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When my father realized that my eyes were open, he lied me down. I think he waited for me to open my eyes because he thought that I was in pain when my eyes were closed and if he moved me then it would just feel worse then it was. But the reality was that I just closed my eyes because my Mamasri told me too. Not because I was in pain. When he lied me down, Utara had get her head off my lap and so she finally stopped crying.
"Son you are comfortable right?"

"Yes father." I told him as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. Like my usual day, I woke up around 5:30 but realized that I couldn't go to the battle field or get up by myself. I also realized that Utara had slept on the ground last night since she was still asleep. I felt so bad. I was still staring at her when her eyes opened and fluttered. She was practically glowing. She sat up and looked at me. "Good morning Utara!"

"Good morning Arya, how is your spine?"

"Its still hurts but it's healing."

"That's good." She said, but it was obvious that there was something else on her mind. I let it go and she helped me sit up. Just then, father came rushing inside. It was almost time for them to go so I knew he had to be quick.

"Abhimanyu, you should know that your Thausri Yudhistir told me everything that happened in the battle field yesterday. TODAY I WILL KILL JAYDHRAT IF IT IS THE LAST THING THAT I DO" he said in his serious voice, then speaking to me in a calmer voice he said "your spirit will be in my every arrow Abhimanyu. I will avenge you being tortured." I just started at my father not sure what to do. I couldn't nod because of the obvious reason and I had no idea what to say so I just started at him with no expression on my face.

"Be carful father." I said finally.

"Don't worry about me Abhimanyu. I will be fine. You will see me in the night after sunset."

"Alright father. Bye." And as I said that, he left.

"I will go get us some food arya. You must be hungry since you didn't even eat last night and have been loosing blood all day yesterday."

"Ok Utara. I will wait here." And as I said that she left, leaving me alone. I closed my eyes not sure what to do. As I waited for, I heard footsteps approaching me. My mother had come in instead of her. I wondered why for a second but remembered that she was pregnant now which meant that she would have morning sickness for a while. So my mother probably came because she was sick in the morning. "Good Morning mother!" I said as I smiled at her.

"Good morning Abhimanyu! I hope you are feeling better."

"Yes mother. I am feeling much better than yesterday. In fact, I can even move the fingers on my left hand now!" I told her looking down at my left hand while moving my fingers.

"That is great Abhimanyu! That means you are healing very quickly!" She told me with excitement in her voice. "Here, eat your breakfast." She told me while feeding me. The last time my mother had fed me was when I was a small boy, maybe 5 years of age. When I had finished, she got up and left the room. I closed my eyes again to relax this body. When I heard footsteps, I assumed it was my mother and I left my eyes closed. As soon as the footsteps had stopped, I felt immediate pain in my right leg. As I opened my eyes, I realized that it was not my mother who had come to the room, in fact, it was Thausri Dhusyasan who had come and stabbed my leg.

"Come on Abhimanyu, we have to go to the battle field, get up! Oh ya...we broke your spine." He told me while pushing me so that I was on my back, of course, he took the knife out first. He lifted me up by the armour that I had never taken off. He carried me to his horse carriage and threw me in, my head had turned to face the tents where I saw both my mothers and my wife being guarded by the soldiers from the kauravas. They were staring at Thausri Dhusyasan in shock. It was probably because these tents were supposed to keep us safe. We had soldiers outside but somehow Thausri managed to pass through them.

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