Our Love (Solangelo One-Shots)

Von ghostwingss

25.2K 329 194

A Solangelo/Willico Fanfiction. Nico di Angelo X Will Solace Boy X Boy Ship. (From the PJO/HoO books) If you... Mehr

Requests Open!
When they meet...In The Laundry Room
Hang Out?
Important: :(((

Sticking Up For Each Other

2.5K 48 101
Von ghostwingss

A/n: I'm sorry for not updating!

Gomen a sai!
(....I think that's how you spell it)

I would've done a Halloween special on this, but I didn't have enough time.

(Warning! Depressing-mild- things will happen in this chapter.... Maybe harsh words also......)

Nico's P.O.V.

I was dreaming.

This wasn't one of those normal demigod dreams.

This one was surprisingly normal.
At least, I thought it was...

I was aware of my dream.

I started walking down the empty path towards my cabin while I heard distant whispers and giggling.

I was beginning to wonder.
Why was I going back to my cabin? Why were there people whispering and laughing?
Was I missing something, or did I do something?

Finally, I saw Percy quickly cross paths with me. He didn't look, nor spoke a single word to me. He probably didn't notice my small wave.

"Hey man, what's up?" I asked, trying to get his attention.
Percy turned towards me, and stared at me. He turned back around and kept walking.

That was odd.

"Hey! Percy, wait up!
"What did I do?" I asked as I caught up.

Percy gave a small, but irritated sigh. "Why are you talking to me, Nico?"

I was shocked at his response.
"W-what do you mean? Did I do something to make you mad?" I was getting upset at him not giving me a direct answer.

"Yeah. Remember?
"You admitted that you had a crush on me a while ago, and I don't think I can be friends with someone who's... Different." Percy stated, and turned away.
That answer was too direct.

I was pretty sure I was clenching my teeth and my hands were balled into fists. "So what if I'm a little different? I'm still a person, aren't I?!" I yelled.

Percy didn't turn back again. Instead, other campers stood and laughed at me.

"You? A person?
Ha! I don't think so, freak!" Someone shot at me.

Then, I saw Hazel. She had a look of sheer disappointment in her expression. "Why commit the sin, Nico? This is unforgivable." She cried out.

I staggered back at her words.
People shot more hurtful words at me.




Kill yourself.

You'll never belong in this world.

I cried at each word. I felt small. Weak. Stupid.

I saw Will Solace step in front of me. His usually cheery smile, gone.
His eyes looked like he was sorry for me.
I thought that he would help me up and stand up for me, but it looked like I'd put too much hope into him.

Will Solace muttered one single word that made me sorry I was ever born.
(A/n: I'm a terrible person ;-;)

And that's when I woke up.

My heart was beating rapidly. I was in a total cold sweat. It wasn't real. It was just a nightmare.

Even so, I felt so weak. I let the tears drain out of me, and splatter all over my now damp pillow.

I couldn't stop the tears.

What did those words matter anyways? It's not like people are that cruel at CHB and CJ.


Once I was tired and felt that I couldn't cry another time, due to Hazel's stirring, I tried drifting back to sleep.

But, I couldn't.

Nightmare Will kept taunting me with that one word. His voice replayed over and over.

Well, it turns out that I didn't get anymore sleep that morning.

It was the following afternoon, and I'd skipped breakfast. I'd lost my appetite.

Hazel wasn't happy about that, but she'd reluctantly left me with my thoughts.

She'd tried asking and pressuring me what was wrong, but I gave her a plastered on smile and told her I was fine.

She didn't buy it.

I was lucky enough that Hazel didn't want to push me on farther.

Did she already know that I was homosexual?
Of course.

Did the whole camp know?
Yes. The news spreads fast around here.... And California.

Did all of my friends accept of me? Yeah. They'd all told me that it was nothing to be ashamed of, and that I should embrace the real me.

Then why was I still jumpy about the nightmare?

Maybe it was because Nightmare Will had insulted me so badly.

