Innocently In Love (A Ray Ray...

By RocRoyyalsWifey143

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Thats The Way Its Going To Be... Right?
Screw That !
A little spying won't kill
Ready ?
Starting to like you too
Innocently In Love (A Ray Ray and Zonnique Love Story)
We're done,For Good !
I'm Over him and I'm ready to move On
I will Never stop Loving you
Always had that Affect on me
Back Together ?
Ray or Jacob
You can trust me
Its Complicated
Authors Note
A little Fun
Life Changing

Ass Beating

2.2K 41 8
By RocRoyyalsWifey143

Zonnique's P.O.V.

After school, Ray dropped me off and said he'd call me later. It was a Friday night, and I was bored. At about 4, mom came home and said I had to go to the doctor. So, that's how I spent my time from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. And, yes, my right wrist is broken... but, I pretty much already knew that. I was swinging outside on our swing--which is on our porch--watching cars go up and down the street. I looked up the street at Jacob's house to see him outside walking around. He looked up and looked directly at me, so I immediately turned my head.

"Hey, Zonnique! Wanna come over?" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Then he started running up the street to my house. He lived about 4 houses away from me, but he was about 2 houses away from me now. I got up and started walking inside.

"Zonnique, wait!" He called, just a few feet away. I stopped but didn't turn around.

"What." I asked, coldly. I soon felt him start to wrap his arms around my waist from behind. I turned around and pushed him off.

"Why can't you leave me alone?!"

"Babe, don't be like that.." He said, reaching out to grab my hand.

"Don't call me that."

"Aw, but you know you're my baby. And you know I love you."

"No, I'm not. And no you don't. I hate you." I said, and he looked shocked.

"Hate's a strong word..." He said. [A.N.- hate is a strong word, but I really really really don't like you! Haha, just a little song quote. It's Plain White T's: Hate, I really don't like you. Check it out!]

"So is love." I said, and he didn't say anything. He looked down for a couple moments, then quickly lunged at me and grabbed me. I jumped and tried to fight him off. He pushed me onto the swing and crawled on top of me.


"You know you love me... now show it." He demanded, while unbuttoning my pants.

"I HATE you!" I screamed at him. He stopped and looked up at me, then slapped me. With all my strength, I pushed him off of me and ran for the door. I quickly shut it behind me and locked it. I peeked out the window and saw him walk down the steps. Of course, he looked extremely mad. I held my hand to my stinging cheek from where he slapped me. I looked in the mirror and saw a red hand print on my cheek. I sighed and walked up to my room, but was stopped before I walked in by mom.

"Honey, Ray's on the phone." She said. I grabbed the phone and walked into my room.

"Ray, come over."

"Uh, okay. Be there in a few minutes." He said. I hung up and crawled into bed. Might as well watch TV until he gets here. I pulled the covers up to my shoulders and started watching House. [A.N.- I'm watching that right now. It's greatness. [: ] About 20 minutes later, my door opened and Ray walked in. He closed it behind him and sat down at the end of the bed.

"So, what's wrong?" He asked. I slowly sat up and looked in the hand mirror on my nightstand. I could almost see a bruise starting to form where he had slapped me so hard.

"What happened?" Ray asked, concerned. He scooted up closer to me to look at my face.

"I probably shouldn't tell you.." I started, but thought, "Nah, I want Jacob to get his ass beat!".

"Jacob came over while I was outside and well... pretty much slapped me."

"For no reason?!"

"Well, he walked over and asked me if I wanted to go to his house. I said that there's no way and he... well, said he loved me. I told him I hated him then he pinned me down on the swing and tried to take my pants off. I told him to stop and was pushing him, then he slapped me. I pushed him off and ran inside and... that brings us to now." I said, and took a breath. He angrily stood up and started for the door. I got up and went after him.

"Where are you going?"

"Im about to go whoop his ass." He said, and continued walking.

Nick stormed down the stairs and headed for the front door. I stepped in front of him. "Babe, you're just going to make him angrier." "No, I'm going to kill him." He said, opening the door. I, once again, stepped in front of him. "Ray-" "Well, I was just coming to see you!" Said... a voice? I turned to my left and saw Jacob. Ray stepped in front of me and lunged at him. They fell to the ground while Ray punched him in the face about a million times. "BRO, STOP!" Jacob screamed. Ray stood up and kicked him in the stomach about 10 times. Jacob was gasping for air. "Leave my girl alone." "S-s-scr-screw... y-you." Jacob choked out. Ray picked him up by his shirt and hit him in the chin so hard that he fell backwards off the porch. I ran inside, not wanting to watch anymore of this.

*Ray's P.O.V.

After being slammed by my fist, Jacob landed on the concrete sidewalk. "Gonna leave her alone now?" I questioned him. He coughed and rolled in pain. He didn't say anything so I hopped off the porch and grabbed him by his shirt and began to drag him off Zonnique's property. I dropped him on the sidewalk in front of her neighbors house and walked back into her. I saw her laying down on the couch. "He won't bother you anymore." I said with a smile, while sitting next to her. She sat up. "Did you really have to beat him to death?" "Yep." I simply said. She slightly laughed. "Oh well. Atleast he'll probably leave me alone now." "Mhm." I said. She cuddled up against me and laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and softly kissed her head.

*Zonniques P.O.V.

A week has gone by and Jacob hasn't bothered me. The occasional smirks and winks he gives me are a little annoying, but I've learned to just ignore him. Of course, Ray and I are doing perfectly fine and dandy. Except, life's getting a little hectic since we're graduation in about 2 1/2 weeks. I am very proud to say that I was accepted into the college that I had been applying for. Ray also applied for the same college and he was accepted! Atleast now we'll have each other and will finally be able to get away from Jacob.

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