A Woman's Worth II (Book #2)

By xCashCashx

37.4K 1.8K 114

Hey guys!!! This is the sequel to 'A Woman's Worth: Fool's Gold' ... Make sure you check that out before you... More

Chapter 1: Fresh Out
Chapter 2: Empty Promises
Chapter 3: Rule Number One
Chapter 4: Bad Blood
Chapter 5: Dealings
Chapter 6: Empty Space
Chapter 7: Improvements
Chapter 8: Studdy Buddy
Chapter 9: You Know You Wrong
Chapter 10: Overheat
Chapter 12: Between US
Chapter 13: Menace
Chapter 14: Maintenance
Chapter 15: Route 42
Chapter 16: Final Goodbye
Chapter 17: Fatal

Chapter 11: Hold Me

1.5K 103 7
By xCashCashx

Jamaica (Cont.)

"Y'all thought y'all could just get away with killing our sister and we wouldn't come after y'all?" A voice spoke behind me. Ahayah lifted her head up and looked passed me which I turned around to look too. "Patience killed herself. I was the victim. I would never hurt anyone. But I will today." Ahayah barked stepping in front of me.

She lifted up her shirt and pulled a 9mm from her belt. I'm standing here shocked asf while Ahayah got a gun pointed at some boy and some girl which got they guns pointed at us! "Who the fuck are y'all anyway?" I asked going for mine too. But I wasn't fina sit there holding no gun. I shot first hitting the boy in the side. He fell down in agony while the girl's eyes welled up in tears.

"Somebody don't want you walking this earth... You being an accomplice to Patience's murder made me jump on the job. Just know we not here to play games.." She spoke her hand now shaking. Ahayah still stood there with her gun while my trigger finger itched to pull it again. "I mean you came to complete a job do it." I told her aiming at her heart.

As soon as I was about to pull the trigger the cries of a baby swarmed my head. I instantly got connected cause I knew that cry anywhere. "Wtf.." I mumbled to myself. I averted my gaze from the girl to the car they pulled up in and watched as Javi got outta the car holding Amora. Death. Was all I thought of.

"Tf you doing with my baby?!?" I snapped now aiming the gun at Javi. She laughed and pulled out a gun pointing it at Amora's head. Pain. "You know we could do this in an either or situation. Its either we kill you or her or her..." Javi spoke pointing her gun at Ahayah. Anger.

Not thinking twice I squeezed the trigger of my gun. Blood splattering. In my head it replayed over and over. I shot my gun once not twice.....but I heard two shots. I looked at Ahayah who was pistol whoopin the female that was with the guy I shot. If she's not hurt then.... Oh shit.

I made my way closer to Javi and noticed blood running from Amora's head. No movement. She was as still as the night. My heart pounded and I let out an earth shattering scream. Broken hearted wasn't even the words. I hurt bad. Thats my baby man...My baby...

Ahayah held my body while we both slowly felt to the floor crying. "I put my baby in danger Ahayah..." I cried pounding my fist on the ground. Emotionally I feel like I got pushed off the edge of the earth and I felt into the fiery pits of hell. My baby gone. "It wasn't you Maica. It was that bitch." Ahayah snapped letting go of me and storming off to where another figure got out of the car. Kimora.

"Have you ever heard of fake pregnancy Jamaica? Hm? Have you ever seen a person take someone else's baby and kill them? Huh?" Kimora asked with a huge smirk on her face. "But you was pregnant Kimora! I saw.... well I saw..." She shook her head. "You saw her pregnant." She pointed towards a female that looked just like her. My mind gradually becoming more confused.

It ain't take long before Ahayah was stomping Kimora's face into the ground. Me being Jamaica I snatched her off and held her back while the other female spoke. "I'm Kinosha. Kimora's twin sister. I... well you been going with me for the longest...Like iom understand how you ain't notice.." she laughed.

Still holding Ahayah back I let her go as police sirens got closer. I slapped the hell outta kimora and Kinosha taking a second last look at Amora and then at all the hurt body's laying around. My heart started hurting even more now. "I love you Amora." I muttered getting back into the car. "Its okay Maica. God got you..... Don't let this bring you down too much." I heard Ahayah say. I shut her out and my wwole body shut down. Soon all the pain and hurt left my body in tears and sobs. My baby gone...


"You right but how the hell sis that wind up happening?" I spoke into the phone. Ahayah soon walked into the room and I ended my call. It wasn't all that important anyways. "Why you ended your call?" She asked looking at me suspiciously. I shook my head and watched as Jamaica soon came walking in too her face sad and her eyes red.

"What happened?" I asked sounding surprised. "Long story. But long story short they killed her baby." Ahayah muttered. My eyes grew wide and I instantly felt sad. "Damn that's foul bro!" I said leaning over and patting Jamaica's shoulder. She snatched it away and side eyed. "Just pray about it. God gonna get you through this." I said tryna ease the tension.


"Come on Maica. Lets go upstairs." I said rolling my eyes at Tazz. She seems so fake so not genuine. That 'Just pray about it. God gonna get you through this.' Bullshit sounded so fake. If this wasn't a sad moment I would've slapped the hell outta her. She's already on my watch list.. Part of me says that she has something to do with this the other half is saying naaaw.

Once we made it up to my room Jamaica laid down and balled up crying harder each second. I ain't know what to do cause when I'm hurting I wanna be alone. "Maica you want me to stay?" I asked. She nodded her head letting out rounds of screams.

Ion know how ima do it but ima make sure she's okay by the end of all this. I unlatched my shoes taking them off alone with my over clothes. Once comfortable I got in the corner of the bed and pulled Jamaica in my lap. She buried her face into my tummy and cried hard. I rubbed her head and rocked.... The only thing I know how to do at this time of a moment.

"I love you baby. Don't ever forget that. I got you." I mumbled. Her crying eased up a little and she looked up at me. Staring at me for a little bit she brought her face up to mine and kissed my lips. It kinda took me by surprise but it felt right. I kissed back letting her know how much I missed her. "Ahayah don't leave me too." She whispered after we let go of each others faces. "I won't Maica. I promise. You need me like I need you." I whispered.

Her eyes sparkled as the sun went down from the window. I smiled faintly at her and laid next to her kissing her neck a couple times. "God was short an angel so he took your baby with him." I smiled and kissed her lips again. "Yea you're right. I'm just hurt cause that's the 3rd person I lost." She whispered nearing tears again.. I kissed from her jaw to her eyes making sure no tears were left behind.

Yes I know y'all hate me. I'm sorry, but every story can't be happy. And yes I took the baby away. I have major reasons why. If I make a book 3 to this story y'all would understand but idk yet.

I love yalll!!!! Keep reading! There's more surprises and all that good stuff to come. Make sure you voting and commenting! Its kinda short too sorry!

What you like about my story?
Anything I should add?

Let me know ASAP!!!!!!!!!❤

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