But what did I care. It's not like a have feelings for him or whatever.

Okay. I might be.....sorta....infatuated with him. His smile. His eyes...

But it was just a silly crush.
I laugh every time....

Did he know?
Pah! Of course not... I think.

As I thought on about the nightmare, I smiled. It wasn't real, I repeated in my mind.

What was I so worried about?

I discontinued my thoughts, and started walking around the new and improved Camp Half-Blood.

Annabeth (the Architecture Director, of course), the Athena Cabin, Hephaestus Cabin, the Romans, and other campers were working non-stop in improving both camps. Some Greek decor and some Roman just to make things unique and fun.

Everything looked completely breath taking. I would smile every time I see something intriguing.

Soon enough, the lunch horn echoed throughout the camp. I saw the satyrs, nymphs (and naiads), demigods (also the mortal, Rachel Dare), Dionysus, and Chiron head towards the expanded Dining Pavilion.

I saw Hazel try to glance around, try to look for me.

I ducked lower then I should have. I didn't want to socialize. Not right now.

Once she gave up trying to find me, Hazel headed back towards the Pavilion. I felt bad that she couldn't find me, but I just wasn't that hungry.

I decided to walk back to Cabin 13.

No one was around. Everyone was eating lunch.
At least I thought everyone was there.

There was.... Giggling?

This seemed too familiar with my nightmare.

I stopped in my tracks, and turned around.

"Who's there?" I called out.

No one answered. I shrugged it off. If no one wants to answer, then I guess it's nothing to be bothered about.

I saw the pomegranate bushes in front of my cabin. I grabbed one fruit, and sat on the porch.

I forced it open, and began eating the seeds.

My step-mother's pomegranate wasn't that bad. At least I could tell Hazel that I had a small snack.

I lied my head down, and noticed something taped to the door.
It was a note.
I yanked it free from the door, and read it.

I dropped my pomegranate.

This couldn't be true. This can't happen.

        You should kill yourself.
It'll do everyone a favor, you homo freak.

I ripped up the note, and threw it in the trash can on my way inside.
I closed the curtains, and decided that I need a shower.

The hot water rained down on my skin. My fingers were wrinkled from the minutes I spent in the shower.

I turned the knob, dried myself off, and put on new clothes.

I looked at myself in the mirror.
Was I really not normal?
Am I a freak?

People were terrified of me once they'd found out I was Hades' kid, but this was a different situation though.

I may be different, yeah. But...

That's all I've got for my own words of encouragement.
Talk about lack of self-esteem.

This was just a silly prank. Or I was probably still dreaming.

If I took a nap, this would all blow over me.

I did just that.

My eyes opened to the rapping at my door.

I groaned. "Who's there?"

The rapping continued.

I sighed, and stood up to open the door.

Will Solace was there. "Hey Nico." He smiled.

"Solace. What do you want? I was taking a nap." I rubbed my eyes at the sunlight.

He frowned. "A nap? Dude, you missed lunch. We've been worried."

I felt my face go warm. "Y-you were worried?"
Will laughed. "Of course. You're my friend."

I don't know what came over me.
I gulped. "What if I wanted something more than to be just friends?" I mumbled, blush overtaking my cheeks.
Why did I say that?
I should not have said that.

Will's smile disappeared. He suddenly looked angry.

"What?" I asked.

Will grabbed my shirt, and pulled me towards his face.

"You think you can pull that homo stuff on me like you did with Percy? Well, you can't.
"I don't like you that way, freak." He hissed.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear anymore!" Will pushed me back.

I was for sure my eyes were watering.
Why am I so sensitive about these meaningless words?

Maybe it's because they actually do hurt, even if I try to deny it.

"I-I'm sorry." I spluttered.

Will's expression turned sinister. He thrusted his hand foreword, and yanked my beating heart out.

I gasped at the loss. I couldn't breathe. I clutched my chest, and dropped to my knees.

