Royal Secret

By nicci42098

1.5M 56.4K 2.7K

Celina Richards is a pure blood princess in hiding and on the run since the age of five. Follow her as she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author Note- Let Your Comment Count!
Results Are In
Chapter 33
The Sequel: Royal War

Chapter 7

57.4K 1.8K 175
By nicci42098

Sunlight penetrated my world of darkness. I groaned yanking the covers over my head turning away from the windows. I stretched and thought about the upcoming trials ahead. I have to be ready for anything that Devon sends my way. No matter who is on my team I will need to get them working as a unit. My game plan was easy. First assess their strengths and weakness. Second weed out potential virus that could infect my entire team causing havoc and our ultimate failure. Ok Celina Vaser Richards you can do this. I am a pure blood princess and I was born to lead!

I threw off the covers jumping out of the bed. I stretched and a few quick bounces psyching myself and wolf up. My wolf thrived on the thrill of fighting. Training or in a battle she loved to fight. Sometimes it can get really intense and she scares me a little. Just a little because I too like the rush of blood pumping throughout my body when engaged in a fight. I walked over to my duffle bag to pull out a pair of gym shorts and a cut off T-shirt that showed off my abs. I was proud of my athletic body especially my four pack abs. I smiled at myself in the dresser mirror my breast weren't bad either. I sometimes will use my body as a distraction when sparring. Hell even in a real fight. I don't fight fair I was trained to use everything at my disposal. That usually means fighting dirty. Not everyone has the stomach to do it, but I've learned it's either dirty or die. I grabbed my underwear out of the duffle and headed for the shower. It was nice to have my own shower. The last pack house we stayed at wasn't as grand as Halder Pack. The bathroom was a communal one which meant no privacy. Ever.

After washing and blow drying my hair, I grabbed a hair band pulling my hair into its usual ponytail. I laced up my sneakers walking over knocking on my uncle's door. He opened the door still in his pajamas.

"Uncle I'm shocked. I got ready before you."

He gave me one of his deadly stares which I shrugged off skipping to his bed bouncing on it. "Celina."

"Ooo you're using the scary tone which you know doesn't phase me. So wake up grumpy old man." Laughing at his 'kill' face.

"Is there a reason you are in my room at 6 am? Last time I checked I'm not the one that has to be on the field."

"I know but hey if I have to be up at the crack of dawn then you should be too."

"Stop bouncing on the bed. Why did you really come in here?"

I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist. I loved this old man. He was more my father than my uncle. "I love you."

"I love you too. But I'm not going to forgive you for waking me up before seven."

I laughed stepping back breaking apart from his hug. I walked back to my room turning around to face him and gave him my serious princess face.

I spoke to him through our mind link.

While I'm on the fields see if you can get any information about where we are going to be patrolling.

Of course Your Highness.

I left his room shutting my door. I made my way down to the main floor when the aroma of bacon was calling my name. I loved bacon. My nose guided me to a large dining room where people were standing in a line for a buffet style breakfast. I quickly got behind a young mother whose baby was strapped to her back in a backpack style carrier. As I waited I played with the young baby making funny faces and baby noises at him to get him to smile.

His name was Teek and he was 9 months old and the mother's name was Candice. She and her mate had been together for three years and he is their first baby. Finally it was our time and I grabbed a plate feasting my eyes at the spread in front of me. I was in heaven there was meat galore, bacon, smoked sausage, sauge links, sausage patties, Canadian bacon, pork chop, steak, fish, chicken patties, pancakes, waffles, eggs any way you like it, and I could keep going.

"Do you all eat like this everyday."

Candice giggled, "Yes."

"I'm never leaving!" Popping a piece of bacon in my mouth.

I sat down with Candice and her family. I just listened since I was too busy stuffing my face to talk. Eating as much as I want and not having to count calories was a benefit to being a warrior wolf. We had big appetites and therefore could consume a lot of food. Our intense training and exercise kept us in shape and fit. Most of the males in the pack house did not fight because of their mate. It was hard on a wolf if he or she lost her mate. Some can't bear the separation becoming a recluse. In other cases if you have pups or have a leadership role the mateless wolf continues to function and sometimes find another mate that has lost their mate. The second mating is not as strong as the first bonding. There are a few who remain mateless turning a little insane with the bitterness over losing their mate.

Seven o'clock, it was time to go onto the field. I guzzled the last of my third refill of orange juice heading out the back of the pack house. I stepped onto the training fields joining the warriors that were all assembled. We faced Devon as he informed us on today's activities.

