Torture Day Part 1

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"An army has attacked Uttara's family's palace and I will have to go there by myself tomorrow and defeat the army" my father told me.

"Alright father. Good luck and hopefully you return safely. I will wait for you all day and do my best today in the battle field." I told my father. My father's face beamed with pride. He pulled me into a hug. We stood there hugging each other for about 15 min until it was time for both of us to leave. As I got on my chariot my father did the same and I waved goodbye to both my mamsri and father.

~ at the battle field ~

As we entered the battle field, we were surprised to see that the opposing army had created a chakravyu. The reason this was so horrible was that there are only 2 people in our army that I know of that have the capability to enter the chakravyu without being killed. One was my father and sadly he was not here and the other person was me! The only problem with me going in the chakravyu was that like I mentioned before, I do not have the knowledge of getting out of the chakravyu, but I was willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good. My thausri's kingdom.

After 30 min of failed attempts to convince my thausris that I should enter the chakravyu, they finally agreed but on the condition that they stay close behind me and enter as soon as I do. Since this was a reasonable condition i agreed and proceeded inside the chakravyu. As expected I broke the chakravyu and was about to get in when I heard my kakasri (father's younger brother) yell asking me to come back and not enter the chakravyu. As he was saying this, I heard my other kakasri from the opposing team call me a coward. As both sides tried to convince me to go to their sides, the opposing team won because of the fact that they said I would be giving my father a bad name if I ran away from the war. If what he said was true and my father would be hiding his face from shame, I would be dead even if I was alive. I wouldn't be able to live with that so I proceeded inside the chakravyu.

As soon as I was in the core of the chakravyu, my thausri Dhusyasan yelled "Look older brother! It looks as if a mouse has entered a circle of cats!"

"Thausri Dhusyasan!" I yelled. "To kill one mouse, 6 cats had to make a circle and trap it!"

"Son!" Thausri Dhuryodhan's friend Ashwathama yelled. "As much as you insult us, the more torture you will receive before you die."

As long as I live I shall keep insulting. My breath itself is my weapon. And till I keep breathing, I shall keep fighting." I yelled back at Ashwathama. As soon as I yelled this, the actual war began. I held off the arrows being shot at me for about 2 hours but as soon as my father's guru Guru Dhrone shot an arrow, I fell back as I was not able to hold off that arrow. Guru Dhrone was forced to shoot me by Thausri Dhuryodhan. I knew this chakravyu was made to kill me but I didn't care since it was either me or my army. I chose to let the army live. I pulled the arrow out and stood back up. As soon as I stood up, my Thausri Karna shot me in the heart. As I pulled that arrow out, I realized just how much it hurt. It was like I was having a heart attack. It was like a huge needle was puncturing my heart. But as soon as I pulled the arrow out, Thausri Karna shot me in the knee. The pain was unbearable but I pulled the arrow out and stood back up. I turned to see my thausris and kakasris and when I looked at them, I felt 3 arrows plunged in my back. I felt like screaming but I held my breath and dropped to the ground to pull the arrows out of my back. As I pulled the arrows out I flipped on my back to see what was happening. I saw the Warriors pull out their swords and to my luck I had dropped right in front of a sword. I picked up the sword and stood up. As I stood up, the Warriors had gotten off their chariots and started to fight me. With one push by my sword, I pushed down my Thausri Dhusyasan, mamasri Shakuni and Ashwathama. As I proceeded to fight with Thausri Dhusyasan, I felt a sword going through my back, piercing my skin, veins, intestines, more veins and back through my skin. I looked down to see blood gushing out through my armour. As the sword was taken out of me, I started slipping and I fell. During training I had learnt that to feel less pain you should fall on your side, so while falling I turned my legs so that I would be falling on my side. Also, if I fell on my back the pain would be excruciating since I just got stabbed. As I hit the ground, I turned so that I would be lying on my back. Now I had lost the two weapons that I had. My bow and arrow and my sword. As I looked around, I found my third weapon. A chariot wheel that had fallen off my chariot. As I got up, Ashwathama tried to stab me with his sword. I quickly used my wheel as a shield and kept it in front of me then I turned the wheel as fast as I could then pushed him. I turned around to see mamasri Shakuni and Thausri Dhusyasan coming towards me. I pushed them with the wheel as well. As I went to Ashwathama who was still on the floor to throw my wheel on him, I got stabbed in the back one more time but this time with a hooked knife. I could tell because it was hooked on my bone and wouldn't let me go. As I turned my head to see who kept stabbing me, I found out that it was mamasri Shakuni. I looked back to see Ashwathama still lying down in the same place I saw him last. As I threw the wheel at him, he turned and escaped. I was hunched, unable to move due to the pain. I was suddenly pulled back by mamasri Shakuni. To make me feel as much pain as possible, he pulled the knife out 1 mml and twisted it as much as possible. I lay in his arms with my hand protecting my heart.

"You wanted to see what the cats could do right son?" My Thausri Dhuryodhan yelled.  " Have you seen it? Now put down your weapons and surrender to me. Put an end to your pain. Come to my protection and beg for your death. COME"

"You call this pain Thausri?" I asked. "I thought that Mamasri was blessing me by stabbing me."

"If you want I'll give you blessing son! Warriors, give this boy so much pain that his mother's sitting in the shelter while hear his cries and their hearts will shatter. His uncles that are sitting in front of us will cry tears of blood." As he said this, mamasri Shakuni twisted the knife one last time and pulled it out of me. As he pulled it out, I fell on my stomach. There was just so much pain. I started to breath through my mouth for some time visualizing the pain that I was feeling for anyone to see, but I didn't scream. I didn't want Thausri Dhuryodhan to feel that satisfaction just yet. I lay there for about 20 min just not doing anything when I suddenly felt a foot on my face. I looked up without lifting my head and saw that it was Thausri Dhuryodhan.

"You are in a lot of pain right son?" He asked me. "HAHAHAHAHA".

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