(A/n: Some O.U.A.T. schist right there)

"You don't deserve a heart. You're a freak. Freaks never have love, and never will. I can take away the pain right now for you, Nico." Will whispered in my ear.

He crushed my heart in his hands as it turned to dust.

I woke up, gasping for air.

It was another nightmare.
Or would I call it a daymare?

I moved my hands to where my heart was.
It was still beating.

There was a small knock at the door. I jumped as my heart raced.

"W-who's there?" I said.

"Nico! It's me, Hazel. Open the door, please." She called out.

I let out a sigh of relief.

I stood up from my bunk, and opened the door for Hazel.
She lightly punched my arm.

"Nico! Where were you? You missed lunch! Do I have to drag you to get you to eat?" She kept punching my arm.

I smiled. "Yeah, sorry. I was just a little tired, that's all.
"I ate a pomegranate if that makes you happy."

"No, it doesn't. Go have a full meal, now." Hazel pulled my arm, and dragged me towards the Dining Pavilion.

I was a bit late, but Hazel thankfully saved me some pizza and juice.

She was watching me chew each bite. I swallowed.

"Why are you glaring at me like that? It's kinda creepy." I joked.

Hazel gave me a napkin. "No it's not. I'm making sure you actually eat. I don't want you to starve. You need to fatten up." Hazel smiled warmly at me.

"You sound like that witch in the fairytale: Hansel and Gretal."

She laughed. "Oh, be quiet, you. I'm going back to the cabin to get my sweater. I better see that pizza and juice gone by the time I'm back."

I sipped the rest of juice as Hazel rushed towards the cabins.

I was about to throw away my trash, until a group of teenagers stood in front of the trash can.

"Um, hi?
"Can you please move over a bit so I can throw my trash away, please?" I tried to say as politely as possible.

The group laughed. "Looks like he really does act normal." A guy chortled.

I was getting jumpy and nervous on the inside.
This was not going to end well.

"Why are you throwing that away? The only trash that should be thrown away is you, homo." A girl sneered as she hi-fived the group.

I swallowed in the insult.
"I-I'm sorry, I just-"

"Yeah, you should be sorry. Sorry for being alive." Someone cracked up.
Everyone laughed.

I was shocked.

I overcame the shock at once and glared at everyone of them. "You're the ones who taped that note to my door." I stated.

"Maybe we did, maybe we didn't. It doesn't matter because everyone would've done the same. No one thinks you belong."

"My friends think I do." I muttered as the laughing diminished.

Someone snorted. "They aren't your friends.
"What real friends do you even have? That group? They only pity you. That Solace guy? He's the one who pities you the most."

Why'd they bring him up? Is it because they know....

I didn't want to hear anymore of this. "Why do you guys have to discriminate? Because I'm homosexual? Yeah. I know that I am, and in proud of my sexuality. That just proves that you guys need to let go of your previous grudges on me and other people like me.
"You're all jerks, but we're all human. I deserve to live as much as any of you do." I cried. I was furious.

How can people be this way?

I'm not the one doing the wrong thing, they're the ones who are wrong for not accepting who I am.

One big guy stepped forward, and poked at my chest. "Listen, fag, and listen well. You're a freak that nobody likes, and you deal with it. This is the world we live in, and nobody accepts weirdos like you. Do us all a favor and kill yourself."

"My friends accept me." I repeated, but my voice faltered this time.

He punched my eye, and his buddies shoved me in the trash can.

I heard muffled shouting, but I couldn't make out the words.

I groaned as someone pulled me out of the trash.

At first, I couldn't see who it was, but I eventually saw the gleaming, worried blue eyes.

"Nico. Nico. Nico, can you hear me?" The blurry figure said.

"W-will?" I said quietly.

"Oh gods, why did those guys beat you up, Spooks?" Will asked worriedly.

I wanted to tell the truth to him, but I don't think he'll stand by my side.

Besides, this was my fight.

I came up with a quick excuse. "I owed them a favor before, and...
"They told me their favor, but...
"I said it was too risky. They beat me up because... they want me to keep quiet."

