Abhimanyu the Great

By krishnamami

23.4K 682 47

This story will show you what Abhimanyu felt when he was about to die and my perception on what would happen... More

Before Birth
Meeting My Father
Meeting My Mother
Meeting my brothers
Torture Day Part 1
Torture Day Part 2
The Beggining
Battle Field
The Day Before
The Final Day

Long way home

1.7K 41 0
By krishnamami

Thausri Dhuryodan walked in and picked me up.  "Come on son, you will make a beautiful foot rest." He told me as he dragged me out of this tent and into the throne room. I could hear footsteps behind us and I knew that grandmother was following us. As we entered the throne room, Thausri threw me on the ground and kicked me till I reached the throne. Then, he walked on top of me and I lost my breath but he turned around and sat on his throne. When he finally took his feet off me I heard grandmother Kunti yell

"Dhuryodan you have crossed all your boundaries today. Attacking a child then capturing him and and fracturing his spine! And this child is not just any child. He is your nephew! This is barbarous dhuryodan. Call my sons right now to heal him and take him home OR ELSE!" When my grandmother yelled like that it meant that she was so mad she was about to curse someone. The last time she yelled like that was before I was born and it was to my grandfather Dhritherastra when they tried to strip my oldest mother of her clothes. These people... my fathers cousin brothers were beyond cruel to everyone. I was told by my mother that when they were young, they used to beat people in their kingdom for no reason, steal from the stores in the kingdom and even give people death sentences when they were the ones who deserved it.

"I don't care what you do to me mother Kunti! Abhimanyu will suffer tonight if it's the last thing I do. Him suffering will make the Pandavas weak. Guards! If the Pandavas are here then let them in and send them here. I want them to see this." Grandmother Kunti was helpless now. Here biggest threat, cursing Dhuryodan had turned out empty. Thausri came back to his throne and sat in it while stepping on me. When he sat, he put extra pressure on me so I scrunched up my face. It was like an alternative for screaming since I knew that screaming would only give satisfaction to my thausri. Like I told you, my thausri was a cruel person. He didn't care about anyone except him, his brothers and his Mamasri Shakuni. This is one off the reasons I hate him.

As the moments passed on, the pain started to decrease, maybe because thausri started applying less pressure or maybe because I started getting used to it. As I relaxed my face, I heard footsteps walking really fast or maybe running and I thought maybe it is a guard but as the footsteps came closer, I saw that it was my family. Including my oldest mother. As soon as they saw me, my thausri and kakasris dropped to the floor and folded their hands. My father and oldest mother however, came running towards me and fought their way through the guards that came running at them to try and stop them from coming at me and thausri dhuryodan. As they reached us, my oldest mother tried to pull me out while my father lifted both of my thausris feet.

"Come on son get up!" My oldest mother told my when she had successfully pulled me out. "Get up and come quickly so we can go home and your kakasris can heal you. "

"Forgive me mother but I am unable to move since my spine has been fractured by Thausri Dhuryodan."

"WHAT? What do you mean your spine is fractured Abhimanyu?" My father yelled. " Dhuryodan you will pay for this. Brother Bheem will not spare you right brother?"

"Yes Arjun. He will be given more pain then what we had planned. Now Mamasri Shakuni must die before Dhuryodan as well!"
At the sound of that, thausri dhuryodan started to tear up.

"Come on son." My father said to me before he picked me up. As we left the tent, Jaydhrat came at us but Thausri Bheem used his gadha to hit Jaydhrat right in the stomach and he fell hard on his back clutching his stomach. Luckily, my family had brought a carriage for my oldest mother and I rode in that since I couldn't do anything but lie down. She sang me a lullaby while playing with my hair. I think she was trying to get the dry blood out of it. I just lay there though, feeling helpless for the first time today and closed my eyes.
"ABHIMANYU? Come on son. Please don't die on me."

"I am still alive mother. It is just that the pain reduces when I close my eyes."

"Abhimanyu, will you keep your eyes open until we heal you? Because son you have lost a lot of blood and you might die if you close your eyes. "

"Alright mother. I will keep them open."

"Good son." In a short while, we reached the camp and my father came to pick me up since I couldn't move. He pressed my back by accident and I groaned.

"Sorry son."

"That's ok father. It just hurt a little." He picked me up and carried me to my tent and laid me down on the bed, back down. I turned my head to see my mother and Utara run inside in front of my brothers. My mother stopped at the door with Utara who burst into tears. My brothers ran to me and dropped to their knees.

"Are you in tremendous pain Abhimanyu?" My oldest brother Prativindhya asked me.