"As most of you know our alpha would like to split us up into squads to patrol the west side of our borders. This is not a drill. There have been some rogues spotted in that area. If you run into any rogues you are given the green light to attack and kill. I have already picked the squads. I will first call up the squad leaders." Devon started to go down his list calling out squad leaders. I searched around and no luck I didn't see Trevor or his group. I returned my attention back to Devon.

"Celina Richards." I was the last name he called out making my way to the front there was a low murmur of disbelief and snickering.

I joined the line of squad leaders facing the warriors. Devon then started to assign warriors to each squad. There were about ten squads with roughly twenty warriors in each one. The unassigned warriors would be staying to guard the pack. I kept my eyes trained to the warriors in front keeping my face emotionless as Devon called out my team.

"Karen Styles, Kyle Styles, Phoebe Jackson, Zander Sims, Dean Canton, Willow Ranson, Bruce Taylor, Lance Penn, Spike Williams, Angel Smith, Archer Tram, Lana Daniels, Terry Fin, Jericho Savelle, and Sawyer Graves."

I committed to memory every name of my team. As I suspected they were mostly young with a few older warriors. A couple of the older warriors gave me a cursory glance mingled with disgust. They were going to be my troublemakers that I will deal with first.

"All squads, you have two days to prepare. Then we will be going to our western borders. I will be handing out your assigned areas at the end of the day."

I stood with my hands on my hip, staring at my squad. "I know you all don't know me or don't even think I should be a leader. But I am so deal with it. I'm Celina Richards. I will not tolerate any disrespect to my authority. No one is to question my method or style of training. If you do things my way you will survive the night." I walked over to Zander, who had been rolling his eyes during my whole speech. I grabbed his balls and twist, bringing him to his knees crying out in pain. The warriors beside him jumped aside at disbelief." I said I will not tolerate ANY disrespect. I hate repeating myself." I let go and he collapsed onto the ground clutching his manhood in a fetal position.

I let out a low rumble and my wolf sent her power to the wolves showing her dominance. "Anyone else?"

They all took a step back. "Five minutes of stretching now. Karen, Kyle a word." I stepped away from the group to talk. "Thanks Karen I appreciate that you got on my team. Can you two tell me about my members?"

"Celina, I know that Zander, Bruce, and Archer are definitely loyal to Devon. Phoebe, Dean, and Spike I have trained with personally and are fair and great fighters. I don't know about the others they are younger. Kyle?"

"Angel, she started training a couple of months ago. I know Willow, Lance, and Sawyer we have been training for the past six months. I'm not sure about Terry, Lana, and Jericho they are a little older than me so I don't know anything about them."

"Thanks. Let's get started." We rejoined the group, they were doing various stretches. "Everyone, please sit down in Indian style. We will start with meditation. Relax your body and mind, taking deep breaths on my command. Inhale, breathe in. Hold. Hold. Hold. Exhale, breathe out. Empty your minds. Inhale. Exhale." I continue this exercise for the next twenty minutes.

"This is ridiculous. We look like pansies learning how to breathe while everyone else is working on their fighting technique." Bruce was the first to complain.

"Yeah, I think my legs have no blood circulating." Archer agreed. Zander nodded but remained silent.

"Everyone up, Bruce, Archer, and Zander continue your breathing." The ones standing gave me wide berth as I walk towards the three still sitting on the ground. "So you think this is useless. Ok let me show you all how important it is to meditate. I circled behind the three. "Close your eyes and continue to breathe. This exercise is for you to calm your mind and to tune in to your surroundings. You have to learn to pay attention to every sound, smells, the changing of the wind. Rogues are expert at masking their sounds so they can pounce on their prey. That is how they survive. If you empty your minds tuning into the sounds around you can save your life. The ability to hear the subtle sounds of rustling leaves, the change in air pressure when a rogue jumps in the air above your head is crucial in battle."

"You are crazy that is not going to help," Bruce challenging my technique. "There is no way..." before finishing his sentence I wrapped my arm around him in a choke hold. His hands reached up trying to loosen my grip. I put my right knee into his back and tighten my hold. His flailing arms still swiping at my arms and my head then his arms went limp. I stood up and Bruce slumped to the ground.

"You see he didn't hear me coming because he was too busy doubting the process."

"Well if you are so confident in your technique show us how it is done." Zander challenged.

