Fix Me Alpha

By TVDfandom

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FIX ME ALPHA Emily Presto had a rough start in life. When she gets accepted into Nashmoore University, she ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Harder to Fall: Sequel

Chapter 12

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By TVDfandom


"What!?" Riley roars. "How could this happen?" He rushes forward grabbing the man by his shirt and slamming him onto the wall.

"Alpha please! We didn't mean to! It's like he vanished!" The man struggles to breathe.

I run towards them and start pulling at Riley's hands; he only tightens his grip snarling into the man's face.

"Riley! Let him go!" I shove him.

To my relief he drops the man and takes a step back, seeming to collect himself.

"Get all the warriors. Have them scrounge the territory. Leave no stone unturned! Find him!" He yells after the man as he runs away.

"Damien? That's his name?" I demand.

"I don't have time for this; I need to go help look for him." He goes to walk out.

My brain is working in overtime, Marge... Damien... Margaret. It's not possible, there's no way. I ignore it for now, whatever this is, it's evident that it's very important to Riley, I have to help him.

"No." I grab his hand to stop him. "Leave the searching to them. Let's go check the cells, there has to be a hint as to what happened."

After staring at me for a moment he nods and grabs my hand properly. We run through the forest as fast as we can, or as fast as I can I suppose. Everything seems normal when we get there. We get inside and the padlocked door is wide open, my heart drops. We walk into the stone room; chains are resting on the ground. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, there's only a chair in the middle of the room. Riley walks around sniffing and growling, I think he's lost it.

"Riley, are you okay?" I ask cautiously.

"No. I smell it; I'd recognize the smell anywhere. The bastard somehow used magic." He spits.

"Magic is real?" I scoff.

"How the hell do you think it's possible for me to change into a wolf? It started as a curse made with magic. Some curse." He snorts.

"Damien. I think we should talk to Marge." I state.

I need to follow my gut, and it's saying that this is all about to get much more complicated. I watch as Riley's eyes widen.

"You think she had something to do with this?" He snarls.

"Okay, first of all, no, second of all stop with the snarling and growling, and third of all... my father's name is Damien, Riley. My half sisters name is Margaret. We need to look into this... and she could help."

"Damien?" He asks disgusted. "Oh, now I'm really going to kill him." His eyes turn completely black.

"Not right now! Calm down, let's go find her."

We run back to the house, seeing wolves running everywhere looking for any trace of Damien. As much as I would love to crawl into a corner and cry right now, I'm starting to understand my position here. I need to stay strong.

We walk into the kitchen seeing a worried Marge and a bored looking Ryan, he's obviously over having to watch her. When she sees us she steps towards us.

"Emily! What's going on? Ryan said Damien escaped! How is that possible?" She asks worried.

"We're trying to find out how that's possible. Do you know anything?" I plead.

"I smelt magic on the walls. You have to know something." Riley demands.

Marge turns white. "He's going to kill me." She didn't seem to hear much of what we've said.

I snap my fingers in her face, "How could he have magic?"

Marge seems to snap out of it and grabs my hand pleading to me, "Please you can't hurt him. He doesn't know any better. Please, please, please, we have to help him!"

"I'm pretty sure Damien knows exactly what he's doing." Riley says angrily.

He obviously didn't understand, but I did. There's someone else, someone she cares about dearly, maybe her mate.

"Who?" I ask.

We stare at each other both completely serious.

"My brother." She whispers. "He's only fourteen, he's a witch. Mom was a witch. The wolf gene skipped him, so he got the magic."

"What is his name?" Riley barks.

"David." She cries. "We need to take him away from him!"

Riley is just about to say something but I cut him off.

"What is your full name?" Tears fill my eyes.

"Margaret Auster. Why?" She asks confused.

I breathe a humorless smile, my face twisted in hurt and pain. What do I do now? It's confirmed, this is my sister and Damien is the reason for Jon dying. I fall to the ground, no longer able to keep a strong front, I feel broken. He must know that I'm here; he was in that padlocked room, listening to me talk to Marge. I feel sick, putting my face into my hands I sob harshly, making a gaspy noise when I feel Riley joining me on the ground holding me tightly to his chest.

