Something Like Love

By paulmclennon

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Paul had strange feelings whenever he was was around John. something that felt like love. But Paul wasn't sur... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Author thingy
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Eight

5K 191 23
By paulmclennon

Paul strode down to the cafeteria, half expecting John not to be there. He was probably still at the principals office getting shouted at because of the scuffle he had with that bloke earlier. Paul wandered what the lad was doing right now. Maybe he was at the principals office? One could only hope.
George and Stu were already at the table, being awkward and not talking, like usual. Paul sat right down and started eating his sandwich. He silently looked around, trying to see if he could see John anywhere.
He looked over at George and Stu, waiting for one of them to say something.
"Oh, what an interesting conversation," Paul said sarcastically.
"Right," was all Stu said. Paul didn't particularly like Stu. He was one of those quiet, mysterious artist types. He didn't understand how John could get him to talk....or why he even liked him for that matter. Stu just always seemed to be in the way.
George sat there, staring into space, ignoring the world around him.
"So what's happened with John?" Stu asked.
"He got in a fight."
"With who?"
"I don't know, just these two lads." Stu nodded and went back to picking at his food. Paul was surprised; that was the longest conversation him and Stu have ever had without at least glaring at eachother.
Paul threw a piece of bread at George, snapping him out of his daze.
"There ye are," Paul laughed.
"I'm sorry," George chuckled slightly, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hands. "I'm exhausted."
"Why don't you sleep for once in yer life, instead of jacking off ye ponce," Paul teased. George flipped him off and got up to go throw the remains of his food in the trash.
Dot came over and sat down next to Paul, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, just like she usually does.
"Cynthia said she'd go with John."
"Great," Paul smiled.
"It will be as long as John doesn't act like a prick."
"Oh, come on Dot, he's not that bad. Just give him a chance, alright?" Paul was starting to get irritated at the way Dot would always insult John.
"It can't help it, Paul! He's rude and you know it."
"Look, Dot, is there something you need?" Paul was sick of her. He would break up with her right now if he could.
"Yes. You have to come over after school so we can plan our outfits for the dance."
"I don't think I can. We have band practice."
"No, it's fine, Paul. You can go play princess with yer girlfriend if you want." Paul looked up and saw John sitting there, a smug little grin on his face. He hadn't seen him walk over.
"You didn't get suspended?" Paul asked, ignoring Johns first comment.
"No. They just gave me a few slaps on the wrist. I guess I got the special treatment." Paul looked down at Johns wrists, examining the red marks the principal had left there.
"I guess so.." Paul had never gotten in trouble at school before, and he didn't want to.
"Paul.." Dot ordered.
"What?" Paul just wanted her to leave already.
"Don't just ignor-"
"Oh yeah! John I found you a date to the dance." John raised an eyebrow. He didn't really want to go to the dance. He couldn't go with Paul, so what was the point?
"It's Dots friend, Cynthia. She said she'd go with you and we're gonna have like a double date thing. Alright?"
"I don't have a choice, do I?"
Paul smirked and shook his head. Dot was getting frustrated. Paul never acknowledged her existence when John was around. She never thought much about it until now. She looked at the two boys staring at each other. There was was a hint in their eyes.
Dot panicked a little inside, but she knew that Paul wasn't gay.....right?
"So, John it looks like you'll have to come to my house after school, too, so you can meet Cynthia." She spat out whatever she could think of out of nervousness. Paul was not queer. And most of all John was definitely not queer. No way.
He turned turned toward Stu and George.
"Well boys, I have some tragic news. We're gonna have to cancel another band meet. I have to go play princess with Paul and his girlfriend."
"What are we supposed to do?!" George yelled. They hadn't had a band meet in weeks. They won't get anywhere with this band at this rate.
"Why don't you go out and buy some decent clothes ya dirty hood," John suggested, teasingly.
"Fuck off, Lennon."
"Why do you always have to be so rude?"
John looked at Dot with a fake surprised expression on his face.
"Me? Rude? You must be daft."
She glared at him, not at all amused by his sarcasm.
"Go fuck yourself."
John raised his eyebrows, an amused smirk on his face.
"And I'm the rude one?" John turned to Paul and pretended to whisper to him. "What do you see in this bird? She's got a potty mouth she does." Paul giggled lightly at Johns little joke. Dot was still not amused in the least bit, but instead she was furious.
"Paul!" she shouted.
She groaned rather loudly, about ready to slap Paul. He was her boyfriend for Christ's sake! He's supposed to stand up for her!
John grinned, enjoying her anger. He wouldn't admit it to himself, but he was slightly jealous and he wanted her to leave. Paul was his now.
"He's only teasing you, Dot."
"Well I don't like it. If he keeps it up I'll tell Cynthia to find another date," she threatened.
"Oh no. Please don't." John rolled his eyes. He could care less if he didn't have a date to the dance. He had better things to do then to go to a little social gathering.
Dot stood up, grabbing her food tray.
"I'll see you after school." She turned and walked over to a table filled with girls gossiping about boys and each other.
Paul had finished his lunch, pushing the left over trash away from him. Paul and John stared at eachother for a while, just admiring each other.
"Hey love birds, snap out of it," George said, snapping his fingers in front of their faces. Paul's face turned a dark red and he turned away trying to hide it.
"So Georgie, who're you taking to the dance?" John asked casually, trying to avert all of the attention away from a very embarrassed Paul.
"I don't know... I've had my eyes on this one bird. Her names Pattie."
"Ah," John said standing up. "Well, I wish you the best of luck. I'll see you after school Paulie." John exited the cafeteria right before the bell rang. Groups of teenagers pushed and shoved their way out of the lunch room, rushing to their lockers, trying not to be late to their next class.
Paul walked slowly to his fifth period class, his head filling with thoughts of John. He didn't really want to go to the dance with Dot, but he didn't have a choice. This whole double date thing was the closest he'd get to going with John.
He wondered what impression Cynthia would have of John. Probably the same as Dot. He'd find out soon...
I'm so so so so so sorry I haven't updated in a while. Schools so stressful.
I'm going to start on the next chapter right now and hopefully it will be up by Friday.
I really love writing this story. Thank you guys for the kind words!

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