"Ok." I sat on the ground Indian style and closed my eyes and started breathing. Zander and Archer both stood still on each side of me. I could smell Zander's pine scent on my left and Archer's oak scent on my right. Zander kicked out his foot trying to make contact with my head. My hand grabbed his leg before impact twisting it knock him off balance. I felt the air around as Archer gush towards me throwing his body at me. Leaning onto my side I kicked out my foot hitting Archer square into his chest. I smiled and stood up.

"Does anyone else want a demonstration?" silence greeted me. "Good now let's move on to weapons."

By lunchtime my group was drenched in sweat some panting from the vigorous training exercises. "Thirty minutes for lunch." I am in my element taking a towel drying off the back of my neck.

"Ummm I'm sorry Celina, for being so needy," Angel hanging back shifting her weight back and forth.

"It's ok Angel. You will get better with time. Do you stay in the training quarters?"

"No I stay in the pack house with my family. I'm too young to stay in the pack. It is for those who are sixteen and older. I just turned fifteen."

All morning as I was gauging each individual speaking to them about their life here at the pack house. Angel was the last one I needed to get a grasp of her life here. "So how well do you know Devon?"

"Our parents are really good friends. I'm actually not a fan of Devon. He has always picked on me growing up. Him and my brother use to hang out until he stole Derek's girlfriend. After that my brother kept his distance."

"So do you live near each other?"

"Yes their rooms are on the same floor as ours," Angel chewed nervously on her bottom lip. "My relationship with Devon is not going against me?"

"Of course not," I reassured her.

During lunch I spied Bruce, Zander, and Archer talking with Devon. I'm sure to relay the morning events which is why I purposely didn't share anything that had to do with strategy. I sat down next to Karen eating my lunch. My group sat together while all others around us was joking and conversing, we were quiet. Bruce, Archer, and Zander never joined us at our table.

Back on the field, we waited until Devon's loyalists sauntered towards us fifteen minutes late.

Zander gave me a standing salute, "Reporting to duty ma'am." The others laughing and pushing against each other.

"I'm glad this is funny. Now leave." I was fuming but knew it would come down to this. Our group was already the smallest squad but I had to get rid of them so that we can become a cohesive group.

They stopped gaping at me like I was speaking in a foreign language.

Bruce spoke up first, "Excuse me? Did you tell us to leave."

"What you are kicking us off the squad?" Archer added.

"Yes I don't need you. Leave."

"Well you know we don't care, we didn't even want to be on your squad!" Zander spat out with disgust.

'I will be reporting this to your alpha," I yelled as a last parting statement at their backs. That pissed off Bruce turning and charging at me yelling, "You Bitch!"

I dropped quickly giving him a low sweeping kick. Bruce went crashing to the ground. Archer then rushed me and I ran towards him jumping into a backward straight leg somersault. My foot hit him under his chin making him spin in the air and crumpled to the ground. I landed in a crouch with arms held in front of me ready to take on Zander. Zander deciding against it, went to help his friends up and they limped away. I turned back to my group.

"Is there anyone else who wants to leave? Leave now. I need people who are loyal to me during our mission. If you feel that you cannot accept me as your leader. Go!" I was done with insubordination. They were either in or out it was time to work on tactics and strategy. No one moved.

Terry stepped forward, "Celina I will admit that I was skeptical about being put on your squad. I believe that Alpha Halder made you a leader because you are capable. And if Devon put me on your squad then I will do my best. You are the leader and I will follow your orders."

"Me too," Lana stepped forward. One by one everyone stepped forward.

"Great, now let's start with tactics. Everyone follow me." I led my group off the training fields to the adjacent trees. "Has anyone encountered rogues?" no one raised their hand. "Rogues travel either by themselves or in small groups of two to six. They are leaner and faster than most. Rogues are more animalistic than us listening to their wolf side rather than their human. There are quite a few rogues who prefer to stay in their wolf form. In the wolf state they are stronger having more hunter skills than when they are in human form. But just like anything they have weak points. The wolf side of a rogue relies on brute strength and not on mental strategy. It also takes them longer to transform into their human form. During transformation they are the most vulnerable. We must fight smart using everything around you as a weapon or as a shield. I'm not going to lie, when you first see a rogue they appear mad. Don't let that intimidate you because that second of hesitation can be your downfall. We will fight in three groups of four. Never ever let them separate you from your group. That is how they operate. They will try to divide and conquer trying to pick us off one by one." I let that information sink in before giving the last piece of information, "Also we will not fight in wolf form we will fight in human form." That statement got everyone buzzing.