Will still didn't look any less worried. "Really?"

I nodded my head vigorously to convince him and myself as well.
Will shook his head. "Nico."

I could tell he didn't believe me.

"Why do you have to lie to me, Nico?
"I was nearby when I heard the conversation."
Will looked pained.

Maybe I should've told him the truth...

But maybe I shouldn't.
Besides, he hasn't heard both ends of the story.

I clenched my jaw.
"Why do you have to be so concerned about me? You don't have to pity me anymore, you know." Better to stay away than make it go further.

Will frowned. "Nico. I'm not pitying you. Where'd you go and get an idiotic idea like that?"

So he didn't hear all of the conversation.

"Nowhere. Just let me go. I'm going back to my cabin." I didn't meet his eyes.

Will released my arm, and sighed. "Those jerks aren't worth it Nico. Forget what they said because it isn't true."
He sounds like he wanted to say more, but held his tongue.

"You're wrong. I'm the one not worth it."

I sprinted before Will could ask what I mean by that.

I eventually bumped into Hazel.

"Hey Nico. I found my sweater.
"W-what's wrong with your eye?" Hazel tried to touch the swollen, shut eye.

Uh oh.

"I-I accidentally ran into a metal pole." I stuttered.

"We don't have metal poles here." Hazel frowned.

Oh schist.

"I-I meant a....spear! Yeah, that's what I meant."

Hazel got quiet. "Nico..." She sighed.

"I'm tired, Hazel. And I don't feel like talking about this.
"I'm going to bed." I said as I opened our cabin door.

Hazel didn't bother me anymore that night.

I heard her faint snores from the other side of the cabin.

I sighed. 'They tried to to help you, you know.' My conscience told me.
"I know." I said aloud to no one in particular.

How could I diminish my depressing thoughts?
Should I consult with my friends?
Should I-

'Don't go cutting yourself, please.' My conscience said back.

My eyes widened.
"Okay, my thoughts may be depressing, but not that depressing. Gods." I whispered.

'Just checking.' It said back.

Gods. I just can't do that. I looked at the veins on my forearm.

I shuddered at the painful thought.
Did people think that pain was necessary for the heart?

Must be, since so many people do it. Then all that's left is-

I shuddered again.

Now that I've thought about those thoughts, I can't go to sleep.

'You know what you can do?
Re-think everything in your life you've done, regret some things, and cringe.'

I sighed once more. "Sure."

I didn't sleep.

My thoughts kept clouding over my good memories the whole night.

I had terrible bats under my eyes, and I pretended to oversleep just so Hazel would leave me be.

After I was sure she'd left, I grabbed my hoodie. I placed it over my head so it would shadow over my face.

I don't want anyone to know that I wasn't sleeping. They'd make me do it.

I'm not tired. I'm not sleepy.

I'm just overthinking things which keep me jittery.

I ran into the woods, and glimpsed back just in case someone saw me.

No one.

Huh. Funny. You'd guess anyone would care that di Angelo is acting suspicious and running into the woods.

Nope. Everyone's just chilling and laughing with their friends.

Something that I guess I'll never get the real deal from it.

I wanted to wade in the stream, but I was worried that a naiad would be upset.

I decided to lean on a tree, but a wood nymph got all flustered and threw acorns at me.

Nature nymphs. Honestly.

I was getting tired of walking among the woods now. I checked a boulder just in case their was a rock nymph or something.


I lied my head down on the smooth surface, and closed my eyes.

I wonder why there wasn't any monster lurking in the woods at this moment.

By the amount of walking I'd done, you'd think I'd already passed the boundaries.

There was a continuous THUD before I could answer my own thought.

I flinched as I kept hearing the noise.

I peeked from the boulder, and almost had a heart attack.

A large, white serpent was hitting its head against something hard.
It was the boundary.

I laughed. I guess the lines go farther than I thought.

The snake wasn't as thick as a ballisk, but it's fangs still looked too sharp for my taste.