"What's wrong? Emily, what's going on?" Marge is looking around wildly, confused.

"Margaret. It's me, Emily. We're sisters." I lean against Riley and look up at her.

"Emily?!" Her face is turned into surprise and then she too is crying. "I thought you were dead!"

"What do you mean? Is that what he said?" I cry.

"Yes! He said you were murdered, Emily. Oh my god."

Then as she falls I crawl over to her we hold onto each other, I never thought I'd be able to see her again.

"Wait, if you're alive why didn't you ever come back?" She pulls back to look me in the eye.

"I thought you knew. Margaret, he abused me for years, the police know and everything." I say earnestly.

Her face isn't one of surprise and I feel dread coursing through my body.

"Did he... touch you?" I whisper.

"No! Oh god did he touch you? Em, I'm so sorry. I mean he's hit me but nothing like that. He killed my mom when I was twelve; I guess he never really got the chance. Mom would have killed him."

"He killed Sarah?! How? Why?" Tears fall fluently down my face.

"Well he has his silver teeth so he and mom constantly had to fight the urge to mark each other, one night he lost control." She speaks softly.

"Where can we find them?" Riley interrupts.

"I really don't know. We used to always move around, never staying in one place." She looks down.

"What is it? There is something you're not saying." He speaks rough.

"Well, I wouldn't worry about finding him. He'll come back. Trust me, and he'll bring back up." She speaks fearful.

"Then we will be ready." He snarls.

Something occurs to me right then.

"Um guys, if my dad is a werewolf...does that make me one?" I gulp.

Marge gives me a funny look. "Do you not know? Since you're not in a pack you'll turn into a wolf when you are eighteen."

"Oh my god!" I interrupt her.

"Or you could be a witch. I'm sure you'd know if you were one though, the parent always helps them come to terms with it..." She eyes me.

"Are you saying my mom is a witch?" What the hell.

"You really don't know anything. Yes she is. It's possible you are one too. Damien had a thing for the magic..."

"I need to go lay down. Riley, help me up?" He does as I ask.

He starts to help me walk when another thought comes to mind,

"How are you able to turn if you have to be eighteen or in a pack?"

She looks down. "I lied. I have been in a pack. It was a part of Damien's plan, we got accepted into a small one and then he took them all out."

I nod. "It'll be okay Marge. Go have a nap."

Once inside Riley's room he lays me down and lies beside me. He seems troubled, staring at every part of my face except my eyes.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I stroke his cheek.

"I want to ask you something, but I don't want to scare you away." He rubs my back.

"You couldn't scare me away even if you tried."

"When mates mark each other... the wolf becomes stronger. The connection is stronger, and if we want we could mind-link." He says slowly.

"Well then let's do it! Why are you being weird? That's great!" This is perfect!

"It would also make the need to mate amplified, we'd barely be able to keep our hands off each other." He warns.

"I can barely keep my hand off of you now Riley. I'm not afraid of sex, not when it's with you. I want you to mark me."

I move close to him placing my head into the nook of his neck, placing small kisses everywhere. A stream of thrill courses through me as he groans. His hands come out of nowhere placing me back down and hovering over me. He slams his lips down on mine, wow, I was tired not five minutes ago, and now I never want to sleep. Breaking away he starts to trail kisses on my neck, I giggle as he gets to my soft spot.

"Right here." He teases. "Are you ready?"


And just like that fire licks my neck in pain for only a second before I'm fighting to get his shirt off. I've never felt this much pleasure in my life as he sucks and licks at my neck. I thrust my hips up trying to create some sort of friction between us but he stops me.

"Not tonight." He says huskily. "You're tired and we have to start training tomorrow."

I huff but agree.

"I'll be back shortly. I have to call everyone off, I understand better now; he won't be back too soon." He reassures.