"Wait let me get this straight; you want us to fight them in our human form?" Jericho speaking over the chattering of skepticism about my strategy. "I mean I don't want to challenge your authority but that does sound a little insane. We are stronger in our wolf form."

"I know what you all are thinking. You are right Jericho you are stronger in your wolf form but we can't get to the weak point of the rogues if we are in wolf form. Let me demonstrate, Shift."

Jericho complied transforming into a light brown wolf. I motioned him away from the group. "Now I'm going to have Jericho leap at me and I will show you why we will stay in human form." I turned to Jericho, signaling him to charge. Jericho's wolf ran to me leaping in the air. I ducked and as his underbelly was exposed I punched him in the ribs. The hit changed his trajectory causing him to land on his side. I jumped onto him holding my knife against his neck. I backed off Jericho's wolf, "shift." I extended my hand to Jericho pulling him up handing him his shorts.

"As you see the underbelly of the rogue is the weakest point. I hit Jericho in the ribs but the skin is most vulnerable to the knife. What I did is for more advance fighters, I want you to use your weapon to stab them. In human form we can exploit this vulnerability. I understand you have to get close, if you are in danger shift into your wolf run then to one of our groups. Because I will not be able to mind link I will stay close contact with one of you who will keep me inform of what is going on throughout the attack." Twelve pair of eyes looking at me with respect and admiration.

For the next hour I demonstrated ways to attack the underbelly using not only our weapons but using things in the environment, such as branches and rocks. I paired everyone into twos, one in their wolf form and the other in their human. I supervised going to each pair correcting striking patterns and defensive moves. This went on for the next couple of hours everyone getting a chance to practice the skill. We ended our practice with everyone doing individual demonstration receiving good and bad feedback on their technique. I dismissed everyone for the evening making plans to meet back in my room at midnight. Based on my earlier conversations, some of my team members had an assignment. Karen, Kyle, Jericho, Lana, and myself went back to training fields to locate Devon to get our assigned area.

"So you come out of hiding," Devon smirked. "Are these the only ones left on your squad?"

I decline to play his game, "Do you have our assigned area?"

"Casper Rock."

"Are you going to give me a map?"

"No, what do you need that for? Your squad only needs to worry about your area." sounding offended.

"Fine. Let's go." I waited until we were out of ear shot of Devon. "Any of you familiar with Casper Rock?"

"It is the most unlikely spot for Rogues." Jericho piped in.

"Devon is purposely making sure you don't have any contact with the rogues guaranteeing that you will lose the bet." Karen explained.

"Well there is no way that will happen. I will get my hands on that map. I will see you all at midnight." I waved goodbye to them heading to take a cold shower. I sent a mind linked message to my uncle telling him about the day's events. I thought about Trevor as I was  drying my hair. I didn't see him or the others all day. They must be on patrol. I have to find a way to talk to him I need to find out where he lives. Kyle mentioned that they lived together in a house. Maybe they lived in the neighboring town or somewhere on the pack house territory. I put on a pair of washed out jeans and a plain black t-shirt with a picture of a silver female symbol. I headed to the dining room following the heavenly aroma of various meats. I spotted Candice and her family and after collecting a plate piled high with meat and a couple of side dishes I joined them at their table. It was an enjoyable meal playing with Teek, talking about everyday life occurrences. Candice's mate, Randy, was twenty-five the same age as Trevor sharing stories of his childhood that included Trevor and his friends. Unlike the others he genuinely liked the elite group not holding any malice or jealousy towards them.

"I was one of the few friends they had. They are misunderstood. They are pretty cool if you get to know them."

"So do they stay in the warriors quarters?" fishing but trying not to be obvious.

"No they had a house built about a mile behind the warriors' barracks in the woods."

"Oh really," I changed the subject quickly. I couldn't eat fast enough once I got the location of their living quarters. I had a few hours before my team meeting. I excused myself from the table ruffling Teek's hair thanking them for their company. I went to search for the elusive cabin in the woods. I only had a general location hoping that I could find it. After thirty minutes of searching I was about to give up when I picked up on sounds of someone approaching. I quickly scanned the area climbing up a tree to hide my position. I saw a figure stopping below my tree his head cocking to the side sniffing the air. He was catching my scent. I hurled my body at the unknown male landing on his back. He spun out in circles and I held on tightly. He rammed me against a tree trying to get me to lose my hold. I had to do something because I couldn't take too much more of the ramming. The male latched onto my forearm twisting and pulling it away from his throat. "Celina," a voice croaked. I instantly let go dropping to the ground. I glared up looking into a pair of hazel eyes.