I laughed even more at the thought of being worried of the monster.

"Why're you laughing?
"Because you realized that you're a freak and that you were acting stupid?" Someone said from behind me.


I stopped smiling, and frowned.

'Why are they so persistent in keeping me down?'

I turned around to face the group.

"Well, don't you guys care about me?
"Following me around, acting like stalkers." I said sarcastically.

Big Bully glared at me. "What 'chu say, homo?"


I felt a pang at his use of the slur. My sexuality shouldn't be an insult.

"Quit trying to make me feel bad because it won't help your awful manners nor attitude. Stop following me and get on with your pathetic lives before I'll make your fate worse than Bryce Lawrence." I warned.

Apparently that made them back off a bit.

Over the months after the Giant War, word got around that I'd banished Bryce into the Underworld by turning him into a ghost.

"Go ahead. Do it." Someone tried to say bravely, but failed.

I smiled at how horrified their faces looked. But then, it faltered.

I can't act like this. I'd be the bully.

"No." I simply said.

One girl's face contorted into a sneer. "You're too chicken to do it, freak."


"No. It's because I'm not a bully. I'm just being the bigger person here, unlike you jerks." I walked off.

Someone pulled my hoodie.
"No one threatens us like that and gets away with it." Big Bully said.


I grabbed his arm, and twisted it.
He yelped in pain.

"You don't want to fight me." I said in a dark voice.

I would've flipped him over if it hadn't been for his buddies. A girl pulled at my hair.

Two guys grabbed my shoulders, and pinned me to a tree.
Ba-dump. Bump.

I tried to free myself, but their body weights were much bulkier than mine.

I tried to thrash and kick, but they just madly kicked my legs.

I heard cracks, and cried out.
Bump. Bump. Ba-dump.

Big Bully and the rest of his gang took turns pulverizing me.

They punched, kicked, bruised, pulled at my hair, scratched, and beat me senseless.

Why are the Fates so cruel to me?

First my mother, then me and Bianca's memory wipe, the Lotus Casino, Bianca, my outcast, the Titan and Giant Wars, and now this.

Didn't I serve their dirty bets and deeds enough?

Haven't I deserved a break for once?

Couldn't I just be happy?

The Fates didn't think so.

Once they were done with me, I couldn't move anything at all.

I was badly bruised, and bleeding badly.

I couldn't hear my heart beat anymore.

"What now?" Someone asked.

I saw a blurry figure point outside of the boundaries. I could even hear him grin.

"Outside the boundaries." He said.

They all turned their heads toward the serpent.

"Woah man. We can't leave him out there. You know what Chiron will do to our hides?" A girl said.

The others looked around, unsure of what to do.

Big Bully was raged. "This homo deserves to die for being such a freak. If you sissies won't do it, I will."

Big Bully pulled my limp arm, and dragged me towards the boundary.

"This is your fault, freak." He said.

"How so?" Another voice said.

I couldn't see who'd said that, due to my blurry vision of tears.

"How so?" Big B. said severely.
"This freak deserves what he has coming. You aren't his real friend, so stop faking it. Tell him the truth and let him die in peace."

I could see another group standing in front of the bully group.

My friends?

I could make out the figures of Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, and-

(A/n: Leo is with Calypso, so calm down.)

I could see Reyna crack her knuckles and neck. "You sure about that?
"Fine. We'll say the truth."

I lied my head on the dusty, dry dirt. The moment of truth. The thing I'd been dreading.

"We don't like Nico." Percy said.

"And he's not our friend." Jason said.

There it is. The truth.
Way to be subtle guys.

I swallowed back more tears. I knew this was the truth.

"We love Nico." I heard Annabeth say.

My ears must be lodged with the dirt.
Did I hear correctly?

"Yeah, that's right. We don't like Nico, we love him. You know why?" Piper said.

"He's not our friend." Frank said.
"You got it all wrong." Hazel smiled and shook her head.

"He's family." Will said.
"He's a part of our unique family, and we love him."