"No brother." I grunted. "It is manageable. The only part of my body that is in tremendous pain is my back."

"Why is that?"

"Because after I was taken to the Kaurav tent, thausri dhuryodan fractured my spine. He then used me as a foot rest until father and oldest mother came and got me out of his clutches while thausri and kakasri distracted thausri dhuryodan." They all gasped and started crying again.

"Nakul, Sahadev can you heal Abhimanyu now?" My father called.

"Yes brother Arjun. We have gotten the medicine." As they came in I closed my eyes. All I felt was a hot liquid on my body while I was listening to the mantras they were chanting.

"Brother Arjun will you please turn Abhimanyu so he is lying on his stomach?"
My father turned me around with thausri Bheem's help. I was lying with my hands by my face. As the liquid hit my back, I scrunched my face. It hurt a lot since my spine was fractured and I had been stabbed twice. I balled my hands and I instantly felt my fathers hands on my head patting it. I instantly relaxed and in a couple of minutes, I was almost completely healed.

"His spine will take a couple days to heal if we put the medicine everyday. But other than that he is completely healed." Kakasri Sahadev said.

"Thank you kakasri Nakul and kakasri Sahadev. I feel so much better with your medicine."

"Your welcome son." Kakasri Nakul said as he and kakasri Sahadev left. My father took this opportunity to sit me up.

"Abhimanyu, I have big news!" My mother told me. "You are going to be a father!"

"Utara is pregnant? I am going to be a father?" I asked dumbstruck to shocked to say anything. I grunted as the pain came back. When both my kakasris healed me all the pain went away but it had already been 5 min since they had put medicine on me so the pain from my fractured spine came back. I scrunched my face and closed my eyes trying to hide the pain from my family members as best as I could without screaming. My mothers, father, Utara, brothers and thausris were instantly at my side. My father was patting my head like before. Utara had her head on my lap crying. I guess she still hadn't gotten over the shock of me almost dying. My dhoti was getting wet from her crying but I didn't mind. After all she was my wife. When I opened my eyes, I tried to lift my hand and use it to comfort Utara till I realized that I couldn't. My spine was still fractured and I couldn't move any part of my body.

"Utara its ok. Do not worry about me. I'm fine, its just a little pain and like Kakasri Sahadev said I'll be fine in a couple of days." As long as I don't get kidnapped by thausri dhuryodan again, I thought. But it was true. If I got kidnapped again, they would probably torture me again then kill me and deliver my dead body to my family. But this time the torture would be worse because I got away the first time. For the first time in my life, I was afraid. In the past, my Mamasri had been my savior for everything. Both my Mamasris, but since only my Mamasri Krishna was here, I wanted to see him. "Father? Where is Mamasri Krishna?"

"He is outside the tent. Would you like me to call him for you?"

"Yes father." I told my father as he left to call my Mamasri.

"Abhimanyu you are comfortable right?" Older mother asked me.

"Yes older mother. I am as comfortable as I can be at this moment."

"Abhimanyu?" My Mamasri Krishna called as he came inside. "Look at you! Such a brave warrior, fighting against 6 high end soldiers at the same time. I bet you didn't even get scared did you?"

"No Mamasri. I didn't get scared at all!" I told him smiling. But as he sat down next to me, I noticed that his eyelashes were wet which meant that he had been crying. "Mamasri have you been crying?"

"Yes Abhimanyu. I have been crying because when you were getting hurt in the battle field, I felt your pain. I literally felt every arrow going through your skin. I felt every stab you felt in your back. Especially the one where your ribs broke. I felt it when Dhuryodan stepped on your face, when you were getting hit with the gadhas and when Dhuryodan fractured your spine and used you as a foot rest. I felt it all, but Abhimanyu, you didn't cry once did you? You were so strong."

"No Mamasri I didn't cry but that was because I didn't want to give thausri Dhuryodan the pleasure of hurting me. Thausri Dhuryodan also told the other soldiers to hurt me so bad that my mothers would hear my screams and start crying from the safe tent. But I didn't scream once!" I told him with pride.

"Like I said Abhimanyu, you are very strong. You should rest now." Mamasri told me while he gave me a hug. He was so gentle that even the pain that was there left. I wanted him to keep hugging me because I felt so calm and not in pain. I loved this feeling but he let go and the pain came back. I closed my eyes again and like before, my father was patting my head but this time he was hugging me as well. It was not the soft cool hands like my Mamasri, but it was nice. I mean the pain didn't go or subside but it was nice that my father was hugging me. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the only people in the room was Utara (who was still crying on my lap) and my father (who was still hugging me) and of course me.

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