Our Love (Solangelo One-Shots)

By ghostwingss

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A Solangelo/Willico Fanfiction. Nico di Angelo X Will Solace Boy X Boy Ship. (From the PJO/HoO books) If you... More

Requests Open!
When they meet...In The Laundry Room
Sticking Up For Each Other
Important: :(((

Hang Out?

4.2K 67 33
By ghostwingss

A/n: Hey guys!!!
Another one-shot created by me.
Hope you like!

Will's P.O.V.
I was walking around camp for a while. "Where is he?" I asked myself.

I was about to give up my search, until I saw a familiar head of messy, raven black hair.
Just the person I was looking for.

I smiled, and tip toed behind him.

Nico hadn't noticed, and it looked like he was going somewhere. He looked troubled. I decided that I would follow him. Nico looked around, while I ducked behind trees and bushes. He sprinted towards the woods.
It was hard to keep up with him.

Wait.... Why am I following Nico again?
Before I could answer myself, I realized that I almost lost track of him.

Nico kept looking back, seeing if someone was following him.
Which there was....

He stopped in his tracks and glanced back one more time while I hid behind a boulder. He backed up, and took three deep breathes. What is he planning to do?

Nick started to run, and I immediately knew what he was doing. My eyes widened.

He was shadow traveling.

I jumped from my hiding place, and grabbed Nico's shirt. "Will?!" Nico shouted.
"Wait-" I began, but was too late. We were consumed by darkness.
Okay, this was new.

I couldn't see or hear anything at all. It was really dark, and I could only sense Nico's presence. I couldn't see him or hear his soft voice (even though I know he'll scream in my ear for following him).

I panicked. I wasn't used to my surroundings being this dark. I've never shadow traveled, and I was hyperventilating.
Yes. This sounds typical of an Apollo child, son of the Sun God, but I have my reasons.
It was dark, and some dark places meant ominous things.

I closed my eyes, and tried to think of something peaceful.
Nico and I being safe.
The sun.
'Oh gods. I need help.' I thought. I was thankful, only this time, for the dark because I was for sure I was blushing.
I whispered frantically. "Light. Light. Light..."

I heard a whooshing sound, and landed on something soft.
I opened back my eyes, and saw what looked like a cave. It wasn't much of an improvement from the dark shadow traveling, but there was faint light.
Glow worms were hanging on the ceiling of the cave.

"Get. Off. Of. Me." I heard a strangled voice.
I looked down, and saw Nico's furious, but slightly tired expression. I had landed on Nico.

"Sorry, Nico." I stood up, and held out my hand for him.
Nico scowled, and slapped my hand away. I would've gotten upset, but I couldn't blame him.

"Why did you follow me?!" Nico yelled.
I winced. "Uh, I saw you run into the woods. And, I-I... just wanted to say hi?" I said sheepishly.
Through the light from the glow worms, I could see Nico's face heat up.
"What?" He softened his scowl into something else. An expression of disbelief? Shock? Happiness? I didn't know. It was new to being friends with Nico di Angelo, but it wasn't impossible or out of pity. There was a unique and interesting bond between us. Even if the bond meant frowning faces and unfamiliar places...

"Yeah. I mean, I just wanted to say hi. I was actually looking for you this morning." I rubbed the back of my neck.

Nico looked down and crossed his arms. "Whatever. When you grabbed me, my shadow travel casted us to here. Somewhere I don't even know. Your fault."

I looked around. This cave seemed pretty nice and unique. "It's alright. We could maybe hang out for some time while you rest to regain your power." I nodded to myself.

Nico's face heated up even more. "Uh. I guess so." He muttered.

I thought some more. "While we're at it, maybe we could find a way out by taking a walk." I said, looking deeper into the cave.

Sure enough, there was a small speck of light that looked like an exit just ahead. I smiled. Light was all I needed.
"C'mon, let's go." I grabbed Nico's arm and dragged him beside me before he could protest.

"We're walking too slow. I'm not tired anymore. We could shadow travel right out of here." Nico complained. I looked back at him. I didn't want this unplanned 'hang out' to be over. I wanted Nico to at least have some fun and make friends....
with me.

Nico being friends with me will be difficult.
Maybe... If I just work hard enough for this friendship...