I'm thankful when he leaves, I never knew how much I needed some alone time. So much has happened I don't even know what to do with myself, there's one thing that I'm sure of though. We won't be going to trial, oh no, he's going to die, whether at the hand of me or my mate. That man's life will end, I swear it. I need to talk to mom about being a witch; cause if that's true and she never told me I'm going to be pretty fricken angry. What about Nicole? Does that mean she's a witch? This is all so confusing; I need a filing cabinet for inside my own head.

I wake up abruptly, startled by a clang. Riley is standing at the closet, frozen with his hand out and eyes wide watching me. The hanger settles by his feet and I know he had dropped in on accident. With a giggle I hop out of bed and check the time... five in the morning?! What the hell is he doing up?

I turn my stink eye on him so let him know that I am not pleased but he just raises his hands up in surrender.

"I was going to let you sleep for a little bit... but since you're up you can get ready. Training is today. Save the shower for later." He smirks.

"Training, are you kidding me? I thought you were playing around, I don't want to train!" I whine.

After he shoots my serious look I know not to argue with him on the matter. No doubt about it, this is going to be the hardest workout of my life. I throw on black spandex shorts and a pink sports bra, zipping a grey sweater over top. Raising my hair into a high pony tail I announce that I'm ready and turn around to see the perve ogling me.

"Privacy, you buffoon!" I launch my new socks at him.

He just dodges them and walks out chuckling. Bastard. Grabbing my socks I run after him, putting my socks and shoes on and heading out to the field.

"What's with the lack of shoes, sport?" I note his bare feet.

Riley eyes me sideways. "I train differently."

Oh, duh. Whoops. The fact that he expects me to train before I've gotten a chance to deal with my new found problems definitely upsets me. I need to talk to my mother, yes, that's the first step.

Sebastian is already waiting in the middle of the field, Sam and Noah flanking him. There are people spread around everywhere, I spot Anna, Ryan, and Marge almost immediately. Anna bee-lines towards me.

"I'm so sorry Em! Don't blame me, blame the dickhead!" She pleads.

"All is forgotten, Anna. It's fine, really." I smile at her.

With a small hug she nods and scurries away from Riley's glare. I slap him to make him stop, and melt when he looks down at me a softly smiles.

"Alright, listen up!" He announces as he steps in the middle of the circle of 100+ people. "We will be training every single morning. Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays will be hands on training in human form. The rest will be as our wolves. This is serious. Show up on time every day, it's possible that we could be attacked before we are ready to go on the offensive, so we must be ready at all times. You're training to protect your pack and your loved ones, keep that in mind." Riley nods towards Sam to tell her to go ahead.

She steps forward. "The field has been separated into age groups. Group one will be eighteen to twenty-five, group two is twenty-six to thirty-five, and then group three will be thirty-six to forty-five, and forty-six to fifty-five is group four. I will be training group four, Beta Seb will be training group three, Noah is on group two, and Alpha Riley is group one. Find your group."

Riley grabs my hand and leads me over to what must be my group, and I watch as Noah, Sam, and Seb move around to their own respective sections of the field. People scatter around the field, heading to their new trainer. My group is by far the biggest, filled with younger adults.

"Okay people, there are five signup sheets on that table over there. Sign your name and age." Riley demands.

I start to walk over when he grabs the back of my sweater and pulls me back.

"Not you baby." He purrs.

Oh my.

After everyone is done I note that there are about forty people in this group, including Marge, Ryan, and Anna. We all wait as Riley goes through the sheets, nodding to himself.

"For today I want you all to show me your skill level, so only one fight at a time will occur. First is," He grins evilly at Anna, "Anna and Theetus."

"What?! You've gotta be kidding me? Are you trying to kill me?" Anna throws her hands up in the air.

Confusion last for only a second before a big juice head of a man steps forward with a laugh, cracking his knuckles.

"Riley!" I scold. "Pick someone else."

He scrunches his eyebrows at me and I feel unease as everyone coughs concealing their laughter.

"No." He turns his back as if to continue on.

Appalled my mouth drops, what a child. If we want people to get better we have to build character first and confidence. Fighting this big guy won't do a thing for Anna.