"Damn girl most people just say hello."

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" my wolf started howling and whining with recognition. I continue to glare into his eyes they begun to swirl pulling me in.

A booming sound coming from the pack house broke our connection. "Shit what the hell are you doing to me!"

"I don't know. Are you a part of Trevor's group?"

"Yes, I'm Jules." He refused to look in my direction.

"I know you are a wolf, but are you half witch?" He asked dead serious.

"Half witch? What are you talking about? No I'm not half anything. I'm a full blooded wolf." Is he joking?

Jules stalked over to me seizing my arms pinning them to my sides still not making eye contact. "What the hell are you doing to us?"

"Let go of me Jules." I warned through clenched teeth.

"Jules let her go." Both of our heads swiveled to Trevor's voice. Jules immediately broke off walking to Trevor and the others.

"I'm sorry Celina for Jules' behavior. He is normally not like this but this isn't normal circumstances." Trevor informed me.

"I'm not sure what you mean?" I asked baffled about his announcement. Trevor took a step toward me and I instinctively took a step backward remembering our last encounter. I have to make sure not to make eye contact. My wolf was urging me to get closer to Trevor but I wasn't sure why.

"Last night at the waterfall your wolf called us."

I shook my head, "No that's impossible. We don't belong to the same pack. Plus I don't hear you now." Keeping my eyes trained to Trevor's chest.

"I know it's impossible but that is what happened."

"Did all of you hear my wolf?" I glanced around Trevor to see if they would agree with his story.

"Yes," Sage spoke up. I had to get away from them and find answers. I wasn't going to get anything from them like I thought. I had to talk to my uncle.

"I have to go."

"No way not until you tell us what the hell you are doing to us." Jules had broke through the group storming towards me.

I stood my ground waiting for him but Trevor cut him off. "Calm down Jules."

"Jules, Trevor I can't give you the answers you are searching for." I responded to Jules demands.

"Trevor look at her, she is lying I can tell she is hiding something from us." Jules not satisfied with my answer.

"Give me a day. I will come back tomorrow night." I left returning to my room. Should I tell Uncle Thadius? Were they telling me the truth or were they spies? No they can't be spies, too many stories of them growing up in this pack. Maybe there something to them being different. Jules had accused me of being a witch but maybe they were a supernatural being I haven't seen before. The possibilities of what was happening was interrupted by a quick knock on the adjacent suite door. I unlock the door allowing my uncle entrance into my room.

"I got what your heart desires my dear niece."

"And what is that uncle?"

"The map of the western borders along with assigned areas of each squad."

I leaped for joy giving him a bear hug. "How did you get your hands on it?"

"I have my ways." Uncle stated offended that I had no faith in his abilities.

He spread the map on my bed looking at strength and weakness of the border. I can see why Devon gave me Casper Rock,  basically it was a dead end. A valley that ended with a large rock wall meant to trap us. There was no way rogues would be hiding in this area. With only one way in and out it was too confining for rogues. They like multiple points of entry for easy escape routes. Devon's squad was position at the weakest part of the border where rogues had been spotted.

I decided against telling my uncle about meeting with the elites and used the next hour to discuss strategy before my meeting with my team. My uncle exited before the first knock at my main door. I opened up to Sawyer and Lana and move aside welcoming them inside. Shortly after my entire squad was sitting around the map and I was showing them where all the squads were assigned.

"Angel what did you find out?"

"Ok Devon thinks that the rogues are hiding out in the caves. They plan to overwhelm and attack them inside the cave."

"There's no way the rogues are hiding out in caves. Rogues like the freedom of the woods. They hate caves unless the rogues are traveling in family packs. Rogues like to hide in trees. Higher elevation gives them an advantage pouncing on their victims from above. Rogues also use their scent to mislead you. They have learned how to lay a false trail leading you into one direction using the surprise element to attack from behind."

"Thanks Angel, this will help tremendously." I went over our plan for the next thirty minutes. "Ok everyone get a good night's rest. Tomorrow we will practice how to fight rogues and work out the points of our plan."

Closing the door on the last member, I crawled into bed to excited to sleep thinking of the battle plan.

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