I saw a pink tint to Will's cheeks.

My cheeks turned crimson red.

I-it was the heat. Dam. It's hot out here.

"I am?" I asked.

"He is?" B.B. asked, astonished.

"Yes." They all said.

"Now, do you want to let our family member go, or do you want to die early?" Reyna threatened.

Big Bully's group ran out of fear, and all that was left was B.B. himself.

"Why do you even consider him family? He's a freak. A homo." B.B. asked nervously.

"It doesn't matter if he's a homosexual or not." Will shot back furiously.
"He's our kind, stubborn, idiotic, loving family. We love him no matter what. Now, if you have a problem with that, you'll have to answer to us. We stick and stand up for each other together no matter what."

B.B. took the answer, and nervously spoke.
"F-fine. Whatever."

Before he ran off with his other friends, Will shouted back.
"By the way, I'm homosexual too. And I'm proud that I am!"

B.B. ran into a tree at Will's outburst, then caught up with his gang.

Everyone cheered. "Go Will." Percy laughed.

Will grabbed my shoulders, and leaned me on a tree.
He pulled out ambrosia and nectar, bent down, and started to clean me up.

Will gave me an ambrosia square as he poured the nectar on my wounds.

"You idiot." He kept muttering as he bandaged my arms and legs.

I thought about what Will had said.

I began to ask. "Are you really-"

"Homosexual? Yeah." Will answered my question.

He didn't meet my eyes.

"When'd you find out?" I asked.

Will shook his head and laughed. "That's a really difficult answer, Nico. I can't answer you just yet."

"Why not?" I pestered.

Will patted my head. "You'll find out the reason eventually. Now, you want to walk to the infirmary, or do you want me to carry you there?"

He held out his hand. I took it. "I can walk, but you guys will have to let me hold on." I told the gang.

Reyna made a big deal by picking me up, and carrying me.

"Reyna! I said I could walk!" I protested, but there was no stopping her.

"Nico, you're weak right now. Let her carry you. Besides, we're going to treat you like this till you get better."
Hazel smiled.

"Oh gods." I said.
Everyone laughed, and ran up a hill that lead to camp.

It was a little embarrassing letting the whole camp witness Reyna carrying me like a baby, but I was thankful.

I didn't think I would walk anyways.

We had a small hang out in the infirmary, till it was midnight.

Will told everyone that I needed rest, and that they would see me tomorrow.

"What about you, Will? You going to watch Nico sleep?" Jason teased.

I laughed as Will's ears turned red.
"B-be quiet. I'm a doctor, so I have to watch over him tonight." He excused.

"Okay, okay. No need to get defensive." Percy said as everyone exited.

"Stay safe, kids." Reyna winked as me and Will blushed.

"You better start sleeping, Spooks. I don't want to see bags under your eyes tomorrow morning." Will smiled at me.

"Night Will.
"I mean, morning, Solace." I smirked.

"Just go to sleep." He rolled his eyes.

My eye lids draped over my eyes, and I began to dream of nothing.
Just the way I like it.

3rd P.O.V.

Will was still awake, even after he'd seen Nico sleep.

He watched his chest rise as he breathed in and out.

His small snores made him blush.

He didn't think he was being a stalker. He just loved the way Nico had slept every time he spent the night in the infirmary.

Nico sneezed, and Will smiled warmly. His sneezes were just plain adorable to him.

Will leaned his face closer to Nico's.

"You're the reason, Spooks. I love you." He whispered into the son of Hades' ear.

He kissed Nico's forehead, and watched Nico's lips form a smile.

Will rested his head on Nico's bedside, and whispered, "Night, di Angelo."
And Will drifted off to sleep.

Nico sleepily turned his body, and put his arm around Will.

"Love... You." He muttered sleepily in his dream of nothing.


A/n: Okay, I am terrible.
A) This story sucked to type
B) I hate being way too busy
C) I am sorry for not updating in a while

I hope you're satisfied with this chapter.

I 'might' make another one this or next week.

See you then!



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