"Riley, I swear to god I'm this close to shoving my foot up your ass. Pick. Someone. Else." I shove his shoulder.

He slowly turns around with wide eyes and growls at me. That's it. I slowly walk towards him, putting my face in his to distract him. Secretly, I place my foot behind both of his and push him, tripping him with my own feet. I follow down, straddling him with my hands pushing his shoulders.

"You're annoying." He muses gruffly.

Grabbing the sheet from him I release his shoulders and read the sheet.

"Anna vs. Nancy... you're up." I announce.

Getting up I join the smaller circle of people, surprised that they listened to me.

"Three points win. Every time a person taps out the other person gets a point. Go." Riley says from beside me.

The two girls circle each other, sizing each other up. They fight for a while, making me cringe whenever one of them gets a hit in. In the end the Nancy girl won 3-1, and I'm glad I didn't let Anna fight Theetus. Everyone has one fight, taking turns. Riley pays close attention, righting notes every now and again. Finally it's the end, and I'm ready to give it ago. It's boring sitting here watching constantly.

"All right guys, that's it for today. Tomorrow will be much harder."

"Wait! Excuse me but I didn't do a thing!" What the hell man.

"There's no one left." He chuckles.

He did this on purpose. He doesn't want me to fight. Bastard needs to make up his mind.

"You and me buddy. Mono e mono. Bring it." I jump back and forth throwing punches into the air his way.

Smirking he takes his shirt off and throws the clipboard on the table. People from all groups quickly gather around to witness their Alpha get a beat down. Ha, right. If I could growl I would right now, all these girls think I don't notice them eyeing my man.

Put your damn shirt back on, I glare.

His smile widens, letting me know he's doing it on purpose. Two can play at that game. I quickly unzip my sweater and throw it off as Riley takes a threatening step towards me. He gulps, obviously angry and trying to keep it hidden. I walk up to him and push him, sad when he doesn't budge. Damn it's cold out here. Crossing his arms he smirks at me, not moving. Jackass. I slowly walk around him till I'm facing his back. Maybe if he wasn't so cocky he'd be smart enough to turn around... he never listed any rules.

Shrugging my shoulders I approach his back, noticing my head doesn't even reach his shoulder blades. Instead I choose the left side of the middle of his toned hot back. Taking a second to take a deep breath I prepare myself, might as well give it all I got. Bringing my head up, I bring it down hard, sinking my teeth into his skin.

"YEE-OW" Riley slaps behind him and arches his back to get away from me.

Turning around clutching his back he stares at me like I'm crazy. Hey buddy, I may be crazy but you're an asshole.

"Did you just bite me?" He asks incredulous.

"Yea I did. I think running away should count as a point. 1-0 for me." I smirk.

People cheer and laugh making Riley shake his head.

"Alright little one, let's do this."

We circle each other, I can tell he's doing it with complete humor but I'm in all seriousness. I jump at him trying to tackle him but he just catches me against his chest and sets me back down.

"Can you try?!" I shout at him.

In a flash I don't see him anymore. Oh lord what have I done? He grabs me from behind and lightly bites my mark, causing me to squirm.

"1-1 then..." He whispers in my ear and lets me go.

Riley gets two more points on me, one by me trying to tack him and him turning us around so I was under him, and the other he was simply bored so he just picked me up into a bear hug and kept biting my neck. Bastard.

Everyone's gone now; me and Alpha Asshole are walking back to the house, me trailing behind, bitter.

"I'm not only a werewolf; I'm the strongest Alpha in the world. What did you expect?" He calls behind him.

"Just wait until I find out what I am! I'll use it against you too buddy." I huff and then get quiet, remembering that I have some investigating to do.

He turns to face me, sensing my unease. Looking at me questioningly he rubs my shoulders trying to soothe me.

"I have to get answers. Riley, I have to call my mom."




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Hope yall enjoyed this. If not I LOVE YOU STILL IM SORRY OKEE.


Plus go check out my short little paragraph on Grief.... RIP Aunty Helena, love you <3

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