Right Where You Want Me (A La...

By LarryGreaterThanLife

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"I'm just as scared as you are. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try." Louis had been alone...for what fel... More

Right Where You Want Me (A Larry Stylinson fanfiction)
Chapter one: My Green-eyed Nightmare
Chapter two: Mood Changes
Chapter three: Getting Closer?
Chapter four: Sleeping Together
Chapter five: Bruised And Embarrassed
Chapter six: Care For Him
Chapter seven: Tunnel Vision
Chapter eight: Like A Tease
Chapter nine: Confrontation
Chapter ten: Seeing Other People
Chapter twelve: Too Much Taylor
Chapter thirteen: Angry And Nosy
Chapter fourteen: Fighting
Chapter fifteen: You're Not Forgiven, Even Though You Are
Chapter sixteen: The Aftershock
Chapter seventeen: Wishes And Kisses
Chapter eighteen: Where This Goes
Chapter nineteen: If Not For You
Chapter twenty: He'll See You
Chapter twenty-one: Surprise
Chapter twenty-two: All Better
Chapter twenty-three: In The Future
Chapter twenty-four: I Just Want To Say Thank You (Mature!)
Chapter twenty-five: Planned Date
Chapter twenty-six: The Date Part One
Chapter twenty-seven: The Date Part Two
Chapter twenty-eight: The Epilogue Without The Prologue (Mature-ish)

Chapter eleven: Alone

3.3K 75 9
By LarryGreaterThanLife


   I didn’t expect to see Harry in the schoolyard, but something still told me to wait for him. I figured he was embarrassed – I was too. I was just terrified that Harry might not want to be near me anymore. I didn’t know what I was going to do. Hell, maybe I would snap. I just didn’t know how I could function without Harry.

I leaned against the Oak tree in the middle of the school’s front lawn, pulling my beanie down on my head. I pulled all of the crumpled up notes out of my pocket. I’d found them before the last period of the day; they’d been pushed through the little slits in my locker. I hadn’t had time to read them.

I unraveled one of the notes – one out of the estimated ten. The print was written in scrawny handwriting, barely legible.

How ya doing, Faggot?! Still no friends yet?! It’s all good! Move away and save everyone the trouble! Oh! Better yet, why don’t you safe yourself the trouble and just DIE?!

I rolled my eyes, shoving the entire handful back into my pocket. The other notes were going to be just like it; why bother with getting worked up?

“Mate! Let’s go!” Niall shouted, and my thoughts on the note quickly left my mind. I barely had time to look up before Niall was pulling me away from my tree. I stopped him, tilting my head to the side.

“What? Why? I’m not in any rush, Niall,” I said quietly, pulling his hand from my arm and backing up. “What’s wrong?”

Niall flashed a smile, his fingers slowly wrapping around my wrist and tugging me again. “Nothing, lad. Let’s just go.” His eyes flitted over to the entrance of the school. “Who’re you waiting up on, anyway?”

I looked down and blushed. “I was just seeing if Harry would come…” I shrugged. “Guess not.”

I glanced at Niall’s face and frowned. He looked angry. His face was pinched up, his eyebrows wound tightly together. I was actually sort of shocked. All I ever saw from Niall was his happy-go-lucky self, or his I-feel-sorry-for-you-Lou side.

“Louis, can we go?” Niall prodded, grinding his teeth together. “Like, now? I don’t think he’s coming.”

I nodded and pressed my lips together; stepping off the grass and starting my trek home on the sidewalk. Niall followed suit. “Why are you in such a hurry to leave?”

Niall shrugged his shoulders lazily, rolling his eyes. “No real reason,” he lied. He stumbled over his next words. “I-I just…thought that there wasn’t…wasn’t any point in staying.” He placed his hands in his pockets. “Louis…maybe the whole thing with Harry…getting close to him…” His voice dropped down to a low whisper. “God, I thought…maybe–”

I frowned, raking my fingers through my mop of hair. “Hold up. You don’t think I should’ve gotten on with him? Why…?” I furrowed my eyebrows. “It was just a kiss, though. D-did he say anything to you? Is he mad at me?”

“I don’t…It’s not that…maybe you shouldn’t have started fancying him…” He glanced up at me sadly.

“Niall! You made me repeat myself just last night about fancying him! How’re you going to tell me to stop?” I narrowed my eyes at him. He shook his head and opened his mouth, but I spoke over him. “That isn’t fair! How can you even stop fancying someone?”


“What the hell, Ni! How can you just throw that–”

“Whatever! Just forget I said anything! Forget it, Louis! Sorry I even bothered.”

I stopped where I was. “Now you’re telling me to forget it?” My voice squeaked as it rose. “What do you want me to do? Stop fancying him or forget about it?”

Niall groaned and kept walking, but once he realized that I was fifteen feet away from him and wasn’t going to move, he angrily walked back to me. He was shorter than me, but he looked intimidating once he was in my face. “Just do whatever it takes for him not to break you, Louis.” He rolled his eyes and turned in the direction we came, back to his house.

“Why would he ‘break’ me? Is there something you’re not telling me?” I stared after him. A sudden breeze flew by, chilling me to the bone. Believe it or not, it was nearly mid-November. “And aren’t you going to walk with me?”

“Not anymore!” Niall answered, his voice sounding further and further away as he left me. I wasn’t sure which question he’d answered. He was obviously annoyed with me, and, frankly, I was, too.

“Whatever,” I grumbled, sighing and continuing my walk home. I fancied Harry and I wasn’t planning on stopping – mind Niall – because I didn’t think I could.


