Having Fun With The Teacher

By TheColorHorror

964 5 1

Amanda is a girl in her senior year of high school, whos home life is terrible. Dealling with the death of h... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Lilo and Stitch stickers
Lilo and Stitch stickers continued
Lilo and Stitch stickers continued again...
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter 6

72 0 0
By TheColorHorror

* Beep! Beep! Beep!* "Turn it off! Turn it off!" Ambers voice fills the room, succeeding at what my alarm clock fails to do. Wake me up. Groaning, i reach over and turn the hunk of metal off. One of these days...

"Your back! I was scared! Who the fuck do you think you are going away like that? Bitch, i am going to beat your ass!" Amber lunges off the bed, and i just sit there, yawning and oblivious to the threat.

Then i am crushed in one of the biggest hugs i have ever gotten, the second actually. The first was also from Amber, after... that night. Just the thought of it brings back the pain and the fear. The only thing i remember about him, were his muddy eyes...

A sting in my cheek brings me out of my daze. "Amanda, i asked where you went? Why didnt you tell me, or... i was so worried." I look into Ambers green eyes, tears already pooling up. I know then that i cant tell her the truth, at least not the whole truth. She already had to carry me through one rape, i will not worry her with this one. It didnt even happen, right?

"Im sorry, a cat scared me, then this cute guy came and was affriad for me being alone, and i was so sleepy that i wasnt thinking correctly, so he was walking me home. I never told him the address, and i ended up falling asleep, so he carried me to his house. He was really sweet.  Then he dropped me off here yesterday, but you were already asleep. I wanted to talk to you about him, but thats going to have to wait for tonight, 'cuz we have house work, and i have work." I explain in a rush, hoping my lie wasnt too noticeable, it was close to the truth...

Amber takes a few seconds to analyze my face. "He better be one cute fucker for you to have made me shit my pants like that." She growls slowly.

"And you better wash your mouth before i send your cussing butt home." I threaten.

She pecks me on the cheek before shooting out of the room. "You know you love my stank ass mouth!" She shouts.

"You bitches better shut the fuck up! Some people like quiet durring a hang over!" The rough voice of my dad booms. I know that he will beat my ass, hes done it before. Broke a few bones, Amber knows it too. Today will be a quiet day...
"How does dad wet so many pairs of man panties is one week?" Amber wines. I chuckle, she already knows the answer to this question. Its asked every week. 'Dad' cant make it to the potty on time, not for the last five years. He started drinking eleven years ago, and has been in a drunk/ hang over stage for the last six. Leaving him unable to do anything other than drink and complain, with the occasional inch' from death' beatings. Sometimes provoked,  most times not.

He knoes better than to touch Amber. He can do whatever he wants to me, but touch my little baby, and all hell is going to break loose. He did it once, and learned his lesson. In return, Amber practically lives here. She does half of the house work, cookes when needed, and gives me the occasional ride to work. I pay the bills with the money from work, and a portion of the money from mom. The rest of moms money goes for booze. Her money is getting low though, and i have a feeling that i will be getting anouther job this summer, and i probubly wont be going to college. I havent even started looking.

A stumbling figure emerging from the upper portian of the house tears me away from the dissapointing thoughts. "Waddyuo tinkur doin?" Seems as though'dad' has already started his drinking. Wouldn't surprise me if his liver failed right now. Ambers answer deminishes the negative thoughts.

"Just washing these soiled clothes." She says frowning at anouther pair of stained tighty whities.

A furry flashed across his face, "Ammna, whodyou tinkyou arrre bringtis slut intmee house?" He growls. If i werent in a cold sweat, i would have laughed that he got the word'slut' right. I kniw his use of 'mee house' was a mistake however, this definitely wasnt his house, regardless to who had their name on the deed. AAmber, however,
sees what her words are doing, and stays deathly silent, something she only does in situations just like this.

"She just wants to help keep the house clean." I speak loud enough to be heard, but keep my eyes on the laundry. The tension seems to drag on forever, then with a grunt hes gone,  looking in the fridge for his lifeline. Letting out a loud sigh, i return to the clothes, not anouther word is said.

"Amber! My little prodigy!  How are you doing? " Bob comes into the staff room and hugs me, the familiar smell of cigarettes burning my nose.

"Hay Bob, has is been buissy today?" I ask, finishing the tie on my apron. He shakes his head as i follow him out.

"Its been dead today, but lunch time is coming up. It should get better." He resumes his place behind the grill. Painting a smile on my face, i go to the front counter.

"Good afternoon," i say as a family walks in. The parents look so content. The little boy and girl happy, laughing at some shared joke. "What can i get for you today?" I ask through the mixture of feelings inside of me. Why couldnt my family have been like this?

They ask for two kids meals and two shrimp baskets. Bob soon finishes their meal, and I take them out their food. When i get there, i have difficulties tearing my eyes away. They are all so happy...

After they leave, the lunchtime flow never comes, just an elderly couple. Is it just me? Do i see these people so happily because of my past, or are they all just extraordinary happy today?

The buissness has been failing lately, so Terry, the manager,  has been letting people go. Ive been pitching in everywhere i can. I do stock inventory, I clean the dishes, refill the containers,  and even clean the bathrooms. Ew.
But at least i dont need to see all the happy people.. Besides, Terry needs all the suport he can get now, hes done so much for me... noone else will stand up for me if he and Bob were not here...

(Btw, words italic are thoughts, bold words are a.n.)

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