A Barrel Racer

By JaynaGullic

5.9K 259 36

I finally got back home from the PBR(professional barrel racer). I got out of my truck and unloaded my horse... More

chapt 1- Coming Home
Chapter 2
Chapter 3- Shifting
chapter 4- My Best friend Found Her Mate.
Question Time!!
What Is That Amazing smell?!
I Will Not Leave Your Side
Softball Game
Rapest(part two)
Royal Prankers
hear this.....
Aunt Caral
Because Its My Life
Volunteer Week(day one)
Volunteer Week (Day two)
Volunteer Day 3- (part 1)
Please read!!!2nd book!!!
Volunteer Day 3-(part 2)
Volunteer Day 4-

Did You Call Me Pretty?

291 14 0
By JaynaGullic

Trevor's point of view

She nailed me right in the stomach. Damn she is strong. I felt the tingles she left me when she touched me.


Lets get going to math. Ugh....


Sky's pov

The bell rang. On the way to hell! Well at least it's AP math. I actually like math and I am really good at it. I was in algebra 2 when I was a freshmen. When I should have been in algebra 1.
I was walking into class and I smelled that smell again. I ignored it and kept walking. I could could feel the wholes he was staring to my back. I took a set at the back, the opposite side of the class room from 'Trevor'.I grabbed my book and open it up, I put my ear buds in and put my feet on the desk. I can't wait till next period. Sports.

I was reading 'Saving Zasha'. It is a really good book.

I felt a presence by me but I kept on reading and listening to my music. They grabbed my book and my ear buds and put them up. "Hey! What the h-" "please finish your sentence Ms. Greane." The teacher, my favorite teacher took my book. I smiled sweetly. "I think I'm good Mr. Popper." "How have you been? How many buckles?" Mr. Popper has been my algebra teacher since freshmen year. He was a werewolf. "I have been good. And four buckles." He smiled and congratulated me.


Bell rang telling it was time to start class.

I put my stuff up and got my note book. I put the pencil on my desk, it rolled off. I bent down to pick it up but someone already picked it up. I smiled only to look up and see Trevor. Ugh....he was smiling hold the pencil. "You dropped this." "Thanks." I took my pencil. "What no kiss?" I scoffed. "In your dreams pretty boy." He smirked. "Did you just call me pretty? Because I prefer handsome." I rolled my eyes. "Shut up."


Sports! Yes!! I love my coach, he is Coach Popper. I was now in softball. I I play catcher. I can play almost anywhere though.

I was heading out to the field. Right next to the softball field is the the track feild and football field and the weight rooms. During practice the girls who just play because the have to will dress up like sluts. Stacy, Anna, Nicky, Diana, Sydney, Hannah, Mary, Ally, Jay, Jane, and I don't dress like sluts and we enjoy softball.

"Plays at one!!!" I yelled out to everyone.

Everyone got ready for the pitch.

Jane pitched the ball, "popfly! Call it!" I yelled so we wouldn't miss it. "I got it!!! I got it!!" Stacy yelled. She ran up to the ball and caught it. "Yeah! Everyone yelled. Because we knew we did good. Mr. Popper is nice, but once it come to competition..ugh...but we have won a lot because of him.

I have been this feeling I am being watched, I have been ignoring it but that doesn't mean it's not there.

We walked back to the dugout to get our stuff. I said bye to Mr. Popper and headed to the changing room. "Bout time you came." Trevor...ugh...why is he such a nuisance?! "Go away Trevor." I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I was getting ready to grab the door handle, I felt shocks and tingles. I didn't feel that before. Weird? I was spun around nearly making me fall. Two arms caught me. "What do you want?!!" I exclaimed. "You." He said looking dead serious.



Cliff hanger!! Can you guess what happens next? I wanted to update today so I did.





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