
By aurora_rain

461K 14.9K 2.2K

Kristen is an average senior student. She has a group of girl-friends, a crush and a mostly-functional family... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 9

10.7K 366 12
By aurora_rain

Gran and I make our way home from the hospital about an hour later. Dr. Parkinson and the other doctors agreed I should avoid Lewis and try not to provoke him. They also said Kyle cannot come to my home until Lewis leaves.

In about two weeks, when all the paper work has been sorted, Lewis will be sent to a psychiatric home. I don't know much about them; I haven't even seen any movies based on them.

I'm scared for Lewis. I'm not sure whether I'm worried he's going to attack someone again or whether someone else might hurt him. But I love him, no matter what he's done to me.

Dr. Parkinson pulls her sedan into our driveway and we all hop out quickly. Gran fumbles with the keys but eventually opens the door.

"I'll just check on your mother sweetie, then I'll head home for the night," Dr. Parkinson says to me calmly. "Come Lewis, it's time for bed."

Lewis follows her up the stairs and she leads him to his room. Then she pops out and goes into Mum's room.

I don't know why Lewis is so calm when she talks to him. But what I do know is that she is a hell of a lot better than Sharon. Mum has already improved so much. She's flying through the stages of grief and in no time she'll be healthy again. I just know it.

Another question I ponder as I walk up the stairs is why I haven't been impacted as much as my family. Dad's sudden death was unexpected and I was just as close to him as Lewis and Mum. Maybe Emily hurt Lewis a lot more than I accounted for. Maybe Kyle was right, I am strong.

That night I go to sleep still thinking. I keep tossing and turning, remembering how the day was going really well. Most of the morning was boring, but I got to spend the afternoon with Kyle. Just thinking about him makes warmth rush to my cheeks.

I can't believe I'm falling for such a gorgeous idiot.

Suddenly I hear a bang. Even though it's soft, I can tell it's coming from downstairs. I take in a deep breath and lift the sheets off my bare legs. Definitely shouldn't have worn shorts tonight; especially if there's a robber or something. I unscrew the leg off my desk chair and bring it with me, like a makeshift baseball bat.

I slowly make my way down the stairs. Each time I tiptoe down a stair, I feel my anxiety spiking.

I make my way around the corner into the formal room with my piano. Then I hide against a wall and peak through the archway.

There's definitely someone in the house. Crap.

The figure turns around and I whip my head back around the wall so fast that I might need physio therapy for years.

What happens next surprises me. I hear the figure whimpering, a soft feminine voice echoes quietly. Then I feel stupid for accusing Gran of being a robber. I let out a sigh of relief and start heading to Gran who I realise is crying.

"Kristen?" She says and wipes her eyes. "Did I wake you?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"What are you holding?"

"Oh. Sorry, I thought you were a robber." I mumble. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm not." I notice she has a wine glass in her hands.

"Gran, you can tell me what's wrong."

"I'm just sad for Lewis and Mara. I knew this was going to happen, but it still is upsetting."

I reply by hugging her. I've never seen Gran cry before, but it's good to know she's human too. I love her so much, and I love Mum and Lew too.

"Now go to bed. You've got school tomorrow," Gran says with a forced smile.

"Do I have to walk home tomorrow?"

"No, you can let your boyfriend drop you off as long as he doesn't come inside."

"Ok," I say, not even bothering to correct her.

When I get back to bed, I fall asleep instantly.




The next day, I tell Bridgette about everything. She was sympathetic about Lewis, but mostly she wanted to hear about Kyle. "I've started shipping you guys. Sorry."

"Shut up," I say and punch her playfully on the arm. A group of guys, including Chase, pass us. One of them calls out to Bridgette. "What are you waiting for?" I say and she leaves.

About two minutes later she comes back. "He was asking about my friend. He said she left her jacket at the game yesterday." She hands me a jacket I've seen Harmony wear millions of times.

"Are we going to talk about her? I mean, we've ignored the fact that she barely hangs out with us anymore."

"I know," she sighs. Her reddy brown hair is in plaits today. "There isn't much we can do about it though. It's not like she's being mean to us."

"I guess." I start, "Since when did Harmony watch games?"

"Since never. They must have dragged her. There is NO way she would EVER watch anything sport related."

I'm about to ask why she was hanging out with those guys but realise Bridgette wouldn't have the answers.

I rock up to detention about five minutes late and am not surprised when I see Kyle waiting in the classroom. "Did you get detention again?"

"No. I tried but Mr. Graw likes me too much."

"Then why are you here?"

"Aren't you glad I am? Wait, I already know the answer," he says and wriggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"Alright," I finish.

I take out my homework and repeat what I did yesterday. I finish English and Music pretty quickly and start on Maths. "Hey, how do you answer those questions? I never know whether you subtract first or...?"

"I thought you never did this sh*t?"

"Hey! Don't swear," he says, which earns him a smile from me. "But seriously, can you help me?"

I think I'm actually grinning now.

I start drawing diagrams and lines and lines of working out. He just watches mesmerized. I don't know if any of this is sinking in...

"I get it now," he says.

"You do?"

"I'm not stupid. If I paid attention in class I'd be just as smart as you."

"Wanna bet?" I ask daringly.

"How much?"

"Not money. How about..."

"If you win, I'll do whatever you want for a day. If I win, you'll do whatever I want for a week."

"How come I only get you for a day?"

"Because. Is it a bet?" I reluctantly give him my hand and we shake on it.

Now all I have to do is win.

I turn to face my books again and start on my maths. It doesn't take too long, but a lot of mental power. Ow, my neck still hurts from last night. I slide my arm up and rub it sub-consciously. "Does your neck hurt?" Kyle says.

"Yeah. Yesterday-"

"Did Lewis hurt you?"

"No, it was an accident. I really hurt myself last night." Mr. Von Gogh's timer goes off and he finally lets us leave. I pick up all my books and shove them into my bag. "Oh, I forgot to ask. Can you drop me home?"

"Don't even bother asking."

The time flies by when I'm on his bike. I can understand what Dad meant by being able to relax and think clearer.

I'm entirely aware of how close I am with Kyle, but I've gotten used to it. I've been riding home with him for a while and I don't even hesitate to hold him tightly. He doesn't complain.

I tell him to stop about a street away from my house so that Lewis doesn't see him. "Can you text me when you get inside?"


"Kristen!" He calls out just as I am about ten feet away, "Be prepared to lose the bet."

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