The Ugly Dare

Por imkindaofficial

1.2K 108 40

《 A truth may embarrass you but a dare will put you to the test 》 Calista Winters, a big mouth, queen of pran... Más

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Por imkindaofficial


They can't be here.

Why are they here?

Or is it just him?

Suddenly I'm my thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. I get up from my couch and open the door. I wasn't ready for who was behind it.

"You!" We both say at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I should be asking you that question Hayden." I say.

"Don't say my name like that."

"Whatever why are you here? How did you know where I live?"

"You live here?"

"Why would I be the one opening the door?"

"I don't know, you could have jumped into their backyard and broke in."


"No wonder they sent me here, you're a delinquent too."

"Who you calling a delinquent?" I say crossing my arms.


"I hate you."

"Feelings mutual."


"So you gonna let me in? I mean I have multiple items with me that I would love to put down."

"You insulted me."

"You got me arrested."

"I hate you."

"Feelings mutual."

I move aside for him and he brings in all his suitcases, boxes, bags, and even his own chair. I look at him like he was crazy. He just shrugs.

"It was my favorite chair, I couldn't leave it behind." He explains.

"Why do you have all this stuff with you?" I ask him.

"My family didn't tell you?"

I snort.

"Oh well I have been disowned."

"Are you serious?! First they shut me and my mom out and now they just disown you? What is wrong with our family?"

"Wait you knew we were cousins already?"

"Not till my mom told me last night."

Before we could say anything else the front door burst open and my mom comes in panting.

"Calista fix the house your cousin is on his way here, Oh hello Hayden didn't see you there." She says calmly.

"Hi Aunt Winters." He says awkwardly.

"Mom you knew he was coming already? They actually talked to you and had a full on conversation with you?" I ask in disbelief.

"Nonsense Calista. His mother called today saying and I quote, take care of him and hung up." She said.

"Sounds like them." I muttered.

"Well take him to the guest room, I guess now it's his room but make yourself at home Hayden. You will probably be with us for awhile." My mom said holding her head.

I lead Hayden to his room and help him move his stuff into it. He starts unpacking immediately and I decide I have nothing better to do so I help. We unpack most of his stuff and move the bed to the corner of the room. We remove the chair placed under the desk and replaced it with his "favorite chair". We hung up some posters and and set up some of his clothes in the dresser. Then we both fall on his bed tired.

"Thanks for helping me out." He says.

"My pleasure." I say.

"Was that sarcasm I heard cousin?"

"No I was being serious."

"Sure you were, first you get me arrested and now this! You should not be treating me like this, I was disowned."

"At least you weren't disowned till now." I say quietly.

"What was that old delinquent cousin of mine?"

"I hate you."

"Feelings mutual."

We stare at the ceiling for a few minutes until Hayden decides to sit up. I eventually sit up and the air becomes awkward.

"What were you disowned for?" I ask him.

"Well my older brother Powell sells drugs for a living. He still lives in the house and he is almost 30. I am surprised he wasn't disowned first. Anyway, some of his bosses he owed money to came over to set him straight. He wasn't home but I was. They came in and beat me up, telling me to tell Powell if he doesn't pay up he will get beat next time." He says sighing.

"Wow." That's all I can say.

"Yeah, next thing you know my mother and father come into the house and see me barely breathing on the floor. Powell comes in seconds later and they demand to know what happened. It's funny, I am barely breathing but they still want to know instead of getting help. I choke out telling them about the bosses, drugs and money but I should have said Powell's name from the start. Powell tells them he saw me dealing the drugs and didn't know how to tell them. They start yelling at me saying I'm no son of theirs and that they are ashamed of me. I wanted to scream out it was Powell but I passed out. I wake up in the hospital and the first thing they say to me is "you are no longer apart of this family, you move in with your aunt once you are out this hospital." I was shocked, pissed, upset, and frustrated at all of it. Powell just looked at me disappointed, I was so mad that I punched him in the face and made my family hate me even more. Once I was out of the hospital they shipped me to her friend's house and then they shipped me here." He said angrily.