"Hello? So, can I?" Nico looked expectantly at me. I shook my head. "No. Too risky. You might still be weak." I said, clearly making up an excuse.

Nico scoffed. "Weak? You're calling me weak, Solace?"
"Yes." I said, looking at Nico dead in the eyes.
(Hehe, punny)

Nico looked away, and yanked his arm out of my hand. "I can walk fine, you know? I'm not as weak as you think I am. I'm powerful, but with great power-"
"Comes a great need to take a walk?" I rephrased. (A/n: HAHA)
Nico glared at me. "Ha ha. Very funny, and I guess we could take a walk."
He gave in and sighed.

"A walk we shall take!" I linked Nico's arm with mine again, while I frolicked with a complaining parter by my side.
"Will! You're touching me!" Nico said in an aggravated tone.

(A/n: I swear if any of you thought anything else...)

I had to drag Nico by now. He was too stubborn and tired to walk. I would've suggested that I give him a piggy back ride, but I didn't want to sound like a momma, or better yet, a weirdo.

"Will. Get. Is. Out. Of. Here." Nico complained. AGAIN.

"What do you think I'm doing? This cave is like a continuous abyss, except we're right-side up.
"And please get up, Neeks. You're getting heavy." I said.

Nico put in all of his weight this time, which caused me to stop. For such a scrawny guy, he had real heavy bones. At least I know he's eating well.

"Okay, first of all; don't talk to me about abysses. You know very well why.
"Second of all; do not call me 'Neeks', it's annoying. Also, are you calling me fat?
"Third and most importantly; what do you mean the cave is continuous? Is it magic, or cursed?" Nico asked.

I jotted down the first note in my head. Looks like I'm gonna have to be a psychologist later on. His darkness fear was probably getting worse if he doesn't want to talk about it.

"Okay, no. No, I'm not calling you fat. I'm just saying you have strong bones and strength. I'll pass the 'Neeks' thing, and I don't know." I answered, very confused.
Nico pulled his arm away from my hands, and stood back up. "Well, I guess I'm helping. More like leading.
"Let's get this expedition over with. I have a place to get to." He dusted off his black, jeans.

Before Nico walked on, he turned around and gave me a weird grin.
Cute, but he grinned at me almost as if he were about to give a snarky remark.

'Did I just think that Nico's smile was cute?' I thought.

"Let's go, Sunshine." Nico said.

I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. Or was that the less of oxygen in the air?

"Uh-" Was the smartest response I could make with a burning face and Nico walking forward as if nothing mattered.

Wow. I mean, I meant wow as in wow.... Like, wow. You get me?
No? Okay, I know I probably sound crazy.

I jogged to catch up with Nico.

"Weird. This cave isn't anything like I've ever known or seen." Nico said, looking around. I decided to do some observing myself.

I tried to lift a boulder, but it turned out to be heavier than I thought. Way heavier than Nico's bones.

Nico popped the question. "So, you've never been on a quest, have you?" (A/n: *laughing so hard RN*)

I stopped straining, and dropped the inch that I'd lifted.
"What makes you say that?" I asked.
Nico gave me another small smile. It probably wasn't much for him, but it was amazing for me. It was dazzling.
.....'I think I've come up with a diagnosis for my problem.'........
"Well, you were trying to lift a boulder for starters." Nico pointed out. I nodded in agreement with that. "Yeah. I haven't been on a quest for quite some time.
"To be honest, I've never been on a quest." I blurted. I had always wanted to go on an important quest, but I never got the chance to.

Nico looked at me with sympathy. "It may sound exhilarating, but it's really not. Someone gets killed or hurt along the way, and you always feel like you're just being used."
I looked at the glow worms. "Let's, ah, keep going." I said, avoiding the conversation.

Nico didn't seem so sure, but followed anyways. I still saw the small strip of light ahead of us. It was the same distance away as we started. "I've read about this somewhere." I said, but couldn't remember.
I usually catch up on reading the myths to know basics in the new and improved CHB Library. I've read scrolls and past demigod journals Annabeth had found.

They were pretty useful. More useful than I am though...

