Love could be that strong #Yo...

By Granger08

528K 22.4K 898

Meet Madhu and Khushi, two friends who are more like sisters. Being completely opposite of each other they so... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Rishbala one shots
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 29

9.2K 401 8
By Granger08


It's been a week since Madhu was discharged. She was all alone in her room when she heard some footsteps coming towards her room. Madhu wondered who it could be, as Khushi went out with Anjali. She slowly got off her bed and started towards the door. She picked up her heaviest book on the way in case she had to hit the intruder.

Madhu : (Yells) W-w-who's there?

She repeated when she heard no reply and eyed her book.

Madhu: I can seriously injure you!! I am not kidding. I have a weapon with me!!!

She slowly opened the door and raised her book to hit the person, but stopped when she realized who it was.

Madhu : OH GOD!! Armaan!???

A handsome young man stepped forward and hugged Madhu.

Armaan : (Chuckles) Hey sweetheart. (Winks)You were expecting someone else?

Madhu: Shut up.My god what a pleasant surprise. How come I wasn't informed of your arrival?

Armaan : (Laugh) I wanted to see this look on your face.

Madhu: I am so happy. 

Armaan pulled Madhu's hand and sat on the bed beside her. He gently caressed her face while his eyes held a certain fear. Madhu very well knew that he had heard of her accident.

Armaan: You alright?

Madhu nodded slowly and gave a reassuring smile.

Armaan: How did all this happen?

Madhu: I don't know and neither I want to. So let's forget it. So how many days will you be here to irritate us (giggles)? Have you told papa?

Armaan : (Laughs) Yes I had told him a week in advance.

Madhu: That's cheating!! He didn't tell us.

Armaan: That's because I asked him to.

Madhu hits him playfully and then the two got busy talking. Armaan was first cousin of Madhu. He was the same age as her. He was handsome and a man with a golden heart. Girls drooled over him but he never paid attention to them. Madhu, Khushi, and Armaan were best buddies. Together they were unstoppable. Armaan was a protective brother when it came to Madhu. So when he got to know about her accident he took leave from his university in Amsterdam and came to India on the next flight just to see his little sister. Armaan and Khushi were also good friends. He liked Khushi but never confessed it thinking that it might break their friendship.

Madhu eagerly waited for Khushi to come home. At last, Khushi came home and headed towards the kitchen lost in her la-la land. Madhu laughed silently as Armaan was hiding behind the kitchen door waiting to scare her. A minute later Madhu heard her shriek. Another minute later Armaan came running outside while Khushi was chasing him. Armaan quickly pulled Madhu in front of him as a shield.

Armaan: Madhu this crazy girl will kill me!!! Ask her to stop!!

Khushi: I won't !! Get out of my way Madhu!! How dare he come without jalebi?

Madhu: But he came directly from the airport Khushi!!

Khushi: Doesn't matters!! He promised to bring jalebi next time.

Armaan: Sorry sorry sorry. I promise I will get you jalebi first thing in the evening.

Khushi : (looks at roller pin in her hand) Okay, but I want jalebi before dinner

Armaan: I promise. By the way, you two are mad!! First Madhu wanted to crack open my head with a book and now you Khushi. By the way, what happened to my two scared cats? So much change huh? Is it about some guy?

Madhu and Khushi looked at each other instantly. They both blushed and looked away as if they didn't know what to say.

Madhu: No!!'s nothing like that.

Khushi: Absolutely not.

Armaan: As you say but if there are any boys, I am gonna find out anyhow. And god save their asses from me.

Madhu and Khushi wished that he didn't because even they didn't know what his reaction would be.

Madhu and Khushi decided not to tell Armaan about Rishab and Arnav. And neither the two about Armaan. Madhu's father told him that he was getting transferred to Mumbai within a week, so he asked Madhu and Khushi to give him their final decision. They had decided to stay here at the college hostel.

A few days later, Madhu and Khushi were studying when Armaan came with three cups of hot chocolate.

Armaan: Here you go.

Madhu and Khushi: Thank you.

Armaan: By the Madhu, I met a guy today. He was from your college.

Khushi: Really? What was his name?

Armaan : Some rishab kundra.

Madhu coughed and nearly choked on her hot chocolate. Khushi's eyes widened and he patted her on back. It was bad, very bad. Your brother meeting the guy you like. B-A-D.

Armaan : What happened? Are you okay?

Madhu : (Staring all shocked) Nothing.

Armaan: I liked him. He was a nice guy. Actually, my car broke down so I used his phone to call the mechanic as my phone ran out of battery. He even offered me a lift but I refused.

Madhu thanked her stars that Armaan didn't take the lift. God knows what would have happened if her brother's first meeting with Rishab went like her own first meeting with Rishab. 

A week later it was their annual college fest. Madhu couldn't take it anymore so she decided to confess her feelings. Arnav and Khushi were also very excited about their final performance together. Rishab and Arnav were leaving for college. but Rishab went inside to call Anjali. He saw her talking with Samar. But they stopped when they saw him. It looked as if they were hiding something from him.