"If it makes you feel better they disowned me and my mother when I was six." I say sadly.

"I know, they told me the whole story when I turned 10 and you weren't at my birthday party." He said.

"They told you at 10?" I asked

"Well I mean I didn't really realize that you guys went MIA till then." He said jokingly.

"Well you know my story." I say.

"Yup and now I realize how hateful my family is towards stupid issues. Like it wasn't your fault it happened." He said.

"Tell that to everyone in our family." I say sarcastically.

"I would but they won't talk to me anymore." He says laughing bitterly.

"Our family is screwed up." I say.

"That they are." He says.

Our little cousin to cousin moment was ruined by Papaya almost breaking the door down and squealing loudly. Her squealing is cut short by her seeing Hayden.

"Omg Cali are you cheating on Tyson already?!?" She screamed.

"What? Ew. No. He is my cousin." I say backing away from Hayden.

"Oh." She says.

"Hi." Hayden says awe-struck.

Oh no, not another Papaya lover.

"Well it was nice meeting you but I must get Calista ready for her date in three hours." She says pulling me out the room.

"Bye." I hear Hayden say.

We rush into my room and Papaya pushes me into the bathroom telling me to take a quick shower. Once I am finished she pulls me toward my closet and sets out her choices for my date.

"Do you know where we are going?" I ask her.

"Maybe." She says in a singsong voice.

"Tell me Papaya, you know I hate surprises." I say.

"I was sworn to secrecy." She says.

We decided on a pair of black skinny jeans with a cute white top. I had a black sweater with little white designs on the bottom. She then dragged me to my desk to do my hair. When she was finished she moved to my make up.

When I was all done we had 30 minutes to spare. But we still had one problem.

What shoes?

"Come on why can't I just wear sneakers?" I whine.

"No this is your first date ever and if you want to be kissed then you must wear heels." She says.

"I refuse." I say crossing my arms.

"Then I will make you." She says.

"You wouldn't." I say backing away.

She smiles evilly and sprints towards me. She tackles me and tries to get the shoes on my feet. I try to kick her but she dodges my every kick. I kick the shoe instead and while she goes for it I reach for the sneakers. I grab one and start putting it on when I hear a battle cry and the sneaker goes flying out my hand. Papaya sits on my stomach and grabs my leg. I yell out and try to kick the shoe again.

The door opens and Hayden walks in here looking concerned.

"I heard screaming and oh." He says pausing.

"Hayden help me out here, take the other heel and run!" I say kicking the box toward him.

"Don't do it Hayden." Papaya says.

"Come on Hayden listen to me! This chick is psycho, I'm your cousin for heaven's sake." I say still struggling under Papaya.

Hayden looks conflicted and looks down at the box. Then he looks back up at us.

"You'll regret it mister." Papaya says.

"I like seeing you struggle." He says.

"I would punch you myself if I wasn't in this situation. Take the box and run!" I shout.

Papaya finally gets the first heel on me and leaps for the box. Hayden has five seconds to make a decision and he picks up the box before Papaya can get to it. Papaya gives him a murderous look and Hayden takes that as his cue to run.

Papaya jumps up and runs after him Hayden screaming out for mercy.

I quickly take off the heel and put on the sneaker. I go to put on the other one but I can't find it.

"No, no, no, no, no." I say as I'm looking through my closet.

Papaya comes back in dragging Hayden by the shirt. Hayden still has the box in his hands but also has a look of terror on his face.

I open a box with boots in it and decide to compromise with her.

Papaya let's Hayden go and snatches the box from his hands. Hayden's face then turns into a smirk like he was hiding something. When Papaya opens the box the other heel wasn't there. Papaya turns to him and his face goes back to terror. Before she could do anything I yell out to her.