   I frowned into the mirror, turning my head to the side. I wasn’t in a very good mood. Why, I wasn’t sure. Niall was on his pre-Christmas vacation. Maybe I didn’t feel well because I missed him, and I was now alone. Well…not completely…I technically had Harry, but, well…Harry…

There was loud laughter right outside the bathroom, and then the door was pushed open. I didn’t bother to turn away from the mirror, staring at my face out of boredom.

“Oh, look, Louis B. Gay!” Someone exclaimed, and my stomach dropped. I knew the voice, and the cleverness of the nickname was lacking so much, it could only have come from one person.

“‘Louis B. Gay’,” I repeated, turning around and leaning on the counter. “Are you serious?” I chewed the inside of my cheek, hoping that I didn’t appear as scared as I felt. Josh was standing a few feet in front of me, followed by an unusual posse, not like his normal one.

Zayn and Liam were with him – Liam, looking as handsome as ever with his hair no longer curly and Zayn, looking as if I was the cause of whatever pain and suffering he was going through. All three of them were smirking at me.

I was so shocked, but I managed to keep up my confidence and keep my absolute terror to a minimum. “Really, Josh? You know, I would say that that nickname is extremely bland and not creative at all, but I don’t want to make you feel bad. It’s expected of you, bad comments like that. We both already know that you’ve failed English – and all your other classes, for that matter – every year since the beginning of high school, which is why you’re twenty-one and you’re still here.” I shrugged, relishing the look of embarrassment on Josh’s face. “Or maybe you just don’t want to leave me. And I understand. But, sorry Charlie, I only like cute guys.”

I smiled and glanced over at Zayn, nodding politely. I ignored the disgusted expression he was wearing. Now, I knew the consequences that were sure to come, but I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. This was odd; I normally knew when to stop.

Another voice came from outside, a softer, deeper sounding one. “Louis B. Gay…Louis B. Gay…” Like before, the door was pushed open, but more forcefully, like it’d been kicked. Harry nonchalantly waltzed in, standing next to Liam with a blank face. “Louis B. Gay.”

“Harry.” I pulled my lips into a small smile. I hadn’t heard his voice in a while. “Hey, mate.”

“Louis B. Gay.”

I cocked my head to the side, frowning slightly now. “Um, yeah, that’s what Josh said. Dumb, right? My middle name doesn’t even start with a B.”

Harry narrowed his eyes. “No…Louis B. Gay. Gay?” He shook his head, his curls bouncing freely. I guess he snapped out of the monotonous state he was in, because he stopped repeating himself and his tone had emotion. “You’re gay, Louis?”

“Hell yeah he is,” Josh mumbled. He took a step closer to me. Liam and Zayn followed his actions. When Josh saw that Harry stayed, he smirked. “You didn’t know?”

Harry shook his head again, his eyes widening. “No.”

Josh made a mocking ‘tut-tut’ sound. “I thought you guys were friends? So, Harry, what’re you going to do?”

Harry’s eyebrows furrowed, and he glanced from one bully to another. He observed the way they cracked their knuckles. “You’re going to hit him?”

“Because he’s gay, and no one wants a gay fag walking around the school. Especially guys.”

The logic seemed reasonable enough for Josh, and apparently it did to Harry, too, because his eyes glazed over with the same thing I’d seen from everyone else: disgust. “Harry…don’t,” I warned, and I would’ve backed up if I were able to.

Harry visibly swallowed. “Louis B. Gay.”

He stepped forward with Josh.

He cracked his knuckles.

And he didn’t hesitate to punch me.

I sat upright in bed – so fast that I immediately got dizzy. My heart was absolutely racing. I glared at the digital clock that was positioned on my bedside table; it read 7:14pm.

I took a shaky breath and ran a hand through my hair. It was only 7:14. I felt a long, restless night coming on.

What was this dumb dream? Why were Liam and Zayn there? I hated to admit it, but from what I remembered from the dream, Liam hadn’t stopped looking good. That went the same for Zayn. But Harry…

Is he going to hit me when he finds out I’m gay?! I thought frantically. Bloody hell, he’d better not! He’s going to ruin my life!

I started to calm down as my memory of the dream started to fade. I still needed to talk to someone, though. I needed reassurance that Harry was not going to turn into Josh and The Dumbasses. I couldn’t call Niall – he was annoyed with me. But I still didn’t understand why he’d wanted me to leave school so quickly.

And it wasn’t like I could talk to Harry my bad dream about him.

I cursed, falling back onto my bed. This was when I needed someone to talk to; when I was upset or worried. All I wanted was at least someone to be next to. Someone who could care about me and I would be able to do the same.

You could do that with Harry, you dunce, I bitterly reminded myself. You’re really dumb. But wait – isn’t there some sort of saying? ‘If you love something, let it free; if it comes back, it’s yours? I thought about it.

“I guess…,” I mumbled out loud, sounding sort of miserable. “But I don’t want to wait for him.” I sighed and closed my eyes. “Ha,” I said, no emotion in my voice. “Louis B. Gay. That’s the biggest load of rubbish ever.” That was soon the only part of the dream I remembered. “So unoriginal.”


Wow! Hey! So here's the next chapter! Sorry it's noy as good as it could be, but I promise the next one will be better! This was just another filler! It'll get much more eventful in a couple chapters! How'd you like his dream, though? This chapter? Comment and tell me what you think! :)

I have a question (just to see if anyone will answer :P): What's the craziest dream you've ever had?

Oh oh! And, the GIF to the right....That's Angry Niall haha. He's saying "Because you're standing right in front of me" or something like that. He got all annoyed because the guards or management or whatever was telling him to talk to the fans more and he responded with that haha. He's still pretty hot either way though :P Insanely hot. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Anyway, here you go, hope you like it, I'll update again after a few more comments!

Thank you so much my Partially-invisible-readers! :D


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