be fine. We should just leave her alone and let her pout.”

“This is stupid,” Harry said, standing up, “She’s not going to pout in her room over last night when the rest of us are out here.” He turned and walked toward the house.

“Hazza! I said leave her alone!” Louis called after him; Harry just gave him the finger.

When Harry entered Sofia’s room, he was surprised he didn’t get an annoyed response, and then he noticed that she wasn’t there. He looked around the room puzzled, and then decided to knock on the bathroom door.

“What?” Sofia snapped from inside, Harry rolled his eyes and opened the door.

“I didn’t say come in!” she snapped, glaring up at him. Harry looked around, there was make up everywhere as Sofia sat in the middle of it all in a t-shirt and underwear.

“What the hell happened in here?” Harry asked, shocked. Sofia was always very clean.

“Nothing!” she snapped, “Go away, I’m busy.” Harry raised his eyebrows until he noticed that there was make up on her leg.

“What are you doing?” he asked, trying not to laugh.

“Nothing Harry!” Sofia yelled, getting up, and trying to push him out of the door, “Go away!”

Her efforts didn’t make a difference, and Harry stood like a statue before grabbing her hands and holding her still.

“Come on,” he said, trying to lead her out of the bathroom, but this time Sofia stood like a statue. Harry turned to her annoyed.

“I told you I’m busy!” she said.

“Doing what?”

“Trying to cover up these damn bruises!” she snapped, pointing to the inside of her thigh. Harry flinched slightly when he saw the damage he had left, but he recovered quickly.

“Why?” Harry asked

“Because I want to swim!” Sofia snapped, “But I can’t go out there looking like this. It’s embarrassing! They’ll all know.”

“They already know,” Harry said. Sofia yanked herself away from him.

“I hate you!” she snapped, and Harry was taken aback. “You didn’t have to tell them!”

“I didn’t tell them, Sofia!” Harry snapped, “They assumed. It’s not like Eleanor and Danielle haven’t been through the same thing. Niall and Zayn have left their fair share of bruises too! Stop being dramatic, no one fucking cares about your bruises!”

“I care!” Sofia yelled, “I fucking care!”

Harry stepped forward, getting in her face. “Well, stop making me angry and maybe you would avoid it. Danielle and Eleanor seem to know their place, why don’t you?”

“I will not be a submissive bitch, Harry Styles,” Sofia seethed, glaring at him, “so if that’s what you’re looking for, find it somewhere else.” And with that she walked past him.

“You know damn well that’s not what I want you to be,” Harry yelled, grabbing her, “But you seem to disobey me all the fucking time!”

“You don’t own me!” Sofia screamed, “None of you fucking own me!”

Harry slammed her against the wall, sick of her screaming and her dramatics.

“Listen to me,” he hissed, “And listen good. We do own you. You are in this, and you know that the only other fucking option is to fucking kill you so stop being dramatic and learn to live by the rules.”

“Then fucking kill me,” Sofia hissed back.

Harry shook her, slamming her back into the wall, “Don’t even fucking joke about something like that!” he spat out, shoving her back and walking away and out the door. Sofia realized how much she upset him. She knew that Harry would rather die then let anything happen to her, they all would. She knew that even when they were angry, and they hit her or they pushed her around, they did it because it’s the only way they had ever known. She knew that this was their way of life, and she knew that she would never walk away from it, not really.

Sofia quickly slipped on shorts, and ran after Harry, she ran down the steps, and through the kitchen out the front door. Harry was yelling about what Sofia had just said, and it was visibly upsetting everyone.

“Harry!” she yelled, running toward him, he turned around, his green eyes raging with anger. She wrapped her arms around him, “I didn’t mean it, oh god, I didn’t mean it!”

Harry tightened his grip on her and she kissed him, he lifted her into the air and she wrapped her legs around his waist, he held her as though she weighed nothing.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she repeated as she kissed his entire face.

“Don’t ever say something that fucking stupid again,” he growled as he put her down.

“I make no promises,” she whispered, smirking up at him. “But, if I ever do, I won’t complain if I’m left with bruises.” Harry rolled his eyes.

“You not complain? That’ll be the fucking day,” he whispered roughly, before pulling her in for another kiss.


Sofia entered the boy’s office in a tight black dress, with lacey sleeves and black heels on. Her hair was down, and her make up done just right. All the boys’ heads snapped up as she entered, Liam motioned her forward.

“Okay, so here’s the deal, you’re going in alone tonight. I don’t want

him to think you’re there with anybody,” Liam said. Sofia nodded.

“I’ll be behind the bar,” Niall said, “I’ll be making sure you’re taking deluded shots, if not shots of water.”

“Keep you’re head in the game,” Liam said. Sofia nodded again.

“I’ll be there, so will some other guys,” Louis said, “I’m just keeping a low profile, but don’t be nervous because I got my eye on you. If I suspect anything or you suspect anything, we’ll just text.”

“Keep you’re phone on you at all times,” Zayn growled. Sofia nodded again, saying nothing.

“Harry and Zayn will be behind the club, once they get a signal from Louis or Niall that you are taking him to the back hallway, they’ll be there. I won’t be in the club at all,” Liam, said, “I’ll be waiting to drive.”

“Once we have him,” Harry said, “You find Louis or Louis will find you and you’ll exit the opposite way.”

“Okay,” Sofia said.

“You have to get out of there as fast as you can,” Zayn said, “Niall and Louis will get you home.”

“Okay,” Sofia said, “I got it.”

“If you ever feel uncomfortable, just back off,” Liam said, “If you think he suspects something, back off. You’re safety is our priority.”

“Okay,” Sofia said, nodding again.

“I mean Sofia,” Liam growled, staring at his little sister.

“Liam, I understand. This isn’t my first time you know. I’m trying to get him to the back hallway. I got it.”

“You have a gun on you?” Zayn asked.

“Yes, I got it, I’ll be fine,” Sofia said.

“Be fucking careful,” Zayn said. And with that they headed out the door, saying goodbye to Eleanor and Danielle on the way out.

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