The Master's Chess Piece [Bla...

By KayKay530

34.9K 870 186

You kept your head down, staring a your brown boots. You slightly tilted your head towards the sound of shoes... More

}{ Intro }{
}{ Chapter One }{
}{ Chapter Two }{
}{ Chapter Three }{
}{ Chapter Four }{
}{ Chapter Five }{
}{ Chapter Six }{
}{ Chapter Seven }{
}{ Chapter Eight }{
}{ Chapter Nine }{
}{ Chapter Ten }{
}{ Chapter Eleven }{
}{ Chapter Twelve }{
}{ Chapter Thirteen }{
}{ Chapter Fourteen }{
}{ Chapter Fifteen }{
}{ Chapter Sixteen }{
}{ Chapter Eighteen }{
}{ Chapter Nineteen }{
}{ Chapter Twenty }{

}{ Chapter Seventeen }{

966 28 2
By KayKay530

Sebastian handed you a plate, "[f/n], I've been meaning to talk to you about something, privately." He whispered in your ear, his warm breath hitting your skin.

You hid your nervousness and took the plate. "Is that so? Hm, does it need to be at this moment?"

Sebastian nodded his head toward the door. You nodded, understanding him.

"Young Master, if the Lady [f/n] and I could step out for a moment." Sebastian asked and Ciel nodded. You followed Sebastian out the door, you could feel Ciel's eyes bore into your back. "I've been meaning to ask you about the Guest you were watching."

You jumped on the inside, Jasper had been gone for a few days, Sebastian must've noticed his disappearance sooner than this. "He left."

"To where?"

"Anywhere, somewhere, nowhere."

"I've been thinking about the man who tried to kidnap Ciel. How strange it is that the Guest that had stayed in our mansion, long enough to find where we keep the power box, disappears and then a few days later a man shows up and the power goes out and Ciel is kidnapped."

"Sebastian, are you trying to say that the Guest had something to do with Ciel's kidnapping and I was somehow also involved." You crossed your arms.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Do you think some old acquaintance of mine tracked me down to Ciel's mansion, then came up with this elaborate plan to murder him as I gained the trust of Ciel, you, and the other servants?" You stared at him, sometimes telling the truth is the best lie.

He tilted his head and studied your face. "Not at all," he smirked.

"Good cause I had nothing to do with it." You straightened your apron, "Now if you let me go back to my place in the dining hall."

"Miss [f/n], I meant not to accuse you."

You turned around and put on a smile, "No worries."

He allowed you to walk into the room before him. Ciel watched you enter as Lizzy blabbered to him about something. You gave him a slight nod before walking to the others.

"What was that about?" Mey-Rin asked.


Ciel and Lizzy finished their meal in silence. Ciel kept glancing at you and then would look back at his plate. Sebastian cleaned the table while you and Finny went outside into the garden. You wandered around, looking at the beautiful scenery. Something rustled in the tree above you. Then you heard the snapping of a camera. You looked up and saw red.

You silently climbed the tree and sat behind the strange person with long red hair. He was pointing his camera at the dinning hall's window where Sebastian was.

Sebastian has some weird followers. You thought before poking the Man's shoulder. "May I help you?" You said with a smile.

The man screamed and fell out of the tree. You looked down, he was on his back twitching. "Sir, are you okay?"

He quickly stood up and pointed at you. "I know who you are and I don't need you asking about me. You are my competition." He crossed his arms.

"Excuse me?"

"I saw the way you held my Bassy that night on the carriage."

You gave him a confused look. "Oh, the night Sebastian picked me up?"

"Yes, the night you held on to his muscular arm. His beautiful arm." The man looked like he was daydreaming. "Some day I too will hold on to Bassy like that." He blushed.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Grell, Bassy's one and only lover."

Sebastian's a dirty man. You thought and climbed down the tree. "Would you like me to bring you to him?"

"Oh yes please!" Grell gripped his camera harder.

You nodded and brought him to Sebastian. "Bassy, there's a man here to see you."

Sebastian turned around, "Did you just call me 'Bassy'?"

"My you look handsome today Bassy!" Grell tackled him to the floor. "Kiss me Bassy! You know you've missed me!"

Sebastian grabbed Grell's head and threw him off of him. "Grell," Sebastian fixed his white gloves, "what brings you here?"

Grell snapped a few photos of Sebastian. "I can't just be here to admire your beauty?"

"You bring disaster with you Grell."

Grell put his hand on his chest. "I do not Bassy."

Sebastian sighed. "Did Will send you."

"Yes he did. Oh that beautiful man must be in love with me to send me to you."

"He sent you to me to get you off his plate." Sebastian started to walk out of the room. "[f/n] please be careful. Grell usually shows up when there are souls to be collected." He said as he passed you.

Souls? Like human souls? You thought as you watched the two leave the room.

"[f/n]," Ciel appeared in the doorway, "Lizzy is preparing a game of badminton in the garden and was wondering if you would like to join us."

You looked at Ciel, there was a hint of pink on his cheeks. "Sure, as long as I get to be on your team."

You followed him out to the garden. Mey-Rin, Finny, Tanaka and Bard were playing a game. Sebastian was standing next to Lizzy and Grell was drooling next to Sebastian like a puppy.

The game ended and Lizzy grabbed Sebastian by the hand. "Please be on my team." She smiled.

Sebastian's expression soften, "Why of course Miss Lizzy."

You took the racket Ciel handed you and look at Sebastian through the net. "Heads up pretty boy." You threw the birdy up and hit it as hard as you could. It went straight to Lizzy. She squealed as Sebastian jump in front of her and hit the birdy back to you. You smacked it back to him. Next he hit it to Ciel, who swung and missed. "You're useless."

Ciel looked at you, "Excuse me?" He picked the birdy up and hit it over the net. Sebastian hit it back to him, he missed.

"You're just a bag of money." You smirked at him.

"You are competitive." Ciel hit the birdy again. Lizzy hit it to him this time and he managed to hit it over the net. "See I am not useless."

"Oh look at the sweat running down Bassy's forehead!" Grell squealed and snapped a photo.

Sweat was beating down your forehead as well. You didn't know when Lizzy and Ciel had left the game, now it was just you and Sebastian playing. "I will beat you."

"Not today Miss [f/n]." Sebastian served the birdy.

You dove to the ground and saved it.

"Sebastian, lose. Let this game be over. You've been playing for an hour. It's hot and almost time for lunch." Ciel yawned.

Sebastian frowned and dropped the racket. He fixed his suit and bowed to Ciel, "Right away Young Master."

"Hey Bassy?" You yelled to his back, "What about the game?"

"My Master has given me orders. I must obey them." Sebastian walked into the mansion.

"Lady Lizzy, the boys and I were going to make sweets in the kitchen, would you like to join us?" Mey-Rin asked.

"Of course! I would love to!" She looked to Ciel who nodded. You watched Finny, Bard, Mey-Rin and Lizzy walk away.

"I guess I should clean this up." You picked up the rackets on the ground.

Ciel took your hand in his. "This can be dealt with later, come walk with me."
<::::::::::::{===O                                 O===}::::::::::::>
Filler chapter? Yeah probably.

Bassy is suspicious of you. Grell has arrived to collect souls...

Thanks for reading! Sorry if there were any mistakes. Please vote and comment! Thank You!

WTF Black Butler Moment:
Ciel flirting with Viscount Druitt

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