Anjali: Rishu?

Rishab: I just came to ask you if you guys are coming with us.

Anjali: No you guys go ahead. I will come with Samar.

Rishab: Di, is everything okay?

Anjali: Of course. Now go. I don't the play to start without you.

Rishab : (Smirks) They won't.

He quickly kissed her on the cheek and rushed outside. When Anjali and Samar realized that he was gone they continued with their topic.

Madhu was in the green room. She had changed into her dress. She was wearing a beautiful Victorian-style gown, her hair was falling lightly on her shoulders. Soon Rishab reached there but he didn't stop once to look at Madhu and quickly went to change into his dress. Madhu felt amused by his behavior but ignored it.

Khushi was in her dressing room when she heard a knock on the door.

Khushi: Come in.

Armaan: You look, gorgeous sweetheart.

Khushi turned around and beamed at him.

Khushi : (Blushed) Shut up. Is that for me? (She said pointing towards a cute little box in his hand)

Armaan: Nah it's for my secret girlfriend.

Khushi snatched the box and opened it.

Khushi: JALEBI !??

Armaan laughed at her innocence, She squealed and hugged him.

Armaan: Whoa. Slow down, princess. You will ruin your dress.

Khushi: Oops.

Just then she realized that the zip of her dress was open. Armaan slightly turned her around and quickly zipped it back.

Khushi: Thank you.

Armaan: All the best. I will be sitting with Shamsher's uncle in the audience.

Khushi: But I am nervous.

Armaan : Don't worry. I am sure you will be perfect out there.

They both chatted for a little bit but unknown to both of them someone had seen them and misinterpreted things.

Madhu was feeling nervous at the last minute before their play. She looked around for Rishab but he was nowhere to be seen. There was a constant fear in her heart that something was wrong. Why was he ignoring her? Finally, the big moment arrived and she went on stage. Madhu acted her part, which was the beginning and now everyone waited for Petruchio's entry. Soon Rishab came on the stage and Madhu was relieved to see him at last. But something was different with him. 

To the eyes of the audience, a passionate romance was going on stage but Madhu's eyes were searching for her Rishab. The Rishab who cared for her, who was there whenever she needed him. During the whole play, his eyes didn't meet hers.

She rushed after him as soon as the play ended and found him hurriedly changing out of his costume. She knocked on the door to grab his attention but he ignored her.

Madhu: What's the matter Rishab?

He didn't reply. Instead, he started towards the door and Madhu ran after him. She tried to grab his arm but he shrugged her away.

Madhu : (With a shaky voice) What has happened to you?

Rishab: I don't want to talk Madhu.

Madhu: But I do. What's the matter?

Rishab: I said nothing.

Madhu: What's the matter?


Madhu was shocked by his behavior. She could feel tears brimming in her eyes. Rishab also realized that he shouldn't have screamed at her. But before he could say anything she was already out of his sight.

Madhu went to the washroom and locked herself inside one of the stalls. She was crying and couldn't understand why he screamed at her. Just then she heard an announcement about the final dance competition starting in a minute or so. So she quickly wiped her tears, changed her dress, and went to the audience seat to cheer for Khushi as Khushi considered Madhu her lucky charm.

The top five couples were competing in the final of the dance competition. Khushi was looking stammeringly beautiful in her long beautiful dress. She was busy sending her prayers to all the Gods out there in order to feel good. Soon their name was announced and Khushi turned around to look for Arnav. She felt a hand on her waist and turned around to face Arnav. They both danced gracefully and passionately as if no one else was there. Madhu was happy to see Khushi and Arnav and she knew that they were meant to be together. Armaan had to admit that he was feeling a little jealous of Arnav but he would never step in between Khushi's happiness.

A little later the winner's name was announced and it was none other than Arnav and Khushi. Khushi beamed with joy and hugged Arnav but he didn't hug her back and instead slowly pulled them apart. Khushi found it strange but she forgot all this when the judge gave her the trophy. She waved towards her family in the crowd. And blew kisses to Madhu and Armaan. Arnav saw the same guy sitting with Madhu and her father in the audience. Khushi was waving happily at him and even blew kisses at him. He didn't like this at all and soon got off the stage.

There was a big dinner after the college fest. Rishab was sitting with Arnav and they both seemed far from happy.

Arnav: You okay?

Rishab nodded and Arnav decided it was good to stay quiet.

Arnav :  Di and Jiju have gone to Delhi. They'll be back soon. Dinner?

Rishab: I am not hungry.

Arnav: Me too. Let me get a drink for you.

Arnav went towards the counter. But then he heard someone calling him. He turned around to see Khushi standing behind him.

Khushi: Hey. I wanted to talk to you.

Arnav: Sure but not here.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the hall towards the garden. Somewhere in the dark, someone asked the waiter to spike Rishab's drink. The waiter obliged after some crisp currency notes were placed in his hand. Rishab was thinking about all the secrets when the waiter came with a drink.

