Forever Young : Im Jaebum

By jjakbbam

80.1K 3.4K 1.5K

"Place me in your heart, the way the night keeps the stars." More

「 forever young 」
「chapter one」
「chapter two」
「chapter three」
「chapter four」
「 chapter six 」
「 chapter seven 」
「 chapter eight 」
「 chapter nine 」
「 chapter ten 」

「 chapter five 」

5.8K 283 167
By jjakbbam

"A song?" I blinked. "Me? And you?"
"Yeah," he nodded. "Let's write a song together,"
"But I'm not good at songwriting..."
"Even though. Let's write a song together,"

I was silent. I was wondering why he'd suddenly want to write a song with me. I wasn't expecting him to say that to me, especially not today, when just a few hours ago, we met my cousin in Hongdae.

"Why me, though?"
"Because I want to. Because it's you,"

My heart... Why is it beating so fast? He put his arm around my shoulder, flashing me a sweet smile. He pulled me along with him to sit down on a bench.

"You're becoming a bit of a flirt, JB," I told him. "Why is that?"
"I don't know. Am I?"

Don't you notice it? He's becoming sweeter and in a way, he's flirting with me more, if that counts as flirting anyway. But it doesn't really make any sense if he is flirting with me. We're best friends, why would best friends even flirt with each other? It makes absolutely no sense.

"Do you think if we write a song, it'll turn out well?" he asked.
"Of course it will. You'll be writing it,"
"We," he corrected. "You're going to be writing it with me,"
"But I don't think be of much use when writing that. I mean, I'm not a musician,"
"Still. It gives more meaning if we write it together, doesn't it?"

I took a deep breath and looked at him.

"What kind of song do you want to write, then?
"A love song,"

His answer was immediate. He answered it so quickly that I bet he already thought about the type of song before talking to me about songwriting.

But a love song? Is he for real? We aren't even dating anyone or anything. Where are we supposed to get the inspiration to write a love song?

"Are you serious, Im Jaebum?"

He nodded.

"I want to write a sweet love song with you. Actually, it doesn't have to be a love song exactly. It could be song that is for love and also for friendship. I don't how to describe it, but I know that that's the type of song I want to write."
"Do you like me, Jaebum?"

I guess it was sort of a weird question to him, seeing the way he looked at me with this look of confusion on his face. Honestly, I won't blame him for thinking it's weird. Even I think my question is weird.

So why did I ask him that? Because I just want to know the reason why he suddenly wants to write that sort of song. He never said anything about wanting to write a song before so I'm curious to know why he wants the both of us to write a love song.

"What if I say I like you? What will you do?"
"Nothing. It's just a question. If you like me, then you like me-"
"No, I mean," he interrupted. "Will you say you like me, too?"

My mouth fell open. That question caught me off guard.

"Then I guess it's not the time for me to answer that yet,"


"Listen to this." he called me over to him. "I want to know what you think of it,"

He handed me the right earpiece as I pulled a chair to me and sat down beside him. I put it in my ear and he pressed play on his laptop. He made an instrumental for the song he wanted to write with me.

It was a bit slow, but not slow enough to be called a ballad. It had beats, too, and I think there was an acoustic sound to it. I couldn't really tell, but I liked it. It was really good.

"It's nice," I told him.

He sounded like he couldn't believe what I just said.

"Yeah," I nodded. "It's really nice. It sounds pretty,"
"That's a relief," he exhaled, giving me a wide smile. "I worked on that for a week and I was becoming really nervous because I thought you wouldn't like it and maybe I would have to do it all over again and-"
"JB-yah, just shut up. I get your point already,"

He let out a loud laugh and leaned over to hug me tightly. He didn't let go for a long time and I could tell that he was really happy. Ecstatic, even.

"Now that that part's over with, all that we need is lyrics," he pulled back, still smiling.  He picked up a pen and got his notebook out from the drawer. He looked at me. "Ideas?"

I didn't say anything. I had absolutely no idea about songwriting or anything, and I swear I'm not creative. But then again, JB's there, so I guess he can make lyrics out of anything.

I took the pen and paper from him and wrote down the one sentence that I was thinking of. That was the first thing that came in my mind.

I want to be forever young.

I'd rather stay young forever with my friends now, because I know that once I grow up, we'll go our separate ways and find new friends and forget about our old ones.

"You want to be forever young?" he read, glancing at me. "With me?"

How does he know?

Honestly speaking, I don't think I should say deny it, because for one thing, he's the one person I don't want to lose. He's been my friend since I was young and until now, we still are. Nothing has really changed. And I don't think I can find someone like him anywhere else. He's really one-of-a-kind.

"Yes. I want to be forever young with you."


Well... So you know why the title is Forever Young now? XD I don't think I can express this beautiful song in a way that will give it justice, but I'll try. (Forever Young is one of my favorite songs. I can listen to it every single day and never get tired of it~) In a way, this song is going to turn out to be like a story based on song lyrics :)
Anyway, what do you think of this chapter? Any comments?? ^^

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