Student Teacher

By Miss_Sunshine

7.1K 87 41

Joan has always been the Queen Bee of her high school. Confident, sweet, popular, and nice to EVERYONE. She k... More

Student Teacher
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Eh, I guess. :/
-_- -> guh face
Mini Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter 4

538 10 9
By Miss_Sunshine

Hello my dedicated and loyal fans. Seeing as how the last two quotas that I put up, 100 or 50 reads, STILL haven't been meet. I've decided to just post whenever I finish a chapter. Also, I would like a big fan base so that I can set quotas and have them be meet easier. So please recommend my story (and hopefully stories) to your friends so that they can fan me and read my stories. the song is Dirty Little Secret by the All-American Rejects. This is hinting at Joan and Pietro's early romantic relationship. The picture is of the very delicious Josh Duhamel who plays Pietro De Luca. Read, Recommend, Vote, Comment, and Enjoy! :)


"He did WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Alexandra whispered to Joan in their Brit Lit class.

"He kissed me." replied Joan replied just as quietly.

"On the lips?!?!?"

"Yeah." Joan was blushing like crazy.

"Holy CRAP!"

"SHHHHHHH! But I know right?"

"I can't wait to tell Loretta about this."

That stopped Joan for a second. "Crap. I know that you, me, Loretta, and Adrian have study hall together next period, but you CANNOT, I repeat you CANNOT mention it in front of Adrian. He's gotten really touchy lately, especially since I've been helping Pietro more often. He's a really sensitive topic. So I don't want you talking about it unless Adrian isn't their. Okay?"

Mr. Bailey the Brit Lit teacher pops out of nowhere ending the conversation between Joan and Alexandra.

"Okay class I have been hinting at a pop quiz for a couple weeks now and it's today!" He said excitedly as he passed out the test.

"Oh Dear God I have been studying really hard but I am so not ready for this test" Alexandra whispers to Joan as she begins to look it over.

"Yea it looks kinda hard but I think I'll do pretty good".

"Well no duh you are like really smart".

"Aw thanks Alex, Pietro said the same thing when I first met him".

"Aw how sweet of him. I really think he is starting to develop a teeny crush, maybe".

"Oh gosh i hope so... Wait no I don't that would be bad" Joan said getting quieter with each word.

"No talking, this is a test and you all know the rules" Mr. Bailey said interrupting Joan's internal argument. As Joan looked down at the pop quiz she smiled.

"Good thing I did the reading yesterday," she muttered to herself as she began filling out the quiz.


"Hey Joan!" called Loretta as she walked into the study hall room and walked over to their regular table.

"Oh, hey Loretta. Whats up?" Joan asked slightly distracted.

"Not much. How was Brit Lit? And where is Alex?"

"Brit Lit was good. We had a pop quiz. But since I do the reading every night it was pretty easy. Alex is in the bathroom. How was physics?"

"Physics was easy. We did a lab."


"Hey people." said Alex as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey Alex."

"Hi. Wotcha guys doing?" Alex asked.


"You sure? Joan did you tell Loretta yet?" asked Alex with an evil twinkle in her eye.

"Tell Loretta what?" asked Adrian coming up from behind the three girls to give Joan a kiss.

"That I'm sick. I have the flu." said Joan as she navigated away from Adrian's kiss.

"Oh, I'm sorry baby."

"It's okay."

"Hey um I need to go ask coach something and he just walked in."

"Go ahead. I'll talk to these two weirdos."

"Thanks." Adrian smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

"Why are you acting so weird all of a sudden around Adrian?" asked Loretta the second that Adrian was out of earshot. "Cuz you are definitely NOT sick."

"I kissed Mr. De Luca or rather HE kissed ME. But who did what is kinda beside the point. Anyway we kissed and ever since then this hurricane of emotions have been keeping me up every night all night."


"Because, for one, it's illegal. Number B, I'm dating Adrian so it should feel wrong. Three, I have a GIANT crush on him. Number four is that ever since we kissed that's all that I can think about." Joan then slumped her head onto her desk.

As usual her friends picked up on the most romantic part before dealing with anything else.

"That's all you can think about?" asked Loretta


"What did it feel like?" inquired Alex.

"What do you mean?"

"What did it feel like. Was it gross? Was it good? How did you feel after?"

"It felt amazing. And even though it was just a soft brush of the lips it........... It........... Okay. This is gonna sound really cliched."

"But it set your soul aglow. It left your mind and body tingling for hours afterwards." supplied Alex.

"Yes and no. It set my soul on fire. And it started this huge inner turmoil."

"If you could would you go back in time and make sure that it never happened?" asked Loretta.

"No. Definitely not. I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Oh! Shhhhhhh. Adrian alert. I repeat Adrian alert." muttered Loretta.

"What did you wanna ask coach?" inquired Joan quickly changing the subject so that no one would slip up and mention what they were talking about.

"Oh just if I could take off this Saturday's game."


"It's our anniversary on Saturday. Didn't you remember?"

"Of course I did."

"Cool. The regular restaurant?"

"I don't know. Can we work it out later? I have a terrible headache and I need to do math homework." said Joan.

"Sure." Everyone at their table quieted down and worked. Mr. De Luca didn't come up for the rest of the class period.


"What am I supposed to do Aaron?" Pietro asked Mr. Vanzanna over Skype as he banged his head on his desk.

"Pietro, I honestly do not know." replied Mr. V.

"C'mon!?! Something!?! You have to have some idea?"

"Yes. I have one."

"What is it?" Pietro asked immediately looking hopeful.

"Either forget or ignore your feelings for Joan, transfer, have a clandestine relationship and go to jail. Those are your options."

"All of them suck." Pietro looked sad again. "I can't do any of them."

"Then I'm sorry buddy. Hey I gotta go. I am in a different timezone and one of my classes is gonna start soon."

"Don't you only have two?"

"Yeah," sighed Mr. V. "But I'm working on that. It pays a lot better than your job though."

"I bet that it does."

"I'll Skype you later okay buddy?"

"Sure thing." said Pietro as he ended the video call and closed his laptop. He sighed.

"Why did I have to fall for a student? Or better yet, why can't she be eighteen?" Pietro muttered to himself as he hoisted himself out of his swivel desk chair and began writing on the board. "Last class of the day. Then there's just tomorrow and I have the weekend. Hallelujah." he thought as the bell rang signaling the class. He turned around to face Joan, who was sitting in the dead center of the first row. Great. I get to stare at my one and only distraction all class.

"I wish that I could switch seats......... Wait no I don't. At least Pietro seems slightly calmer today. I might not have to help him as much." thought Joan as Pietro turned around to face the class and say:

"Today we will be covering the communist takeover in Russia................................."


Heyy people! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I wanna thank three people Poke_me, skailhuv (for being so supportive and telling me to update more), and Sweetly Southern (who, indirectly, inspired me to end the story with Pietro talking about Russia and Communists). Please leave comments. I love to hear from you guys and hear what you have to say. Please leave suggestions. Thanks :)

Fan Question:

What is your favorite love song? (Thanks to skailhuv for giving me the idea.)

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