"I've read a scroll that describes a cave like this. The Cave of.... Kalpanas?
"Yeah! Yeah, I remember now." I said.
"Cave of who?" Nico asked. I got all excited. I was finally useful, and not just because of my healing! "I have useful info that can get us out of here!" I said.

Nico sighed impatiently. "Well, do tell because I'd love to get out of here."
"T-there was this little girl named Kalpana, and this was during a-a war. I forgot the name of..... Kalle! The War of Kalle! The land of free man."
"Continue." Nico said.
"So, the girl, Kalpana, was overwhelmed that her whole family and home residents of Kalle had been slaughtered and killed. She realized that she was the only one of her home that was alive.
She wept, but then a magical golden dove came down and granted her the best gift of all.
Imagination. Kalpana forgot all about the depression, and imagined that she was still in her home, without it in ruins, and that her family was still alive. She talked to herself, and lived in a cave that morphed anything she thought of, into her imagination.
When Kalpana got older, the people of the newly built city thought she began to hallucinate and were terrified of her. Kalpana kept ignoring them, and continued on with her imagination and cave.
They thought that she was a watered down mania, a crazy old spirit trapped in a little girl's soul of imagination. The people marched down to her cave, and eventually stabbed and burned her to death." I finished.

Nico sat down on the ground this time. "That's a nice story and all and I feel bad for Kalpana and all, but how's that going to get us out of here."
I tried to remember some journal entry from a half-blood's journal.
"The cave of Kalpana was said to be beautiful, but was never found. Not until a conspiracist/demigod named Darhjöf Grävty  had a theory. His theory of Kalpana's Cave states that it doesn't exist in our world's dimension, but is like a portal to another dimension. Some say that they've met the cave, and that it was alive." I sat down myself to take a breather.
I thought some more. "When I accidentally grabbed on to you, you weren't thinking of your desired location anymore. Instead, your mind slipped, and focused on me."
I could see Nico's face go pink. "Not you, exactly. Just that you distracted me." He defended.

"Y-yeah. That's what I meant." I coughed awkwardly.
There was silence.
"S-so, uh.
"When I accidentally distracted you, you weren't thinking anymore. That must be why we're here. Your shadow travel traveled us to another dimension. To the Cave of Kalpana." I stated. Nico stared off into space. "So what you're telling me is that we're in an imaginary cave in different world."
I nodded. I tried to remember something else about this cave... An important detail.

"Okay, time to go. I feel something, and I'm already not liking this place." Nico said in a shaky voice.

"Not now." A voice said behind me.
"Oh schist." Nico muttered.
My eyes were probably the size of the moon.
Oh schist indeed.

"T-the sp-spirit of K-Kalpana g-guards this cave." I spluttered. "I kinda figured that out." Nico pointed behind me.
I really didn't want to look behind, but I did anyways out of curiosity.

Kalpana was a beautiful, dark skinned woman. Her flowing ebony colored hair was shining. Her deep jade green eyes bore into my skull. Her yellow dust gold Greek tunic was covering her feet, or the bottom half of her spirit.
She was beautiful alright, but her gaze was terrifying. If you don't look directly at her eyes, you might've thought that she was a regular spirit. But, if you looked at her eyes, her whole entire image flickered.
Her eyes were dilated, and as small as a piranha's. Kalpana's gorgeous hair turned raggedy, her dress was ripped, which showed fresh burn marks, and open stab wounds.
Her face was the most terrifying.

One half of the spirit's face was intact and grey ghoulish looking. The other half of her face had the skin ripped off to the bone and completely horrifying. Her eye bulged out like a golf ball.
Even if I wasn't a doctor, I could tell that that wasn't healthy.

Kalpana's image flickered back to her flowing haired self.
"Hello. Why have you come to my cave?" The spirit asked. I backed up, and held my arm in front of Nico protectively.

"W-we a-accidentally traveled h-here, your beautiful majesty." I tried not to run.
She obviously looked flattered. "Thank you, kind half-blood, but how did you travel here is what I'm asking."

Nico stepped forward, and pushed my arm down gently. "I accidentally shadow-traveled here, my lady. I got distracted by this doofus here, and we both fell into the shadows of your beautiful cave. I hope we haven't been a bother." Nico said politely, except for the doofus part.
I frowned at the doofus part.