"Wait! I found a pair of boots I could wear instead." I say holding them out.

She snatches them from me and takes a long look at them. Her face changes from murderous to happy. She squeals.

"Omg these are better than the heels!" She says clapping her hands and handing the boots back to me.

I put them on quickly and stand up. Hayden also stands up and approves of the boots. We hear the doorbell ring and Papaya runs downstairs to open it. She calls me and Hayden walks down with me.

I see Tyson in the doorway with his hands in his pockets. He looks handsome with his button up shirt and black jeans.

"Aww you guys are matching." Papaya says fanning herself.

I walk to the door and turn to Hayden.

"Hey thanks for helping me out back there. But I still hate you." I say.

"Your welcome delinquent. And the feelings mutual." He says waving.

I roll my eyes and walk out the door with Tyson.

"Why did he call you a delinquent?" He asked.

"I will tell you later, now let us enjoy this date." I say.

"I hope you will." Tyson says opening the passenger side door for me.


"Are we there yet?"


I poke him.

"Are we there yet?"


I poke him again.

"Are we there yet?"


I go to poke him but he grabs my hand.

"If I knew you were this annoying during dates, I wouldn't have asked you." He says putting my hand back on my lap.

I turn forward again and sigh. I really do hate surprises but I guess it's for the best. Don't want my first date ever to already be a disappointment.

"Close your eyes we are almost there." He says.

I close them and scoff internally. This better be worth my eyes closing.

We drive a little bit longer and I want to open my eyes really bad.

Deja vu much?

"Ok we are here but I'm going to lead you in. Don't open your eyes." He says.

He turns the car off and I hear him get out. I feel air and I feel him pull me out the car. I dislike being manhandled but I don't struggle. He leads me for a little while until I feel the warmth of heat on my body. I hear screeches and rumbling. I honestly have no idea where we are. We stop and I feel for Tyson.

"You can open your eyes now." He says.

I open my eyes and I can't believe what I am seeing. A go kart track?! I love this dude right now. I squeal and hug Tyson who is behind me. He chuckles and leads me toward where we get our helmets and instructions.

Some guy leads us to our karts and I jump in excitedly. I feel the kart around me and the wheel, sighing in content. They pull Tyson up beside me and I look at him. He gives me a thumbs up and I nod my head. They bring us to the starting line and I rev my engine. Or try to but since it's not a real car I imagine it. I look up at the traffic light and it turns yellow. I fake rev my engine and then the light turns green. I step on the gas and we were both off.

Tyson was in front of me for the first turn but not for long. I bump him slightly in the back and it distracts him. I take it as an entrance to pass him and I succeed. I race past him and he shakes his head. I laugh and glide by the next turn. He starts to catch up to me but I see the finish line. We are now both on the straight away and relying on our acceleration to push us forward.

We both were neck and neck creeping up to the line. We both pass the finish line and it was hard to see who won. I stop my kart and hop out. I take my helmet off and laugh. Tyson gets out his car and takes his helmet off.

"Good race Calista, sorry you lost though." He says shrugging.

"What?! You lost Green, I won." I say smirking.

"No I definitely won this race." He says.

"You must be mistaken Green, I won fair and square." I say crossing my arms.

"Fine let's see the photo finish." He says walking off the track.

"Photo finish?!" I say running after him.

We walk over to the booth and look for our cars in the photos. Tyson points them out and I slowly look.

"Ha! I won! In your face Green!" I shout doing my happy dance.

"Well done Calista, you beat me at go kart racing." He said.

"I could name a whole list of things I beat you at!" I say to him laughing.

"Whatever. Rematch?" He asks.

"You'll just lose again." I say putting my helmet back on running back to my kart.

"You wish." He says doing the same.


Hey! Now you know why Hayden is here, and he will be for awhile. You learned a little more about her family and I know you guys want to know about Calista but just wait a little longer. Hope you enjoyed their date!

Till next time!


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