Anjali: Rishu?

Rishab: I just came to ask you if you guys are coming with us.

Anjali: No you guys go ahead. I will come with Samar.

Rishab: Di, is everything okay?

Anjali: Of course. Now go. I don't the play to start without you.

Rishab : (Smirks) They won't.

Rishab went outside but he didn't go to his car instead he hid behind the wall and listened to their talk.

Anjali: We can't tell this to Rishu.

Samar: But he needs to know about it.

Anjali: How can you be so sure?

Samar: When police interrogated Balraj Chaudhary, he told them that he wanted to kill Rishab too.

Anjali : (Gasps) What?

Samar: Because he is the same Balraj Chaudhary who was a business partner with Mohan Kundra. They both worked together until Balraj grew greedy for more. Later the company was split into two parts. But Balraj never prospered due to his behavior. So he grew jealous of Mohan Kundra.

Anjali: So he wanted to kill Rishu for...

Samar : (Nods) Revenge. He first killed Mr. and Mrs. Kundra and now he is after our Rishab.

Anjali : (Breaks down crying) Mohan uncle? Did h-he kill them?

Samar: Yes. Rishab's parents didn't die in an accident. It was a well-planned murder. That night when they were returning from the party their car was hit by another car driven by Shamsher Malik.

Anjali : (Gasps) Shamsher malik? You mean Madhu's father?

Rishab felt his world turning upside down. Madhu? His Madhu? How can he hide all this from him?

Anjali: He killed them purposely?

Samar: I am not so sure. Maybe Balraj used him like a pawn in his game.

Anjali: We will not tell anything to Rishu!!

Samar: But why? It's about his parents and he has every right to know.

Anjali: Look he has already suffered so much. And I want him to be happy now. And his happiness lies with Madhu. I don't want to snatch that from him.

Samar: But Anjali what's the point of starting a relationship which is tainted by the blood of the past? No matter what you say, the truth is that Madhu's father was responsible for Rishab's parent's death.

Anjali: And there is another truth that Rishab loves Madhu.

Samar : (Sighs) The decision is yours.

Anjali: Madhu? I mean she knows?

Samar: I don't know.

Rishab gulped down the drink in his hands to calm down the fire burning inside him. So many questions were there, waiting to be answered.

Arnav: What?

Khushi: Why are you behaving like this? 

Arnav: I should have behaved like this earlier.

Khushi: What do you mean?

Arnav: I mean that you too are no different. You too are like all other girls out there. I thought that whatever I was feeling was a stupid emotion called love but now I realize that it was nothing more than an infatuation!!

Khushi : (Tears in eyes) It was just an infatuation for you?

Arnav: Not for me but for you. You got bored of your current boy toy and now looks like you have moved on to the next one.

Khushi : (Gasps) Arnav?

Arnav: Oh really? Then why was your boyfriend pulling your zip all alone in the room? Had an amazing time, right?

Khushi: Boyfriend? How could you say anything like this for Armaan? 

Arnav: Armaan? I see. Then why are you feeling so bad for him? Years back a girl broke my heart and I pledged not to trust any other but you are the great player Khushi. (Claps) What a nice move that even I started to believe you.

Khushi: You don't !! Because if you had ever trusted me you would have understood me.

Arnav pulled her and came closer to her. Their lips were inches apart. Khushi closed her eyes but instead, he pushed her away. Khushi was all too stunned by his behavior.

Arnav: You know what? I don't care and please go away from my life.

With that, he pushes her away and walks off. Khushi breaks down completely. The most beautiful night of her life turned into a nightmare.

Rishab started to feel dizzy so he left for his home. The drink was slowly overpowering his thoughts and emotions. Dipali smirked when she found her planning working out smoothly. She quietly followed Rishab back home. Madhu saw Rishab walking away. She decided to follow him to his home and sort out the whole mess immediately. She believed that all this was a big understanding. But her world came crashing down when she saw Rishab and Dipali together at his home. She was coming out of the house and it looked as if he didn't want her to leave. They were also talking but Madhu couldn't hear them. Dipali was wearing a very short outfit and had her hand on Rishab's face. Madhu couldn't take it anymore so she rushed back home.

That night all four of them were restless. Khushi was too hurt by Arnav's behavior and Madhu felt cheated. She realized how much foolish she was to think that a guy like Rishab would ever fall for a girl like her. Arnav felt the same pain he underwent three years back. And as for Rishab, he was asleep due to the drug in his drink but somewhere his mind was still restless.

The next day Shamsher malik was ready to leave when Madhu and Khushi came. They had their bags packed. 

Shamsher Malik: Madhu? Khushi?

Madhu and Khushi: We are also leaving with you.

DAAAYYYUUUMMMM the Longest update ever!!! Phew!!! I am so tired right now. Please vote and comment. And do read 'MARRIAGE BY LAW -ONE SHOT' written by me. Please vote for it. I need maximum votes to win.

Love you all!!!!

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