Then Fucking Kill Me

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When Sofia awoke the next day, she realized that Harry wasn’t in bed with her. She moaned in pain as she moved her legs, still in pain from what Harry put her through last night.

“Fucking possessive prick,” Sofia mumbled to herself. She turned to grab her phone, and noticed a sticky note on it. Picking it up she read.

Morning love, Went with the boys to plan tonight. Didn’t want to wake you – too beautiful. Discuss it later with you. Hope you’ve gotten over last night. See you in a bit. Xx YOUR Harry.

Sofia smiled slightly at the note. He was quite the charmer, and she loved it when he said that he was hers. It was rare, and usually when he needed to get back in her good graces.

Sofia slipped out of her bed, and made her way to the bathroom, pain shooting through her legs, she stumbled a bit. When she entered the bathroom, she turned on her shower, and stripped off her clothes. Noticing the bruises on her legs, she cursed Harry again to herself before slipping in the shower. The water was hot, and felt good as it rushed over her. Her legs bothered her, so she sat down on the tile, giving them some relief.

When Sofia climbed out of the shower, her body felt stronger, the heat seemed to do her legs some good, though she was sure she would have to ice them at some point today. A soft knock came from the bathroom door, startling her.

“Sof?” she heard Danielle call quietly. Sofia opened the door and came face to face with her sister-in-law.

“Morning Dani,” Sofia said softly.

“It’s afternoon,” Danielle giggled, “Here I brought you these.” Sofia looked down in her hands, where Danielle was holding two white pills and a glass of water. Sofia looked up at her confused.

“Harry said you would need them this morning, said you would probably be in pain,” Danielle explained, Sofia blushed. “Don’t be embarrassed, we’ve all been through it.”

Sofia gratefully took the pills and swallowed them, as Eleanor entered her bedroom.

“Although, I learned quickly not to piss Liam off,” Danielle said. “Where as it seems you live to piss all of them off.”

Sofia smiled wickedly, “I don’t plan it, it just happens.”

“It seems to happen a lot,” Eleanor said, giggling from Sofia’s bed. Sofia shrugged.

“Is he still angry?” Sofia asked.

“Which one?” Eleanor asked.

“Well, I suppose all of them,” Sofia said.

“Louis was only angry at the club, you know him, if he thinks you’re in danger he’ll get pissed, but once he realizes your safe he get’s over it,” Eleanor said.

“And Liam seemed to move on from it last night, I think he was more angry at the men groping you,” Danielle said.

“Niall seemed more surprised then anything,” Eleanor said.

“Harry seemed to be over it this morning, and Zayn… well, you know Zayn, he never gets over anything,” Danielle said. Sofia laughed and nodded her head in agreement.

“Where are they anyway?” Sofia asked.

“Almost home,” Danielle said, “Lunch is downstairs, so get dressed and come on down.” And with that both girls left the room. Sofia threw on baggy sweatpants and a crop top, throwing her hair into a messy bun. All she wanted to do was go back to bed, but that wasn’t an option. Looking at herself in the mirror, she looked tired and out of it. She was feeling out of it too, she always felt miserable when she had pissed of the boys. The fact that she still felt pain wasn’t helping either.

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