The Weak And Helpless (Yona o...

By Shizuko-Chan

94.8K 3.8K 436


The Two Strangers
The Bottom of The Valley
The Four Dragons
Heading Out
Visiting A Village
The White Dragon
The First Dragon Joins Us
I Get Mistaken For A Villager
You've Upset The Dragon
Weak Spot
I Hate Chopsticks
A Failed Search
Hidden Village
The Blue Dragon
Going Back
A Dragons Help
The Blue Dragon Takes A Swim
Port Awa
I Visit My First Brothel
The Green Dragon
I'm Sorry, But Did You Say Mascot?
Joining the Pirates!
Make Over
Authors Note (Please Read)
I'm Going To Fight!
A Plan
Taking Action
The Captive Of Kumji
A Promise
The Hero
A Royal Encounter
Nothing Important
The Five Tribes
Roku And Jealously
A New Dress
A/N: Sing Beautiful
In The Garden
Running Away
Forced Out
The Weak And Helpless


1.6K 60 10
By Shizuko-Chan

I laughed cheerfully as I watched Gija surrounded my adoring woman. A feeling of comfort washed over me as I saw him unharmed. I looked down at myself smiling. I was back into the dress my father had given me. My five daggers in their sheaths around my waist on my belt. I looked back up at the White Dragon, he was clearly drunk and I doubted he would remember half of what happened tonight. "How about we get married!" Said one woman. "Married!" Gija repeated shocked at the proposals. As all the woman around him laughed, shaking there heads I felt my temper rise.

What are they doing! Brother can't get married! As I hurriedly though of an way to save Gija, Jea-Ha who's shoulder was heavily bandaged, attempted to muffle his laughter as he walked to my side. "Well he's certainly popular." The Green Dragon noted. I crossed my arms and gave a disproving huff. "What is it May? Are you jealous?" He teased leaning forward to see my face as I look shyly down at the floor.

I didn't answer as I marched toward the crowd of woman. Behind me I could hear Jea-Ha give one last chuckle and mumble "Well this should be interesting." I ignored his smart comment and force a smile on my face, running to Gija's side. I tugged at his robe childishly pouting. "Hay! Hay!" I called. The woman around him rolled their eyes. "What do you want, kid!?" The asked only half interested. I put on a confused face. "Well." I began reluctantly not making eye contact with any of them. "Get on with it!" One of the woman ordered clearly annoyed.

I pointed to Gija. "Well, I came to get Daddy! Mommy's been looking for him." I lied walking over to him and tugging on his robe collar trying to drag him away as if we had somewhere to be. "Daddy! Daddy! Get up!" I called praying that I looked younger then I actually was. As I said this I could hear Jea-Ha near by erupting instead laughter. I looked over it him and saw him lean forward one had clutching his stomach the other wiping away tears still chuckling hysterically. Metal note: Make Jea-Ha swear he wont tell anyone about this.

"D-D-Daddy!" One of the woman repeated shocked as she looks between me and Gija. I looked at her rolling my eye tiredly. "Yes, are you deaf? Can't you see the resemblance?" I said pointing to my head them Gija's hoping my white hair was similar enough to his silver hair. The woman looked between the two of us and groaned excepting my lie and leaving.

The moment they turned their backs Jea-Ha walked toward me still clutching his stomach as he laughed. "Hahahahhaah! That was perfect May!" He praised patting me on the back  roughly as I wrinkled my nose. "Ug! Jea-Ha! You smell like booze!" I complained as he pulled me in for a hug suffocating me in his robes. Is everyone drunk?! I squirmed in his grip trying to escape the smell of alcohol. I just hope Hak isn't drunk. If someone picks a fight with him and that big old spear of his....... Well, someone's head will be rolling.

I looked around hurriedly searching for one face among the many flushed faces of the crowd. Well, it seems that almost everyone is drunk. I sighed. I then spotted Hak who seemed to be the only one among the crowd not drunk. Still he wasn't the face I was looking for. Where is Yona? I set off walking through Port Awa's empty streets taking in my surrounding in hopes of catching a glimpse of her fiery red hair. It's so peaceful, like the battle with Kumji was years ago.