"Yes, we're very sorry if we've bothered you, Kalpana, my lady. We'll be going now." I apologized as well.

"Not yet, dear demigods. I just need a favor before you leave." Her soft voice said.
I felt sorrow leak out from her expression. She must've been lonely in this cave, besides the imaginary friends.

"You're lonely in here, aren't you?" I asked, stepping forward.
Kalpana stared at me, and floated down. "It is true. I don't need much but except satisfactory."
Nico scrunched his eyebrows in suspicion. "Satisfactory of what, exactly?" He asked.

"Your imagination. Mine has all drained out after I had died in this cave. I just want to see my family again." The sadness of her voice seeped in.

I held out my hand for the spirit to take. "We'll at least try our best to help." I said encouragingly.
Kalpana looked at me with hope in her eyes. I wonder how long she hasn't had that. "Thank you." She held my hand.

"What do we have to do to give you some of our, ah, imagination?" Nico stuck his hands in his pants pockets.

"An act of true loves kiss."

My face turned to a deeper shade than scarlet. I looked at Nico's expression. His wasn't much better. We both looked away from each other embarrassingly.
"Ah, I-I-I'm n-not s-sure ab-bout th-that, my l-lady." Nico stuttered even worse.
She just giggled. "It was only a joke, dear demigods.
"No, all I want enough to give me imagination are five glow worms, and I could send you back to your home with no trouble." She smiled sweetly.

I blinked. "Five glow worms? That's all, ma'am?
"I mean, I'm not being rude or anything but-"
"But couldn't you have done that yourself?" Nico said for me.
Kalpana's smile only brightened. "It is difficult to explain. You have to give them to me. I do not know precisely how this works, but..." She shrugged. If any one could make a sad shrug, Kalpana was the goddess of sad shrugs.
"We'll get them for you. We'll be back, c'mon Neeks!" I linked our arms once again, and this time he didn't complain.

We were far away from the spirit, Kalpana. I know that there are plenty of glow worms hanging below the ceiling, but they were way too high up. We needed to find another way up. Maybe a ledge? Or some stairs?
Yeah, like there are gonna be stairs in a cave.

"Hey," Nico said, nudging my arm. "Look over there. Those jagged crystals look like a way up."
I shook my head, still looking around. "Too dangerous, the crystals may be-" Nico slipped his arm away from mine, and started to head towards the crystals. That boy...
"-fragile." I said. I huffed, and ran behind Nico.

He was already half way up. "Be careful! These crystals are very fragile!" I yelled.
Nico laughed. Oh gods wow....

"Don't get your stethoscope in a knot, Will. I'm fine!" Nico's foot missed by a huge, cracked off chunk. His right leg was trapped, and Nico was grabbing on another crystal for dear life.
"Oh gods." He said.
"Nico!" I shouted.

I carefully made my way up, and tip toed on each crystal ledge. "I said be careful!" I hissed.
Nico only gave me a frown. "Yeah. I got that. You were right and I was wrong, now please help me, Solace!"

I got close enough to Nico, and squatted down. The crystal started to crack, and Nico's hands were sweaty. We were way too high up. High enough to get us to break every single one of our bones from falling.

"Give me both of your hands." I said. Nico handed me his unoccupied hand first, but didn't give me the other. "I-I can't do it, Will. What if I fall? I'm really tired of falling." He stared at me with scared eyes.
"You won't fall. It's only in your head. It's just your imagination." I said slowly.
He only closed his eyes.
"Nico, would I ever let you fall?" I said, staring at the almost shattered crystal he was holding on to.
He opened his watery eyes. "I trust you." He said, and the crystal finally shattered. I quickly grabbed Nico's other hand, and pulled him up.
His body was trembling.

We stood back up, and it turns out that we were high enough to get the glow worms.
"Thank you." Nico said in a low tone.
I only smiled. "Let's get these glow worms, and get out of here." I said as I plucked five glow worms.

"So... You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but.... Do you still have nightmares of Tartarus?" I said. Nico just nodded slowly. "They still come, and most nights I refuse to go to sleep."

