The Jumping Of A Suicide {COM...

By EwFilthyMundane

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✔️ COMPLETED ✔️ ⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ Alex is a young girl who is suicidal, a cutter and aneroxic. To her mu... More

The Jumping Of A Suicide
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Eighteen

119 3 0
By EwFilthyMundane

Chapter Eighteen

October 2nd

"Wait so you're moving in with Andy?" Sophie asked as she sipped her coffee.

"Yeah, you're not mad, right?" I asked.

Sophie sighed as she placed the cup down.

"Honestly? No, I know it sounds selfish but I'm kinda glad I'll have the apartment to myself," Sophie said smiling sadly.

"So we're all good about this?" I asked.

"Of course we are."

"Thank you so much!" I said with a giggle.

"So is Andy going to the ultrasound with you tomorrow?"

Shit... I hadn't thought of that. I'd been to pre-occupied with Andy's offer and putting the house on the market.

"I haven't even asked him to be honest," I answered.

"Well from what you told me he'll go with you, if he doesn't want to I'll come still."

I'll send him a text," I murmured as I pulled my phone out.

Alex: Hey Andy, I forgot to ask you but do you want to come to the ultrasound with me tomorrow?

My cheeks were burning red as I sent the text, I felt stupid for asking him now after the offer he'd made, the offer I'd eventually accepted.

Andy: Course babe, I have nothing happening tomorrow. See you when you get home ;)

"Why'd he say?" Sophie asked with a grin that matched my own.

"He said he'd come," I answered, butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

"Do you need a lift to your... appointment?" Sophie asked as she looked at me with green eyes.

"Yeah please, I don't want to trouble Andy too much. He's doing heaps for me already," I replied.

"Babe, he wouldn't do it if he didn't care. I just hope you'll be okay. Are you still going through with your plan?"

"I want to but... I want to go through with Andy's plan too," I answered as my index finger traced circles around the cup.

"His plan?" Sophie questioned.

I took a sip of my tea to try and calm my nerves

"His plan is for us to raise the baby together, instead of it going to up for adoption," I murmured as I drank more tea.

Sophie let out a sigh as she looked at me, "Babe, I don't want you to feel like you have to go through with either of our plans. But pick the one you're comfortable with, if you don't feel comfortable about raising the baby you don't have to, but if you later on become comfortable with it keep the baby. You're the one who goes through with this alright? Remember that it's your choice too."

Nodding my head I felt like my plans were up in the air, my heart racing at the mere thought of Andy, as well as any thoughts about the baby. Biting down on my lip I tried to ignore the pain in my chest, the confusion in which the baby had caused in my life already. Glancing down at my phone I noticed that I needed to be going.

"Sophie I need to go, are you still right to give me a lift there?" I asked.

"Of course, gimmie a sec," Sophie said as she quickly finished her coffee.

I laughed at Sophie, she always had to finish her coffee, no matter what was happening. Shaking my head I stood up and waited for Sophie, when she stood up she smiled, she was wearing a plain blue shirt that hugged her curves and went nicely with her black, ripped skinny jeans. A pair of white Converse on her feet, she looked beautiful as always. Sophie smiled and linked our arms together as we walked outside, the air was warm and felt nice against my skin. I was wearing a white shirt with black shorts.

The nurse had given me an ultrasound to see how far along I was the day after Andy left and I was in shock, I was two months pregnant. Of course I'd never thought about the constant throwing up, I'd made the assumption that my body was throwing up because I barely ate and when I did I threw it up, plus after Phil's assaults I felt disgusted and need to throw up afterwards. Of course, that was proven wrong when I went to hospital.

As I climbed into Sophie's car I could smell the smoke and weed that she'd had in here. My head started hurting as my brain reminded me that it wanted nicotine. After finding out I was pregnant I went cold turkey, my brain of course thought this was a bad idea, the nicotine cravings hurt like a bitch in the start but slowly, died down. Being in Sophie's car made those cravings come back full force. Giving a tight smile to Sophie she started driving to rehab, thankfully I didn't have to stay there, instead I had to come three times a week for each and every appointment at 2:30. Of course this was every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It wasn't too bad, I just wanted to get it over and done with.

"You need a lift home or is Andy getting you?" Sophie asked as I grabbed my phone and purse.

"Uh... Andy's getting me I think. Thanks for the tea, I'll see you 'round, yeah?" I spoke as I got out of Sophie's car.

"Alright, see you babes," Sophie said before driving off.

Turning around I looked up at the large building, it looked like a large slab of concrete with glass windows and doors in it. Of course most of the glass windows were barred off, as I started walking towards the building I felt my heart sink.


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