Kumji's face flashes before my eyes. But it wasn't. It was foolish of me to think that such an awful sight could seem to disappear. I continued to walk down the quite streets as I recalled the fight thankful the Gigan had ordered the others no to kill. Otherwise all I would have seen was blood. That's when the man that Jea-Ha had killed flashed before me as well. His limp body surrounded in blood.

I shuck my head wildly. There was nothing you could of done..... You didn't kill him. No matter how much I tired to convince myself that the death of that soldier as indeed not my fault, I couldn't do it. Then another face flashed before me. Tears poured down my cheeks as I remembered fathers warm smile. He had been young when he passed in his mid twenties. His warm brown eyes and black hair. I loved him so much. (Picture of what he looks like up top.)

It hurt to remember all the time we spent together, playing and singing. I wanted to go back, and yet I didn't. The thought of leaving Yona and the others hurt just as much as the though of losing father had. I was then snapped out of my thoughts as I turned to the corner. When I did my eyes widened. Standing before me was King Soo-Won and Yona. Her eyes seems glazed and emotionless as the king stared down at her sadly. I immediately drew two daggers and jumped between the two.

My eyes were wide with anger now and my grip on my daggers were deadly tight. As the king saw me his eyes grew as well but only for a minute. "You......" Began but I cut him off. "No! Don't! Just don't! What did you do to Yona! I don't need her to tell me you did something unforgivable! Not when she has that look in her eyes!" I screamed back. Soo-Won's face became emotionless and a glint of something I couldn't identify shown in his eyes. That's when it hit me. My hands began to tremble my voice abandoned me and anger took hold. I swallowed deeply and regain my voice.

"You, You, You.....Monster!" I growled. Surprise pained the Kings face as he realized what I had just learned. "I don't care if you saved my life! As much as I want to repay you, I'm not going to! Not when you murdered Yona's  father, our kind king!" I spat.         
Soo-Won stared at me sadly, a sad smile on his face. "I'm happy to see you're alive." He said. I gritted my teeth. "I can't forgive you. But, none the less you did save me. So open your ears causes I'm not gunna say this again! Thank You, thank you for saving my life and thank you for caring." I replied.

Yona shakily got up and stood by my side. Looking at me in surprise. "You know...... Soo-Won?" She asked. I nodded my head as I lowered my daggers. As I did the sound of footsteps coming filled the air and hurried voice shouted. "Your Majesty!" Without thinking I'm sure, the stupid back stabbing kind grabbed me and Yona covering us with his cloak. The foot steps came closer then stopped. "King Soo-Won! We've been looking all over town for you Sir!" Said a males voice. Soo-Won turned slightly to face his men.

"Oh! I'm sorry to alarm you general. I just~" Soo-Won began but the general cut him out. "We're not here to check out the town! And who's that? You picked up a woman?" I cupped my mouth holding back a laugh. They had no idea I was here and I was the one with the weapon. The king gave a sheepish laugh. "There no need for you to be nosey general." He chuckled. "Your personal life is none of my concern! But this is not the proper time to be flirting! You can flirt on your own time!" The general snapped back.

Soo-Won leaned back slightly causing me to believe that someone was pointing something at him most likely and angry index finger. "You should clam down general!" Said a new voice. "Your right, we're on business. Let us say our goodbyes and I'll meet up with you later." Soo-Won assured backing away. The sound of footsteps returns and then slowly vanished afterwords. The king removed his cloak from us and gave Yona a kind smile. "Farewell, Yona." He sighed then turned to me.

He gently placed as hand onto my head. "And farewell to you as well, May. I truly wish you would of stayed. Then, I could have been the new family you had always talked about." He said and with that he turned around and left. As he did Yona fell to her knees and began to sob as I watched, frozen. As he turned to corner Hak turned to an other corner running to our side as he watched the end of Soo-Wan cloak make a sharp turn and disappear round the corner.

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