"Maybe I could help with them. I could maybe prevent them, but only if you give me three more days in the infirmary to jot down notes." I said hopefully.
Nico thought for a minute, and finally sighed. "Fine, but you have to tell me why you want to go on a quest so badly."
I hesitated, but he told me his problem. It's my turn to tell him mine.

"I just don't think that I'm useful enough. I mean, sure I can heal people and all, but that's not enough. Not enough for me anyways." I said sadly.
"What do you mean? You're the best healer in Camp! Even in Camp Jupiter! You helped and healed all of those people after the War." Nico exclaimed.
I shrugged. "I mean, I wish I could do more. Healing only helps a little, but when my patients depend on me the most, I can't even promise that they'll live.
"They entrusted me to help them, but I couldn't. I couldn't save some of them." I felt like sobbing, just by remembering my patients that I couldn't save.
Nico wiped away a tear from my face. "I think you've done all you can and could. They trusted that you would save them, and you tried your best. I've been back and forth from the Underworld, and I know when they are thankful and grateful for all of your help. You may have not prevented them from dying, Will, but they died a hero's death. They thank you for all they've done." Nico rubbed my arm.

My smile grew even wider, and I could feel the tears streaming down my face. Not from sadness, but from happiness and relief.
I pulled in Nico for a hug. He seemed startled by it, but hugged back.
I gripped his shoulders, and looked him in the eyes.

"Thank you for telling me that." I whispered.
"Thank you for going ahead to help me with my problem. I trust that you'll do your best." Nico's dark, amazing eyes glinted.

We both headed back to where Kalpana was.
She rose when she spotted us.
I gave her the worms, and she smiled hugely. "Thank you, dear demigods." Kalpana said.
She threw the glow worms in the air, and they disappeared. "Where'd they go?" Nico asked.
Kalpana gave us another smile. "Back to where you took them from, my dear."

Nico and I both had confused expressions. "Why?" I asked.

"The glow worms weren't what I needed all along. Your act of great friendship was what I wanted to feel, and I felt a powerful one at that, too." Kalpana said matter of factly.
"Huh?" Nico still was confused. I remembered another important detail from the scrolls. "That's right. Your cave, this cave, isn't just the cave of imagination. It's also the cave of hope and friendship."

"That is right. Your friendship was determined that you would help each other in need. You would tell each other what you are feeling, and they will do what they can to help.
"This friendly bond between you two is greater than anything I've ever felt before. I could see the future of both of you, and it pleases me."
(A/n: It also pleases me, Kalpana)

Nico and I smiled. "Thank you." We both said.
The wind picked up behind us, and Kalpana produced a blinding light.

When the wind died down, there was a little girl that stood in her place.
"Thank you for your friendly acts and bond. I know have enough imagination to get me to see my family. The cave now allows you to go. Bye!" Little Kalpana said, before running off and giggling. I could see transparent forms of people greeting her, and hugging her.
Kalpana ran off with her family, and faded away with the cave.

"Grab on." Nico said. I held his wrist as we both ran towards the dark shadow.

I could see light now. Well, not exactly since Nico landed on me from the transportation.

"Well that was an interesting, hang out?" Nico said. I laughed.
"Interesting indeed. So, three more days in the infirmary. I'll be seeing and hanging out with you a lot from now on, Neeks." I grinned.
"Shut up, Solace. Let's find our way back to camp. I'm not in the mood to be scorpion food." Nico chuckled.

"Yeah. Note taken." I said.

On our way to camp, Nico and I laughed and chatted. I was glad that Kalpana had said that we had a strong bond of friendship, but there was only one thing I was confused about.
"Hey, what did Kalpana mean by 'your future pleases me'?" Nico said, reading my mind.
"I don't know exactly. Maybe she said that we'll be friends till the end?" I answered, but I had a small thought in the back of my mind....

I was probably blushing like crazy, but Nico didn't seem to notice.
Our hands brushed each other, and I was tempted to hold his.

My problem from earlier wasn't a problem at all...
I fell for Nico di Angelo.

A/n: Heyoo guys! Sorry for not updating in a while. This chapter took some time.
The myth about Kalpana is all made up by me. Credit of the story goes to me.
Hope you liked this chapter!
Comment, vote, or do anything at all. Whatever you want to do.

See ya!!!

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